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New Nintendo hardware confirmed.

If DS2 were releasing this year, I think Nintendo would have just held off on Pokemon. Gamefreak would have had devkits before nearly anyone else, so why go ahead and do Gen5 now when they could do just like the GBA and wait for the next system?
grandjedi6 said:
Ah, well see I pretty much ignored that thread as I typically see no reason to devoted such time and energy to baseless rumors. But even then is that enough to warrant such a response? The immediate backlash against any suggestion of new hardware is just so odd.
*Back from my bath

Your right, I don't get the fanboy rage on either thread. :/

I find nothing wrong with Nintendo trying to let the DS go on a high note so that they arnt trying to play catch up with DS2. And I can't find whats wrong with Nintendo making a Wii +/HD/Super thats on level with the comp and fixes some HUGE problems with the Wii to help keep the Wii brand sells healthy for the next 3-to-5 years its gonna take for someone to whip out a new console gen now that Nintendo has the threat of Natal and Swaggle/ Jem or w/e on the horizon.

When I look around . . . I just see allot of strangeness in relation to Nintendo and rumors. It feels like tension building . . . like somethings gonna happen . . . like I'm entering a state of clarity after looking at all the rumors and their sources and connecting the dots.

But I'm too afraid to say what I see and the lack of clarity is driving my Gaf Brothers mad so they gather up and pick sides.

darkwing said:
which makes more sense? DS2 or Wii HD?

Well, let's think about it. Which makes more sense: a generational transition for a system that's lived out a full lifespan and whose competition is also likely to launch a new system soon, or a mid-cycle non-backwards-compatible refresh that aims to emulate a feature of its dramatically less successful competition without which it has been selling shitloads anyway?


Black-Wind said:
When I look around . . . I just see allot of strangeness in relation to Nintendo and rumors. It feels like tension building . . . like somethings gonna happen . . . like I'm entering a state of clarity after looking at all the rumors and their sources and connecting the dots.

This read like the detective describing his epiphany while V knocks down the dominoes in V for Vendetta. For that mental image, you have validated this thread.


EmCeeGramr said:
A box that plays some kind of video games, to be released within the next 3 years.
who is willing to bet it isn't? I'm serious. Nintendo is going to pull some sort of ridiculous shit out of their ass on this one I'm betting.


Reading comprehension. You would think a "journalist" would have a grasp of it.

It could be a peripheral. And guess what peripheral Nintendo is developing and has discussed several times? It's not fucking rocket science. Or, it could actually be a gaming platform, with no details on a release date.

Either way, shitty reporting.


He's just talking about the new system(s) that all that R&D is being spent on.

They will both offer something new , not just higher resolution/horsepower versions of previous systems.

We wont see them this year.


So, I came expecting news about the new console, and now I leave wondering what hardware means? New accessory? console or DS2? :(
Jezan said:
So, I came expecting news about the new console, and now I leave wondering what hardware means? New accessory? console or DS2? :(

Hardware=system, which can mean portable

Software=games you play on such system

Accessory=no one cares


Kobun Heat said:
So we're in a thread linking an article that summarizes an article that summarizes another article. I love playing Telephone too!

Let's work back to the original:

This is not a direct quote, this is a summary of what he said, and although I'm not quite sure of some of the subtle phrasing here, it says that Nintendo is working on new hardware and that an announcement could happen soon. Anybody who's better at this than I am is welcome to try to work out whether this is something Miyamoto said or the writer's opinion or what.

Pretty much what I get out of it also. Make an announcement soon/in due course/when it's ready stop asking us. :D
Vinci said:
This read like the detective describing his epiphany while V knocks down the dominoes in V for Vendetta. For that mental image, you have validated this thread.
Lol, thanks! :D
ShockingAlberto said:
If DS2 were releasing this year, I think Nintendo would have just held off on Pokemon. Gamefreak would have had devkits before nearly anyone else, so why go ahead and do Gen5 now when they could do just like the GBA and wait for the next system?
I don't think the reveal/ announcement of a game with not even a single screen shot revealed for this "OMG! YOU WILL BE SAYING "WOW!!! IS THIS REALLY A POKEMON GAME!?!?!?" WHEN YOU PLAY IT! Its innovative and new and reborn and slamming and poppen-fresh with new Pokemon!!!!" dictates much of anything.

They could very well say that this is DS2 exclusive when/ if the thing is revealed. I mean damn, LoZ Wii hasn't stopped people from thinking Nintendo would just say its for Wii HD/+/Super when/ if such a thing were to be revealed and released this year, don't see why we can't do the same with a Pokemon game that we know nothing about other then the figure of a new Pokemon.

charlequin said:
Well, let's think about it. Which makes more sense: a generational transition for a system that's lived out a full lifespan and whose competition is also likely to launch a new system soon, or a mid-cycle non-backwards-compatible refresh that aims to emulate a feature of its dramatically less successful competition without which it has been selling shitloads anyway?
Who said that it would do ANY of that other then being leveled power wise?
These assumptions only muddy up the convo IMO which is why people just call it "Wii HD" . . . because the only thing we can agree that it would do at this point would be HD graphics. :/


charlequin said:
Well, let's think about it. Which makes more sense: a generational transition for a system that's lived out a full lifespan and whose competition is also likely to launch a new system soon, or a mid-cycle non-backwards-compatible refresh that aims to emulate a feature of its dramatically less successful competition without which it has been selling shitloads anyway?

I've seen arguments such that either one could be Wii or DS.


Wouldn't a Tegra 2 DS2 offer more features and power than the Wii? Not to mention that GameCube like graphics would look better on the smaller screen. It'd be crazy if Nintendo's handheld was more capable than their console. :lol


The Take Out Bandit said:
Hopefully a handheld that can pump out 1999-2000 quality 3D visuals; and not another half assed NDS. 3D on DS should be against the Geneva Convention.

My biggest hope. 3D on DS is a literal travesty against mankind. It is such an abomination that surely if early Christians saw it, half the new testament would be scriptures against "laying thine eyes on the devil, for he comes in the night pixelated and having no geometry."


[Nintex] said:
Wouldn't a Tegra 2 DS2 offer more features and power than the Wii? Not to mention that GameCube like graphics would look better on the smaller screen. It'd be crazy if Nintendo's handheld was more capable than their console. :lol

Maybe it's a handheld/home console hybrid ;)


Working on it doesn't mean you'll see it this year, the next year, or ever at all (like the portable third pillar). I wish people stopped asking about these and just focus on what we have now. Wouldn't you rather Square show us Dragon Quest X and look forward to seeing the new Zelda etc instead of see yet another hardware upgrade? Software <3
Yeah, I want software. I don't want another DS that is going to be outdated in two years when the PSP2 launches, or a Wii in HD when I already have a bunch of VC games that are going to be a pain to transfer.

You guys love spending money.


Maturity, bitches.
Nirolak said:
I was hoping for an underwear vending machine.

Nintendo finally wins over the core gamers again.
Amir0x said:
My biggest hope. 3D on DS is a literal travesty against mankind. It is such an abomination that surely if early Christians saw it, half the new testament would be scriptures against "laying thine eyes on the devil, for he comes in the night pixelated and having no geometry."

you try too hard.

Anyhoo, for people using the Pokemon thing as an excuse why a DS2 isn't happening...well, I mean, did Nintendo wait to make Paper Mario for Gamecube? Majora's Mask? Who's to say that the new Pokemon won't be playable on a theoretical NEW DS (which it definitely will be)? That argument is flawed–just because a new Pokemon game is coming out doesn't mean anything regarding Nintendo's hardware decisions.
Black-Wind said:
They could very well say that this is DS2 exclusive when/ if the thing is revealed. I mean damn, LoZ Wii hasn't stopped people from thinking Nintendo would just say its for Wii HD/+/Super when/ if such a thing were to be revealed and released this year, don't see why we can't do the same with a Pokemon game that we know nothing about other then the figure of a new Pokemon.
Except that they announced it as a DS game when they could have just not said anything.

I'll take it to mean they are working on a DS game rather than it being an Enron-like conspiracy where they're announcing it as one thing in a great effort to fool people.


ShockingAlberto said:
Except that they announced it as a DS game when they could have just not said anything.

I'll take it to mean they are working on a DS game rather than it being an Enron-like conspiracy where they're announcing it as one thing in a great effort to fool people.
There's a Pearl Harbor joke in here somewhere


Nicely coincides with the GDC rumor, gotta be DS2... but the real question is will it be able to handle Dudebro.


I don't understand why this is anything major. all three companies have to start thinking about the next generation of consoles sometime. Probably less than a year after their consoles released. Nintendo may be working on something, but it'll likely be a couple years before they officially announce anything, let alone release it.

And to the people shouting for a DS sucessor: it isn't going to happen any time soon. The DSi isn't even a year old yet and is selling really well. Nintendo aren't about to abandon it.


pirata said:
That'd be pretty cool. Yet, I bet that somewhere in Japan one of those already exist.

Not one that sells clean, unused underwear...

DS with a top screen that is 3D is the smart money bet though. Virtual boy without glasses and with a touch screen hits all the bases.
nli10 said:
Not one that sells clean, unused underwear...

DS with a top screen that is 3D is the smart money bet though. Virtual boy without glasses and with a touch screen hits all the bases.
3D screen that doesn't require glasses? What's the tech?
And to the people shouting for a DS sucessor: it isn't going to happen any time soon. The DSi isn't even a year old yet and is selling really well. Nintendo aren't about to abandon it.

And that's kind of bullshit, because we've SEEN Nintendo do exactly this with the GBA SP. Hell, the Micro came out AFTER the DS did.
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