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New Nintendo hardware confirmed.

DeathbyVolcano said:
And that's kind of bullshit, because we've SEEN Nintendo do exactly this with the GBA SP. Hell, the Micro came out AFTER the DS did.
GBA SP hit in Japan in February 2003, America a month later.

DS hit in November of 2004.

So a little less than two years.
ShockingAlberto said:
GBA SP hit in Japan in February 2003, America a month later.

DS hit in November of 2004.

So a little less than two years.

That's...exactly my point. DSi came out last April...we can assume that the rumors are pointing to a end of year release for another handheld...what's so out of the ordinary?


charlequin said:
Well, let's think about it. Which makes more sense: a generational transition for a system that's lived out a full lifespan and whose competition is also likely to launch a new system soon, or a mid-cycle non-backwards-compatible refresh that aims to emulate a feature of its dramatically less successful competition without which it has been selling shitloads anyway?


But yeah, DS2. And even that's unlikely.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
[Nintex] said:
With all the Iwata's asks floating around finding quotes of the man isn't that easy.

Here's some nuggets I was able to find:

I've also dug up this from one my old hard drives:

The Japanese were right on the money when they said that Nintendo switched from an all new console to new controllers and upgraded sound and graphics for the GameCube that turned out to be the Wii.
That's interesting. I had never heard of such reports before.
ShockingAlberto said:
They're prototyping it in TVs now, but they have shit viewing angles and would be prohibitively expensive in a handheld.
I think I know how it would be accomplished... Double the horizontal resolution, and then have an overlay that restricts each eye to viewing either even or odd columns dependent on the viewing angle. They've used them in those image changing cards for years. I just hadn't been aware of anyone applying it to LCD displays before. That would provide a rather shitty viewing angle too. Might be appropriate for a handheld, but could cause problems due to how close the LCD is to the user.
DeathbyVolcano said:
That's...exactly my point. DSi came out last April...we can assume that the rumors are pointing to a end of year release for another handheld...what's so out of the ordinary?
Well, I wasn't really arguing so much as showing that he said "It hasn't even been a year" and presenting the facts, but I will say the GBA/DS situation is incredibly different from the DS/DS2 situation.


DeathbyVolcano said:
That's...exactly my point. DSi came out last April...we can assume that the rumors are pointing to a end of year release for another handheld...what's so out of the ordinary?

You'd do well to realize that the DS is not a Gameboy successor but just fell into the role (Nintendo had a GB succesor that was cancelled when the DS took off). That's where people get hung up on these rumors. It's unfathomable to most to think new hardware outside of those two are possible, and yet as far as any of these rumors go it's the most likely scenario.
Is it though? The Game Boy platform was still very successful before the DS was even announced, all revisions included. I don't think it's prudent, when dealing with Nintendo, to base all your assumptions on their future business decisions off of how healthy a product is.


DeathbyVolcano said:
And that's kind of bullshit, because we've SEEN Nintendo do exactly this with the GBA SP. Hell, the Micro came out AFTER the DS did.

As I recall (correct me if I'm wrong), the Micro was basically created for NOA, who didn't want to stop selling the GBA.

NOA's current position is that they don't want to stop selling the DS Lite.

So basically, putting out a totally new handheld platform at this point means NOA gets caught out two systems behind.
DeathbyVolcano said:
Is it though? The Game Boy platform was still very successful before the DS was even announced, all revisions included. I don't think it's prudent, when dealing with Nintendo, to base all your assumptions on their future business decisions off of how healthy a product is.
It's not a matter of GBA's health at the time, but GBA's presumed health in the face of competition. Nintendo correctly assumed that the PSP was a GBA but better in every way. They had to release something else to compete.

Is the PSP2 going to be a DS but better in every way? It would be stunningly stupid of Nintendo to show their hand first.
I don't think Nintendo needs to worry too much about Sony's handheld decisions, based on their recent, erm, ventures in the handheld market. Might as well be more concerned about Apple, to be honest.


Black-Wind said:
*Back from my bath

Your right, I don't get the fanboy rage on either thread. :/

I find nothing wrong with Nintendo trying to let the DS go on a high note so that they arnt trying to play catch up with DS2. And I can't find whats wrong with Nintendo making a Wii +/HD/Super thats on level with the comp and fixes some HUGE problems with the Wii to help keep the Wii brand sells healthy for the next 3-to-5 years its gonna take for someone to whip out a new console gen now that Nintendo has the threat of Natal and Swaggle/ Jem or w/e on the horizon.

When I look around . . . I just see allot of strangeness in relation to Nintendo and rumors. It feels like tension building . . . like somethings gonna happen . . . like I'm entering a state of clarity after looking at all the rumors and their sources and connecting the dots.

But I'm too afraid to say what I see and the lack of clarity is driving my Gaf Brothers mad so they gather up and pick sides.


Go ahead and blurt out your idea's...there's some of us open for speculation anytime! I've actually been blasted on this forum for doing it too much, especially with my portable/console hybrid (AKA 3RD Pillar) ideas...which seem to be having a following now.

I'm not against a next-gen DS, in fact, I believe it would come before any form of a "Wii HD" would...plus it's more needed. It's just I don't think it's coming as soon as most are saying.

The PokeMon "evidence" is sorta, meh...they may just be assuring people with the current DS (and potential current DS buyers) that the next PokeMon is coming to it and not to the next DS. That doesn't rule out DS's successor coming out near then either. I think the next PokeMon would actually coincide near the launch of the next DS even though it's for the current DS. That way they get more money from the huge base of current DS owners while capitalizing on the obvious "Next DS" exclussive features like they did with past big-time handheld transitional titles.

Onto the "next" Wii...
I think it's a ways off (not this year). Think about the following 2 strategies...

#1- Half-Assed Mid-Gen Bump Super Wii HD + 2 Electric Boogaloo Pachter Edition
Okay, so let's say this potentially PS360-level Wii comes this year...in the face of PS360, it's going to look desperate and too soon. Natal & Arc make it more difficult in this strategy 'cos to get the "maximum effect" with them you just have to buy those peripherals for their established systems, to get the "maximum effect" with Nintendo you'd have to buy this whole new system that won't be established (starting over) and thusly could greatly backfire in a multitude of ways including current Wii owners who're basically forced to re-investing in a new system which could in turn cause them to go with one of the more established HD twins instead. You can talk of a Wii HD coming soon being "preimptive" but the bulk of the Wii userbase (being new buyers) will see the Wii brand as something they have to upgrade every two or three years which isn't a good investment when the PS360 have much longer lifespans as a result. And let's face the facts, even a full-scale Wii HD dream machine would still NOT be on-level with the more established HD twins...it just wouldn't. Then, Nintendo is put in the same red ocean possition again when they have to play catch up to PS4/X720 once they come out (which can now be sooner since the market leader decided to cut this generation short allowing the competition to do likewise).

#2- What Actually Should Happen
Nintendo is market leader, there's no real pressure on them to have to add HD, that's not what the Wii has been about anyways, otherwise it wouldn't (still) be doing so well. They are established as the new control scheme/motion controls/casual destination, Natal/Arc are reactions from the competition. Vitality Sensor will be Nintendo's way of raising the bar before the competition even gets there. When Natal/Arc/3D all fail to reach the mass appeal that Wii has garnered then Sony/MS will be forced to move into next generation that much sooner to try to uphend Nintendo as market leader...THEN...that's when Nintendo should release thier next console, in line, so it's not brick-walling the current Wii's (and it's users) until then. Doing so any sooner may give them a "head start" in one way, but it could potentially mean the competition can copy whatever innovations the next Wii might have...we all know Nintendo is secretive like that, they're also not one's to start a new generation first, especially when they're the market leader. In the mean time until this "next" Wii comes out next generation they can leave the consumers wanting more (HD) while also keeping the competion guessing what else they'll do until then.


Back to my portable/console next-gen DS 3RD Pillar idea...it potentially could satisfy lot's of different market needs by itself even before a stop-gap mid-gen Wii HD would be needed. That is if the next DS will have a Tegra2 powered/HDMI output design.
It's going to be the return of the Gameboy. They will have the DS for cartridge / new games, Wii for console, and Gameboy for Virtual Console that plays all the old Gameboy games that has a slot that can play any Gameboy cartridge.


Gamebro: MSIFUSIHTS/SY2 special collectors limited edition!

'Gameboys grown up!'

People actually think Natal or Gem will threaten the Wii >_<?

Thats like saying India threatened Alexander the great... After he conquored most of the known world!
ShockingAlberto said:
Except that they announced it as a DS game when they could have just not said anything.

I'll take it to mean they are working on a DS game rather than it being an Enron-like conspiracy where they're announcing it as one thing in a great effort to fool people.
Sorry but things arnt that simple.

Theres a Pokemon movie featuring these new 5th gen Pokemon taht people still don't know that comes out in a matter of months. Got to promote that because thats gonna promote the games.

And if the game is gonna come out in Japan sometime this year they are gonna need people to know about it. So yeah . . . I think its in their best interest to promote this game with or with out DS2 being known of if its DS2 exclusive AND if DS2 is soon to be revealed. They would simply lay off showing screens and vids and rely on Pokemon reveals if it looks like something DS can't do.

Its not really a "conspiracy" at all. :/

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
VGChampion said:
It's going to be the return of the Gameboy. They will have the DS for cartridge / new games, Wii for console, and Gameboy for Virtual Console that plays all the old Gameboy games that has a slot that can play any Gameboy cartridge. $99

The Gameboy Advance then?
Two GBAs duct-taped together or just one will do?
Dogenzaka said:
A white box, thinner than the Wii, that plays all the games for you.

The only button for the entire platform is ON/OFF.

Still doesn't do HD.
And the fanboys would still tell everyone it is the greatest thing ever created and anyone who isn't interested in it doesn't know how to have fun.
If miyamoto is talking that means they are ready to announce it to the public
they are always working in a new system, I hope is not nintendo next console system, but the new ds or portable device.


It would be nice to have a new system that finally gets support from third parties (or at least it would be easier) but I really don't want to spend the money.
Black-Wind said:
Sorry but things arnt that simple.

Theres a Pokemon movie featuring these new 5th gen Pokemon taht people still don't know that comes out in a matter of months. Got to promote that because thats gonna promote the games.

And if the game is gonna come out in Japan sometime this year they are gonna need people to know about it. So yeah . . . I think its in their best interest to promote this game with or with out DS2 being known of if its DS2 exclusive AND if DS2 is soon to be revealed. They would simply lay off showing screens and vids and rely on Pokemon reveals if it looks like something DS can't do.

Its not really a "conspiracy" at all. :/

Lucario was revealed in early 2004, a month or two after Fire Red and Leaf Green came out. They didn't say it was a GBA game, they just said it was for the next Pokemon generation.

So they're doing it differently now because ????
I read that Ubisoft talked about it, and even THQ, first I thought it was just a rumor but since Miyamoto is talking it is coming this year or next one.
This means UBI and THQ are working already for it.
I like this strategy since some people think it is Ipod strategy but it not since they released the DS XL.
Microphone and Sony got to worry about Nintendo.
Since nintendo is the leader and leads the way of gaming industry.


which1spink said:

:D [/thread]

I wonder who made that mockup. It's really well done but there's not enough buttons.
PhatPhucGabe said:
And the fanboys would still tell everyone it is the greatest thing ever created and anyone who isn't interested in it doesn't know how to have fun.

You know what they say about glass houses, don't you?


It's still probably too soon for a Wii update, but boy, the base hardware for the DS is definitely getting old so hopefully it's a new handheld.
ShockingAlberto said:

Lucario was revealed in early 2004, a month or two after Fire Red and Leaf Green came out. They didn't say it was a GBA game, they just said it was for the next Pokemon generation.

So they're doing it differently now because ????
Because the game is coming out this year, the movie SHOWING the next gen of Pokemon is coming out at the half point of this year and its important to gather hype for it (the game).

The 4th gen came out in 2006 . . . 2 years into the DS's life and 2 years after the 7th Pokemon movie which featured the first known 4th gen Pokemon (Mucnhlax) was out which was months after the DS was revealed (Jan-20/2004). There was NO reason to say the 4th gen was GBA . . . the DS was revealed before the first 4th pokemon was and 2 years before they were gonna release the games.

I do believe this is the first time the first new gen Pokemon has been revealed for a new gen the exact same year the game comes out.

Shit is already crazy, which is why some people STILL don't think this is the 5th gen.


Neo Member
Really hope they tighten the approval process for games for whatever this is. Shovelware is an epidemic on Nintendo consoles.

Eteric Rice

Err, wouldn't Tegra be backwards compatible with the DS? They could release a Pokemon game and release a new handheld at a later date.


Unconfirmed Member
Instro said:
How much do Sony and MS spend, out of interest?

Not sure about MS, but my guess is that Sony has spent billions into the R&D of the Cell processor.
Wii games look worse by comparison each year. I want it to be the Wii successor because of that, alone. It's likely another handheld though.
It's a future-gen, HD console built in collaboration with Microsoft, XWii 720, the result of a massive shadow campaign to dethrone Sony started in the late 1990s.

The plan was to build two fronts on which to fight the PlayStation brand, then surprise the competition by combining fronts after both were strong enough. Nintendo "threw" the GC generation so the Xbox 1 could get a toehold in the market, but now that the X360 and Wii are market leaders, the time for their Voltron-like amalgamation is upon us.


Proof is in the pudding.
MattyGrovesOrMe said:
It's a future-gen, HD console built in collaboration with Microsoft, XWii 720, the result of a massive shadow campaign to dethrone Sony started in the late 1990s.

The plan was to build two fronts on which to fight the PlayStation brand, then surprise the competition by combining fronts after both were strong enough. Nintendo "threw" the GC generation so the Xbox 1 could get a toehold in the market, but now that the X360 and Wii are market leaders, the time for their Voltron-like amalgamation is upon us.


Proof is in the pudding.
That is a big insult, that is just a picture, besides Nintendo is the leader in the market xbox360 is not, and ps3 is catching up.
Microsoft wanted to buy nintendo lol, and even sega but both said "no"
and then they came out with their video game system, proving that just with money they can have a gaming machine without any knowledge about gaming
To this day m$ still has money in nintendo
I hope they never buy nintendo, M$ sucks Ubuntu linux will beat them one day.
MattyGrovesOrMe said:
It's a future-gen, HD console built in collaboration with Microsoft, XWii 720, the result of a massive shadow campaign to dethrone Sony started in the late 1990s.

The plan was to build two fronts on which to fight the PlayStation brand, then surprise the competition by combining fronts after both were strong enough. Nintendo "threw" the GC generation so the Xbox 1 could get a toehold in the market, but now that the X360 and Wii are market leaders, the time for their Voltron-like amalgamation is upon us.

Proof is in the pudding.

The reliability of a Nintendo console and an online experience of the 360. That would be nice. What event is that image from?

Nir3m3diados said:
That is a big insult, that is just a picture, besides Nintendo is the leader in the market xbox360 is not, and ps3 is catching up.
Microsoft wanted to buy nintendo lol, and even sega but both said "no"
and then they came out with their video game system, proving that just with money they can have a gaming machine without any knowledge about gaming
To this day m$ still has money in nintendo
I hope they never buy nintendo, M$ sucks Ubuntu linux will beat them one day.
When was this? I don't remember - is there an article?
MattyGrovesOrMe said:
I kinda think the picture of Bill Gates shaking Yamauchi's hand is akin to a tasty dessert of some sort.

Aged Nerd Cheese Cake?

FullMetal said:
The reliability of a Nintendo console and an online experience of the 360. That would be nice. What event is that image from?

I think that was the 1998 StoneCutters retreat.


force push the doodoo rock
ShockingAlberto said:
They're prototyping it in TVs now, but they have shit viewing angles and would be prohibitively expensive in a handheld.

There was a cell phone here a few seasons back here that had one of these screens, pretty much made me want to throw up after 30 seconds of looking at it.
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