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MS: 'This (conference) was the part of E3 people don’t like', E3 Focused On Games


MS knew exactly what it was doing.

XB1 isn't a videogame console. It's an entertainment hub that can also play video games.

MS has been working towards this since the OG XBOX, but now we are finally through the looking glass.
The ultimate question for MS then is this. If this was not suppose to be about games but E3 is, then why in the ever loving fuck did they invite everyone in the gaming press to the event? What the hell did they expect gaming journalists and big gaming sites to say? "The CoD dog was cool I guess?"
It's not irrelevant at all when people are constantly crying "spin", despite the fact that this is the same thing Microsoft has been saying for awhile. As far as the comment about the presentation being about the "boring" stuff, look at who he is talking to. He's talking about the stuff that gamers would find boring during E3, not that the stuff is boring in general.
Well at least in my opinion as an European the stuff was pretty fucking boring even in general. They could have done a way better job even without games.
It's not irrelevant at all when people are constantly crying "spin", despite the fact that this is the same thing Microsoft has been saying for awhile. As far as the comment about the presentation being about the "boring" stuff, look at who he is talking to. He's talking about the stuff that gamers would find boring during E3, not that the stuff is boring in general.

It still makes zero sense. Why on Earth would you unveil your product with "the parts of E3 people don't like" as the focal point? It makes zero sense. Either they're full of shit or they're morons at marketing. Every single bit of negative news is on Microsoft's back. They have no one to blame but themselves. People constantly asked why Microsoft didn't put an end to the negative rumors? It wasn't because they hadn't already acknowledged that One existed, it was because an overwhelming majority of those rumors ended up being true.


They did say a few days before the console announcement that this original reveal was not going to be about the games. That E3 will be we're the games are.

This should be no surprise for anyone.
Shame they did an absolute piss-poor demonstration of the games they did show.
Nothing but CGI, live-action cutscenes, trailers and computer models of dogs.
No hands-on gameplay demonstrations to speak of.


MS knew exactly what it was doing.

XB1 isn't a videogame console. It's an entertainment hub that can also play video games.

MS has been working towards this since the OG XBOX, but now we are finally through the looking glass.

They had rumors that said gaming was not the main focus of the console.... That is pretty much confirmed. Even if they had showed 10 games... does not change the fact that the thing has entire OS's devoted to non gaming.

Also I thought the PS4 Conference had a nice balance of "get the borring stuff out of the way" and "Interesting features and a couple games". Microsoft trying to spin this like it HAD to suck and there was no way around it is kinda blowing my mind.


The ultimate question for MS then is this. If this was not suppose to be about games but E3 is, then why in the ever loving fuck did they invite everyone in the gaming press to the event? What the hell did they expect gaming journalists and big gaming sites to say? "The CoD dog was cool I guess?"

They were unveiling a console so the gaming press still have the hardware stuff to talk about as well as the application of the software stuff to games.
MS knew exactly what it was doing.

XB1 isn't a videogame console. It's an entertainment hub that can also play video games.

MS has been working towards this since the OG XBOX, but now we are finally through the looking glass.

The only thing I recall from that presentation is TV, Kinect, Dog.

That's a fail for me.


I do share the suspicion that this conference was partially used to get the "negative" news out of the way so that it doesn't dominate their discussion during E3. Somewhat similar to the reasoning why the name "Wii" was announced 1-2 weeks before E3 '06, so that people would get all that discussion out of their systems and then focus on the software line-up for the actual event. So yeah, we'll see what they have in store for E3.


It still makes zero sense. Why on Earth would you unveil your product with "the parts of E3 people don't like" as the focal point? It makes zero sense. Either they're full of shit or they're morons at marketing. Every single bit of negative news is on Microsoft's back. They have no one to blame but themselves. People constantly asked why Microsoft didn't put an end to the negative rumors? It wasn't because they hadn't already acknowledged that One existed, it was because an overwhelming majority of those rumors ended up being true.

They do that because, as has been shown in this thread, the mainstream media doesn't think the tv stuff is the end of the world and outside of the gaming bubble, the response has been positive.


Super Member
I find it hard to believe people will want to buy any games under that system, whether or not they're exclusive. But okay.


I will give them the benefit of the doubt for E3. Still does not excuse how horrible that conference was considering Microsoft thought it was good enough to show everyone.
We'll probably get kinect games thrown at us left and right, won't we?

But really, unless Microsoft change the anti-consumer features on this machine, it really won't matter what kind of games they show anyway.

what is anti-consumer about it? Honest question, because I don't see any of that at all.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Cliff Bleszinski ‏@therealcliffyb 18h
If they showed all of the games today you'd all be at the E3 presser going "WHERE ARE THE GAMES?" (me too) #XboxOne

I'm getting a little tired of this strawman. Most aren't suggesting they should have revealed a ton of games.


It still makes zero sense. Why on Earth would you unveil your product with "the parts of E3 people don't like" as the focal point? It makes zero sense. Either they're full of shit or they're morons at marketing. Every single bit of negative news is on Microsoft's back. They have no one to blame but themselves. People constantly asked why Microsoft didn't put an end to the negative rumors? It wasn't because they hadn't already acknowledged that One existed, it was because an overwhelming majority of those rumors ended up being true.

When they say "the part people at E3 don't like" they're talking about the types of people on GAF, game enthusiasts. The whole concept of the Xbox One is appealing to every person out there with an all in one system. Of course they're going to announce stuff the other market likes, but the "core gamers" on GAF won't like, because not all of our interests are mutual. They're focusing on the core gamer crowd during E3, where it's more appropriate as well.


Still curious about the pricing. And I do wonder how the "hub thing" will compare against an inevitable HTPC based solution. Although I'd expect a simple ready to go out of the box console to have more traction than the HTPC answer.


"Actions speak louder than words" is an expression used when someone says one thing and does another thing. That's not what's occurring here. When someone says "We're going to focus on non-gaming stuff, big system vision stuff at this conference, and save our game stuff for E3" and then does a conference where they focus on non-gaming stuff and big system vision stuff and says they're saving their game stuff for E3, and then they do a follow-up interview where they say "We were focusing on non-gaming stuff and big system vision stuff and we're saving our game stuff for E3"... it's not really an applicable expression.

By all means, call it a bad reveal. And by all means, if they don't announce games at E3 then you're more than correct and attack them then.

But, like, imagine Apple sets up a press conference and they call it the iPad press conference and they say "We're announcing the new iPad. We're having a conference a month from now to discuss iOS and Mac stuff" and then they have a conference where they announce the new iPad and don't discuss iOS and Mac stuff... would the most logical reaction be to claim they're not planning on discussing iOS and Mac stuff ever, nothing is coming down the pipeline, it's all just a ruse, etc etc?

Note that I'm not arguing that it was a good reveal or a good strategy or anything like that (obviously at least among the gaming press and consumers, this was not a strategy that lead to any excitement or goodwill, that's obvious), and honestly Microsoft's first-party development hasn't historically been that great so I'm not really all that excited for their E3 announcements. I'm just saying there's a pretty logical A->B->C progression here that people seem to be deliberately ignoring. It's possible to dislike something or disagree with something without needing to attack it on every single point.


Seriously, can this be stickied? At least for a few days?
They do that because, as has been shown in this thread, the mainstream media doesn't think the tv stuff is the end of the world and outside of the gaming bubble, the response has been positive.

Consoles are built on the backs of the hardcore gamer. I recall the mainstream media loving Wii Fit as well. I don't care what the mainstream media thinks. This is the same mainstream media that is distracted by anything new and Apple.


Neo Member
Yea cause it makes sense that on the biggest day of the consoles life, on the very first reveal, you use the items that people will dislike most about it. :-/


Wasn't this obvious? Are gamers dumb enough to not have realized that? I'm mad they even showed games because it seemed shoehorned in with no real focus.
I really don't care that they didn't show games. It's a console reveal and I expect to see the console. Considering they aren't going for the best graphics, there really isn't anything they could show that would really impress people compared to the PS4 showing.


but believes in Chael
I'm worried about all the information that came out after the conference was over. Hopefully shit gets cleared up and E3 goes smooth.


Consoles are built on the backs of the hardcore gamer. I recall the mainstream media loving Wii Fit as well. I don't care what the mainstream media thinks. This is the same mainstream media that is distracted by anything new and Apple.

You asked me why they would do a presentation like this and I answered. They still need to get people who don't play as many games as we do into their ecosystem. There is a games-focused event 3 weeks from now where they can talk to gamers.
It's not irrelevant at all when people are constantly crying "spin", despite the fact that this is the same thing Microsoft has been saying for awhile. As far as the comment about the presentation being about the "boring" stuff, look at who he is talking to. He's talking about the stuff that gamers would find boring during E3, not that the stuff is boring in general.
I'm a huge football fan, and watch plenty of TV, and not one of the things they
mentioned is useful to me. All of this stuff would have been amazing a decade ago when I didn't have a laptop, tablet and phone at my disposal at any time to check everything they were cluttering up the screen with. Or 30 years ago when changing the input on a TV wasn't made a breeze by
having a remote.

Not to mention I'm probably going to have
to pay a huge XBL fee to even access this
stuff. They were asking $60 a year for group chat, imagine how much I'm going to have to pay for this stuff. Plus I'm probably going to have to pay a fee over my cable fee just to watch my TV. Oh, and let's not forget that this stuff is all practically useless to anyone outside of America. Even if there were no games the first 30 minutes of the conference was a shitshow because their features are useless to a huge chunk of consumers.

Oh, and even if they didn't show games they could have been showing features related to games. I still don't know how much Live will cost next gen. I don't know if my Arcade games will transfer. I still don't know a lot of things that should have been touched on when you're revealing a predecessor to a video game console I've used for years.


Yes..I understand that there will be games. I'm not unhappy that all that was shown were the yearly rehash of shitshows with a little more shine. (Remedy game not included in this). I'm slightly unhappy with the realization that instead of going bleeding edge on tech you decided to double-down on Kinect. I'm more unhappy because I'm left with even more questions about your "vision" than what I even had going in.

Will I be able to rent games?

Will I be able re-sell games?

Will I be able to buy used games?

Will I be able to let my children borrow a disc-based game to play on their account on a different console in another room?

Will your fancy schmancy TV features work with DirecTV?

How does that guide work with a DVR service from a cable/sat provider?

Will there be some sort of DVR service from MS? If so, 500GB is not nearly enough if this thing has to hold my games too.

How many of these features will be locked behind a pay-wall?

No backwards-compatibility? Fine, I guess. I can leave my 360 hooked up...but where am I going to stick this other Kinect? (i.e. it would have been nice if the thing had some sort of legacy mode that let it co-exist with the 360.)

Along the lines of backwards-compatibility...how are the 360 and the XBone going to co-exist on Live. Will my significant library of digital purchases be there forever for me to re-download?

These are just questions off the top of my head. I'm sure I can think of more,


I think that a lot of the backlash came from the used games and always connected thing. I think if Microsoft confirmed that absolutely neither of those would be true than the entire outlook on the One would probably be a lot more positive than it is right now. I mean, it still wouldn't be that good, but I think you'd have a lot less 360 fans say they're going PS4 next-gen.

My point here is that if Microsoft thinks the conference itself was the problem then I don't think they're looking at it from the right perspective. The problem is the console itself.


If you accept that this was to establish their vision then what is their vision exactly? Watching TV?

The vision they demonstrated was if anything more damaging than the lack of games.

They spent 5 minutes on a Halo TV series. That's the vision?


Doesn't really matter, all the information about the system was so bad I don't care enough to watch their E3 show anymore. Also shows where their priorities truly are by pushing these things first. They really don't have much of good will left by past actions either.


If you accept that this was to establish their vision then what is their vision exactly? Watching TV?

The vision they demonstrated was if anything more damaging than the lack of games.

They spent 5 minutes on a Halo TV series. That's the vision?

It doesn't take much to see that they want their system to do everything, hence the "One" name.


Just because MS admitted the conference wouldn't show games doesn't mean it's free from criticism. That's like telling your parents you're bringing home a bad report card the day before and expecting them not to get mad when they see it.
The ultimate question for MS then is this. If this was not suppose to be about games but E3 is, then why in the ever loving fuck did they invite everyone in the gaming press to the event? What the hell did they expect gaming journalists and big gaming sites to say? "The CoD dog was cool I guess?"

This is the real blunder. They should have more clearly articulated that this event would be more about the cross-media functionality of the Xbox One and invited more tech-focused media instead of games-focused media.

I don't have a problem with what they showed but they could have executed better for sure.


The reveal had more hype than their e3 press conference will have. They used it to show people an easier way to watch The Price is Right.


I do suspect that this conference was partially used to get the "negative" news about online requirement, used games etc, out of the way so that it doesn't dominate their discussion during E3. Somewhat similar to the reasoning why the name "Wii" was announced 1-2 weeks before E3 '06, so that people would get all that discussion out of their systems and then focus on the software line-up for the actual event. So yeah, we'll see what they have in store for E3.

How? They didn't talk about any of this during the conference... if anything they tried to sweep it under the rug. However some people were more "open" with their vision (Which was largely fragmented... not unified like Sony...) Can't believe they didn't even show a unified vision. It was a bunch of chopped up features all meshed together with duct tape.

Unified vision = Come out and announce the point that all of your functions lead to. I guess their "vision" was the center hub of the house. Perhaps I wanted to see more than just TV and Sports. I feel like Microsoft is going in so many ways with this console that they will have a hard time unifying their vision. (3 OS's...)


Lol Microsoft damage control. That said I'm sure their E3 conference will be exponentially better. That doesn't guarantee it will be better than Sony's or as good as people want it to be though.


I really don't give a shit if they "nail it on games" when they are going to insist on what I can and cannot do with those games once I own them.

The killing of the second hand market has ruined the whole thing for me.


It does not matter what Microsoft say's neogaf will still bitch non stop about how horrible they are and sony is Jesus.

Microsoft-"this show is about the console and it features. E3 is all about games".

Neogaf- "thats PR bullshit".

Microsoft- "We have 15 exclusive games in the works".

Neogaf- "Thats damage control PR bullshit".

Everything is some kind of MS conspiracy against gamers around here.


listen to the mad man
How? They didn't talk about any of this during the conference... if anything they tried to sweep it under the rug. However some people were more "open" with their vision (Which was largely fragmented... not unified like Sony...) Can't believe they didn't even show a unified vision. It was a bunch of chopped up features all meshed together with duct tape.

Microsoft's unified vision is an easy-to-develop-for box using mostly off the shelf parts that handles all of your entertainment content (games, movies, music, applications, television, etc) using simple user interfaces (Kinect, controller, Smartglass), and adds interactive elements to previously passive forms of media (fantasy football overlay and other Smartglass stuff).

Sony's unified vision is an easy-to-develop-for box using mostly off the shelf parts that handles all of your entertainment content (games, movies, music, applications, television, etc) using simple user interfaces (PSeye, controller, Vita) and add interactive elements to previously passive forms of media (share button).

Which actually is not at all different than what each of them were doing this generation. I think Sony was able to do a better job articulating the gaming elements while leaving the entertainment elements obvious but unsaid. I mean, PS4 does Netflix, but they didn't demo Netflix, right? Netflix is a part of their strategy. Video is a part of their strategy. It's all under that unifying vision. But Sony were wise to avoid saying it directly because it would have been a waste of time.

I feel like Microsoft is going in so many ways with this console that they will have a hard time unifying their vision. (3 OS's...)

I think it was a mistake for them to say it is 3 OSes because it gives the impression that you need to use 3 OSes. The context was that the system has instantaneous multitasking in a way that previous systems haven't, and that's possible because the various components of the system are running in separate boxes so they don't tie each other down. Like, on the Wii U I can launch a web browser while playing a game, but there's a pretty decent load time between the two and the game needs to be 100% paused because the system needs to page out the game state and page in the browser. What they're saying is that that's not the case with XBone.

It does not matter what Microsoft say's neogaf will still bitch non stop about how horrible they are and sony is Jesus.

Microsoft-"this show is about the console and it features. E3 is all about games".

Neogaf- "thats PR bullshit".

Microsoft- "We have 15 exclusive games in the works".

Neogaf- "Thats damage control PR bullshit".

Everything is some kind of MS conspiracy against gamers around here.

Yeah this is not really a good way to start your tenure on the site, even if you do think posters are overreacting or responding the wrong way.

Foxix Von

What. What?

So you chose to reveal the console in a manner that you knew your target audience wouldn't like? What in the fuck are they thinking? You can't spin this shit. It's fucking awful, this only makes them look worse and even more incompetent.


I really don't give a shit if they "nail it on games" when they are going to insist on what I can and cannot do with those games once I own them.
Yup... You will never own an Xbox One game. Just a 24-hour license to play it that can be renewed.
It does not matter what Microsoft say's neogaf will still bitch non stop about how horrible they are and sony is Jesus.

Microsoft-"this show is about the console and it features. E3 is all about games".

Neogaf- "thats PR bullshit".

Microsoft- "We have 15 exclusive games in the works".

Neogaf- "Thats damage control PR bullshit".

Everything is some kind of MS conspiracy against gamers around here.

PR is PR. Just look what MS said....seeing is believing.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Yes, I'm sure MS planned to have a launch for their once-in-seven-years product to be full of things people don't like. Makes complete sense.

At the end of the day, the event yesterday was billed as a product vision overview. If the machine is a games box, games should have been the primary theme, even in a 'vision'/overview reveal. The rest of the stuff could wait until later.
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