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New God of War 3 Screens


momolicious said:
Did the graphics really improve are people just seeing new a better locations? Any pic comparisons to show improvements of same area location?

The graphics really improved. There's been a few comparisons before. namely on texture and lighting improvements.

Anyway, for the new page.







fuck me senseless~ this game looks hawt ~ :lol wow ! wow ! wow ! bow

1) Ill be straight to the point. Bayonetta is not in the same league as this . The lighting is....off ,looks a bit last gen ~ everything is Lit too much, not much self shadowing, ambient lights etc. and minor jaggies. - Im not sure i like the art direction either ( fairy dust and pink wings, pirate looking boss.. :lol ...i duno ) . Im sure the game will be fun exaggerated combos...big boss battles, summons... etc but...i need to see more. The only thing they have in common is the hack / slash theme which i love. without fully playing it, i wont pass final judgment till i play it. Moving along to my next choices.

2 ) Castlevania lord of shadows comes closer in terms of art and style. looks hot too. but so far away I can only dream of it. beautiful looking game. I have high hopes for it. so much we dont know yet. looking superb. great lighting, love the amazing blood splash, (I blame it on me watching 2 seasons worth of True Blood in about a week. :lol )


3) Dante's inferno. I have hope for it as one of the level designers of GOW /Metroid ( Mike Cheng ) is working on it. great concept, awesome art.. i hope they polish it has ways to go.

4 ) Darksiders.....cool concept, decent art. but so far looks glitchy and not smooth, needs lots of work. especially on animation.

2010 will have so many kick ass hack/slash games ~

Overall I cant wait to get my hands on GOW once i got my 60 gig ps3, first games I bought were GOD1 & 2 before i even bought any ps3 games. since I am an xbox, xbox 360 owner as well and never had a ps2 - i missed out on this. short to say ill play 1 & 2 over the weekend again hehe. and wil rock out with my psp playing gow on the train. hehe

This game is pure art... anyone who disagree please view your nearest Ophthalmologist or stop starring at Bayonetta's arse and wake up. :lol


Wow the game looks better and better each time new screens are posted.

I fucking love God of War and there was never any doubt this was gonna be awesome.


jett said:
Bayonetta looks like crap to me, it does not belong in this thread.

haha jett's coo

*sips more wine . . ."


You can see the glow of flame underneath Hades' skin . . . damn



I have to say that Dantes Inferno improved alot and looks very promissing now (besides that it is a shameless copycat) but Kratos is just a charismatic character to me. He is the definition of badass.
The Dantes Inferno Hero looks like a WoW Nightelf on Steroids with a forced "badass" look. Bayonetta is more a over the top Ninja Gaiden for me (that's a good thing) and i'm looking forward to it.
Good time for action gamers all around.


this is the only game that would make me want to pay $270 for a ps3 (it's only $270 at dell.com)

maybe i can find a job by the time this game comes out :(


I don't think it looks that hot in screens actually, too much jaggies. But at least they don't make extreme bullshots.


Passing metallic gas
model detail is absolutely insane..having said that im kind of dissapointed that hades is basicly a big guy in a loin cloth (the wepons sticking out of him are a nice touch)..considering how creative the art team has been with what we've seen so far id like to see a more tweaked design
Gr1mLock said:
model detail is absolutely insane..having said that im kind of dissapointed that hades is basicly a big guy in a loin cloth (the wepons sticking out of him are a nice touch)..considering how creative the art team has been with what we've seen so far id like to see a more tweaked design
I think they had to because GOW2 had Hades that is designed this way in the CG cutscenes I think.
Cesar said:
I don't think it looks that hot in screens actually, too much jaggies. But at least they don't make extreme bullshots.

We must be looking at different screenshots, as I don't see "too much jaggies" at all.


Cesar said:
I don't think it looks that hot in screens actually, too much jaggies. But at least they don't make extreme bullshots.

You spelled Naughty God wrong in your avatar.

Those screens pretty much put and end to the guessing what I should do now. I thought about playing Lord of Destruction, but now I need to play GoW 2.

And change my pants. :lol
nib95 said:
The graphics really improved. There's been a few comparisons before. namely on texture and lighting improvements.

Anyway, for the new page.


This is the painting came to life. :D I like the motion blur and lightling boom effect in this one. Other screen shot are ok but still have some way to go to really impress me.

Ploid 3.0

Bamihap said:
THe only one who's winning is the person who has all platforms.

People that have one console are winning too. No one that has a PC, PS3, Wii, or xbox360 can play all the great stuff on that system. Not under normal conditions at least.

Tieno - about gow3's framerate.

At one point a giant cyclops lept down to face Kratos, leading the player to jump on top of the beast in a series of timed button presses. What followed was a predictable scene of mayhem, as Kratos rode the cyclops in circles, a kill counter keeping track of his destruction.

Tilander and Fillipov explained that the game will not be locked at 60 frames per second, and will likely drop below that during intense scenes. However, it will never fall below 30 frames per second.


And who knows, maybe they'll push for optimizing it further as they get near wrap up like other games. Halo2 cleaned up it's framerate up near the end iirc.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
they should just leave it at a locked 30, I'd be cool with that. Games that have frame-rates that jump between 30 and 60FPS can be really jarring, I find (say, for instance, MGS4).

Ploid 3.0

I edited, but maybe they can get it so that it very rarely go to 30, or maybe stay 60. March is a long way away. It's releasing in March right? Maybe they were speaking on the behalf of the demo they had set up only.

Edit: well reading over it, he said game. Hope they push harder to make the 30fps rare, heck maybe bluring and stuff will be going on to where you'd think it's some stylish slow motion going on, or won't notice the transition to 30 at all. I remember thinking frame drop in super mario world was a cool effect, like when link hit stuff with his sword in wind waker.


Rez said:
they should just leave it at a locked 30, I'd be cool with that. Games that have frame-rates that jump between 30 and 60FPS can be really jarring, I find (say, for instance, MGS4).
I agree with this, locked 30 looks fine but having it change isn't very pleasant. There is a corridor in MGS4 (the one that was electrified in MGS1) where you go from about 30 to 60 back to 30 and it's horrible.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
when push comes to shove, it won't really affect my experience. I trust the guys over at Santa Monica, I doubt they'd leave any really jarringly obvious hitches.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
stuburns said:
I agree with this, locked 30 looks fine but having it change isn't very pleasant. There is a corridor in MGS4 (the one that was electrified in MGS1) where you go from about 30 to 60 back to 30 and it's horrible.
yeah, I always remember that and the room where the Frogs are fought, as well as during a few cutscenes.
30 fps with motion blur would be fine. If it's just jumping around from 60 to 30 all the time like Mini Ninjas[to name a recent one] it's gonna look horrible.


If people are going to be comparing Bayonetta to GOW3, they'd best avoid irresponsible arguments like, "GOW3's graphics are way better than Bayonetta's, and Bayonetta's art style is ugly. Therefore, GOW3 is going to be a better game." Bayonetta is an action title by Hideki Kamiya of Devil May Cry fame. This is a man who knows his games, who understands the expectations of high level players, especially fans of the action genre. Nearly every aspect of Bayonetta's design is so made to optimize its combat. PlatinumGames has set a modest bar for Bayonetta's graphics in order to keep gameplay the main object of their attention, and to make sure the game runs at a rock solid 60 frames per second, even with the screen packed to the corners with a whirlwind of enemies swarming the title character, or a skyscraper sized boss in an effects-heavy environment. To any informed action gamer this decision is clearly a sound one; slowdown is unacceptable in a game that relies on split second input. Kamiya has stated on Bayonetta's official blog that the project is meant to be the ultimate in stylish action games, the type of title you'll replay countless times for exactly the same reasons you'd play hundreds of Street Fighter matches if your goal is to become an expert player.

In contrast to Bayonetta, GOW is and always has been about spectacle. One of the biggest draws of the series is its ability to make the player feel completely immersed in a vicious struggle with the larger-than-life beings of the ancient Greek pantheon. The visual component of GOW is central to keeping the audience duly engaged. Accordingly, its developers have made graphics top priority—to impressive effect. I have had two online conversations with David Jaffe in which he directly informed me that his series is not intended to be an answer to Devil May Cry and its ilk (i.e. the type of sophisticated action game whose combat is closely linked to fighting games in terms of variety and complexity), but an accessible action adventure title for mature audiences that share his tastes. The combat, he pointed out, is but one element of a larger picture.

When you play a GOW game you embark on an adventure whose power lies in its capacity impress and surprise with successively more dramatic scenarios. The puzzles, platforming sequences and combat all drive the player further down the path (or up the mountain, as it were) toward the grand finale. When it's over, you bask in the satisfaction of concluding a marvelous quest, the exhilaration fades slowly, pleasantly, and then you move on to other things and fondly remember the experience from time to time. When you play a game like Bayonetta, the first few times through are your how-do-you-do's, your foreplay. The end of the superficial novelty is the beginning of the real party. If there's pleasure to be had in discovering all the weapons, enemies, bosses and environments one by one, it's a momentary throe compared to the rich, lasting satisfaction of challenging your mind and reflexes with an exquisitely intricate combat system, one that becomes more rewarding with time as dedicated players make new breakthroughs. Strategies are refined, whole new branches of technique are discovered, and several years down the line you find yourself having more fun with a game you know inside out and still play regularly than with any of the hottest new titles. To call GOW3 a better game than Bayonetta based on graphics alone is to make a logical blunder almost as spectacular as GOW's renowned set pieces. GOW3 is the video game equivalent of a big-budget Hollywood blockbuster. Bayonetta is that independent film you watch each month for half a decade and find something new to like about it every time.


I don't like the art direction for GoW3. GoW2 had some insanely beautiful locations (eg. running along the chains with the floating island on the background) and I wish 3 would've retained the same look. :(

Edit: I mean this kind of colour schema:


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
manzo said:
I don't like the art direction for GoW3. GoW2 had some insanely beautiful locations (eg. running along the chains with the floating island on the background) and I wish 3 would've retained the same look. :(
we've barely seen any of GOWIII at the moment! there's a good chance similarly awesome set pieces will be present.

edit: oh, right. I see your edit.
manzo said:
I don't like the art direction for GoW3. GoW2 had some insanely beautiful locations (eg. running along the chains with the floating island on the background) and I wish 3 would've retained the same look. :(

We havent even seen much of the game..
I'm sure it'll be chockfull of amazing backdrops.


stuburns said:
I agree with this, locked 30 looks fine but having it change isn't very pleasant. There is a corridor in MGS4 (the one that was electrified in MGS1) where you go from about 30 to 60 back to 30 and it's horrible.

It's becoming more and more obvious that I'm ignorant to tech quirks, unless they are major. During the corridor scene I wasn't thinking about the frame rate, I was thinking: "Come on, you old bastard, juts a little bit further" while jamming on the button. It's one of my favorite moments in gaming this generation.

Edit: Nevermind, wrong scene.


Shurs said:
It's becoming more and more obvious that I'm ignorant to tech quirks, unless they are major. During the corridor scene I wasn't thinking about the frame rate, I was thinking: "Come on, you old bastard, juts a little bit further" while jamming on the button. It's one of my favorite moments in gaming this generation.
Not that corridor.

That is an incredible moment.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Shurs said:
It's becoming more and more obvious that I'm ignorant to tech quirks, unless they are major. During the corridor scene I wasn't thinking about the frame rate, I was thinking: "Come on, you old bastard, juts a little bit further" while jamming on the button. It's one of my favorite moments in gaming this generation.
nah, he's talking about the hallway in Act 4 where a Gekko drops down after you return from the room where you fight the Cyborg Ninja in MGS1.


stuburns said:
Not that corridor.

That is an incredible moment.

Yeah, I just realized my mistake. I have a pot of coffee brewing, so in a few minutes my reading comprehension will improve!


Grandma's Chippy
I have never played any of these games....looking forward to playing the collector 1 & 2 before this.

This does look insane though!


Shurs said:
Yeah, I just realized my mistake. I have a pot of coffee brewing, so in a few minutes my reading comprehension will improve!
To be fair I didn't make it overly clear in my post. It happens on the way to the grey fox boss room as well as on the way back. I think it's more noticeable when there is nothing happening like on the way. In a scene like the microwave oven I doubt I'd notice anything like that. It also helps that there is some dust in the air in the corridor and you can see the inconsistency really clearly.

As for the GoW3/Bayonetta stuff, I don't think Bayonetta is a bad looking game at all. Artistically I dislike them both, but Bayonetta is a new IP, I'm sure a lot smaller budget, and mulitplatform. I don't expect it to match GoW3 visually.

I think people need to drop the GoW is for pussys and Bayonetta is hardcore though, because that's utter shit. DMC1 is not a hard game at all. That series got harder, but without Kamiya, and there is nothing wrong with making a game accessible.

I'm quite sure both will be very very good games, among the best released next year.


walter_thet said:
This is the painting came to life. :D I like the motion blur and lightling boom effect in this one. Other screen shot are ok but still have some way to go to really impress me.
yep I just watched the latest uncharted trailer and see lots of stuff I could put my finger on "computer generated", while in this shot I couldnt tell...it is not photo realistic or close but yes, could be a painting.

This is what I hoped for this gen and almost a generational leap over the first offerings on the PS3
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