About the voting:
- Voting ran from Dec. 18th, 2011 through Jan. 21st, 2012.
- 1264 ballots counted
- Stay tuned for the full detailed stat download, coming tomorrow courtesy of Cheesemeister.
- Listen to something cool while you read! Check out GAF's Soundtracks of the Year 2011! (presented by Nert and GhaleonQ)
- View 2011's voting thread
- Previous awards threads: 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004
Notes & Thanks:
Once again, Cheesemeister's parser made it so we could be more flexible than ever and deliver a ton of data and fun results. Hope you guys enjoy it. Also, thanks to everyone who voted with comments for their chosen games - it made the voting thread a real pleasure to read.
01. Portal 2 = 2114 points, 14 honorable mentions
GAF said:
AvidNobody said:Incredible voice acting, witty humor, great puzzles, looks beautiful, fun co-op. I can't say enough good things about this game. It's a masterpiece.
Coen said:My favourite game of this decade. Interesting plot, narrative and characters backed by inventive level design and great presentation. Just a masterly crafted experience from beginning to end.
MrOogieBoogie said:If you've ever wanted to transport yourself directly into a Pixar film, this is probably the closest you'll get. The level of quality in terms of pacing, writing, voice acting, and music is absolutely unreal. A wonderful cinematic title with engaging gameplay.
EatChildren said:Valve games are treats. Treats that remind me why I bother to invest time and money into this medium in the first place. Exceptionally paced, polished and brimming with creativity, Portal 2 is a perfect example of what can be accomplished with a building full of passionate gamers making games. As cliche as it sounds, it's clear a lot of love went into Portal 2, as evident in every spoken word, every environmental surprise, and every puzzle. Gaming brilliance worth every cent.
02. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim = 1654 points, 26 honorable mentions
GAF said:
GhaleonEB said:No game this generation has made me so happy in so many different ways. I love adventure and exploration, and Skyrim is so rewarding in these departments. I get more enjoyment just traveling from one location to another than I do from many entire retail releases.
Cheech said:Best RPG I have ever played. Zork, Wizardry, Ultima, Dungeon Master, Lands of Lore, Baldur's Gate.. this is the game that is the epitome of everything I wished for in an RPG going back to the early 1980s. It's my favorite genre of game by a long shot, and Skyrim does it better than any of them. Well done Bethesda. Hope Carmack is working on that new engine!
stupei said:I hated Oblivion. I actually literally hated it. I played about two hours in and gave up out of boredom and frustration. I say this to make the point that Bethesda had a lot to prove to me when it came to Skyrim. I was going in incredibly skeptical of the experience, but I'm the kind of person who's always going to want to give a new RPG a try, no matter its history. Still I wasn't expecting to sink weeks of my life into this game only to come up for air and realize I'm still not done. I want more. Where's my DLC, Bethesda?
03. Dark Souls = 1219 points, 11 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Saint10118 said:Having never experienced its predecessor I only knew to expect death, and much of it. The surprise for me was how wholly enjoyable this game with its excellent, albeit challenging, gameplay, engrossing and impressive world, and multiplayer integration. It really is amazing how anonymity and randomness can bring out both douche bags and true gentleman - and I loved every second of it.
DMeisterJ said:A ridiculously tough game that challenges you on even the simplest of fights, and ridicules you on the boss fights. Hard would be an adequate word to describe this game, but you'd be selling it short. It's fucking brutal. And for as brutal as it is, it's so amazing. The feeling of satisfaction you get after taking down a boss or getting past a tough part in the game is euphoric. Never has being challenged so much in a game made it so good.
HiddenSentry said:Just a wonderful combat system. I love figuring out a game, and I never realized how I missed that until Dark/Demon's Souls came around. This game is one of the very best at encouraging me to explore, and actually think about encounters. I was thrilled to be able to do the entire game initially without having to consult a guide.
04. Deus Ex: Human Revolution = 1206 points, 17 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Mabase said:I find it rare to see a game that takes a topic, like here the "Augmentation of the Human Body and Spirit", and completely commit itself to showing all aspects and sides to it, especially to a topic I think will become reality within our lifetimes. Deus Ex does a tremendous job in showing different opinions and philosophies on the artificial alteration of yourself, from the CEOs of involved corporations to the simple man on the street, without leading the player to any prescribed conclusions, and leaving it up to him, till the very end of the game, to evaluate, judge and then act on what he has seen and experienced through the game. Outstanding.
The_Darkest_Red said:There aren't many games I played more than once this year, let alone 3 times back to back to back. Deus Ex was another game that completely hooked me, and I fell in love with the incredible atmosphere of each of its locations. To me this game was the RPG elements of Mass Effect and the gameplay of Metal Gear Solid. On my final playthrough I even managed to get through the game without firing a single bullet or taking down a single enemy. Any game that lets me go from start to finish in pure ninja mode deserves some kind of award.
FatCat said:Quite simply the surprise of the year for me. The whole atmosphere got me right from the start, from the soundtrack riddled with serene/nerve-breaking music, to the dark golden vision of futuristic America and Asia that complements the well-written story. I haven't played any previous games from the series, so I'm fresh to Deus Ex but I honestly find no flaws in the game design, the game is just perfect. I've played this game from start to finish 4 times this year, and have yet to get all the achievements. I think that's proof the game deserves my number one spot. It might even be my game of the generation.
05. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword = 1120 points, 8 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Electivirus said:By far my favorite game of the year and my favorite Zelda game. A beautiful art style, motion controls that show just how well-done they can be with a traditional game, the best cutscene direction in the series thus far, and just the right amount of turning series tradition on its head to keep things interesting. An amazing game from start to finish, and in my book, it'll go down as the Wii's greatest.
RandomVince said:I don't believe I've ever played through and enjoyed a game as much as this. Ever. It felt like playing Chrono Trigger, MGS3, Oddworld Stranger and Mario Galaxy all for the first time ever. Perfect controls, an absorbing scenario, fantastic music and a beautiful ending . Level design and revisiting areas was a highlight, and there is not a single fault I can find with it.
Omega.Blaze said:Easily the best game of the year. Absolutely amazing level design that introduces new gameplay elements, beautiful visual style and an incredible soundtrack. More importantly, it demonstrates that motion games can work, and can work extremely well.
06. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception = 1096 points, 17 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Struct09 said:The most cinematic game I've ever played, just inching past Uncharted 2 in my opinion. While the gameplay hasn't evolved much, I felt the storytelling was improved in this entry. My favorite part was the first third of the game where you don't even have a gun at all. Not to forget the many impressive set pieces, which make the game feel like the best action movie I saw last year.
ChefRamsay said:Somehow, someway, Naughty Dog does it again. Bigger, badder and with a better engine. Industry-leading water and fire physics turned simple settings into grand feats of current-gen technology.
Ataturk said:A flat ending, poor melee combat and unpolished encounter design hold this back, but nonetheless it remains a game that had my mouth agape more than any other this year.
07. Batman: Arkham City = 1055 points, 13 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Deadly Cyclone said:A great sequel to a game that no-one saw coming and one that builds upon its predecessor in a great way. Arkham City took the initial idea Rocksteady cemented in Island and exploded it to new heights. The combat is top-notch, the city is alive and full of activities, and being Batman is just damn cool.
conman said:Completely unexpected, especially from a sequel. It's as though the creative leads have read Michel Foucault and Frederic Jameson. It's a wonderful twist on the formula of Arkham Asylum, but with a much smarter, much more pointed critique of the current proliferation of the "prison-industrial complex" in our own world. Wayne, an anti-prison activist in the outside world, becomes Batman, a non-lethal "activist" in another sense, when he enters the city/prison. Alongside the first Assassin's Creed, Arkham City shows that games are surprisingly well equipped to handle ideology critique.
Gooster said:Rocksteady somehow managed to make you feel as if you are Batman even more than Arkham Asylum already did. For me though, this game takes high marks for that score. My god, that music. It's almost a sales pitch but it perfectly blends the mood of Danny Elfman and Hans Zimmer to my ears. It might feature my favorite soundtrack for 2011 with Deus Ex: Human Revolution right behind it. The performances are top notch, to the point where you wouldn't believe me if I told you Arleen Sorkin was NOT Harley Quinn in it.
08. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings = 660 points, 11 honorable mentions
GAF said:
jim-jam bongs said:While the combat has some annoying issues, The Witcher 2 is a masterpiece of a game. Aside from being the most beautiful game ever made, it has one of the most mature and complex plots ever seen in the medium which sets Geralt's personal tale against a backdrop of political upheaval and a plan to destabilise regional powers through regicide. It's also a great example of choice and consequence done right, in that it doesn't spend any time moralising about your choices, and presents believable repercussions, intended and otherwise.
HiddenSentry said:Best RPG I've played in a long time, and that's with a post-Skyrim perspective. I was engulfed in the world of The Witcher, despite getting maybe halfway through the first game before giving up due to not remembering how to do the quests. The graphics were stunning, and I really enjoyed the quasi-Dark Souls-lite combat mechanics. I was amazed at how much they allowed your choices to affect the rest of the game .
Uriah said:An excellent action RPG where the choices you make actually matter. One of the few games I've played where after beating it, I immediately started over to experience the different outcomes for the choices the game presents.
09. Super Mario 3D Land = 615 points, 12 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Elfforkusu said:I don't know how it's possible to be this good at making videogames -- the whole "subtly, carefully teach the player to play, then reward him for learning" thing -- but EAD Tokyo is. This thing is easily better than either of the NSMBs. Could've been called "Super Mario 4" without drawing complaints.
brandonh83 said:One of the tightest platforming experiences in recent memory. Most of the levels are incredibly well executed and there are almost always new gameplay ideas around every corner, the next just as well implemented as the last. This game alone is worth having a 3DS for.
Yoshi said:This is how you do handheld games. Great game concept, imaginative and fun level design. Imo the best handheld game ever made - considering portability.
10. Dead Space 2 = 523 points, 5 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Replicant said:It was THE game of the year for me. No contest. It has the perfect balance between storyline and game. It has tension like any horror game should and in addition, it now has event-like sequences which gave me some of the most memorable gaming moments in 2011.
DoctorWho said:I wasn't a huge fan of the original so I didn't expect much from this game. It completely sucked me in, spit me back out and told an exciting story while never skimping on the action/horror gameplay. This game should not be forgotten!
Deepack said:It took me over 8 months to complete this game, solely because of the constant tension. A very unpleasant game to play, but an experience I will never forget.
11. Xenoblade Chronicles = 514 points, 17 honorable mentions
GAF said:
McNum said:Who would have thought that the best JRPG of this generation would be a Wii game? And who would have thought the little Wii to be able to pull off environments like that? The story is fun, the combat is fast and engaging, and it has a whole lot of small interface tricks to make everything run smooth. Add to that a likeable cast of characters, more plot twists than you can swing a Monado at, a competent to great voice cast, and an incredible soundtrack, and you have the Game of the Year for me.
Saint10118 said:The wait was long but the best console JRPG this gen finally arrived. Expansive world, stellar OST, and engaging melodrama brought back fond memories of PS2 gems like FF XII and erased bitter ones of FF XIII. Gameplay was solid overall, blending Tales of and FFXII styles and the loot system was great for OCD people such as myself.
12. Saints Row The Third = 498 points, 9 honorable mentions
GAF said:
psycho17 said:You should play Saints Row The Third. the amount of dumb in this game that actually managed to be entertaining blew my mind. The only problem I have with the game is that it ended before I got tired of it.
Pratfall said:This game is pure dopamine. As has been said before, SR3 respects your time and does everything it can to entertain and reward you.
13. Bastion = 484 points, 16 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Fjordson said:Filled to the brim with charm and beautiful art design, Bastion was quite simply a joy to play. Rock solid combat that pushed me to go back and beat all of the challenge rooms with a great story told in a unique minimalist style thanks to the game's narrator. Oh, and I'd be remiss not to mention the soundtrack. Darren Korb did a bang up job of mixing sounds of sci-fi and fantasy with a more rugged western tone. Reminded me a lot of Firefly in that regard.
Incendiary said:This is the best downloadable game of the year. The quality of the animation is well above par. Plus, it has one of the most emotionally-evoking scenes I've experienced in a game in years, and does it without any dialogue whatsoever. The narrator was a cute touch, and the replayability with the idol mechanic makes this a must-play.
14. Gears of War 3 = 479 points, 6 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Foliorum Viridum said:The perfect end to one of the best trilogies of this gen. Pretty much all of my complaints from the first two games were fixed and so many things were improved upon. The action was bigger, the story moments more impactful and better written and it ultimately gave me a great sense of closure. By itself it's a great game, but when combined with the previous two games it becomes something much more powerful. I don't care if people want to think the series is simply "dudebro" because that's simply not true. I know Halo 4 is out next year, but this might just be the swansong for the 360 for me.
Sinthetic said:A really stunning ending to the Gears Trilogy. I knew it was special because it made me cry real honest man tears, you know the part I mean. Fucking powerful stuff that will never be forgotten. Combine with that, the RAAM's Shadow DLC and you have the best shooter/action game on 360.
15. Battlefield 3 = 433 points, 13 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Metalmurphy said:Simply the best multiplayer FPS game ever made. Sure the campaign was nothing impressive, Battlelog upset alot of people , it's Origin exclusive, but when you're actually playing it, outstanding gunplay, 64 players, amazing graphics, jets and choppers flying by destroying buildings to pieces and OMG THE SOUND!!. Nothing beats it in 2011, probably won't beat it in 2012 either.
squidyj said:Shoot Mans! The Singleplayer was kinda ehhhh but who cares? this game has motherfuckin' jets! and tanks! and helicopters! and rockets flying everywhere! and snipers! and big ass maps! The Back 2 Karkand DLC gave us some old favorites such as my 1942 best bud, Wake Island. Also if it was a woman it would be a supermodel.
16. Rayman Origins = 351 points, 9 honorable mentions
GAF said:
AniHawk said:a skill-based 2d platformer that looks great and has great music? sounds like a 90s game. rayman origins feels like one too, one made by a smaller team that just wanted to make something they would enjoy. and sometimes that's all that's needed. it's challenging without being frustrating and cute without being obnoxious. rayman innovates very little, but what is there is finely crafted into one of the best 2d platformers and this year's best game.
FateBreaker said:It has perfect platforming and mechanically rivals Super Meat Boy in many ways, which was of course the best platformer of the generation, so that's saying a lot. The art style is extraordinary, and Christophe Heral's music is, dare I say, better than his Beyond Good and Evil score. It is surprisingly long, as well, and every level is a joy to play.
17. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective = 341 points, 6 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Nocturnowl said:The DS bows out in style with a quirky puzzle adventure game revolving around the interesting and odd premise of being dead. Ghost Trick is one of those games that reminds me of why I love video games in the first place. It has stunning animation, snappy writing, enjoyable characters and it has that addictive factor that makes you want to just keep going. To think that this game was my first purchase of the year right back in January and despite the incredible quality of games that would follow it I still feel that it holds my number 1 position.
GuiltybyAssociation said:Ghost Trick had the best name of any game last year, real talk. It also had some clever puzzles and relentlessly charming characters. The story, twist after surprise after WTF reveal, veered off into crazy anime plot territory and I gave zero fucks. Actually, I liked that. Everything was so wild. The silky smooth animation gave this already-lovable cast even more personality, too. I don't know, I feel like I should sum this up some other way, say something wittier at least, although maybe I needn't have to: playing Ghost Trick just made me feel extremely happy. I had a smile on my face the entire time and I love it for that. Absolutely adorable game.
18. InFamous 2 = 309 points, 9 honorable mentions
GAF said:
daegan said:The continued adventures of Cole MacGrath are buoyed by an awareness of what didn't work in the original game and what did . The Amp is cool; Fire and Ice powers are cooler. Sucker Punch still doesn't hold any character sacred, as is clear by the credits. Fantastic music as well; only serious clipping issues hold it back.
Ozzykamikaze said:Still my favorite open-world non-RPG. Combat is greatly improved, traversal is unmatched and the characters just make for a great time. I booted it up and played until Platinum in 2-3 days. There are still few things in games as cool as calling down a lightning storm and watching EVERYTHING explode.
19. Catherine = 273 points, 10 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Kusagari said:Even when you consider the game came from Atlus, Catherine is still an incredibly bizarre concoction. It's a crazy anime story laid out around a ball-busting hard puzzle game. In many ways that combination should not work at all. Yet, in Catherine it does. The story is ridiculous but charming and enthralling to watch unfold, and the gameplay is punishing but addictive.
Mubbed said:Action puzzling never felt so good. The feeling of conquering Babel is up there with the tactical challenges of Vanquish. You just don't get that kind of fidelity and depth in a puzzle game. The adventure elements were also well crafted. The game has a presence and lore that will stick with me for ages.
20. Mario Kart 7 = 261 points, 5 honorable mentions
GAF said:
Kazerei said:The best of the MK series IMO. Lots of gameplay elements from previous games were tweaked, and some new ones added. Most importantly, the online system is actually amazing.
Haziqonfire said:The best Mario Kart, it combines the best aspects of all the past games into one and removes what didn't work well from the past titles.