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Official Bully: Scholarship Edition (360/Wii) Thread

Scalpel Knight said:
So now that it's been out for some time, would you guys recommend the Wii or 360 version?
I've had a chance to play both versions for several hours, so I have a definite opinion on this. Both versions have their advantages & disadvantages.

Wii version:
+better load times,
+uses the Wii-mote controls:
Pointer for aiming
Wii-mote & nunchuck as 2 different arms for punching
Wii-mote & nunchuck gestures in the minigames (the school classes)
+More stable.
-Graphics muddy & lower resolution than 360

360 version:
+Much clearer & higher resolution graphics
-Some audio drop-outs
-Slightly longer load times
+Surround sound

And though that list might look to favor the Wii version, my preference is for the 360 version due to the nice crisp graphics. Since the models are a bit low-polygon count, it looks somewhat last gen but the textures and improved resolution make it better than the Wii version in my opinion. But I can see others choosing the Wii version if they are a big fan of Wii type controls.
Lindsay said:
PS2'ers allowed to post here? Been enjoying the game on and off since like september was it? And yes the games music is really great so beat it haters! :D

I'm up to chapter 4 now and 38.80% complete. Loved the final mission of chapter 3! Stupid greasers! I super hate shop class! I just can't even get past the bike pedal part! I move the stick in the way it says yet I fail! >_<; I still suck at getting around and have to use the map often. If you complete all the classes do you no longer have to worry about being truant? Being able to stroll around and waste my days more freely would be nice!
PS2ers certainly welcome.

I hate shop class too . . . it is very sensitive and fail all the time. Yeah, the way it registers the 'rotate stick' doesn't seem to work well and sometimes it just seems to say 'fail' as soon as you touch the stick.

I don't about that completing all classes question since I keep failing shop and I'm on English 4 I think but I refuse to cheat & look up set of words. But I just can't seem to come up with enough words from those letters. I are an engineer, I guess. (I'm a patent attorney . . . part engineer, part lawyer.)
speculawyer said:
Thanks for that. I love when Wii controls are implemented well, but I can get tired of them rather quickly, despite how well they are pulled off. Watching some videos, the 360 version does seem quite a bit easier on the eyes and I'd probably prefer the normal button input.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
speculawyer said:
PS2ers certainly welcome.

I hate shop class too . . . it is very sensitive and fail all the time. Yeah, the way it registers the 'rotate stick' doesn't seem to work well and sometimes it just seems to say 'fail' as soon as you touch the stick.

I don't about that completing all classes question since I keep failing shop and I'm on English 4 I think but I refuse to cheat & look up set of words. But I just can't seem to come up with enough words from those letters. I are an engineer, I guess. (I'm a patent attorney . . . part engineer, part lawyer.)

Shop pisses me off tremendously. The stick twirling doesn't register properly and will fail haphazardly.

Agreed on English as well, the requirements are almost too strict demanding damn near every word possibility for success.

Oh and Biology 5 is damn near timed so that it can only be finished with utmost perfection in analog wrangling. Why is the hand so sluggish?? I finished that final class with 0 seconds left, thank god it gave me a success...I was ready for blood if not.
Brandon F said:
Oh and Biology 5 is damn near timed so that it can only be finished with utmost perfection in analog wrangling. Why is the hand so sluggish?? I finished that final class with 0 seconds left, thank god it gave me a success...I was ready for blood if not.
Yeah, Biology 5 is killing me. You need to be just about perfect to do it. The closest I've come is 3/4 cut around the intestine. I assume I just need to finish the cut and put in the tray.


Beat it last night, got 100% completion this morning. Really enjoyed it, but I think I'll sell it on now. The Xbox 360 version is glitchy, though I didn't experience any crashes, there are just a lot of little problems. Music was the only class I had to repeat more than once, since a lot of the time the left trigger wouldn't register.

For those having trouble with Biology 5, use both sticks when you're moving to select a new instrument or moving to a particular part (speeds up the movement) and use RB to stabilise when using the scalpel. Should get everything done with 10 to 15 seconds to spare.


Everyone having problems with Shop Class:

With the first movement (rotate left stick counter-clockwise), you have to come out all guns blazing; Rotate the stick at a decent speed right when the icon comes up as opposed to: Wait->think->slowly start to rotate.

That should work better for you.
stonedwal said:
For those having trouble with Biology 5, use both sticks when you're moving to select a new instrument or moving to a particular part (speeds up the movement) and use RB to stabilise when using the scalpel. Should get everything done with 10 to 15 seconds to spare.
Both sticks? Huh. Do the instructions mention that?
Guess what I did GAF!

....I ditched my Wii version and picked up the 360 sku instead.

Basically got tired of the waggle and just wanted to focus on enjoying the game. The controls were actually preventing that from happening and probably why I also will pass on Wii version of Okami =/

As far as 360 version thus far....it's been very stable for me and no crashes. Also:

+ Visuals are actually rather nice and preserve the original intended look of the game but...

- The Framerate really is bullshit and should not run like this

+ I love me some more acheivements

+ Sounds fantastic in 5.1...music itself sounds more "full" ...but:

- The music is waaay too low in the minigame sections. Specifically I can barely hear one of my favorite tracks in the game, the English class music...

+ Feels sooooo much better to pick up with a reguler ol' controller.

+ Loading actually isn't as bad as some mentioned

+ Framerate thankfully has advantage over the Wii in that, there isn't that constant "streaming stutter" that is in the Wii version when it's bringing in assets into the background

...anyways...more impressions come!
speculawyer said:
Both sticks? Huh. Do the instructions mention that?
No, but it's definitely the only way that you can give yourself enough time to beat the class.

I'm now at 91% completion and not sure if I want to take the time to finish the last 2 shop and music classes plus finish all the collectathons (need ~20 each of the rubber bands and cards) plus play all the carnival games and arcade games.

Just playing through all the missions was a good appetizer until GTAIV drops next month.


Small tip for those stuck in the 99%~ range. I had to make sure I went back and cut all the grass areas an additional time after doing the third version of each. Same goes with the paper route.

Finally got to 100% tho, spent all weekend on that game.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Timan said:
Small tip for those stuck in the 99%~ range. I had to make sure I went back and cut all the grass areas an additional time after doing the third version of each. Same goes with the paper route.

Finally got to 100% tho, spent all weekend on that game.

I was in a similar boat at 99.94%(FUCK YOU GAME!) I couldn't figure out what in hell I needed to do to dust off the last .06%. I read about the paper route/lawn mowing bug(even though I did them several times to get cash for clothing buyouts), and that didn't work. I eventually just found a couple errand missions to do which bumped me up to the 100% range. Kinda annoying since you only need 30 minimum, but anymore is like extra credit, and they can be a bitch to find in Chapter 6.

The whole carnival game schtick was annoying for 100%. I played dunk the munchkin like 40 times to buyout everything in the store with tix. The 300 bottle breaking achievement in the shooting gallery made no sense since you only need 150 to get the secret bonus award, and the skateboarding/bike distance achievements are pretty rough too. Abuse them constantly throughout the game and you still need to grind some miles after all is said and done to reach that limit.

Outside of the absurdity of reaching 100%, the core game was great...except the ending blew. They seemed to have had this great idea for Gary and Jimmy at the outset, and the buildup was fantastic...then suddenly you realize there was no master plan, and the script just dodged the issue by doing all sorts of offscreen stupidity while tacking on a very limp closure. But I still couldn't draw myself away from the world and characters. Bully was solid fun.


IGN picked the Wii version in their H2H. think i'll pick it up since the latest 360 patch didn't seem to do much...

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
TheWolf said:
IGN picked the Wii version in their H2H. think i'll pick it up since the latest 360 patch didn't seem to do much...

? I never had a single crash through to 100% since the patch.
I beat Biology 5 using one stick and the right bumper. It took me ten or so tries, though.

Here's a key hint for biology in general. When you have to peel open two flaps on a critter, always peel the right side first, this will save you about 25% of the motion needed. But when you pin it, it doesn't matter which pin you do first since you have to make a return trip to get a fresh pin.


I just finished the game (well, the story anyway) and I didn't get the "Finish all Missions" Achievement. What gives?! I've got 75, so I assume I'm missing one. And yes, I did do the Halloween one.
Costanza said:
not really, the port is still a pile of shit on the 360. go for the Wii or PS2 version, if anything.

I think the 360 version is fine. I like it more than the Wii version due to the high-res graphics.

I've completed the main story line and I'm picking up the remaining quests & achievements. How do I kiss boys? Do I have to be wearing certain clothes?
KLoNe said:
I just finished the game (well, the story anyway) and I didn't get the "Finish all Missions" Achievement. What gives?! I've got 75, so I assume I'm missing one. And yes, I did do the Halloween one.
There are a few more missions. Keep doing missions until stars no longer appear on the map.
speculawyer said:
I think the 360 version is fine. I like it more than the Wii version due to the high-res graphics.

I've completed the main story line and I'm picking up the remaining quests & achievements. How do I kiss boys? Do I have to be wearing certain clothes?
Not all guys are... willing. The easiest is probably Trent; the blond kid in the white shirt who you can see all over campus and in the dorm. Just talk a few times and give the flowers when prompted.

I 1000'ed the 360 version, and it only locked up twice. I saved after every mission, so it wasn't such a big deal. Framerate is as bad as every one says, but I could live with it. A for the game, D- for the port job.


speculawyer said:
How do I kiss boys? Do I have to be wearing certain clothes?
Don't know if they made it harder on the 360/Wii versions, but on the PS2 I just kept hitting on a few jocks..and instead of making fun of me, they started acting normal and nervous..Then I gave them flowers and they started kissing..

Don't remember the exact buttons or commands..
All I know was just "hit" and "flowers" = "kiss".
Revengeance said:
Not all guys are... willing. The easiest is probably Trent; the blond kid in the white shirt who you can see all over campus and in the dorm. Just talk a few times and give the flowers when prompted.
Ahh . . . . the guy who says "You are dressing like me now?" He looks a bit flaming. :D


Dot Hacked
argh! The game just locked up on me right at the end of a mission, I guess because I accidentally got the cops after like the second before entering the last scene of the mission to. ;_;

Been playing heavily the last few days and am into chapter five now. Is there any way to make Jimmy defensively stronger? The
beat the crap out of me very easily! Even got knocked out a few times just exploring around there. I lol'd heavily when
beating up on that stupid bull mascot
when sending the gym teacher on a nice little trip down a hill
. :D

While looking at my stats I realize I never did even one photography class. Is that one easy? Don't have many classes left besides that just Art 5 (which I totally almost finished >.<) and stupid Shop class. At 55.17% currently~ I guess thats still pretty bad for the point in the game I'm at!
eXxy said:
I lost two hours of progress. I wish I didn't like the game so much. Sigh.

sorry to hear that =/

...guess I still carry my Rockstar Games/GTA habit of saving after every single thing I do....

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Wow the AI for the later kart races is fucking cheap. Not only do they slam you against walls, they'll continuously bump you, spin you around on turns, and get caught on you, slowing you down. :\


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'

this game is great. great writing, great acting, really fun missions, and the atmosphere is incredible. they did a great job of creating this whole world with all the different subcultures.

i'm way more into this than i was with gta4, odd enough. don't like the camera control, but can't think of any other problems.

PS, i saw this at fry's for 19.99 (they were out at mine), go buy it.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
no autosave.

i'm really sick of the prefects ruining my missions. how do you shake them?


Absolutely pathetic part deux
mattiewheels said:

this game is great. great writing, great acting, really fun missions, and the atmosphere is incredible. they did a great job of creating this whole world with all the different subcultures.

i'm way more into this than i was with gta4, odd enough. don't like the camera control, but can't think of any other problems.

PS, i saw this at fry's for 19.99 (they were out at mine), go buy it.

A price drop was all that I was waiting for. And also waiting for 20 dollars to fall into my wallet.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
AlternativeUlster said:
A price drop was all that I was waiting for. And also waiting for 20 dollars to fall into my wallet.
hard to believe this game is already 20 bucks. did it tank?


Sorry for bumping an old thread but did they ever fix the 360 version? Wondering if I should just replay my PS2 version, although I heard there was new missions so...


Sylar said:
Sorry for bumping an old thread but did they ever fix the 360 version? Wondering if I should just replay my PS2 version, although I heard there was new missions so...
They patched it but it still runs pretty shitty.


Nah, sold it after being disappointed in their patch. I might pick it up again if I see it for 20 though cause I wanna finish the story.


Costanza said:
Nah, sold it after being disappointed in their patch. I might pick it up again if I see it for 20 though cause I wanna finish the story.

Oh, I was wondering if it got patched recently though or something.

Oh well, guess PS2 version for me. Unless I can find it for $20.


norinrad21 said:
I wanted to buy the wii version, but its too expensive, same with GodFather blackhand :lol :lol
EB Games Canada have a sale on right now, Wii version for $24.99. Freaking bargain at that price, especially if you haven't played it, the Wii version is for sure the definitive one. Don't know if they have the same sale in the US.
Bully was definitely a fun little game. Great writing and characters, unique music, and a very tight, economical open world.

I had no desire to go back to it after I beat it, but it's certainly worth the money, especially if you can get a deal on it.


Princess Skittles said:
Does the Wii version run well?

The Wii version runs fine, but it did get stuck for me once and I lost 3 hours or so of progress.

I really liked Bully in the end. I enjoyed it way more than I did GTAIV.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
revisiting this game, and it's incredible. not to contribute to the great GTA4 backlash of '08, but this game is seriously more captivating and better written than GTA4.

anyone who's on the fence: BUY THIS GAME!
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