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Name a game sitting in your backlog. Play for an hour. Come back & post impressions.


These are games that I haven't even classified on the correct tabs. Care to choose a good game for me GAF?


Also, should I play Enslaved with kb + mouse?

Yoooooooooooo! Tiny and Big is the shit!! One of the greatest surprises I've ever had in gaming.


Alright. I bought .hack/infection used last month and wasn't gonna play it for awhile but I pooped it in last night. 1.5 hours of play:

-town seems like a lifeless boring square with 4 shops
-the premise of being in an MMO seems cool
-the fields you create and visit are ugly and barren/boring
-dungeons: see last point
-music is pretty good
-battles seem pretty ok so far

I was honestly "eh" about it overall and not motivated to play again. Anyone know if it gets better??


Dot Hacked
Up to 74% in VR Missions. Had ta quit Puzzle Mode once it came to another Nikita mission I simply can't do. Hopefully I can get the last 15% needed ta unlock the last mode, otherwise forever unbeaten in the backlog it'll stay~

I was honestly "eh" about it overall and not motivated to play again. Anyone know if it gets better??
Its a 12-15 hour games, more if ya wanna do all there is ta do of value so you're already through a chunk of it. .hacks claim ta fame has more been its story/characters/world moreso then the gameplay so if ya think the gameplay is okay enough an really get into the other stuff ya should be able to continue on! That said Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine all play the same way so if you try an blitz the series burnout can occur. The fields/dungeons are barren but have their charm from just having really bizarre scenery an such. Oh an be thankful the town is small, cause the version of it in G.U. is so needlessly big its not even funny!
Remember Me (PS3 PS+): I'm making an effort to clear out some of my PS+ back-log in anticipation of possibly letting my sub expire in October.

I didn't know what to expect of this game other than I remember it getting mediocre reviews. I intended to play a couple hrs & come back here w/ impressions. But I got sucked in. Maybe I was just in the right mood. But after finishing the game, all I can say is the mainstream reviewers got this one wrong.

I LOVED the story. The combat system is cool. The learning curve isn't too bad. Its a tad confusing at first but once u get the hang of it, its a blast & allows u to customize how u want to fight. The writing is superb. The production values are incredibly high (I read somewhere a small team on a small budget did this game, but you'd never know it). Cyberpunk Paris is stunning. The music is beautiful. The characters, good guys & bad, are entertaining & do a good job helping u to identify w/ their motivations. The voice acting is great (especially Nilin & her parents). The way certain parts of the exposition were presented could have used a tad bit of tightening since at times some of the plot connections weren't immediately clear in the early parts of the game. And a couple of the really cool characters were criminally under-used (Olga, especially). But the pacing was perfect & thats really important. There were quiet moments of beautiful exposition balanced w/ some great QTEs & plenty of action the whole way. I never felt bored over the course of the 12 hour playthru. All in all, this was about as close to a perfect "cinematic experience" as I've played w/ the key difference being this game actually has fun action sequences & CQC. I would have liked to see a tad bit more of the "RPG Light" elements to flesh out other abilities besides combat, altho I'm guessing that would have created a different emphasis. Its just that the world & everything in it is so beautiful it made me want to explore it more. Thats not a criticism since I know the devs wanted to tell a linear story & they told it well. Its not often that I'm sad when a game is over (usually I can't wait to finish up & move on). But this is one of those rare times I became attached & didn't want it to end. I think I'll track down a hard copy on 360 & play it thru again at some point.

Did this do well enough to justify a sequel? I want to explore this world further. I especially want more Nilin. What an amazing, emotionally charged experience. I think I might actually go so far as to call this game art. I've always thought that label is too pretentious for most games. But in this case it fits.


Update on Teleglitch

Played for 3 hours total, found out about the crafting system and managed to get to level 5, but made little progress after that. Enemies kill me too quickly when they start using machine guns. I guess I should try to make the armor earlier to improve survivability.

The game is entertaining and keeps making me come back to give another try. I don't think it will hold me like Binding of Isaac, though.


Dot Hacked
Sneaking Mode: clear
Weapon Mode: clear
Advanced Mode: clear
Special Mode: not clear

Total: 95.0%
Time: 8+ hours

I'm forever stuck on Puzzle Mode 06 an soooo unable ta beat the VR Mission challenge an those're the only things left. Can I call this a win an strike it from my backlog now? I think I will! Beating the main mode of a games enough for me ta call it beaten under any other circumstance so why not here to if we consider Sneaking the main mode. An I feel satisfied having gone well beyond where I thought I'd be able to get!


Unconfirmed Member
Nice, a kind of spiritual sequel to this thread.
Aw man, I really liked that thread. I always wished the OP returned to it. Oh well, I guess I'll try out his shtick, just when I'm not in crunch time.

Alright, tried Magical Starsign for the Nintendo DS for a little over an hour last night. It being a RPG means I can't have opinions about the general story or grindiness of it all, but first impressions:
I remember this game! It was sort of shitty, but still pretty fun to kill time with. I just wish I still had it, I lost it along with my DS. :(


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
OP reporting back!

So, told myself I'd play a little bit of the story in GTAV... heh. Ended up just dicking around for a solid 60 minutes. It's amazing how "alive" this world feels. There's something about that realness that makes just goofing around infinitely entertaining; more so than most any other open world games I've played.

I ended up ordering a blimp and trying to jump ontop of an NPC helicopter. I don't know why - it's just what I was having fun with.

The controls are still as floating as I remember them - there's so much momentum to the characters that I struggle a little bit - but everything else is really just so damn perfect. The music is spot on, the graphics are great - it runs like butter on my PC.

... but yeah... I was supposed to progress in the story...


Alright. I bought .hack/infection used last month and wasn't gonna play it for awhile but I pooped it in last night. 1.5 hours of play:

-town seems like a lifeless boring square with 4 shops
-the premise of being in an MMO seems cool
-the fields you create and visit are ugly and barren/boring
-dungeons: see last point
-music is pretty good
-battles seem pretty ok so far

I was honestly "eh" about it overall and not motivated to play again. Anyone know if it gets better??

Sadly my experience with .hack is quite the same. Its just boring. The anime is equally as boring. I probably played more of it than you, but its just tiring.


I'm going to give Shadowrun Returns a try on my low-end Windows tablet. So far it runs well and it can even be played in windowed mode (which I needed to do to enter my MC's name with the on-screen keyboard).

Also, I want to make sure to finish it so I can play Dragonfall, which is supposed to be better. Hard to go back to Shadowrun Returns if that's the case.


Alright, for my second game, I decided to go with Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, since someone on Twitter recommended to me, and with my boyfriend being home from work I wasn't gonna kick him off the computer to play more Hotline Miami :p My first part of my playthough only lasted 30 mins before I had to do something, so I didn't "have" impressions; the second part, I wasn't paying attention, but I ended up finishing the main campaign, at around an hour and 45 minutes. I had a lot of trouble finding Paz.

I must say, I really enjoyed the gameplay. The iDroid tech was cool to work with, as was interrogating guards to get enemies and weapon/ammo caches marked on the map. Stealth and shooting alike felt quite smooth, too. Only thing I thought was weird that I couldn't find anywhere to stuff dead bodies easily. I still was able to hide them (if there weren't 4+ to hide... heh...), but still. Oh, and I'm pretty terrible at being 'stealthy' in stealth games.

But that story? Man, that was rough. Those bombs? Really? Ugh. Not to mention implied shit from some of those tapes. For a series like MGS, which typically makes it massive acts of violence and 'evil' over the top (with moments of emotion sprinkled in), these acts are... well... I guess over the top as well when you think about it, but in a bad way that comes off as tasteless. I'm personally not a fan of all that craziness.


I'm gonna give Puppeteer another try. Got it when it launched but only did the first level because I had other things to do at the time.


I'm gonna cheat a bit and use a backlog game I picked up yesterday night since I wanted a bit of mindless action fun.
it's assault android cactus.. I won it here in gas but didn't play it because it was still in early access.. actually, it still is, but it's complete enough atm for me.

really good dual stick shooter for what I played.. many different characters, fast paced action with good graphics... it gets a little bullet-hellish in some places, but it's still manageable.. good variety of enemies too.. at least until the second boss that it's where I stopped playing


These are games that I haven't even classified on the correct tabs. Care to choose a good game for me GAF?


Also, should I play Enslaved with kb + mouse?
dust and the swapper are both good.. dust is a actionish Metroid-Vania with cartoon graphics, swapper is a puzzle platform with interesting mechanics


So I reached the end of the first act in Puppeteer, and unfortunately I'm not really liking it so far. Kutaro's movement feels sluggish and stiff, and something about the way he jumps feels off - his arc doesn't feel natural and for some reason I found it a little hard to predict where he'd land, although that may be because I'm simply not used to it yet. There were quite a few points where the game would send you on a scripted launch arc from a seam, usually into an enemy, relinquishing all control from you which seemed inconsistent given how air steering works the rest of the time. If it launches me at an enemy I should be able to attempt to steer away from it by the game's rules, or at least be able to attack it. Also - and this is just a matter of preference - but right now I'm not really a fan of how the game is structured. I'd rather have one long connected level rather than a bunch of platforming challenge rooms tied together by teleports, but I admit that the game as it is wouldn't really work if it wasn't that way.

The head switching mechanic annoyed me as well in its implementation, particularly when, if you have three heads already, picking up another head overwrites the head you have currently with no way of getting it back, rather than just dropping your current head on the floor if you want to switch back. This can get annoying since the only way to go back is to restart the entire stage from scratch, and there are often rare heads which only appear once per stage. As well as that the shield felt a little janky as well. While pointing the shield horizontally worked well enough, pushing the left stick upwards wouldn't always point the shield upwards, and sometimes it would jump between pointing straight up and diagonally right when I wasn't even moving the stick from straight up. This made the section where you have to save Pikarina by reflecting her plant captor's projectiles back at it needlessly time consuming and frustrating.

To the game's credit, it looks absolutely fantastic with brilliant lighting and motion blur, and for better or worse the whole theater aesthetic is very consistent and well pulled off, although the narrator's dialogue frequently got cut off because I finished the section of the level too quickly. Pikarina's dialogue and voice actor have the potential to get on my nerves, too. Some of the music was pretty good too, like the fight against the boss of stage two. I don't think I'm going to be playing any more of it, though.
Will need to recharge my vita and potentially redownload it, but I'm going to give Metal Gear Solid 2 vita edition a go, because its the only way I have of playing it.
Considering the announcment of Halo Wars 2 earlier this week, I'm finally going to give Shogun 2 a runout after so long (and having never played a CA game before). I'll report back soon.



Another VR Missions update cause why not? After a couple more hours play I'm up over 60% complete but am totally stuck on Advanced Mode Nikita missions. The practice ones at that! I just don't got the control skill ta do these, n/m the time attack versions so I'm skipping 'em for now.

What's the "beat" condition for this game? Getting 100%? Unlocking all the modes? Clearing all the practice missions (think of it like beating a game on easy difficulty)?

Use the dpad not the analog stick to control the missile. It makes it easier to "twitch" between left and right so the missile doesn't boost its way into an obstacle.


I bought Witcher 3 at launch and I knew that it was going to be a great game..unfortunately it decided to launch near Destiny DLC....

Playing for an hour I had to get use to the controls again.

I've been reading threads on GAF about the framerate but it hasn't been a major problem for me.

I'm level 8 and haven't played very far into it. I think the game is great and really want to sink my teeth into it.

Bloodborne. I'm lvl 89 or something like that but I still haven't finished the main campaign.

Destiny has me by the balls and after I pay for Madden and Metal Gear Solid I'm going to throw them in the backlog to play TTK. Not even the original MW had me hooked like this.

I also pre-ordered Everyone's gone to the Rapture and I probably wont get a chance to play it.

Only other game that I regularly play is MLB: The Show because that game is awesome.



Good idea with this now let's see

I got a few ps3 vita and ps4

I may just open up destiny in still wrapt lol sense I got my second ps4 just got it for that damn white lol

OK gonna jump into it will be back with how I feel about it

Welcome...you'll never leave us.

Sorry Dbl post catching up on the thread



I had originally bought it day one on 360, got half way through it, then got sidetracked because it was my senior year of college. Also didn't help that I got a PS4 at launch. Anyways, flash forward to November of last year. I traded in my 360 copy and bought the PS4 version of GTA V. I had a good time playing online with a buddy of mine and doing some story missions but once again, I got kind of bored around halfway through the story again and stopped playing for several months. This was around the time Destiny was taking a stranglehold on my gaming playtime anyways.

I think my problem with GTA games is that I have a tendency to get off track and start goofing around in the world more than I do actually finishing missions. I find that that to be more fun than whatever missions Rockstar has come up with. Now that's not to say some of these missions aren't great, they definitely are. It's just a testament to this amazing sandbox that they've crafted that you can constantly get sucked in and forget to keep progressing through the story.

Anyways, I came back to GTA last night and played through 3 story missions. One of which being the infamous
scene that I've heard so much about (I really didn't think it was that bad). I still think the story is a little too long-winded but I'm hoping it'll pick up soon, and I'm planning on actually sitting down and finishing it off this week instead of letting it collect dust for another year.

I'd love to finish off Dragon Age Inquisition soon too, because that's another game I bought day 1 that I never completed.


There are a lot of games I could name (I'm not cause it would probably take up almost a whole page), as for the reason why these games have been sitting in my backlog well lets just say it involves me going "ooh Shiny Shiny" :p. Anyways the game I chose to do for this was Contrast which I had bought for like $5 during this year's Steam Summer Sale and the reason I bought it (other than it being cheap) was because the 1920's - 30's Noir art direction, the game's basic premise, and the brief snippet of the game's soundtrack (which came with the version of the game I got) that was featured in the game's trailer all intrigued me/caught my attention.

1. Contrast - So I booted up the game for the second time since getting it (I had played it briefly when I first got it to see if it would be something I'd like to keep playing through or get a refund on then "ooh shiny shiny" syndrome struck right around the time Batman: Arkham Knight came out) and ended up playing a little over an hour of the game (about an hour and a half) getting to the start of Act III, which I think may in fact be the game's final act. All in all I liked what I've played of the game a whole lot and view it as a charming little puzzle platformer. I plan to finish it before another attack of the "Ooh Shiny Shiny's" hits and post more "detailed" comments on my main post in the 52 game thread, where I am currently attempting to complete the challenge for the second year in a row.

Edit: Aaaaand I've finished the game for a total playtime of 3 hrs, you can view my additional comments on my original 52 Game thread post (which I linked to above)
Considering the announcment of Halo Wars 2 earlier this week, I'm finally going to give Shogun 2 a runout after so long (and having never played a CA game before). I'll report back soon.

Just to add to this, I'm about to stream my first-time playing it here. No comms, but watch how shite I'll probably be playing it here.


Neo Member
Going to be away from my computer for the weekend so I'm gonna give MGS2 on vita a shot. Will be the first Metal Gear game I've ever touched.

So I said I'd be playing MGS2 but due to the NIS sale I picked up Danganronpa instead and played that for a while (to completion, actually, but I'll mostly keep the story out of it).

Didn't like it. Would not recommend to everyone (ardent fans of the genre may still like it)

It turned out to be partial high school sim, visual novel, and mystery game. Personally I don't think it did any of those particularly well. Having played every game of the Phoenix Wright series sans the Edgeworth games, P4G, 999, and more, I could recommend any of those games for a better experience of a specific let of this game.

They're... ok. Not much to say. I'm a little disappointed that Monokuma didn't spout bear puns all day (did this come after P4?).

Good setup, I knew nothing about the plot of the game other than "classroom trials" so the setup of the school and the game was enjoyable.

Free time
Pointless. Half the people I talked to died in the following days, and gifts are either total guesses or completely obvious (doughnuts). For what, skills and sp? Which contributed to a terrible, terrible debate-style trial.

I really didn't like the trials. As soon as I opened up the game and saw "action difficulty" I was a little worried. It felt like they introduced all these different gameplay styles to make the trials more interactive, but it felt really contrived to me.
First issue: truth bullets. Not until the last case did you ever really get multiple bullets at once, and even then it was pretty clear which was the right answer. The "use someone else's claims as a bullet" thing was an interesting concept, but more than once it was used when the text you needed to bulletify came AFTER the weak spot, which makes no sense to me in the context of the argument. It feels very gamey and restrictive.
Also, hangman is a universally awful game and should be banned.
And the rhythm sections? What was up with that?

One last thing, that I need to talk about:
It's so linear. Holy crap is it hand-holdy even up until the very end. You're actively stopped from leaving rooms until you've gathered what you need, cases only provide you with a single bullet most of the time which leads to a serious lack of problem solving, that is necessary because this is a MYSTERY game. Or at least, I wanted it to be one. Would have been much better if it gave general objective trackers instead of forcing you to stay in a room and look at everything before allowing you to move on. Not to mention that until the very last case, the only way you could track your progress, or come back to the game after a while and catch up, was if you read the chat log.

Started the what-if scenario after finishing, got to the crafting section and quit. Deleted, and I don't think I'll be playing Danganronpa 2 for a while. Such a shame, I had high hopes for this game. Truly the Ultimate Disappointment. 6/10. It was an ok game overall, but beary few highlights and lots of negatives.that ended up maki me feel like I'd wasted 10+ hours.

That being said I will actually start MGS2 today.


I have a huge backlog because I love hyping games a lot more than playing them. It is a disease I swear!

Anyway I am definitely going to try this. If I can choose one anyway!
Forgot to post my report yesterday.
We finished How to Survive story with local co-op. That was a fun journey, story is kinda simple yet interesting as well. Took us about 11 hours to beat it. If you have the game on your backlog, go play it now!

And now, we proceed to Trine 2 after beaten Trine last week. 1 hours is not enough for me, as we had a 5-hour session last night. The game looks more beautiful than the first game. There are new mechanics and puzzles as well. They took out inventory system but they added more skills which is fine by me I guess. Combat is more fun as enemies seem a bit harder this time (we can finally say good bye to the skeletons!). I'm pretty sure we'll finish this hidden gem of a backlog as well.


Played an hour of Shovel Knight today. Really really fun game, very happy to finally get around to it. There's not much else to say apart from that it looks and feels like a very polished NES platformer. Boss fights are strong so far too.

It definitely only gets more and more fun. I hope you continue to enjoy it.


After starting Valiant Hearts because of this thread (playing on PS4) i decided to also play The Wolf Among Us (Vita), on the couch while my wife watches TV. About 2 hours in, absolutely loving it so far. Man, I've been sleeping on adventure games lately and I'm excited to be back.
So I reached the end of the first act in Puppeteer, and unfortunately I'm not really liking it so far.

The head switching mechanic isn't what I thought it would be since you don't get special powers from them. However I would keep playing until you unlock more of the abilities because the game does better. I say it takes off around Act 3.


Neo Member
Played a bit over an hour of MGS2 Hd on vita (never played any Metal Gear games). Holy balls was it hard at first. The controls were kinda weird, fixed camera stealth+not being able to move in first person made some encounters much harder than they would have been otherwise, and I'm not fond of games that lock you in place when you aim (eg. RE4). And that initial instruction scene goes by so fast I caught like two lines of it.

But damn is it good. What a great intro to the character, doing flips all over and an cool-guy landing with lightning all over. The game's much better after getting used to the controls (I'm sure there's some controls I don't know yet since I haven't read the manual) but there's so much attention to detail and it's just such a fun game. I knocked out Olga (the light and tarp were really cool) and now I'm lost in the engine room.

Looking forward to playing more, though now I'm wondering if I should play the first game before going further?


The Talos Principle.

Good puzzles and nice atmosphere, but I find the terminal stuff disjointed, killing the pacing of the game. Wish it were delivered more organically through natural gameplay instead of as walls of text, which they do at certain points, but that aspect of the game feels undercooked to me.

That being said, I'm going to finish this.


I've played six hours now of Valkyria Chronicles.

The art & music are great, while the characters are very good at best, predictable & tropey at worst. Combat is alright, but nothing special. A lancer missing by a few inches is the difference between no damage taken and a 100%-0% kill? And bullets somehow increase their effectiveness by 1285815% when you move that extra yard towards the enemy?


I'll probably stick with it for a while longer, but I'm not overly impressed. The fact it's all wrapped into some goofy book thing just turns the whole game into a bit of a grind.


Ether One. It was decently fun and engaging at first, though I grew more tired of it as I progressed. One puzzle broke the game for me, though luckily I had a backup save file. The next-to-last puzzle (involving canaries in a coal mine) was so abstract and took so long that it completely soured me on the game. Luckily, I was five minutes from completing the game and earning a Platinum trophy. As I entered the final area of the game, my save file corrupted and my backup save file corrupted. I can not express into words my rage and hatred for this game now. Complete waste of time.
Wolfenstein: TNO, playing on death incarnate

I'm at the museum and I'm stuck at that stupid hangar section, I have no problem killing the commanders and two robots but the reinforcements that seem to come from all sides afterwards are killing me. It seems like they still come even if you dispatch the commanders through stealth.
I'm going to follow this thread and find more games to add to my backlog. ;)

Now playing Bayonetta 1 (I went straight to Bayonetta 2)...


Ok - so owning a 360 for the total of one month I have hardly played it.
Decided to have a look at LA Noire before dinner last night

Been meaning to play this game. The setting looked cool in ads - but payed no attention to it because I didn't have a platform I could play it on at release.
Anyway, got hold of the game, and am even more interestd in playing it since I heard it has shenmue like elements.

So far it seems ok. The controls are a bit clunky, and the fighting seems really easy and quite boring. Overall thuogh I like the game. I am usually not a fan of games that just go - "here is checkpoint X on your map - go there". Especially for a detective game lol.
The detective investigation bit slows the game down enough you can enjoy the atmosphere which is appealing. I like that exploration kinda stuff.

Also not too much of a fan of the narrator progressing the story, but it's not bad. I am still unsure of what this game will pan out like. I literally know nothing about the game.

Only played it for 45 mins. But defo want to play more.


The Witcher 3.

Bought it before exams, loved what I played but soon had to shelve it to make time for studying. Then Arkham Knight came out and I got sucked into that.

Find it a bit daunting in terms of size, I work full time, study, have a girlfriend and the faint embers left burning of what used to be a social life so what little free time I have I use to be productive. A 100+ hour RPG would have been orgasmic in my teenage years but now I just find it a chore, especially when I don't have any investment in the series beforehand.

MGSV keeps getting all these features announced and I'm despairing, because I won't have time to fully build up my Mother Base etc like I would wish.

Don't even mention Fallout 4, I get anxiety thinking about how I'll find time for that.

But I'll try and give Witcher 3 another go.
I went with Final Fantasy X HD. A game I loved as a teen... And apparently a game that the only thing I remember are character names and that damn chocobo race.


My younger brother bought me Trails in the Sky earlier, and I've already played it for three hours straight. The combat system is one of the most enjoyable I've seen in a turnbased JRPG, and the worldbuilding so far has been really awesome. Definitely happy with this one.
Ok - so owning a 360 for the total of one month I have hardly played it.
Decided to have a look at LA Noire before dinner last night

Been meaning to play this game. The setting looked cool in ads - but payed no attention to it because I didn't have a platform I could play it on at release.
Anyway, got hold of the game, and am even more interestd in playing it since I heard it has shenmue like elements.

So far it seems ok. The controls are a bit clunky, and the fighting seems really easy and quite boring. Overall thuogh I like the game. I am usually not a fan of games that just go - "here is checkpoint X on your map - go there". Especially for a detective game lol.
The detective investigation bit slows the game down enough you can enjoy the atmosphere which is appealing. I like that exploration kinda stuff.

Also not too much of a fan of the narrator progressing the story, but it's not bad. I am still unsure of what this game will pan out like. I literally know nothing about the game.

Only played it for 45 mins. But defo want to play more.

I really liked the investigation parts of this game, but I hated the world and the combat sections. Every side mission seemed to devolve into "run after this guy for a while and then arrest him". And they crafted this meticulous re-creation of 1940s LA and the only thing you can do in it is drive around. I used the "have my partner drive" option a whole lot. Even the collectibles are pointless, because they don't do anything. My biggest wish was that they film reels played a minute clip of the movie or something.


Grim Fandango: Remastered

Never played this game back in the day. Just finished Year One. Some of the puzzle solutions make absolutely no sense to me and had to look at a guide a couple times (the cat balloon in the bowl). Loving the story and characters though so I will definitely finish this one.
I have done this before. Some games need more than that, I have Fallout 3, Witcher 2 and Borderlands, they need at least 2 hours to at least check them out. They are all games that need at least 2 hour play sessions.

And.. I am reading GAF, but will check my backlog for a game.

edit: I am going to comment some of the games I have done this method for in the past:

Alan Wake (90mins): looks great for an older game, has great atmosphere, it is an action/adv horror game with some exploration. The action is really simple but enough to keep going and the game seems to have a focus on story, where I left the game has me intrigued. Result: will play again
Brutal Legend (20 mins): quirky action adv game with simple combat and a Heavy Metal world and references. Result: would play again
Bastion(30mins): action game where the narrator is telling the story as the game goes, but it is nicely written. The game is beautiful. Result: would play again.
Braid(3hours): a platformer with a heavy focus on very good puzzles. Result: would play again.
Brothers a Tale of Two Sons(30mins): YOU NEED A CONTROLLER!! You control both brothers, each with one of the sticks and solve puzzles as each one has different abilities. Result: would play again.
Critter Crunch(4hours): highly addictive fast action puzzle game. Try it out, very good!
Mark of the Ninja(57mins): 2D stealth game, very good gameplay and presentation. Result: would play again.

I have more games on my backlog but to me there is no bad game sitting on my backlog, which makes things worse on what to play. I just go with instincts, think fast and play whatever comes to mind first, remember we play games to have fun, it is not a job, so consider yourself lucky you have so many options.
Dragon Quest V(PS2)

Really interesting game, I didn't expect to actually sit down and play it for around 3 hours but I was so addicted, it has a slightly slow start as all you do in the first hour is get some exposition and go into a cave to save someone(still much better than other JRPGs).

The battles are fast paced, the combat feels rewarding, and it's simple and yet so addictive to just grind to get that level up. The music is great, and many Dragon Quest fans have told me that this is the best game in the series so I'm super excited.

I finished the "Ghoul castle" part of the game and I can't wait to play it more when I'm done with some other games.


Well this would require two things, having an hour and playing something that isn't Rocket League.

So... The last game on my backlog I started was z battleblock theater. I'm enjoying it a lot. Narrator is amazing. Think I'm in chapter 3


So I decided to give Ether One another shot. I was overly harsh in my first post considering I was still riled up over my save file corrupting with ten minutes to go. So this impressions piece is more level-headed than the last.

The game's visuals are minimalistic, but convey a bit of a rustic charm to them, which I suppose is what they were going for considering its set in a rustic old English mining town.

It was a tad tedious at times, though just wandering through the initial harbour setting and unintentionally solving puzzles through exploration was cool. It brought a smile to my face and gave me a sense of wonder a game hasn't given me in a long time. That made the whole experience worth it, though the later areas and puzzles were too complex and convoluted for my tastes. There were many puzzles that I have no idea people solved without the use of a guide.

It took me a while to piece bits of the story together, considering it was just as convoluted at times as the puzzles, though a late plot twist completely turned the story on its head and sent it into gut-wrenching territory.

Overall, I greatly enjoyed the early parts of the game, though that joy faded the longer I stayed. I'd say it's worth a look. Just have a backup save at all times and at all costs. In fact, have two or three, just to be safe.
SMT IV on 3DS. Also my first SMT game. Only thing I knew about the series going in is the law / anarchy system and it's apparently pokemon with a challenge. Also, for neutral ending, I hear you have to choose the first thing every time and no challenge dungeons? Can GAF confirm this? Will refrain from posting until my hour is up.

Really digging the game so far. I'm still looking for the object in the Naraku dungeon thing, but man am I loving the pokemon with a challenge parts of this. I'm a huge fan of the pokemon games, and love that this is a similar aspect to it.

The press turn system is great fun and I look forward to capturing more demons. Although, unlike pokemon, this seems like I should be trading them out often for more powerful versions as they learn all their moves and give them to Flynn. Talking to demons mid battle is an interesting take on battles, and every type of demon seems to have a personality to them, so I have to remember that as well when negotiating. I just wish the game had circle pad support as I'm on a new 3dsxl, but I can't fault it for being older than the thing I want is.

The way it treats death is unexpected. The usual in these get is restart, but as long as you have money or some play coins you're golden and restart from before the battle. It's a great way to keep you in the game and not rage.

Can't wait to play more and get rekt by difficulty.
I just played through Episode One of Alan Wake. I liked it and running it maxed out on my PC it looked real nice too. Though I want to learn more about the story, I'm not really drawn into it like I was with games like Life is Strange. I def. don't feel like playing more right now, maybe tomorrow or something.


SMT: Nocturne

The story is pretty interesting and I like how prominently they show Dante in the game. Combat so far is fine, this isn't my first time playing these Atlus games and it doesn't seem that hard so far.

Also, The title screen is one of the best I've ever seen

I envy you, a first-time experience like no other. Savor it.
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