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Name a game sitting in your backlog. Play for an hour. Come back & post impressions.


I played an hour of Out There Somewhere. Pretty fun platformer with teleportation mechanics and sweet music. Will finish this one up tomorrow (looks like I'm about 2/3 of the way through).


I like this idea. It is late and the wife and kid are away on vacation. I have plenty on Wii U games I haven't touched and a ton of PS4 games from Plus.

I am between these options:
Hyrule Warriors
Shovel Knight
Zombie U
Bayonetta 2
Captain Toad
Journey (PS4 version. I have beat it on PS3 so not sure if this counts)

Any suggestion among these?

Edit: Will check back in 5 minutes. If nothing I will go for Bayonetta since I cant play this when kid is home ha
You can beat journey in an hour. So that
Either an hour of Shadow of the Colossus, or an hour of Shadowrun Dragonfall. I think I'll do SotC, unless someone tells me I really can't get anything out of just an hour of SotC.
I LOVE this idea, nice way to encourage some clearing of backlogs!

Last game I played for the first time was Eternal Sonata on 360 which I just bought in the sale, I also bought Vesperia and Beautiful Katamari.

I think digging out a game I've had sitting for ages would make a more appropriate contender, let me give it some thought! :)


I was actually doing this with TW3 today. Took a long break from it because of Rocket League/N++/TESO. Main problem with the game is that it is ridiculously overwhelming. I'm constantly worrying I'm going to miss something important, and I actually have by leveling past a few quests. I would be OK with this if the gameplay was better but it isn't- it's serviceable. Say what you want about Ubisoft open world design but the moment to moment gameplay in something like Far Cry or Watch Dogs is fun and makes doing those stupid repetitive tasks fun. While the content in Witcher is way, way, way better the gameplay doesn't hold it up. Combat's alright. There's some good ideas there but the whole system never coalesces. Witcher Vision was old the second time I had to use it and you'll be using it in almost every quest.

I'm currently in Novigrad and heard Skellige is worse in terms of overwhelming content. I fear for my sanity if this is indeed the case.
I threw in Metroid Prime Trilogy and started up the first game for the first time last night. Actually had nothing to do with this thread, I'm just trying to troubleshoot a problem where my Wii U seems to default to 50Hz when I try and play Wii games on it, but I did end up playing an hour of it, coincidentally.

It seems really cool so far, though I feel like I'd much rather play it with a regular controller. Wiimote aiming has never felt great to me (always more like steering a reticle around than actually pointing a thing at what I want to shoot, y'know?), but hopefully I'll get used to it eventually. I also had this really irritating sub-boss fight against this ET UFO-looking thing that kept spewing big hornet things that zoomed around me and swooped in before I could turn around and find them. Nothing gamebreaking, just a pretty unenjoyable boss design that went on way too long (like five waves of the things).

Everything else seems really fantastic, though. That atmosphere I've heard so much about is clear right from the get-go; you just crash land on a planet without a word and start exploring, which I love. I'm absolutely going to keep playing.


Either an hour of Shadow of the Colossus, or an hour of Shadowrun Dragonfall. I think I'll do SotC, unless someone tells me I really can't get anything out of just an hour of SotC.
You can't get enough of SotC from just one hour.


Ether One.

Got it via PS+, have been meaning to check it out. I'll be back in an hour or so I guess.

An hour later: It's an interesting game. Definitely a walking simulator, but the concept is intriguing so far. I'm not sure if it's what I was expecting, but I didn't want to put down the controller. Sadly I need to get some sleep, I'll probably revisit it tomorrow to see where the story goes. Glad I decided to give it a shot, thanks for the inspiration OP, I really enjoy these types of narrative driven games, but for some reason I always hate starting them up.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Spent an hour on Bloodborne. Not a fan. Dunno why I bought it. I got burned out on Dark Souls 2 and I just dont want to play this kind of game right now.
Booting up a game console and starting a game takes way too much effort so I browse the internet instead.

...I wish I was joking.
You can't get enough of SotC from just one hour.

Then I guess I'm playing Dragonfall. Can't say I'm disappointed.

Booting up a game console and starting a game takes way too much effort so I browse the internet instead.

...I wish I was joking.

That's the reason for this thread. Don't think about it. Just pick one and do it. It'll take you just a couple minutes to boot it up. Once the hour is over you're free to continue or quit. Just pick a title off the shelf.


This is a great idea, subbed. I'll be back with one of the many games from indie bundles when I get a chance.
Ok that is 2 for Journey and 1 for Shovel Knight.

I will do Journey it is beautiful. Maybe I will meet a GAF stranger

Lol. I was sleepy and Journey was putting me to sleep even faster.

So my 1 hour consisted of 10 minutes of Journey. Oops. It was beautiful and as fun as I remembered.

Then I played Bayonetta on Wii U for about an hour. I have never played 1 or 2 and I figured if they were nice enough to include 1 for free it must be important and Nintendo thought I should complete 1 first. That game is a just nuts. I had a blast just hitting combos and trying to understand what the story was. I chose the Princess costume which resulted in some awkward up skirt camera angles that I in no way participated in..... I swear....
I played this a few nights ago, but I've only done an hour so it counts.

Resonance of Fate

I bought it because I like RPGs, it was on sale and I heard good things about it. I do that a lot for RPGs. I must have hundreds, if not over a thousand of backlog hours for JRPGs alone. Started playing it because I'd just finished Ico and Shadow of the Colossus was too large to download, and I didn't want to spend ages backing up my PS3 so I could replace the hard drive with the 500GB one I have spare. Dishonoured had to go though. One day I'll get round to getting somewhere in that game.

The first hour was spent with the intro cutscene, accepting quests and then straight to the arena. I'd heard that the battle system was a bit difficult so I thougt that the tutorial would help a bit. I spent most of the time trying to get a god damn tri-attack done. I kept pressing the wrong buttons so it took a bit longer than expected.

Game looks stylish as hell though. Looking forward to putting more hours into it, and for when the battle system (hopefully) clicks because it's got potential to be amazing. No idea what the plot is about though. Didn't get that far. I'll get into it tonight.


Great idea for a thread!

My backlog isn't huge but each game looks really long:

Deus Ex HRDC


Persona Q
Devil Survivor Overclocked
Etrian Odyssey Untold (I've completed the first one on DS but really like the look of the remake's story mode).

Maybe I'll try Oreshika or P3P.


Neo Member
Going to be away from my computer for the weekend so I'm gonna give MGS2 on vita a shot. Will be the first Metal Gear game I've ever touched.
That's the reason for this thread. Don't think about it. Just pick one and do it. It'll take you just a couple minutes to boot it up. Once the hour is over you're free to continue or quit. Just pick a title off the shelf.
I'll give it a shot. Time to finally try Etrian Odyssey Untold.
Trail in the Sky
Guilty Gear Xrd
GTA V (ps4)
Majora's Mask (3DS)

I have to choose one of them... But FF XIV is taking a LOT of my gaming time :'(


I am on vacation currently, so being at the beach presides over playing video games
Also I use a laptop and I dont want it to overheat due to summer heat, so I play light sys req games and the ones that dont make me sweaty (eg action and fighting games)

One game I devote few playthroughs once in a while is FTL: Faster than Light

Bought it few years ago on Steam but waited for the Advanced Edition to really start playing.

1 player real time/turn-based space combat strategy game with 2D graphics. Sounds really simple but is far from it.

One session allows for 45 minutes to 1.5 hour. Game encourages strategic planning, resource management, tactics, adapting to constantly changing environment and there are often times where you can not do a thing and are doomed. Especially on normal (on later levels)/hard setting.

The story setting is also adequate. The random events ensure variation. You can lose a member in one event and in the next gain an even stronger one or vice versa. I had a save game with all unlocked ships, since game has better variety. Unlocking each and every ship on easy would have been boring anyway.

It is one of those games where once you get through the initial frustration, you'll find it very enjoyable. There, just like in fighting games, you learn from your losses. What could I have done to avoid that situation or at least reduce the damage?

But you have to learn to be a "sore loser" to like the game, just like in fighting games. Very difficult mentality to adopt and the game's main drawback.


I bought the Telltale Games Collection on PSN when it was on sale in spring, never played a Telltale game to date but the price was too good to pass up, like $35 for all of them.

Played Game of Thrones this week, really enjoyed it. Maybe a little more QTE than I really like in games, and I felt really frustrated and angry sometimes when a decision I made turned out to be JUST AWFUL an hour or two later but then I realized hey, thats pretty much like life so that was cool. Really nicely integrated into the TV show which I like, lots of voice acting by some of the main cast.

Finished up episode 5 and now I'm stuck waiting for the final episode which probably isn't out for a month or two. Balls.

Gonna check out another one of the games soon, maybe Wolf-something or Tales from the Borderlands.

My steam library is up to 1200 games and I have not touched 99.99% of those games, I'm too afraid to even look at the library anymore. I'm like a digital hoarder on steam.
The Wolf Among Us and especially Tales from the Borderlands are amazing games and well worth a playthrough, but The Walking Dead Season 1 is by far Telltale's best game imo (it's personally one of my favorite games ever). Give it a try if you get a chance- it won so many GOTY awards for good reason.
I kinda just did it this past several days.

The story is, my wife wanted to play some local co-op games with me and the first game that came to my mind was Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light as she's a huge fan of Tomb Raider games. Fortunately, I just bought the game in the last Steam summer sales. We had a blast with the game and finished it in a couple days. And she wanted more.

Next game should be the Temple of Osiris, but I've heard bad things about it so I didn't get it. Instead, I browsed my backlog and found Trine. I thought it'll be a nice change of pace going from isometric to side-scrolling adventure game. Then we played it, and we had lots of fun with it as well. After we are finished with Trine, we were ready for the sequel but I had another idea.

A zombie game, How to Survive. I bought them months ago but they've only been sitting on my library. She didn't like my idea at first as she's not a huge fan of zombie/horror games, but after a couple of hours, we started to have some fun with it. We're now in the middle of the story and I'm starting to browse my backlog again to find another good local co-op game. I think we're going to play Trine 2 after we're done with this.

So far we haven't ditched a game we tried, we finished them all instead lol. I'll post a report on Trine 2 next time.
Just did this last night.

Started up Fantasy Life on my 3ds and played about an hour so far.

Impressions? I picked the wrong life/job. (wizard)


I sat down and played Metro 2033 Redux, for about six hours. Whoops!

It's a magnificent remake of the game, pushing it to the same sort of level as Last Light. However it feels like where I'm at now, which is when the Nazis first got on the surface, it seems like they were rushing things.

Also fuck those small mole things.


I love this idea! Anyone want to recommend games for me to try out for an hour over the next few days? Here's my Backloggery wonderfully filtered to only games I haven't touched:


I, of course, have some exceptions, like I won't play sequels to games I haven't beat the previous games of (like the Atelier games, I'll only play Meruru right now), and I can't play any downloaded Wii/Wii U titles due to lack of space (So not W101, SMG2, or DK:TF), but everything else is free reign!

Choose my fate, GAF. :p


I'll make an hour for Resident Evil Revelations 2 tonight!

Edit: I played most of the first episode before calling it quits. The game absolutely has the vibe of RE moreso than the main numbered series of late, but I think I'm going to wait for a buddy of mine to be in town before tackling this co-op.


I did this last night with Sleeping Dogs.

Having just finished GTAV, I like the combat focus. I know it's an open world game, but the first few missions take place is a small market so you can learn the combat. That's a nice change of pace.

The Chinese-English mixing is weird. I assume the game was originally recorded in Chinese and then some parts rerecorded in English. But if no English is available it plays the Chinese, so you get half English, half Chinese conversations.


I like this idea.
Think I'll pop in Magical Starsign for an hour later.
If I don't spend too much time with the Splatoon update anyway.


I loved American Nightmare and it's fairly short. You can get a decent chunk of the game done in the hour.

Gravity Rush takes a bit longer to get going but if you're willing to spend some time it's great.

I'll give them both a shot, thanks! :D

I like this idea.
Think I'll pop in Magical Starsign for an hour later.
If I don't spend too much time with the Splatoon update anyway.

Ooo, a nice choice. Hope you enjoy it! :3


Going to try this with The Last Remnant

Bought the game from a Steam sale a long time ago but my PC was absolute crap back then so I couldn't run it. Pretty sure I can now, just haven't tried to play it since then.


Neo Member
After watching videos about Ethan Carter and Everyone's Gone to Rapture, I decided to fire up Gone Home for the first time.

Hmm, gloomy atmosphere and lots of rain... Reminds me of home (Scotland). Where the hell is the front door key?! Aha! Ok, wander about the ground floor turning on lights and searching for clues. Wtf is going on?!

Seems interesting though, I'll stick with it...


Imma do this with "Drunken Robot Pornography" because why not

Made it to Level 17 after 45 minutes or so, game is fun, visually appealing with good music and a nice sense of humour. Although I'm shit at shooters and I don't kb/m so I don't think I'll be revisiting. Still good, though.


Divinity Original Sin. Played maybe 2 hours.

Looks great and the turn based combat is quite enjoyable but I'm struggling to find money (or pretty much anything loot wise). I can't afford anything especially potions so have died more than a few times. Also, I really don't know where I'm supposed to go story wise. I went into the Inn, transported somewhere, transported back and have no idea where to go. Maybe I need to slow my pace down, explore everywhere and read everything.

Been wanting to play it for a while now but don't think I'll put a lot of time into as I've found it a bit frustrating.
Oh i like this idea.

I'll do Batman: Arkham Origins.

Bought it on steam last year for $10 because I also had the first two Arkham games but I never played it beyond trying out the challenge maps while high.



Unconfirmed Member
These are my impressions from my 1.5 hour revisit to Final Fantasy XIII. This was a running post. I typed up these impressions as I encountered things.

The Story: A Datalog Paraphrasing - It presents so many new words right off that bat that it never openly defines. You'll have to dig into the datalog to really understand what's happening, and even then it may still be kind of difficult to follow.

L'cie = Sazh isn't one... whatever it is. "Humans who encounter Pulse fal'cie are cursed, being turned to l'cie and ordered to destroy Cocoon".

Fal'cie = Lightning is after the Pulse Fal'cie. A fal'cie was found in Bodhum by the Sanctum which led to The Purge. Fal'cie apparently built Cocoon.

Pulse = The world below Cocoon, allegedly said to crawl with unknown perils. It's believed to be inhospitable to human life and there is a band on interworld travel between Cocoon and Pulse.

Cocoon = The world above Pulse. A spherical shell with several sprawling cities within its shell. 10's of millions of people live in/on Cocoon. A fal'cie lives in/on Cocoon too?

Sanctum = Some kind of authority that enacted The Purge; Cocoon's central government. Human's run The Sanctum, but fal'cie superficially participate in government.

Soldier (FFVII reference?) = Psicom: elite special operations unit charged with thwarting Pulsian incursions... Guadrian Core: lightly armed security unit charged with maintaing security throughout Cocoon.

"The Purge" = Sending people to Pulse; Specifically the residents of Bodhum. A fal'cie of Pulse origin was discovered near Bodhum and the Sanctum deemed the fal'cie a risk too great to overlook. The sanctum then enacted legislation permitting the Purge... an involuntary removel of the fal'cie and the residents of from Cocoon. "Execution masquerading as exile" -Lightning

NORA - A paramilitary organization mostly made up of youths assembled by Snow and funded by a seaside cafe in Bodhum.

Datalog - You have to read the datalog in order to figure out what's going on. The datalog literally explains the story to you as it unfolds... why the hell doesn't the actual GAME explain the story as events are unfolding?? Why do I need to dig through the menu to figure this out?

The Endless Hallway - The game is sooooo linear compared to every other Final Fantasy game. I still struggle with this aspect. I know the game opens up some towards the end, but 20 hours is a long ass time to wait for what was previously a series hallmark.

The Save/Shop Sphere - Traditional towns and save ponits are replaced with these spheres. The convenience of this is nice... especially if you're in a "dungeon", but it destroys my immersion experience.

The Graphics - FFXIII is a beautiful game. But it doesn't have the immediate substance that others in the series have.

The Combat - For the majority of fights it's: Autobattle... autobattle... autobattle. I guess the same can be said for other games in the series... all I really did was select "Attack" for all the peasant creatures that inhabited the world, but when I encountered higher level enemies and bosses, then the real strategy was imployed. I guess I'll ease up on FFXIII combat system from now on. I still hate the fact that I can only control one character though...

Chain Bonus - The more you attack the same target, the more damage it starts to take from subsequent attacks. Once the "Chain Gauge" is full, the next attack staggers the enemy. A staggered enemy takes a lot of damage. That's a pretty cool mechanic, but since I have no control over my other party members it kind of sucks.

Combat Rating - Completing a fight at the target times yeilds a 3 star rating. Every second under the target time that you complete a fight gets multiplied by that fight's PPS (points per second) multiplier. That score then determines your score which then determines your rating. Your rating influences the rewards you receive for winning a battle.

The Characters - Still think they're bland and boring. Sazh reminds me so much of Donkey from Shrek and Lightning has the personality of a wood plank. I still want to punch Snow in the face. Hope is the definition of weakness. Vanille is alright... I don't really have anything against her.

The Loot - I don't think there's a single piece of "hidden" treasure in this entire game. One of my favorite parts of JRPGs has always been finding hidden chests scattered throughout the world through exploring the nooks and crannies. This game lays everything out in its area maps, so you know exactly where to find things... it's really just a matter of figuring out how to get to it.

I think I may actually keep playing this to completion though. The first time around I really couldn't follow the story, but I've started digging into every...single... datalog entry this time around, so who knows how I may feel about it by the end!
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