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No Man's Sky Spoiler Thread


Only for coming across a random person. Coordinating to meet in the same place in NMS isn't random or based on chance. It's entirely methodical, unlike the scenario you presented.

I haven't followed this thread super close but that's assuming you have a bunch of technical data at your disposal. It'd be one thing to say " I'm at x coordinates " which would have to be x,y,z . But without that you have no way of knowing where to even start to meet .


I haven't followed this thread super close but that's assuming you have a bunch of technical data at your disposal. It'd be one thing to say " I'm at x coordinates " which would have to be x,y,z . But without that you have no way of knowing where to even start to meet .

friends appear on the galactic map so you do have a huge help there already.


I haven't followed this thread super close but that's assuming you have a bunch of technical data at your disposal. It'd be one thing to say " I'm at x coordinates " which would have to be x,y,z . But without that you have no way of knowing where to even start to meet .
2nd star to the right, straight on 'til morning.

Shamefully taken from the rebel galaxy ot


friends appear on the galactic map so you do have a huge help there already.

That helps yes but does it track where they are in real time ? Because without that it would be real hard . I'm sure if possible someone will do it but what if that coordination took 10-20 hours of straight navigation? We'll see I guess cuz some YouTuber will try

2nd star to the right, straight on 'til morning.

Shamefully taken from the rebel galaxy ot

Lol yes but all these billion stars look the same from here!



Can we relax a bit. Just a week to go. Take a deep breath everyone and remember: no matter the hype, it's JUST a video game.

Never argued that, just always answered things with facts about the game, as I have always done, but ok.

So,sure, go ahead and argue that a game's procedual generation has the complexity of REAL LIFE.

All good, not my problem.
It has nothing to do with that. I think NMS looks boring. The problem I have is when you think your opinion warrants you instigating shit with other people who are entirely content and happy doing what they're doing. Everyone in here is hyped, basking in the excitement of a hugely anticipated title, and you just HAVE to come back to this thread and the other one repeatedly to shit on their parade. Why? If you don't like it, then say your piece and get outta here so that these people can be excited. If someone genuinely believes that the procedural generation in the game will be as exciting to explore as real life and is HAPPY about that, then who gives a fuck if he/she is *factually incorrect? Why does it bother you so much? Let them enjoy


That helps yes but does it track where they are in real time ? Because without that it would be real hard . I'm sure if possible someone will do it but what if that coordination took 10-20 hours of straight navigation? We'll see I guess cuz some YouTuber will try

i doubt it but i don't know. its definitely possible that's not even a question, will it be done is the question.

IMHO i think its more likely that 2 randoms meet before 2 friends.
Man, I'm gonna be doing all things Hitchhiker's Guide style in this game. I wish that there was a sort of Improbability Drive in the game though. Some insane kind of travelling device, not just warp, but a sort of reality tearing device.
That helps yes but does it track where they are in real time ? Because without that it would be real hard . I'm sure if possible someone will do it but what if that coordination took 10-20 hours of straight navigation? We'll see I guess cuz some YouTuber will try

What exactly do you mean are they in real time? It'll probably show what star system they're in and that's it, but being in the same star system is just a matter of meeting at its space station.

It could take anywhere from 10 to 50 hours depending on how far off they start from each other. I get that time frame based off of Sean saying you can get to the center of the galaxy in 40 hours if you're largely focused on that goal.
What exactly do you mean are they in real time? It'll probably show what star system they're in and that's it, but being in the same star system is just a matter of meeting at its space station.

It could take anywhere from 10 to 50 hours depending on how far off they start from each other. I get that time frame based off of Sean saying you can get to the center of the galaxy in 40 hours if you're largely focused on that goal.

Do you think there is only one space station in each star system?

The scope of finding someone could easily take more than that.


So I was watching the IGN video that has Sean Murray demoing the game, and I think he said something along the lines of when you leave a planet and then come back to it, everything is procedurally regenerated, so it's no longer the same world.

Did I understand this correctly? So like, if there was a landmark in a certain location the first time I came to a planet, that landmark will be gone even if I return just a few hours later? That sounds really unappealing.


So I was watching the IGN video that has Sean Murray demoing the game, and I think he said something along the lines of when you leave a planet and then come back to it, everything is procedurally regenerated, so it's no longer the same world.

Did I understand this correctly? So like, if there was a landmark in a certain location the first time I came to a planet, that landmark will be gone even if I return just a few hours later? That sounds really unappealing.

no that's not how it works... someone smarter than will do a much better job explaining it.


Dreams in Digital
So I was watching the IGN video that has Sean Murray demoing the game, and I think he said something along the lines of when you leave a planet and then come back to it, everything is procedurally regenerated, so it's no longer the same world.

Did I understand this correctly? So like, if there was a landmark in a certain location the first time I came to a planet, that landmark will be gone even if I return just a few hours later? That sounds really unappealing.

Completely the opposite. It's procedurally generated based on maths functions so although the information is thrown away after leaving, on returning the maths function creates exactly the same planet again down to the smallest detail.


Completely the opposite. It's procedurally generated based on maths functions so although the information is thrown away after leaving, on returning the maths function creates exactly the same planet again down to the smallest detail.

and just to add things you do are saved for you.. so that hole you made will always appear for you.

for it to appear for other ppl it would need to be a pretty big hole so that its worth saving.


So I was watching the IGN video that has Sean Murray demoing the game, and I think he said something along the lines of when you leave a planet and then come back to it, everything is procedurally regenerated, so it's no longer the same world.

Did I understand this correctly? So like, if there was a landmark in a certain location the first time I came to a planet, that landmark will be gone even if I return just a few hours later? That sounds really unappealing.



Apparently there's a big spoiler out there. Why isn't it here? I'd like to quickly see it with blurred vision here rather than searching for it myself.


So, the guy that made the video posted a new screenshot. Beware, this one actually could be quite spoilery, maybe?

You really sure?


well, you were warned

It has nothing to do with that. I think NMS looks boring. The problem I have is when you think your opinion warrants you instigating shit with other people who are entirely content and happy doing what they're doing. Everyone in here is hyped, basking in the excitement of a hugely anticipated title, and you just HAVE to come back to this thread and the other one repeatedly to shit on their parade. Why? If you don't like it, then say your piece and get outta here so that these people can be excited. If someone genuinely believes that the procedural generation in the game will be as exciting to explore as real life and is HAPPY about that, then who gives a fuck if he/she is *factually incorrect? Why does it bother you so much? Let them enjoy

You want an echo chamber?


Dreams in Digital
I'm out of here. I saw it already but fear people will further elaborate on something the guy might say over at Reddit. Damn it, and I was enjoying this thread too.


What the fuck? It looks like each of those figures belongs to one of the alien races? Gek on the left. Korvax in the middle. Vykeen on the right?

On a related note, I think those three races are the only ones we will see (in the first galaxy, at least). Each race appears to conform to one of the three broad gameplay archetypes: the Gek are traders, the Korvax are scientists, and the Vykeen are warriors. Synchronicity like that is the kind of thing creators seem to gravitate towards.

Another thought: that is strange scene, unlike any gameplay we've seen. Perhaps there are scripted events that trigger when the player reaches a certain point in their journey?
"Of course it's hyperbole" aka "of course I'm wrong"

For some reason you're ignoring that you can see your friend on the galactic map, and that a space station would be a easy meet up point once you do make it to the same star system with a friend. The only one deluding himself is you.


No. The 100 lifetimes thing was the only part that was hyperbole. I stand by what I said. You aren't finding your friend unless they add that ability at a later date. Launch version? No.

It's cute that you guys simply can't seem to grasp the vastness implied by "18 quintillion".

Prove me wrong at launch. I'll give you a full 3 months to meet up with your friend, on purpose. Hell, I'll give you a year assuming they dont add in intentional/forced matchups via a title update.

No. The 100 lifetimes thing was hyperbole. I stand by what I said. You aren't finding your friend unless they add that ability at a later date. Launch version? No.

It's cute that you guys simply can't seem to grasp the vastness implied by "18 quintillion".

Prove me wrong at launch. I'll give you a full 3 months to meet up with your friend, on purpose.

It's cute that you choose to keep arguing emotionally rather than actually looking at the facts and logic presented.

Again, 18 quintillion doesn't make up the whole starting galaxy. That's the whole universe, there are many galaxies. Sean said it can take 40 hours to get to the center if one is focused on that goal, which gives an idea of how long it will take to travel through the galaxy. You can also see your friends on the galactic map. Once in the same star system, they could both travel through its space station. It's 100% possible, it would just take varying amounts of hours depending on how far you start off from your friend to meet at a midpoint.

N° 2048

So, the guy that made the video posted a new screenshot. Beware, this one actually could be quite spoilery, maybe?

You really sure?


well, you were warned

Welp. That's it. Close up shop. Day 1.

Wow, leaves me asking so many questions.

Neeeeed this gammee noww
It would be really cool if there's stray planets floating around between solar systems, and the only way you can get to them is taking the "long way" instead of warping
It's cute that you choose to keep arguing emotionally rather than actually looking at the facts and logic presented.

Again, 18 quintillion doesn't make up the whole starting galaxy. That's the whole universe, there are many galaxies. Sean said it can take 40 hours to get to the center if one is focused on that goal, which gives an idea of how long it will take to travel through the galaxy. You can also see your friends on the galactic map. Once in the same star system, they could both travel through its space station. It's 100% possible, it would just take varying amounts of hours depending on how far you start off from your friend to meet at a midpoint.

Quote me one sentence where I was emotional. I'm laughing at these posts. That's as much emotion as I've had.

You're willfully ignoring the instancing system and your complete lack of any ability to control which one you're in. But keep the dream alive! Leaving this thread permanently now. Nothing but FUD and only a few interesting spoilers so far.

It's 0.0000000000001% possible,



So, the guy that made the video posted a new screenshot. Beware, this one actually could be quite spoilery, maybe?

You really sure?


well, you were warned


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?? Oh come ooooon! I can't possible wait until this game launch ;__;! I need it now!
You're willfully ignoring the instancing system and your complete lack of any ability to control which one you're in. But keep the dream alive! Leaving this thread permanently now. Nothing but FUD and only a few interesting spoilers so far.

Sean only talks about server instancing in the context of being in the same place with an amount of players that exceeds the lobby size. Basically saying that if there are 5 people in one area when the max lobby size is 4, you won't see all 5. There is nothing he said that implies you might not be in the same instance with one other player if you guys are both in the same area. But I can only assume you already knew that which is why you want to dip out before I possibly called you out on it?
Seeing that pic, I'm very prepared for this game to somehow contain both Fez 2 and Frog Fractions 2.

Now what I really want to see are planet-sized cosmic horrors floating around in the void of space.

No. The 100 lifetimes thing was hyperbole. I stand by what I said. You aren't finding your friend unless they add that ability at a later date. Launch version? No.

It's cute that you guys simply can't seem to grasp the vastness implied by "18 quintillion".

Prove me wrong at launch. I'll give you a full 3 months to meet up with your friend, on purpose.

Yeah, but by your logic it's equally missinformative for the devs themselves to say that there are 18 quintillion planets in the game since there is no possible way that anyone is ever going to visit them all. The chances of that happening are exponentially smaller than the chances of someone meeting up.

So, going by your logic, for "all practical and realistic purposes" if someone where to ask how many planets where in the game the answer shouldn't be 18 quintillion but something realistically achievable? Wouldn't want to get peoples hopes up.

Seriously though, IMO this game is about pondering possibilities. But for something to be possible it has to be implemented. When you look up to the sky after stepping out of your ship and you ponder the possibilities of the universe that you are in you want to know that it's possible to visit one of the 18 quintillion planets that are out there in the vastness just as you would want to know that, however improbable, it's possible during your travels to meet or come across one of the thousands of people whom you know are playing the game in the same universe who are out there somewhere exploring just like you, headed for the center. I think the devs understood this and that is why they built the multiplayer mechanics, however bare boned, into the game. Just for the possibility even if it never happens. Like how they made an incredibly unnecessary amount of planets and most of them will never be seen.

We also don't know yet if there will be something way later on that will make the chances of meeting another player much greater. There is a lot we don't know yet. That's what makes this so exciting.
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