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NPR: Bernie Sanders staying in the race 'Until The Last Vote Is Cast'

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Polls aren't wrong at all this year.

How many polls were included in the analysis? Only registered voters were included I'm assuming, right?

CNN/ORC: Clinton wins 47.3 to 40.8
IBD/TIPP: Clinton wins 47 to 40
USA Today/Suffolk: Clinton wins 50 to 39
GWU/Battleground: Clinton wins 46 to 43
Fox News: Clinton wins 48 to 31

CNN/ORC: Sanders wins 52.2 to 38.8
IBC/TIPP: Sanders wins 56 to 40
USA Today/Suffolk: Sanders wins 52 to 37
GWU/Battleground: Sanders wins 50 to 40
Fox News: Sanders wins 53 to 39

You're welcome


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Nope. The issues he brings up matter to a heck of a lot of people, especially young people.

By young, I mean under 45, which Bernie beats Hillary in with increasingly bigger margins as you get younger.

Every second Bernie is on TV, or online is good for America and the world.
But hillary and Bernie bring up almost the exact same issue talking points
Sad. I mean,it won't affect Hillary in the end, but it's still so much money wasted on a campaign that has no hope at this point that could be put to so much better use on down ticket races that actually are competitive and could actually make a difference, and help to achieve the "political revolution" Sanders claims to want to see so much. Can't believe both Ted Cruz AND John Kasich had the sense to realize such a thing and are shifting gears along that line, but Sanders hasn't and prefers to focus on the slightest infinitesimal chance he has of the Presidency instead of something that actually has a chance of furthering his goals. Ah well I guess, but I'm just terribly disappointed and frustrated by this.
and i will turn off my TV until the Convetnion is over.

I can't stand hearing him repeat the same lines over and over again, never says anything new

boiled goose

good with gravy
Those "facts" don't show up in the form of actual votes, however.

Oh, in the democratic primary? Sure.
If you don't understand the difference between the people who vote in primaries and the people that get polled in GE matchups then, you better think about it some more. Here is a hint. Only 29% of voters are registered as democrats.

I mean, we will likely never know. Since it will be Hill v Trump. Let's just hope Hill can withstand Trump.

But hillary and Bernie bring up almost the exact same issue talking points

Oh yeah. Clearly over half of people 30-45 and over 70% of people under 30 like Bernie because of his good looks.


Bernie is being insufferable. I'm not Hillary's biggest fan, but the stakes are too damn high for him to divide the electorate in any way. This country is facing the very real threat of a Trump presidency, and needs a united front to defeat him in November.

(He is welcome to donate his campaign funds to cancer research or some other charitable cause.)


I agree.
And he still won Indiana last night. Of course his chances are slim to none. But people still want to support him.

And Bernie has said that his movement is more than just the Democratic primary race. He's working to get people politically involved. He's leading a new progressive voice for the future.
I think it's good that people hear his message. And then more progressive politicians run for office.

Leading progressivism by refusing to raise for down ticket races and throwing corruption charges at those who do?

Bernie is a failed far left candidate who refused to put in any work into any part of the "revolution" that didn't coincide with his candidacy.
Given Bernie's recent tenor and Trump's recent lack of opponents, this will only result in both of them focusing their opposition on Hillary for the next couple of months, despite the democratic nominee being near as certain as the republican counterpart.

Sanders fancies himself as playing the long game, when the reality is that his persistence is remarkably shortsighted.


No Scrubs
Oh, in the democratic primary? Sure.

I mean, we will likely never know. Since it will be Hill v Trump. Let's just hope Hill can withstand Trump.

Yes, because the guy that hawks these:


Is totally going to win. That's going to happen.
Sad. I mean,it won't affect Hillary in the end, but it's still so much money wasted on a campaign that has no hope at this point that could be put to so much better use on down ticket races that actually are competitive and could actually make a difference, and help to achieve the "political revolution" Sanders claims to want to see so much. Can't believe both Ted Cruz AND John Kasich had the sense to realize such a thing and are shifting gears along that line, but Sanders hasn't and prefers to focus on the slightest infinitesimal chance he has of the Presidency instead of something that actually has a chance of furthering his goals. Ah well I guess, but I'm just terribly disappointed and frustrated by this.

Democrats are their own worst enemy. Always been that way. Republicans have their differences, then once it's over they get on the same fucking page and grind that shit out.


At least tell them not to vote for Trump. At least endorse Clinton. At lease fucking do something about the morons who wandered into your flypaper and are falling off one by one into the Trump bucket.
Even better plan - Trump extends an olive branch to Bernie and Bernie accepts.

It makes Trump look bipartisan and makes him look more presidential.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Please drop out Bernie, Hilary isn't strong enough to stand your vicious attacks anymore.
CNN/ORC: Clinton wins 47.3 to 40.8
IBD/TIPP: Clinton wins 47 to 40
USA Today/Suffolk: Clinton wins 50 to 39
GWU/Battleground: Clinton wins 46 to 43
Fox News: Clinton wins 48 to 31

CNN/ORC: Sanders wins 52.2 to 38.8
IBC/TIPP: Sanders wins 56 to 40
USA Today/Suffolk: Sanders wins 52 to 37
GWU/Battleground: Sanders wins 50 to 40
Fox News: Sanders wins 53 to 39

You're welcome
Yeah, and Michael Dukakis had a 15 point lead over George H.W. Bush during the Spring of 88.

Besides Rubio, barely any Republican has attacked Bernie Sanders because they are strategically wanting Bernie to beat Hillary or weaken her.

Hillary is the real target and has been the target of attack ads since forever.

Bernie is an unknown, undefined candidate. Americans don't know who is.
Republicans are getting ready to define him if is to become the nominee.

Honeymoon in Moscow during the Soviet era
Even better plan - Trump extends an olive branch to Bernie and Bernie accepts.

It makes Trump look bipartisan and makes him look more presidential.

That would require Bernie to accept and I he did, he would probably go down as one of the biggest political hypocrites in modern America.


Nope. The issues he brings up matter to a heck of a lot of people, especially young people.

By young, I mean under 45, which Bernie beats Hillary in with increasingly bigger margins as you get younger.

Every second Bernie is on TV, or online is good for America and the world.

I agree that they're important issues, which is exactly why he shouldn't be smearing Hillary with his stupid attacks. If he wants to see universal health care, affordable college, campaign finance reform, and increased bank regulation within his lifetime, then he shouldn't be throwing tabloid-tier attacks at the only candidate who can make those things happen. Doubly so when her opposition doesn't even have those issues on his radar!

Sanders is more than welcome to prod at Trump and get people pumped up for a progressive agenda, but drop the stupid transcript speech and the accusations of dumb shit like "money laundering". At least Trump was smart enough to not shoot his own agenda in the foot while making vapid, irrelevant accusations at his opponents.


I disagree with his decision, but it is his decision. Bernie will drop out when he decides to drop out. His behavior before and after the drop out is more important than the act of dropping out, to be honest.

Bernie knows he won't win. This is his grand gesture at the end of a storied career of public service, his magnum opus. He is energizing and mobilizing the progressive base of the next 4 decades, showing them how they can have a powerful and immediate impact on the political landscape, and the remarkable value of activism.

I think it's beautiful and admirable.
I think the opposite.

The problem with the manner in which he is running is that he's put forth a lot of excuses for why he isn't winning: superdelegates, party corruption, money laundering, bank speech transcripts, low information voters, conservative states, etc. This isn't a promotion of activism or policy, it's a promotion of the idea that his will is the only will of the people, and the actual vote count is fraudulent. That the system is the problem and the only solution is to oppose it at all cost and tear it down, rather than learning how to work with the system and how to work with other people, and change the system. It's an ugly, self-centered, self-righteous, ironically capitalist perpetuation of justifications as to why they are right and everyone else is wrong.

The class of the '08 election, the Obama class, were unified because of Obama's message of unity and Hillary's efforts and actions towards unity. We assume the Bernie class will eventually vote logically, but I sometimes wonder how deep the anti-establishment feeling runs to the point where they cannot be convinced of anything other than their own views. I also wonder how truly committed his supporters are to progressive policy rather than to the candidate; the example of this was noted in the difference in Bernie phonebanking at the BerniePB website. These volunteers logged 3 million calls in NY in a few days leading up to that primary, but once he lost the numbers now struggle to crawl past 10k.

Bernie has disappointed me several times but the honest first time I felt disappointed was when his purported youth revolutionary vote didn't materialize to help him win. I've been following politics since 2008, and I expected certain things but in my heart I also challenged the world: Prove me wrong. Prove to me that America really is ready for such a strong pivot to progressive ideas. The primaries so far have disappointed immensely in that regard both on the side of the Republicans, who have essentially chosen Trump, and on the side of the Democrats, where Bernie is too inept and lacking to harness and lead.

The progressive base of the next four decades was not mobilized or built by Bernie Sanders. Obama laid the foundation, and his successors will build on that and strengthen it.


Democrats are there own worst enemy. Always been that way. Republicans have their differences, then once it's over they get on the same fucking page and grind that shit out.
As the cliche goes: "Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line."
The senator who voted the same as Sanders 93% of the time represents so much of what he is against?


Democrats have tried going to the far left before. It always fails miserably. Thankfully they won't be trying it again.

That was then, this is now. Leftist politics are more viable now in the country than they ever were. And as economic inequality and various other factors worsen, progressive ideas will only gather more and more support among the people


No Scrubs
Really? Like Sanders hasn't been attacked by the republicans in his 40 year career...come on man...

They've left him alone for most of his career. He's been an independent senator from a state so blue they couldn't hope to win it. Acting like they've hit him at all is insane, maybe they've slapped him around once or twice but comparatively they've nuked Clinton at least a dozen times. No one has hit him with shit so far.


That was then, this is now. Leftist politics are more viable now in the country than they ever were. And as economic inequality and various other factors worsen, progressive ideas will only gather more and more support among the people

"It'll work this time because reasons."

It's not worth discarding progressive achievements because you think it'll work out better this time.
CNN/ORC: Clinton wins 47.3 to 40.8

er... no?

19. If Hillary Clinton were the Democratic Party's candidate and Donald Trump were the Republican
Party's candidate, who would you be more likely to vote for --? (RANDOM ORDER)
19A. (IF NEITHER OR DON’T KNOW) As of today, do you lean more toward --?
						Other	Neither	No
			Clinton		Trump	(vol.)	(vol.)	opinion
April 28-May 1, 2016 	54% 		41% 	1% 	4% 	*

compare the last polls directly, averaging them out over a span of more than a month is less than worthless
Er yes, these reports were published today

and these reports are a faulty use of poll aggregation that obfuscates any improvement in numbers, or as 538 would call it, "a bad use of polling".

like, there's a reason both silver and wang put greater weight on more recent polls and there's a reason both of them have been the most accurate statisticians for three cycles running (in silver's case, when he actually shuts up and just does straight analysis instead of punditry)

clinton has led in CNN's poll by 12+ points since march. by 8+ points since february. averaging in polls from calendar year 2015 is obfuscation at best.
Rubio (with high anti Castro sentiment) was the only Replubican who decisively targeted Sanders.

the rest strategically left him alone with Operation Chaos in mind
As the cliche goes: "Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line."

Crazy how accurate this is right now.

With the support he's getting from across the country, he can absolutely shape the democratic platform going forward from this election. If he's going to lose, I'd rather he do it pulling Hillary to the left.

I originally wrote a giant post about how pinning your hopes on a political revolution taking place in real time at the convention doesn't actually help the Democrats and the American Left now that we know who our enemy will be, but that's clearly fruitless, so instead I'll just say fuck it.


Bernie knows he won't win. This is his grand gesture at the end of a storied career of public service, his magnum opus. He is energizing and mobilizing the progressive base of the next 4 decades, showing them how they can have a powerful and immediate impact on the political landscape, and the remarkable value of activism.

I think it's beautiful and admirable.
Yep. It's also helping push the current democratic agenda further to the left, and demonstrating that there really is a significant portion of the electorate that wants some significant changes to the way the party runs. If while running he can help push Clinton's policies further to the left, it's certainly a good thing.

Keep in mind, every state where he DOESN'T hit the target means a larger target in the subsequent state. So that California margin could easily be larger.

Yep. It's also helping push the current democratic agenda further to the left, and demonstrating that there really is a significant portion of the electorate that wants some significant changes to the way the party runs. If while running he can help push Clinton's policies further to the left, it's certainly a good thing.

Given the stakes at hand, I don't see how it's admirable. This is not just any other election year, a 6-3 right wing SCOTUS and a Trump presidency are a real outcome.
"It'll work this time because reasons."

It's not worth discarding progressive achievements because you think it'll work out better this time.

You know what? Screw it. Let's keep making incremental baby steps that do nothing to really solve anything and hope it works out for the best. Culturally liberal and nothing more, baby! Let's do this! The Democratic Party 2016!
Let's keep making incremental baby steps that do nothing to really solve anything

so says a supporter of a candidate who has encouraged throwing out empiricism regarding whether programs "actually do anything to solve anything" in favor of the reverse of Paul Ryan-esque Confidence Fairy math

And 2010.

And 2006.

And ...

iirc 2006 actually saw this age cohort have its highest midterm turnout in a long time, it's just that it seems to have been a one-time event based off everyone hating the shit out of Bush

e: not quite, but it was definitely the highest since 1994
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