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MS: 'This (conference) was the part of E3 people don’t like', E3 Focused On Games


Some games. No anti-consumer drm. No compulsory Kinect. I'll stop there because you don't care anyway.

It was a mistake to show what they did as a first impression of a games console.

I asked; I care. It wasn't perfect by a long shot. They showed some games, just not games you wanted to see, correct? We still need more info about the anti-consumer stuff and using Kinect is no big deal if you don't want to use it, from what I have seen.

Miles X

Yes, I'm sure MS planned to have a launch for their once-in-seven-years product to be full of things people don't like. Makes complete sense.

At the end of the day, the event yesterday was billed as a product vision overview. If the machine is a games box, games should have been the primary theme, even in a 'vision'/overview reveal. The rest of the stuff could wait until later.

It's not a games box though, it's an entertainment system, they've been pretty clear on that.
Really though this just highlights what the should have done, do the Games conference first, then have another event to unveil all the media stuff.

I don't that would have accurately reflected the order of their priorities, for better or for worse. I think we'd all agree on that.


But I already own those other devices, and they're useful outside of the things I mentioned. I haven't been itching for a reason to throw away my phone and laptop. Why would anyone with a phone/laptop/tablet/remote control throw all of those things to the wayside to buy a (Probably at least $400) device that they need to pay an additional fee for just to get the same functionality they already have at my fingertips?

You don't have to throw them away, you just use them less and use the Xbox more and if you need to use those things, you use them in conjunction with the Xbox.


I think "no games" so far is the least of my concerns with XBO. Too bad people will just take it from behind and buy it anyway.


This is just a really bad spin. If this was the case that they wanted not to show the "bad" at e3, then I think it would be better to show this after E3 and not before, especially not at the unveiling of the xbox1.
This was a terrible way to introduce your product to the world, but I am still hopeful that E3 will provide some type of redemption


Do not know what MS expected from the conference, when offer a conference about a new console most of people that watch it are "gamers" no casuals or TV/Movie/Nfl fans. what casuals were doing yesterday? who knows but surely not watching or following the conference.

So yesterday most of people watching the conference were the ones interested in just one thing : GAMES , but MS just gave them a COD DOG game and 6 other small clips and dedicated most of time to talk about TV/NFL/HALO SHOW that left the people with a WTF sense.

Yea sureley E3 will have games ( as always ) but I do not see by example AUDI talking about how nice is the audio/video interface when they unveils a new car instead of showing the HP ingine , break technology , security , etc.

Extrange movement from a marketing stand point...


Backpedaling. You announce its primary function, ffs. The main attraction for a games console is the gamer. Now gaming is an afterthought with XBO. Where's all the slick new game-related features to show? TV TV TV TV TV TV TV SPORTS COD DOG TV TV MOVIES SPORTS TV TV TV

Fuck. No.

The "entertainment system" is aimed at Joe Dad, not gamers.

The easiest thing to sell a Video Game console on is Video Games. Everyone already knows it will play those. What Microsoft has to do between now and the launch of the console is sell the other features are integral to the living room experience so that you overlook the negatives of their version of Next Generation and buy the console anyway.
You don't have to throw them away, you just use them less and use the Xbox more and if you need to use those things, you use them in conjunction with the Xbox.
I'm not paying $400 to buy something that I can already do with what I have, and I'm not paying an extra fee for the ability to use it. Partner that with all of the no used games/online once every 24 hours/people not being allowed to self publish and numerous other bad things relating to the video game aspects of XB1 then Microsoft isn't making a very compelling argument for a lot of people to buy their product.


I'm not paying $400 to buy something that I can already do with what I have, and I'm not paying an extra fee for the ability to use it. Partner that with all of the no used games/online once every 24 hours/people not being allowed to self publish and numerous other bad things relating to the video game aspects of XB1 then Microsoft isn't making a very compelling argument for a lot of people to buy their product.

Then don't buy it. I was just saying why they want it to do all of that other stuff.


After what MS revealed yesterday about their new console, I don't give a shit about what games they have coming. As an avid gamer, that hurts because I always want games regardless of system. I can not support this system or MS's goals. Unless they completely back track real soon, I probably won't even find out what they have coming.

Principles don't ever keep me away from games either, so this is rare and uncomfortable for me.
Then don't buy it. I was just saying why they want it to do all of that other stuff.
I understand why they're doing what they're doing. I'm just saying their strategy doesn't make much sense. But I've seen consumers get excited over worse ideas then this so it could very well pan out for Microsoft.


This doesn't make a fucking lick a difference.

Against the background of the anti-consumer DRM bullshit, games mean nothing to me if it means supporting a horrible practice and contributing to a terrible precedence.


How important are vocal minorities in affecting mainstream opinion?

I mean you look at the souls games. They sold largely on word of mouth, but there you have a vocal niche getting the attention of a larger but still small (in the grand scheme of things) niche.

But MS isn't looking at appealing to 10 million people, but 100 million people. So that makes me think that no matter what enthusiast gamers say it doesn matter.

But then again early adopters of technology are always the vocal niche, and convincing early adopters is extremely important in establishing a brand.


For all the people lamenting about how this reveal wasn't about the games. I don't think most people are concerned because of the lack of games shown. It's the overall company vision that people seem to be concerned with. We've had an all-in-one box that launched with the same focus as the XB1 (the PS3)....I swear I hear all-in-one more than I heard games. And if this was a console about the box and what I can do....I really still have no idea what that is. Because all I know is that I can enjoy some stuff that I currently enjoy on my PSV (instant-switchin), albeit now enhanced with connect.

The reveal was underwhelming and didn't seem to be very focused. I have no idea whether MS was targetting me or who exactly they were targeting. I think if this was CES it would be amazing but you don't pull this off in front of the gaming press. I didn't expect games but I expected SE or Epic with atleast one real-time demo. I'm still skeptical as to whether even the skype call was real time.


People keep claiming that MS blew it with their target audience... I wonder if these posters understand who the target audience for the X1 really is... Everyone with a TV.

It is apparent that they do not want to be cornered into a "video game console war" with sony and are therefore attempting to broaden the appeal of the Xbox to the majority of electronics consumers instead of just gamers. This majority could really care less about (or view positively) things such as live tv, online registration, a fee for used games, required kinect, technical specs etc. I have talked to some friends who use their xbox for a few things... CoD, Madden and Netflix. They were stoked about the conference.

Edit: As clarification, I was not impressed, but I understand the MS plan to some extent.


Laugh now people, if you think EA will allow sony system to play used games without some drm system in place I have a bridge to sell you. If microsoft does it so will sony, it might now be in the system itself, but left to publishers to decide, which is the same fucking thing. Who wouldn't like to make some of that used market money?


My main problem with this is that this was " in response" to Sony's reveal event, even if it wasn't. Sony didn't hold an event to get through things people didn't like, that is a ridiculous concept to hold a reveal event, your most hyped event, to just get through things. E3 focused on games? Yes, and Sony will have an event immediately following theirs that will compete with attention whereas they had ALL the attention on the 21st, it was their day to showcase the Xbox One and they turned it into a TV guide with promises of it being a gaming system in 19 days.


I think "no games" so far is the least of my concerns with XBO. Too bad people will just take it from behind and buy it anyway.

Or the "bad" news wont affect some who are excited about things such as multimedia, multitasking, skype, better internet browsing, a badass looking controller, included kinect etc...

Again, I was fairly indifferent to the conference as I saw this more as MS controlling the release of potentially unpopular news.
Microsoft could have saved the conference if at the end they showed a sizzle trailer of games then after tell people to come to E3 to see these games with gameplay


So many posts to quote in this thread but this one makes the most sense to me (lots of garbage posts too).

The mainstream press liked the conference, tech sites liked it, "casual" gamers liked it-- apparently it was 40% positive 40% indifferent and 20% negative (already posted: http://www.kotaku.com.au/2013/05/xbox-one-the-mainstream-media-reacts-are-we-the-20-percent/). If you don't watch TV or movies, don't like sports, don't play COD, don't care for Forza or Remedy, etc... then you were SOL. But that only makes you the 20%, not exactly cause for righteous anger. The reveal did its job in setting things up for E3 and not blowing their load too early.

That said, GODDAMN... if they could have just showed a sizzle trailer... *Gamers* would pore over every frame for days just analyzing it. It would get them interested. I think the reaction would have been very different.


What company on earth has a presentation on a multi billion dollar product that's all negative?

Damage control

Take your pick.
I can definitely see how people don't like anti used, always online and all the other anti consumer bullshit.

Don't let that stop you though, Microsoft.


as an employee of a marketing department...

Intentionally revealing your new product with all the features that your target audience won't like it's plain stupid.

exactly. First big reveal... here's all the things you care about the least. wtf were they thhinking.


It was SO bad that whatever they announce at E3, I don't give a shit anymore. The console is rotten from it's core.


If that's the case, then you are even more dumb than I though Microsoft:

"People don't like it/are not interested we talk about this stuff? Hmm... We'll reveal our new console showing just that!"


I still have a problem with their messaging. Going into the reveal they said this was going to be their revolutionary vision for the future. It was neither revolutionary and their vision is a slap in the face to gamers. I hope to see games at E3 (I expect to see a lot), but I don't trust that MS ultimate goal is a console for gamers.
I keep hearing that, "It's not about the games! That's what E3 is for!" yes, that is true. But Sony BROUGHT it on the games front, they didn't show a TON of games, but they showed a variety and also gave a good sense at what you can expect at the beginning of the consoles life. It was up to Microsoft to deliver up to what Sony showed or go beyond, they didn't, they failed.
Games lets talk about games. Where are they games? I wanna see games. IF this happens at E3 everyone will go back to being their same old selves.


IMO, Sony will carry the same policies you dislike about Xb1.

Sony is waiting for E3. MS got it out the way.

IMO Sony could ride this out until launch and when people get upset over used games they can still say hey look it's those darn publishers.

Takes the heat off them for a good long while.

Very smart PR wise. Not to say it will not eventually catch up.

As for any always online I doubt they go that route. 24 hour check-in however means little to me.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
I want to complain about this but Xbox One is watching me and listening and I don't want it to hurt me.....


Damnnn that means MS's E3 conference is going to be amazing if they were just getting all the bad stuff out of the way.


If that's the case, then you are even more dumb than I though Microsoft:

"People don't like it/are not interested we talk about this stuff? Hmm... We'll reveal our new console showing just that!"

I agree wholeheartedly with this.

This is their way of damage control. You don't present your revolutionary vision for the next generation console by showing the things people dislike.
The conference itself wasn't that bad as a way to announce a new console to the general public. If you blow your load with new games there, you have less to show (and surprise with) at E3. The idea of showing your concept ("all in one entertainment device that can play the latest and greatest games") and demonstrating some of the unique features that set it apart from the competition is a good one.

Where they failed is in the messaging of their policies around used games and internet connection requirements.

So yeah, I think what this guy was talking about in the interview (which was before the real backlash had happened) makes a lot of sense.

The strategy was sound, they just fucked up the execution.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I think MS will bring it at E3. It's a shame that there will be great games exclusive to a platform with significant fundamental problems.


I wonder if they'll reveal their used games plan on the E3 stage or just have game sites break the news afterward again.
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