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New MGS4 trailer online on Konami's website


The Japanese Trailer is in 1080 apparently. The US trailer is 720p ?

The game looks friggin' spectacular in 1080 I gotta say.

[edit] to clarify - the Japanese trailer plays full screen for me on the PS3, with no option to toggle the PS3's media player zoom mode (which gives you an option to play a 720p movie in full screen or with black bars around the frame).

The US trailer can be zoomed in to full screen, or played with black bars all around it.


Crap! This resolution is too big for my PC lol What am I supposed to do with it?:lol


I wonder if they're really going to tie the Policenauts and MGS universes together. They already have the little MKII reference, Meryl, and all that.


EekTheKat said:
The Japanese Trailer is in 1080 apparently. The US trailer is 720p ?

Yes, that's correct, hence the larger size of the Jap trailer. But the Jap trailer is just an upscaled US trailer with different audio, right?


SRG01 said:
I wonder if they're really going to tie the Policenauts and MGS universes together. They already have the little MKII reference, Meryl, and all that.

MkII is from Snatcher, and it really wouldn't be possible for Policenauts and MGS to be in the same universe. It's just a joke or a reference to Kojima's previous work.


Frog said:
MkII is from Snatcher, and it really wouldn't be possible for Policenauts and MGS to be in the same universe. It's just a joke or a reference to Kojima's previous work.

Oh whoops. My bad! :lol


Frog said:
Metal Gear Solid: The Unofficial Site just posted an interview with Jeremy Blaustein, the translator that worked on MGS1 as well as Snatcher and Silent Hill 2. He's pretty bitter about his experiences working on MGS1, and as a result the interview is quite blunt and honest. Quite an interesting listen.


Thanks for the link. It really is too bad Jeremy Blaustein got dropped like that, especially in favor of literal translations for 2 and 3. Hopefully Ryan Payton's presence will help improve MGS4's translation.

Ploid 3.0

U K Narayan said:
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence contains both Metal Gear 1 and 2.

Dang MGS3 substance was packed huh. I had no idea. I have MGS3 snake eater so I didn't bother buying substance. Even with the improved camera options and online play. /sigh Gotta find MGS3:Sub
Ploid 3.0 said:
Dang MGS3 substance was packed huh. I had no idea. I have MGS3 snake eater so I didn't bother buying substance. Even with the improved camera options and online play. /sigh Gotta find MGS3:Sub

Yes you definitely do. I love the new camera, it's so flattering to the environments. The game is more beautiful than ever. I walk around the jungle swinging the manual camera around making love to the scenery with my eyes.
Gamespot detailed write up demo:

TOKYO--At Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation Premiere 2007 press conference in the massive Roppongi Hills complex today, most in attendance were expecting to see reruns of trailers shown at the E3 Media and Business Summit. So they were taken by surprise during Konami's presentation, when director Hideo Kojima gave the first-ever Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots gameplay demonstration.

"Where's my Social Security check?"

The demo, which lasted a full 20 minutes, began in the same unnamed Middle Eastern locale as previous MGS4 game trailers. Snake started out on the second floor of a ruined building. Looking down, he saw tons of rubble from the remnants of buildings obliterated by warfare. The landscape was particularly detailed, with walls broken into various shapes and surrounding buildings uniquely damaged. When Snake zoomed in on the walls using a scope named Solid Eye (after the 3D glasses from Metal Gear Acid 2), they showed a high level of detail with little or no pixelation up close.

While previous installments in the MGS series had Snake infiltrating areas that were guarded by a single superpower or army, the situation is vastly different in MGS4. The demo shows two different factions--professional PMC (Private Military Company) mercenaries, and civilian guerrillas, who were losing because they were less experienced. The demo started out quietly, with both sides just patrolling. By the end, though, there were explosions all over the place.

During the demo, Kojima had Snake side with the civilian army to help take out the PMC soldiers. Given that the PMC soldiers were wearing beige camouflage, it was difficult to spot them in the sandy fields and grayish walls. Kojima had Snake switch to thermal goggles to detect them, and then return to the normal scope to zoom in.

Hopping down the building from where Snake started, the aged soldier approached a set of familiar bronze statues last seen in the Tokyo Game Show trailer. Here, Kojima went to the menu screen and selected the active camouflage option, where players can access disguises for Snake's face and body. Snake normally wears an all-purpose "Octo-Cam" camouflage suit, which lets him blend into his surroundings. However, apparently there are other selectable camouflage patterns in the game, one of which is called the "Statue-Cam." Kojima selected the Statue-Cam and an appropriate face mask, and--voila!--Snake's camouflage suit displayed a bronze finish. The PMC soldiers then walked by, mistaking the grizzled commando for a statue.

Kojima then showed off how the Octo-Cam camouflage will help Snake blend into his surroundings--semiautomatically. Whenever Snake performs an action, like hugging a wall or hitting the floor, the suit automatically changes its pattern to match that of the surface Snake is touching. Kojima demonstrated this action by having Snake evade a PMC soldier by lying in wait on the ground and blending in with the tiles of a nearby building. Snake then stood up and dashed to the shadows by a wall, waiting for the soldier to walk past. Then, he took the soldier from behind by using close-quarter combat, which made the soldier drop his gun--a new element in MGS4. Snake finally wrestled the soldier down, choking him until he was knocked out.

Kojima revealed that Snake can take his enemy's weapons in MGS4, and CQC isn't the only way to get them--holdups can also be effective. When Snake put a gun against an unaware soldier, the grunt raised both of his hands in the air, dropping his weapon to the ground and shivering. The holdup in MGS4 looks a lot more realistic than in the previous games. While keeping his gun pointed at the enemy, Snake used his other hand to frisk for items all over the soldier's body. He also seems to have gained a new move that involves delivering a death grip to an enemy's crotch, rendering that person unconscious in an instant.

After taking out two soldiers (one through CQC and the other by holdup and grabbing his nether regions), Snake spotted a huge hole in the wall that was big enough for him to fit though. However, he then noticed PMC soldiers in other abandoned buildings that could easily spot Snake and shoot him down. Kojima had Snake switch to his Mosin Nagant stun rifle to take them out. This was done by way of the same sniper view the rifle had in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

Snake then made his way down the building onto the ground and took out another PMC soldier, this time using a stun knife that can discharge electricity. Kojima showed how the knife can be used to just zap the enemy and knock them unconscious, though it can also be used for fatal slashing as well.

Seeing that yet another PMC soldier was nearby, Kojima showed off Snake's new prop--the oil barrel. The oil barrel in MGS4 has as much a camouflage effect as the series' traditional cardboard box, except it's a bit more resistant to bullet shots because it's made of metal. Unfortunately, it didn't seem as stealthy, because we heard Snake's knees banging into it as he walked. Kojima showed that the barrel could also be an effective weapon when Snake rolls on the ground inside it, attacking any soldiers in his path. Naturally, though, Snake was dizzy once he got back up, and we saw him throwing up.

Kojima went on to confirm that gamers would be able to play through the whole game in a first-person view, and showed how the Sixaxis' motion-sensing can be used to duck and peek around corners.

Snake then went into a nearby building and talked to his friend Otacon via his Metal Gear MKII robot, re-creating part of the first MGS4 trailer. Eventually a battle between PMC and guerrilla forces erupted outdoors. The PMC soldiers were obviously getting the upper hand, as they had more firepower and cutting-edge technology on their side, including flying biomechanical creatures that would drop bombs.

To help fight off one of the PMC soldiers, Kojima showed Snake's new best friend, the Metal Gear MKII. By selecting MKII from the item inventory, the player can take control of it and move around in either first- or third-person view. (Snake is seen crouching on the ground with his hands on the MKII's remote controller--which is an exact replica of a Sixaxis gamepad.) And while the stealthy MKII may seem small and harmless, it can knock out enemies with a powerful knock of electricity.

Turning back to Snake, Kojima showed that the protagonist can throw grenades backward like in the previous trailer. The grenade's trajectory is shown onscreen, Gears of War-style, as Snake is preparing to throw his grenade.

As the demo neared its end, Kojima showed off some more weapons that can be used in Guns of the Patriots. He used an RPG-7 to explode a tank, an AK-102 rifle to shoot some enemies on the roof, and a P90 to take out remaining soldiers on the ground.

Kojima pointed out that while he had been attacking PMC soldiers and helping out the civilian guerrillas in the demo, it's really up to the player to decide which side to be on--or to not side with either of them.

Overall, Guns of the Patriots defaults to the same kind of third-person view as previous MGS installments. The basic interface has been kept intact as well, with the item itinerary on the bottom left side of the screen and the weapons itinerary on the bottom right.

One addition to the heads-up display that wasn't in previous installments was a semitransparent, illustrated icon on the bottom of the screen that appeared whenever Snake was near an object that he could interact with, such as a wall, an unconscious enemy, or a ledge. Another such object was a dumpster in an alley, which Snake hid in until enemy soldiers cleared out. But since it's full of garbage, Kojima noted that Snake would start to smell if he stayed inside the dumpster too long, making himself more obvious to enemies. As he came out of hiding, Snake was surrounded by a swarm of buzzing flies, though shaking the Sixaxis controller seemed to swat them away.


sounds amazing


Yeah, that's been posted already. I can't believe no one else has reported on the demonstration besides Gamespot.
Cyberia said:
GOTY '08 confirmed.

If I'm able to pull off the moves that you see in the trailers during actual gameplay, then it may be GOTY '08. However MGS games never had GOTY worthy gameplay, just GOTY worthy storytelling. If it plays like MGS3: Subsistence, with these visuals, then it won't be GOTY quality.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
mysticstylez said:
If I'm able to pull off the moves that you see in the trailers during actual gameplay, then it may be GOTY '08. However MGS games never had GOTY worthy gameplay, just GOTY worthy storytelling. If it plays like MGS3: Subsistence, with these visuals, then it won't be GOTY quality.

It's not the gameplay.
It's not the storytelling.

MGS games have GOTY worthy everything.


Ether_Snake said:
I don't agree but anyway. That's where I think Japanese developers are falling behind (there was a great interview on the subject a few months ago). They remain completely shut, they share no info between companies, and even the team members themselves rarely touch multiple aspects of development even after many years. Modeler one day modeler for ever. In the west it is very different. Here we share info between competing companies, lots of people switch back and forth between different developers and publishers, and team members often end up touching and learning about multiple aspects of the development. For example on the project I work on I do modeling, texturing, lighting, engine-integration, particle effects, soft bodies, anything. I don't do everything at all times, but I can do any of this and do it well. It's the same with 2/3 of the team members (at least in the graphic department), if not more.

I know we all have our different opinions on what MGS should be like, that's why in the end I leave it all up to Kojima Productions and I'm not worried per-se. I'm just disappointed in what's happening in Japan right now. They are clearly falling behind code-wise. Look at the Killzone 2 demo. It looks incredible, but you know what game preceded it, in real-time, as far as the atmosphere was concerned? MGS4, TGS05.

The thing is, that IS what MGS4 could be like, just like that video. We should all be shitting out pants and jumping at the walls in excitement, but since we don't actually see it in front of our eyes right now we don't believe it could have been. But I guarantee you, the TGS05 trailer could be a reality at all levels. Killzone 2 proves this graphics-wise. Look at the beginning of the TGS05 trailer again, look at the environment and the dust, the debris flying around, and the lighting. All of this can be done, it is being done by others in the west, but in Japan it's difficult to pull off because there is a smaller work force and one that is less apt at next-gen development. Excellent shader programmers, AI programmers, etc., must be rare. Just the language barrier alone doesn't help.

Resident Evil 4 gave me hope, so did Shadow of the Colossus, but even then you can tell these teams are at their limits. There is very little more they can do because of the reasons mentioned above. Look at Splinter Cell 5 and how you can grab people and throw them around in so many different ways, how every object can be grabbed properly even after it fell in awkward positions, etc. Japanese companies, to remain profitable, have no time to acquire the resources nor can they develop the tech to make their series evolve further. So you get games like Ninja Gaiden, Virtua Fighter, Ace Combat, Silent Hill 5, or damage-less Grand Turismo.

More can be done. Sorry for believing. If only Japan's excellence in visual presentation and attention to detail could be matched with western technical know-how.

You're crazy, the western developers are the ones falling behind. MGS4 will do everything SC 5 can and more.


Ether_Snake said:
I don't agree but anyway. That's where I think Japanese developers are falling behind (there was a great interview on the subject a few months ago). They remain completely shut, they share no info between companies, and even the team members themselves rarely touch multiple aspects of development even after many years. Modeler one day modeler for ever. In the west it is very different. Here we share info between competing companies, lots of people switch back and forth between different developers and publishers, and team members often end up touching and learning about multiple aspects of the development. For example on the project I work on I do modeling, texturing, lighting, engine-integration, particle effects, soft bodies, anything. I don't do everything at all times, but I can do any of this and do it well. It's the same with 2/3 of the team members (at least in the graphic department), if not more.

I know we all have our different opinions on what MGS should be like, that's why in the end I leave it all up to Kojima Productions and I'm not worried per-se. I'm just disappointed in what's happening in Japan right now. They are clearly falling behind code-wise. Look at the Killzone 2 demo. It looks incredible, but you know what game preceded it, in real-time, as far as the atmosphere was concerned? MGS4, TGS05.

The thing is, that IS what MGS4 could be like, just like that video. We should all be shitting out pants and jumping at the walls in excitement, but since we don't actually see it in front of our eyes right now we don't believe it could have been. But I guarantee you, the TGS05 trailer could be a reality at all levels. Killzone 2 proves this graphics-wise. Look at the beginning of the TGS05 trailer again, look at the environment and the dust, the debris flying around, and the lighting. All of this can be done, it is being done by others in the west, but in Japan it's difficult to pull off because there is a smaller work force and one that is less apt at next-gen development. Excellent shader programmers, AI programmers, etc., must be rare. Just the language barrier alone doesn't help.

Resident Evil 4 gave me hope, so did Shadow of the Colossus, but even then you can tell these teams are at their limits. There is very little more they can do because of the reasons mentioned above. Look at Splinter Cell 5 and how you can grab people and throw them around in so many different ways, how every object can be grabbed properly even after it fell in awkward positions, etc. Japanese companies, to remain profitable, have no time to acquire the resources nor can they develop the tech to make their series evolve further. So you get games like Ninja Gaiden, Virtua Fighter, Ace Combat, Silent Hill 5, or damage-less Grand Turismo.

More can be done. Sorry for believing. If only Japan's excellence in visual presentation and attention to detail could be matched with western technical know-how.

you have your point there.

but i think that the capcomkonamisqueenixnamcosegas in the land of the rising sun are very AWARE of exact this situation and -to stay competitive (aka profitable) on the long (nexgen-)run- are trying to catch up. and so they will.
TTP said:
It's not the gameplay.
It's not the storytelling.

MGS games have GOTY worthy everything.


It's not for everyone but you get out of it what you put into it. There's incredible detail in those games, so much to do. So much replay value. It's full to the brim with great gameplay and subtle touches that not everyone can pick up on.

Control system is a bit archaic but it's just a minor quibble. You can still do a hell of a lot, and pull off whatever you need to do without a hitch, with a little practice.
mysticstylez said:
If I'm able to pull off the moves that you see in the trailers during actual gameplay, then it may be GOTY '08. However MGS games never had GOTY worthy gameplay, just GOTY worthy storytelling. If it plays like MGS3: Subsistence, with these visuals, then it won't be GOTY quality.

I was going to ask how these visuals with MGS3's graphics would be a problem, then I remembered what you said about Killzone 2's graphics and it made sense.


Frog said:
Metal Gear Solid: The Unofficial Site just posted an interview with Jeremy Blaustein, the translator that worked on MGS1 as well as Snatcher and Silent Hill 2. He's pretty bitter about his experiences working on MGS1, and as a result the interview is quite blunt and honest. Quite an interesting listen.


Interesting... I don't know if it's because I am french or anything, but:

Blaustein said:
You know... you know? ... you know ... you know ... you know? So, you know... you know? You know, you know and you know... you know?


JB1981 said:

I am full of shit.
Rich, smooth, creamy shit.


So yea, how about that Metal Gear game? I hear you can read nudie mags, and that there's a fully enabled, robust online component being developed for the PSN...

Also the ability to pick sides and kill who you like, and have it effect gameplay, is a pretty amazing feature. I can't wait for this game.


Mugen said:
You're crazy, the western developers are the ones falling behind. MGS4 will do everything SC 5 can and more.

As much as I love MGS, I have to strongly disagree with this. Pretty much all of the games I'm looking forward to in 2007 are from western developers.

The Jason

Mugen said:
You're crazy, the western developers are the ones falling behind. MGS4 will do everything SC 5 can and more.

Western dev's are not falling behind but japanese devs like square, capcom, konami, namco, ect are not falling behind either. I think Japanese developers have been more uneasy when it comes to spending 20-40 million dollars on one game.


The Jason said:
Western dev's are not falling behind but japanese devs like square, capcom, konami, namco, ect are not falling behind either. I think Japanese developers have been more uneasy when it comes to spending 20-40 million dollars on one game.


I still think if you match up the best developers from every region, Japanese developers will win almost every time. But then again, I prefer the 'feel' of Japanese games...
KTallguy said:

I still think if you match up the best developers from every region, Japanese developers will win almost every time. But then again, I prefer the 'feel' of Japanese games...

with Japanese devs, people are jumping the gun because of Namco's efforts...all the rest: PD, SE, Konami, Capcom, Team ICO, Level 5, even MIstwalker will put out good looking games

The Jason

KTallguy said:

I still think if you match up the best developers from every region, Japanese developers will win almost every time. But then again, I prefer the 'feel' of Japanese games...
holy crap, I was listening to The Doors song "The End" right as I was reading your post and the "ride the snake" part of the song perfectly corresponded with your avatar! :lol
Disarm-moves... took ya long enough. This has been my most wanted gameplay feature for ages. In a game that relies on the hero procuring everything on site, and usually starting out with little to no equipment, it's been bugging the hell out of me not being able to grab the enemies' AK47s to supplement my knife/cigarettes. Add to that the sheer cool-effect of walking up unarmed, stealing a soldier's weapon and using it against them.

I was really hoping for it in MGS3 since they showed some disarms in the intro, but sadly they left it out. MGS4 just got a lot more interesting :p

J2 Cool

Frog said:
Metal Gear Solid: The Unofficial Site just posted an interview with Jeremy Blaustein, the translator that worked on MGS1 as well as Snatcher and Silent Hill 2. He's pretty bitter about his experiences working on MGS1, and as a result the interview is quite blunt and honest. Quite an interesting listen.


Pretty interesting indeed. Of course the interviewers hung a little too closely to his nuts. He didn't play MGS2 or 3. Now 2's absolutely got it's flaws, but on the whole it's a lot more eastern/anime than it is western influenced though that's still there. A lot of Blaustein's criticism's about MGS1 or Kojima in general was that he was cinematically influenced, touched on western cliches, and had a bit of an ego. They really didn't touch on anything he did that was something fresh in MGS2, or the work of MGS3.

But speaking on the translator side of things, it was informative and good stuff. I feel pretty confident in MGS4's translation and voice acting. Ryan Payton being involved, Hayter actually really caring about the game overdone voice or not, and a returning cast. Anyway, I feel bad for Blaustein. Sounds like he did care about the work, and MGS1 was a terrific translation. Especially for the time.


I have 100% trust in Ryan Payton's oversight of the translation. He "gets" what wasn't right in the previous games, and he is much closer to Kojima than the previous people who worked on the translations. Already, MGS3 had an incredible script (I know he didn't work on it), and what we have seen of MGS4' so far is top notch as well, so I'm not worried about that.


The Everyman
Dwayne said:
I'm pretty sure that Kojima isn't retarded, if that helps.
he's not but maybe he caved to criticism dummed down the game a bit. i wouldnt hold it against him but it'd suck for me.


The Everyman
vilmer_ said:
Especially if it's optional. If anything, it gives newcomers another dimension to the experience.

that i'd be fine with. i just doubt im going to be able to revert all the controls back to the way it was for mgo.

el Croux

Could we cobble together the location of all the best quality MGS4 trailers?

The original TGS'05 trailer I had a version once, like the Gamersyde version with the Japanese logo up in the top right. But I swear it was a larger filesize, running at a higher framerate and with a higher bit-rate from the original source compared to the one I've gotten from Gamersyde, as nice as it is.

The E3 '06 trailer. Is the remastered version available anywhere in HD? The original IGN version weighing in at 1GB I remember looking rather swish. A version of that quality but remastered would be great.

The GC '06 trailer. How do the Gamersyde, IGN and Gametrailers versions all compare? Any obvious winner?

The TGS'06 gameplay trailer. Has this ever gotten a direct feed HD release?

The E3 '07 trailer. What's the definitive version? Gamersyde or IGN? Not seen the IGN Insider version.
Well, since I'm not dumb enough to give IGN $20 a year for something that is free elsewhere, they should be disqualified.

It's a toss up between GameTrailers and Gamersyde, though Blim's vids usually run at 60fps.


el Croux said:
Could we cobble together the location of all the best quality MGS4 trailers?

The original TGS'05 trailer I had a version once, like the Gamersyde version with the Japanese logo up in the top right. But I swear it was a larger filesize, running at a higher framerate and with a higher bit-rate from the original source compared to the one I've gotten from Gamersyde, as nice as it is.

The E3 '06 trailer. Is the remastered version available anywhere in HD? The original IGN version weighing in at 1GB I remember looking rather swish. A version of that quality but remastered would be great.

The GC '06 trailer. How do the Gamersyde, IGN and Gametrailers versions all compare? Any obvious winner?

The TGS'06 gameplay trailer. Has this ever gotten a direct feed HD release?

The E3 '07 trailer. What's the definitive version? Gamersyde or IGN? Not seen the IGN Insider version.


They have all the trailers in HD except for the TGS '05 and E3 '06 trailers.


MGO with FPS view is great to me.

I want MGO online to be like the first part of the TGS05 trailer (of course if you play as Snake or a Snake-like character it could be different).
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