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Official Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix thread


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
McDragon said:
Udon drew this i believe:


now if this ain't good then i don't know what good is anymore.

God damn there are some awesome designs in SF. Makes me all the more sad about SF3's line-up...

bigben85 said:
here's my 10 min Ryu sketch...it's damn fun drawing SF stuff


I hate you for being able to draw at that level in 10 minutes. :(


Raging Spaniard said:
Ok, heres my quick-as-shit Morrigan sprite remake. Took longer than I wanted to and, like I mentioned before, changed some stuff due to my own personal taste (which may very well suck)

This looks great...only problem is I feel the hands have too much definition, other than that you should send this to capcom now!

Heres the question though, How would it be doing this for every sprite?


Raging Spaniard said:
Ok, heres my quick-as-shit Morrigan sprite remake. Took longer than I wanted to and, like I mentioned before, changed some stuff due to my own personal taste (which may very well suck)


If there was one character that really needed an upgrade it would be this one


Raging Spaniard said:
Ok, heres my quick-as-shit Morrigan sprite remake. Took longer than I wanted to and, like I mentioned before, changed some stuff due to my own personal taste (which may very well suck)


So how hard was it? Did your pencil lead break and your computer continuously crash or did Capcom just make up the succubus curse as an excuse to keep the same sprite for ten years?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Raging Spaniard said:
Ok, heres my quick-as-shit Morrigan sprite remake. Took longer than I wanted to and, like I mentioned before, changed some stuff due to my own personal taste (which may very well suck)


Very impressive.


Fantastic detail on that Morrigan BUT she looks a bit man-ish.
I'd loosen up on the angry face and also agree on too much detail on the hands.


bigben85 said:
man all these talks bring back my memory of the SF days.
here's a quick 10 min sketch of Akuma (i know, weird hands :). I am tempted to try toredo a spirit drawing but got not printer, scanner, and light box or even pencil :(



Beejesus, you da awesome, did that take you 10 minutes? I hope by whatever god is up there in the sky ,that your work is art related.

Looks really awesome.
McDragon said:
Udon drew this i believe:

now if this ain't good then i don't know what good is anymore.

Yeah, and that's fine.

But all I see is a poor Capcom Design Works imitation. Sort of how people get on Western cartoonists asses for drawing too much like Jim Lee, and such.

So for me it's annoying.

Excellent work Raging Spaniard. Though I'd ease up on the knuckles and tendons in a woman's hands. :p

If anything, I think a lot of the posters in this thread have shown to some extent, what a fraud Udon and their Capcom tracing asses are. That's not to take anything from the folks who work independent of our friendly Canadian sweatshop, because if they're on their own - then clearly they've got the chops to make it; but Udon itself is a house of cards.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Vic said:
sorry but make her face look like a young adult, not like a overused crack whore.

Yeah but I do that and then somebody who loves crack whores aint gonna be too happy with me :)

Thanks for the comments guys! I cannot disagree with the crits, hopefully the next one will turn better.


wanted to draw one myself, but this is way too much work for me :lol
i gave up half way when i was drawing her face and refining body details. oh well, i'll share it anyway

i tried to make her face look like her SFA version
Raging Spaniard said:
Ok, heres my quick-as-shit Morrigan sprite remake. Took longer than I wanted to and, like I mentioned before, changed some stuff due to my own personal taste (which may very well suck)


ok now THAT is ****ing amazing!!!! you sir are VERY talented!!!! alittle less cutesy that capcoms style but holy shit you ROCK!!!
KurowaSan said:
wanted to draw one myself, but this is way too much work for me :lol
i gave up half way when i was drawing her face and refining body details. oh well, i'll share it anyway

i tried to make her face look like her SFA version

The problem with redraws of some of these sprites is how incredibly out of whack they are anatomically. Capcom got away with it when they were such small sprites, but this stuff just looks wrong.


Good Art™
I also began to do some Athena's from SNK vs Capcom Chaos, but i never ended cause face was to hard to make, not enough details.



Raging Spaniard said:
Ok, heres my quick-as-shit Morrigan sprite remake. Took longer than I wanted to and, like I mentioned before, changed some stuff due to my own personal taste (which may very well suck)

Great job...but her left thigh ^^;
She is supposed to have child baring hips :(
Raging Spaniard said:
Ok, heres my quick-as-shit Morrigan sprite remake. Took longer than I wanted to and, like I mentioned before, changed some stuff due to my own personal taste (which may very well suck)

Her right hand (next to the old sprite) looks weird: too much space between the middle and the ring finger. Her left foot also seems a little off, even though the old sprite has the same problem.

Other than that, no 'major' flaws in your redesign.



for all the positivity, there's got to be negativity, right?:)
These are small things I noticed. Small, but small things add up and they are the things we notice first after seeing the big shapes. Granted, these doesn't matter in a game, but it matters in a drawing sense:)

the base of the left ear horn should be curved inward (perspective).
This is just preference, Capcom's Morrigan has a slightly better rhythm on her legs. and I do feel the outside leg (the upper part) should be longer. Capcom remedied this by having that child bearing hip, which you "fixed". Her eyes are also looking to the side instead of straight forward.

With that said, You are obviously skilled and we all have to learn and improve (saying that to my self as well:) My drawings have just as much, if not more mistakes.


This is what the HD art should be like. They could do it, they are too lazy/cheap.



Positive points aside...
Raging Spaniard's Morrigan's face scares the hell out of me.

Edit: This is what I meant... instant facelift in 2 minutes.
Please note, not trying to take any fame away, it's just that... the face really scares me. Quickly done in Paint. (Left = edited, Right = original)


bigben85 said:

for all the positivity, there's got to be negativity, right?:)
These are small things I noticed. Small, but small things add up and they are the things we notice first after seeing the big shapes. Granted, these doesn't matter in a game, but it matters in a drawing sense:)

the base of the left ear horn should be curved inward (perspective).
This is just preference, Capcom's Morrigan has a slightly better rhythm on her legs. and I do feel the outside leg (the upper part) should be longer. Capcom remedied this by having that child bearing hip, which you "fixed".

With that said, You are obviously skilled and we all have to learn and improve (saying that to my self as well:) My drawings have just as much, if not more mistakes.

...oh my :lol


"This is what the HD art should be like. They could do it, they are too lazy/cheap."

I do believe they have technical limitations being the character body types are differently designed from Alpha to SF2.

and how do you quote someone properly here??? any html codes?
Ether_Snake said:
This is what the HD art should be like. They could do it, they are too lazy/cheap.

They CAN'T make it like that. They have to work within the boundaries of the old art style, their poses and anatomy and look. They can't reimagine these sprites without breaking the game.


revolverjgw said:
They CAN'T make it like that. They have to work within the boundaries of the old art style, their poses and anatomy and look. They can't reimagine these sprites without breaking the game.

Err no. The poses don't have to change, the quality of the line art yes. It has no impact on pose or anything like that. Whatever, you can stay in denial if you want. The problem with the remix is the STYLE, which is totally nothing like SF. It looks like westernized fan art.


...since others have pointed out others:)
I do believe the face shapes and what not are his perference. Even some of the things I pointed out are probably his preference to do it a certain way compared to the original. And NO, contrapposto isn't a minior issue.


I am not a fan of their style and I do like Capcom's work more...I guess, when it animates, it may look ok though...who knows..

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
bigben85 said:

for all the positivity, there's got to be negativity, right?:)
These are small things I noticed. Small, but small things add up and they are the things we notice first after seeing the big shapes. Granted, these doesn't matter in a game, but it matters in a drawing sense:)

the base of the left ear horn should be curved inward (perspective).
This is just preference, Capcom's Morrigan has a slightly better rhythm on her legs. and I do feel the outside leg (the upper part) should be longer. Capcom remedied this by having that child bearing hip, which you "fixed". Her eyes are also looking to the side instead of straight forward.

With that said, You are obviously skilled and we all have to learn and improve (saying that to my self as well:) My drawings have just as much, if not more mistakes.

Hey, thanks for taking the time, I appreciate it even if actually drawing her took me about 40 minutes, hence eliminating time for, you know, polish ... but good comments nonetheless. Most of the stuff you mentioned is purely aesthetic, such as the subtle inclination changes which in low res sprite form need to be more boxed out due to the limitations of the hardware, but if they were going to make it into a bigger more complex illustration, I guarantee you her look would change drastically. In any case, good crit, thanks again.

As for the Morrigan "look" you can find plenty of different styles. The one used in the anime, the one used in Darkstalkers, the one used in the games portraits varies with each entry, etc, etc. I took what I liked out of all of them and came up with my own blend, so of course everyone is going to have a different "look" that they want to see

Hell, good thing I didn't use this one as reference :lol



The Take Out Bandit said:
If anything, I think a lot of the posters in this thread have shown to some extent, what a fraud Udon and their Capcom tracing asses are.

Well Capcom contracted THEM so:

1. they can't bothered to do it themselves
2. they trust UDON to do the job - even though they are western fraudsters


Ether_Snake said:
This is what the HD art should be like. They could do it, they are too lazy/cheap.

From all I've gathered, this is mostly a fan service release/HD sprite experiment. I'd save major criticism if they did Alpha 3 or Third Strike remixes but didn't use that familiar style you're fond of in at least one of them.


Raging Spaniard you never answered my question...How would it be drawing all the sprites this detailed for all of them?
Jirotrom said:
Raging Spaniard you never answered my question...How would it be drawing all the sprites this detailed for all of them?

Why are you bothering to pin it on Raging Spaniard?

GAF should just form Studio Instant Noodle™ and go around doing HD remixes of old games for the hell of it. Raging Spaniard can do the key frames, Crayon Shinchan can do tweening, and I can mop jizz and clean toilets. :D


Well, I wanted to give it a stab, but I just don't have enough time to finish it.

Alot more work than I imagined.


I think the torso can work out ok as long as you give it the proper lighting...


The Take Out Bandit said:
Why are you bothering to pin it on Raging Spaniard?

GAF should just form Studio Instant Noodle™ and go around doing HD remixes of old games for the hell of it. Raging Spaniard can do the key frames, Crayon Shinchan can do tweening, and I can mop jizz and clean toilets. :D
Im not pinning it on him, im asking him if it would be realistic to complete all the frames to that level.
Jirotrom said:
Im not pinning it on him, im asking him if it would be realistic to complete all the frames to that level.

Well he mentioned it took him around 40 minutes earlier in this thread; so lets assume 40 minutes times the number of frames of animation. :p

Point being, working as a studio (as Udong) he wouldn't be responsible for all of it.


I do not see why it isn't do able with that level of detail, hell even more. These old games do not have many inbetweens.

That depends on the budget and how much time given, obviously.


bigben85 said:
I do not see why it isn't do able with that level of detail, hell even more. These old games do not have many inbetweens.

That depends on the budget and how much time given, obviously.
cool...thats all I wanted to know as I'm not an artist on that level so I wouldn't know. I also wonder because the Udon guys have constantly stated the budget is fairly minimal on this and its Capcoms call.


That's understandable because budget (and in relation time) has a pretty influence on how far you can go. But even still, they should put more effort in what they are doing (these damn spirits).


Newbie said:
The problem with redraws of some of these sprites is how incredibly out of whack they are anatomically. Capcom got away with it when they were such small sprites, but this stuff just looks wrong.

Actually I think that redraw is a bit off of the original, the face is too wide on the redraw. But I like how it's turning out.

Ether_Snake said:
This is what the HD art should be like. They could do it, they are too lazy/cheap.

If they were making a brand new game, that would make sense. But they are re-doing SFII, so they have to remain true to the proportions and colour palette.
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