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Nintendo to meet UK retailers after unofficial Wii U price cuts fail


Really everyone is so reacting quickly, this become even childish. 4 months on the market only, people are over-reacting, and it's not like desert shedules are new, pretty much every system have it a couple month after initial release.
I think the current state of EU economy, and the UK VG retailers recent past news make everyone pretty stressfull.

Nobody is overreacting. There isn't analysis on the long term sales because we don't know. What we do know is that current sales are absolutely abysmal. And this isn't even trying to compare it to the Wii. On its own, it's bad.
They should be giving up on their executive management team. Nintendo has failed on every level.

The problem is now trickling down to game distribution. Fire Emblem is just the start.

The one bright spot is the lack of ads meaning few know the system exist which means a relaunch this year is possible


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Software sells hardware. You can price the hardware as low as you like, without attractive software it's pointless.

I like Iwata but he has failed to deliver on his promise of more consistent first party software releases. By this stage in it's life the second wave of 3DS software (3D Land, Starfox, Mario Kart, Zelda) was about to arrive. We don't even have Game and Wario yet.
throughout human history, large groups of people (groups of experts, too) have fallen into the easy mistake of misjudging a situation only to be proven wrong later. my opinion doesn't need a rigorous defense because it's a gut-level qualitative guess.

That's fine, but it just seems odd to me that you would enter into the thread, declare others as guilty of kneejerk panic who are basing their analysis on actual warning signs that are showing up, and your rationale for this dismissal is simply your own "gut-level qualitative guess."

That's not to suggest that I think Nintendo fans are mistaken in being optimistic that some of the big Nintendo heavy hitters can do well to right the course of this particular ship. But we're in month five now of having actual indicators we can react to. Sure, Nintendo can react and turn it around, but dismissing current analysis as short-sighted in favor of having faith in Nintendo's ability to turn things around hardly seems like something worth hanging one's hat on in terms of claiming the upper ground in this debate.


Yes they do. I loved my Gamecube but I remember only one of my friends owned one and I also remember the droughts!!

Yeah I own one but no one else who i know does or did and I only picked one up a couple months after its launch out of curiosity.
Would packing up and giving up on the UK be a good decision? Just seems like a lost cause to me.

Largest gaming market in Europe, and third largest market in the world for consoles. Second largest in terms of per capita spend on console gaming.

Not a market companies would want to leave.

To put into perspective the problems Nintendo are having, the statistics today said that retail sales are up 2.6% YoY basically down to an increase in technology products, essentially tablets and smartphones. That is an area where Nintendo have zero presence but is up over 5% YoY and responsible for the bulk of UK retail growth.

Sony and MS are both involved in these markets either directly (Xperia) or by proxy (WP8/W8) and Nintendo need to find a way to make that market work for them. I'm not saying Mario in iOS/Android, but they do need to make it work.
The one bright spot is the lack of ads meaning few know the system exist which means a relaunch this year is possible

I wonder at this point how much an expensive rebranding strategy (Wii U -> different name + actually effective advertising) would actually impact casual sales.

They'd have to couple it with a slew of new titles, of course.

....Or is it the case that the high-level concepts behind the console are just fundamentally flawed (cf. Virtual Boy), and it can NEVER be successful in any incarnation due to market conditions?


I don't get all this commotion. This is just Nintendo without the help of motion control craze. They're back to their normal numbers.

Both the N64 and Cube underperformed in the Uk.

The Wii craze is long over. I think the issue here is that people expected Nintendo to remain popular.

Wow... this post really nailed it, IMO. I never thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense. They are just back to "Normal" now...

They had a good 5 golden years with the Wii. It had the kind of success that we simply won't see again for a very very long time...


I guess this is a concern since retailers only really needed to keep the PS2 around when this gens three new machines were out as well as the 2 handhelds.

Keeping 5 systems and more than likely 3 handhelds (since the DS is still selling more software than 3ds and Vita), theres not alot of space for that.

I know it will be a nightmare for my local Game.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Stop this Vita VS Wii U nonsense, both sides act fucking pathetic

Two cool platforms are selling bad and most of you have nothing better in mind than trying to provoke each other until names fade into gray; it's annoying

I would vouch for the Vita being cool, as I'm a day one purchaser. However, I can concede that the Vita is a great machine for which there is a market of limited area of opportunity.

I'm still lost at the place of the Wii U. It is a console that is slightly above par with consoles from 2005/2006. I've long thought that publishers and developers mostly look at Nintendo consoles, save for handhelds, with disgust. Their efforts on the Nintendo consoles state as such. We've seen this phenomenon since the Nintendo 64. Why is anyone really surprised at this point?


There's a Nintendo UK??!

Srsly though; I expect the meeting will be as follows:

Nintendo: PSYCHE! We were yanking your chain, that wasn't really the launch, we just didn't want to be coming to the market around the time ps4/720 were announced. This is the launch - We'll actually start aknowledging WiiUs existence/promoting it now. Don't worry. [laughs]

Shops: You guys! [laughs]


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
Worldwide Wiiu sales are abysmal. They shouldnt be giving up anywhere

Yeah. Sales are truly awful everywhere. Nintendo needs to get incredibly aggressive with each of its markets by actually allowing those branches some autonomy. This monolithic, top-down approach to running the business has driven it into the ground.

Good lord, I could go on all day about how outdated Nintendo's business model is, but pretending that things aren't changing doesn't mean it's true, it just means you get left behind as more progressive companies steamroll over you. I know it's a scary prospect around here, but if there is any company that needs to dive headfirst into the F2P model, it's fucking Nintendo. 5 million concurrent LoL players doesn't lie. Neither do the massive revenues top F2P companies are pulling in.


Microsoft price cut the 360 around 10 months in, August after their launch... I don't think it would make too much of a material difference now to Nintendo to cut the price a little earlier than that. When we know a price for PS4 and the new Xbox, shortly after that is when I expect the first price cut.

August 2007, so 21 months in both US and UK: http://vgsales.wikia.com/wiki/Price_cuts

off topic, but it is pretty ridiculous that 360 price is still $199/$299 so it has only been cut $100 in its (US) lifetime
The one bright spot is the lack of ads meaning few know the system exist which means a relaunch this year is possible

Again, Marketing is a huge mess.

Fire Emblem can easily be a multi million seller worldwide, hell in could be one in the US alone.

But Nintendo wastes marketing dollars on titles that are sure to hit and the games that need it get left to hang dry.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Again, Marketing is a huge mess.

Fire Emblem can easily be a multi million seller worldwide, hell in could be one in the US alone.

But Nintendo wastes marketing dollars on titles that are sure to hit and the games that need it get left to hang dry.

...They marketed Fire Emblem: Awakening, the hell are you talking about.


People really see the Wii U competing with the Ps4 or the next Xbox?

The console is struggling without them. Don't think it'll become better for Nintendo once they're around.


People really see the Wii U competing with the Ps4 or the next Xbox?

The console is struggling without them. Don't think it'll become better for Nintendo once they're around.

People are assuming that by then Nintendo will have been able to start releasing and announcing games. If they still have nothing to show, then, yeah, they won't be able to compete.


I really like my Wii U fwiw. NSMBU is decent, Nintendoland is actually really fun in multiplayer, yes there are a lack of games but you know in the end that Nintendo will sort their shit out and deliver great exclusive titles tbh.


Would packing up and giving up on the UK be a good decision? Just seems like a lost cause to me.

What kind of message would it send out to competitors and what would it say about their ability to compete globally if they can't operate in one of the major component parts of the EU market?


Again, Marketing is a huge mess.

Fire Emblem can easily be a multi million seller worldwide, hell in could be one in the US alone.

But Nintendo wastes marketing dollars on titles that are sure to hit and the games that need it get left to hang dry.

Lets not get crazy now and they honestly did more to promote the game than I was expecting. As for the Wii U it looks like Nintendo just stopped airing the launch ads and haven't put out a new HW ad yet. This is probably because of the reception the first one got so it'll be interesting to see what they air around the time their big games come out.


That's fine, but it just seems odd to me that you would enter into the thread, declare others as guilty of kneejerk panic who are basing their analysis on actual warning signs that are showing up, and your rationale for this dismissal is simply your own "gut-level qualitative guess."

All of these threads are based on news that is derivative of the same exact data and its manifestation in the marketplace. And if you look at all the related threads, the same exact points are being brought up over and over for discussion. That's fine. But just like you find my statement "odd," I find it odd people repeat the same arguments nonstop when the data hasn't changed much.

And all I've ever done was post in two threads (maybe three) about people being "proven wrong" about the viability of this console platform. Why? Because they are mixing the bad launch data with forecasting for the future. I can't control people quoting me. I've never claimed any upper ground. And I've never dismissed the sales data.
Microsoft price cut the 360 around 10 months in, August after their launch... I don't think it would make too much of a material difference now to Nintendo to cut the price a little earlier than that. When we know a price for PS4 and the new Xbox, shortly after that is when I expect the first price cut.

Sixth months for PS3 in the UK. £425 in March to £349 in October. 40GB introduced as well for £299.

It is possible for Nintendo to cut the price in April/May without going all ambassadorial on us.
The best thing Nintendo has going for them are the possible anti-consumer features of the PS4 and 720. For me, the only reason I would consider a WiiU is if the PS4 and 720 are simply too anti-consumer for me to buy.


Threads like these aren't even that long any more because none of this comes as a surprise and a lot of the things here have been said before. Not that I intend to devalue or disagree with the general sentiment.

Nintendo needs to act and I am strongly interested in seeing their plans during the annual results briefing.

Again, Marketing is a huge mess.

Fire Emblem can easily be a multi million seller worldwide, hell in could be one in the US alone.

But Nintendo wastes marketing dollars on titles that are sure to hit and the games that need it get left to hang dry.

Generally I don't really disagree but Fire Emblem is a poor example. Not only do I doubt its multi million selling potential, the marketing wasn't the problem - the launch logistics were.

...They marketed Fire Emblem: Awakening, the hell are you talking about.

This. It was a major logistics failure. One I hope does not repeat in Europe.
Part of my job is to visit stores and i have been in several that have had people asking to buy just the Wii U GamePad because they think it's just that part that upgrades the Wii into a Wii U. Not on a large scale, but just enough to make me think that Nintendo should have abandoned the Wii name with this console.

Exactly my point, people not as involved with gaming do not understand why they should a few hundred pounds to buy a second Wii.

With a different name things might have been different. Not vastly so, Nintendos time as a gimmicky fad is clearly over.

I dont understand all the personal feelings regarding Vita/Wii u. Both are tanking, why get upset when people point it out?

Unless of course you have substantial shares in both companies, otherwise shut up.

The Hermit

My assumption is that Nintendo have been waiting out the post-holiday results, the unofficial cuts and the financial year before making any official moves. If I was in their shoes:

-- Price cut, as deep as they can go. Make it a one-time cut and do it now. 3DS redux.
-- All of those delayed games? Get them out now. I'm assuming this is why they were shifted back, to give the system momentum into the back of the year.
-- New ad campaign, clearly separating it from the Wii.

Relaunch the system basically. Everything about the post launch is so pathetic it almost feels on purpose...


It's unbelievable how Nintendo didn't see it. I wonder how much denial they were in during the lead up to the Wii U launch.

I suspect they learned pretty much immediately that it had absolutely zero appeal with the "casual" Wii audience... parents/grandparents/etc who purchased it for the novelty of the motion control and fitness aspects.

That's why:
- There is still no release of a "sports" or "fit" title for WiiU
- They gripped hard onto the "core gamer" from the beginning announcement

But I feel they still knew that the "core" appeal was very lacking, even before launch. They invested so much into the platform, that in the end they couldn't NOT launch it... now they are just trying to make as many pennies as they can from the thing as possible.

The Wii launched 5 years after Gamecube. I expect Nintendo's next console to come even sooner.


Part of my job is to visit stores and i have been in several that have had people asking to buy just the Wii U GamePad because they think it's just that part that upgrades the Wii into a Wii U. Not on a large scale, but just enough to make me think that Nintendo should have abandoned the Wii name with this console.

Or simply been 100% clear as to what the damn Wii U was. The advertising they have done never fully explain what it was in simple terms. The spent to much time on just getting the name out there and trying to make it seem cool which was beyond stupid. The damn system needs an infomercial to undo the damage that was done. Clear marketing material explaining the difference between the Wii and Wii U. That's not complicated at all.

The general lack of interest in the system I think can be solved by games. Not ports but new games. Games that are properly advertised and backed. Some games have to take Nintendo out of their comfortable zone because they will not be supplied by anyone else. It sucks but this is why whatever is coming from Retro Studios is so damn important. Why Monolith Soft's X must deliver as well. Why those companies must be capable of developing more then one major game at a time.

I've been hoping that E3 will be treated as a relaunch of the system. Whatever they need to do they must do it around that time.


The best thing Nintendo has going for them are the possible anti-consumer features of the PS4 and 720. For me, the only reason I would consider a WiiU is if the PS4 and 720 are simply too anti-consumer for me to buy.

Unlike Nintendo's account system, which is pro-consumer, or their insistance on region locking their mobile console? More pro-consumerism.


People are assuming that by then Nintendo will have been able to start releasing and announcing games. If they still have nothing to show, then, yeah, they won't be able to compete.

Ok, so Mario Kart and Smash 4 are released. Then what?

I'm expecting massive droughs between the big releases. The Wii could handle it because of the hype surrounding Wii Sports and WiiFit. But the U will remain to struggle, considering 3rd parties are focusing on Sony's and MS' consoles again and the U just isn't generating any hype with its tab@et controler.

I'm just not seeing the U competing with the new consoles.


I know it's a scary prospect around here, but if there is any company that needs to dive headfirst into the F2P model, it's fucking Nintendo. 5 million concurrent LoL players doesn't lie. Neither do the massive revenues top F2P companies are pulling in.

A F2P based console from "Nintendo" is one revelation that I could honestly see being as successful as the Wii...

Heck... don't release a new console for it... Convert WiiU into a 100% F2P platform.
A lot of people here are saying marketing price cut and software will solve the problem. NSMBWiiU is out and it was huge seller on the Wii, yet it´s not selling on the WiiU as well as the Wii. Yeah the Wii had a much bigger user base, but that does not mean a huge Mario seller from previous gen cannot sustain its sales and push the console. Price does not matter if the product is unappealing. I mean really this shows when the WiiU´s price is reduced by £50 pounds and still getting outsold by the Vita. While tablets and smart phones sell at great at a much higher price.


This console is looking more and more like a clusterfuck.

As time passes it becomes more apparent that Nintendo really don't have a strategy apart from hoping for the best. It is incredibly poor.

I own a Wii U, and while I won't cry over the spilt milk of spending 300 quid so far it is a complete waste outside Zombi U, and to a lesser extent Monster Hunter. I know many will say but they will release a new Mario, a new Zelda and maybe a new Metroid! But when? In the next 6-12 months when they need to release software? Highly doubtful. Nintendo still haven't managed to supply a launch date, let alone ship Pikmin 3.


Ok, so Mario Kart and Smash 4 are released. Then what?

I'm expecting massive droughs between the big releases. The Wii could handle it because of the hype surrounding Wii Sports and WiiFit. But the U will remain to struggle, considering 3rd parties are focusing on Sony's and MS' consoles again and the U just isn't generating any hype with its tab@et controler.

I'm just not seeing the U competing with the new consoles.

The console doesn't need to sell like the other consoles as long as Nintendo can make it profitable for themselves. At least one exclusive a month would be good once they get it together.

Also, if Miyamoto's project is what I think it is it could have pretty big potential if handled correctly.
Unlike Nintendo's account system, which is pro-consumer, or their insistance on region locking their mobile console? More pro-consumerism.

I never said they were completely pro-consumer, I would never say that about Nintendo.

Anyway, I think they will discontinue the Basic model soon.
The console doesn't need to sell like the other consoles as long as Nintendo can make it profitable for themselves. At least one exclusive a month would be good once they get it together.

Also, if Miyamoto's project is what I think it is it could have pretty big potential if handled correctly.
What do you think it is?


Again, Marketing is a huge mess.

Fire Emblem can easily be a multi million seller worldwide, hell in could be one in the US alone.

But Nintendo wastes marketing dollars on titles that are sure to hit and the games that need it get left to hang dry.

Fire Emblem could be a million seller in the US? Are you serious? You really believe A niche, anime SRPG could pull those numbers?

What makes you think that?
The console doesn't need to sell like the other consoles as long as Nintendo can make it profitable for themselves. At least one exclusive a month would be good once they get it together.

Also, if Miyamoto's project is what I think it is it could have pretty big potential if handled correctly.

Yeah, why be massively successful and have ambition to be number one when you can settle for just being barely profitable...
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