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Okamiden: Okami SEQUEL to the system that won the system war!


linsivvi said:
People who complain about Okamiden should never play any DS game, at all. I mean, if you can't judge a DS game on its own merits because of it's limited visual, then why bother with any DS game, since they all use the same limited hardware?
Personally, I think this is sort of dumb. The DS may suck at 3D, but there's still 2D games that look beautiful. If 3D is so ugly to a mass amount of people (maybe true or not,) perhaps developers would be better served playing to the system's strengths.

<-- still made about the framerate drops in Rune Factory 2


Segata Sanshiro said:
Have not-fun, person who thinks milk tastes better in a Sony cup.

edit: tho it might be the xbox straw

Ehm...the engine was ready and running on Wii, they could have used stylus-like controls with the remote, but they did not. It's not about the budget, it's just that they WANTED to make it a DS game, there's no "oh boo dis or nuthin ;_;" bullshit.

Oh, and by the way, even after the latest scan, I still think it looks bad. I guess art cannot always make up for the lack of tech. It'll probably be twewy-level of fun, so lots of fun, hence I'll buy it, but the point still stands.
Paracelsus said:
Ehm...the engine was ready and running on Wii, they could have used stylus-like controls with the remote, but they did not. It's not about the budget, it's just that they WANTED to make it a DS game, there's no "oh boo dis or nuthin ;_;" bullshit.
It is about the budget. And the sales.

Assuming creating a new Wii game (even with an existing engine) would be roughly equivalent to the cost of a new DS game, the Wii game already didn't sell well. The DS has a much larger userbase and smaller titles are less likely to be ignored.

It's also easier to sell a cel-shaded Zelda-like on a system where a cel-shaded Zelda sold really well.


ethelred said:
Most of them don't. I find it remarkable the extent to which the "hardcore gamers" are willing to ignore quality games if they don't fit within a certain hardware spec.
It's called "prioritization"
Paracelsus said:
Ehm...the engine was ready and running on Wii, they could have used stylus-like controls with the remote, but they did not. It's not about the budget, it's just that they WANTED to make it a DS game, there's no "oh boo dis or nuthin ;_;" bullshit.

Oh, and by the way, even after the latest scan, I still think it looks bad. I guess art cannot always make up for the lack of tech. It'll probably be twewy-level of fun, so lots of fun, hence I'll buy it, but the point still stands.
Your problem comes from within! You should try to carve it out with a butter knife. That's what I did.


ShockingAlberto said:
It is about the budget. And the sales.

Assuming creating a new Wii game (even with an existing engine) would be roughly equivalent to the cost of a new DS game, the Wii game already didn't sell well. The DS has a much larger userbase and smaller titles are less likely to be ignored.

Neither did the PS2 version.

It's also easier to sell a cel-shaded Zelda-like on a system where a cel-shaded Zelda sold really well.

The brand popularity comes even before the quality of the game itself, when it's about sales. The closest example, looking at the sales, it's Blue Dragon, rather then Zelda. Even if -duckroll was joking but who knows really- the next installment turns out to be better than DQIX itself, or the "DQIX that could have been", you think people will care? No, because it's not Dragon Quest.

Oh, is that what it's called? Funny, I would've used a different word.

Not all people like to come down to an agreement just to see their favorite franchise still alive on life support. I like to think Suikoden died at the fifth installment (although that's a moot point imo, graphics are not one of the ST problems, but rather one of the few pros)
.Your problem comes from within! You should try to carve it out with a butter knife. That's what I did.

I'd pick out my own eyes, but I still need them. Sorry. D:


Paracelsus said:
Not all people like to come down to an agreement just to see their favorite franchise still alive on life support. I like to think Suikoden died at the fifth installment (although that's a moot point imo, graphics are not ST problem, but rather one of the few pros).

Okami died with Clover. It's absolutely absurd to take the position that the series would live on made by different people on a console but would be dead on a handheld.
Paracelsus said:
The brand popularity comes even before the quality of the game itself, when it's about sales. The closest example, looking at the sales, it's Blue Dragon, rather then Zelda. Even if -duckroll was joking but who knows really- the next installment turns out to be better than DQIX itself, or the "DQIX that could have been", you think people will care? No, because it's not Dragon Quest.
If Blue Dragon started on a system that was popular in Japan and was better than Dragon Quest, hell yes people would care! But it's not, so it won't.

Okami hasn't done well anywhere and this is the last pellet of the shotgun blast. It stands the best chance of not being the immense failures the previous two were.
Looking at the latest scan...

Looking good. Sakuya looks nice in the screens. I like Chibiterasu and Kuninushi's designs, seems like their keeping the same art style character design wise. Kuninushi looks like a miniature Susanoo with Kushi's front hair.
ethelred said:
Most of them don't. I find it remarkable the extent to which the "hardcore gamers" are willing to ignore quality games if they don't fit within a certain hardware spec.

I agree. Back in myyyyyyy day, a hardcore gamer might have had preferences, but by large, they played and appreciated everything they could get their hands on. If I meet a gamer these days who is talking first about the console rather than what they play, I tune out.


Looking at the new scan I guess I can live with the DS graphics. It doesn't look half bad. But I'm still waiting for the trailer :p TGS can't come soon enough.
OMG at latest scan. Chibiterasu actually looks really cute.

While I complain about Okami's downfalls in here, I do actually like the game, and one of my favorite parts was how Ammy just acted like... well, a dog, while everyone was lavishing poetic praise upon the benevolent Amaterasu, Mother to us all. Those sorts of situations with a puppy yipping around instead would be hilarious.
EmCeeGramr said:
OMG at latest scan. Chibiterasu actually looks really cute.

While I complain about Okami's downfalls in here, I do actually like the game, and one of my favorite parts was how Ammy just acted like... well, a dog, while everyone was lavishing poetic praise upon the benevolent Amaterasu, Mother to us all. Those sorts of situations with a puppy yipping around instead would be hilarious.
I feel the same basic way.

I liked Okami - it was flawed in a lot of deep ways, things that kept it from being truly great, but on the whole it was enjoyable.

A puppy running around and jumping around people sounds extra fun.

Especially if you can still bark.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Thunderbear said:
The Wii hardly constitutes as a new generation past the PS2. It's a slightly supped up Gamecube with an innovative controller. My opinion is that it probably would have sold better on the Xbox360 at that time if they had made a proper HD (not just an emulation with higher resolution and AA) upgrade.

I don't define "generation" according to processor (or GPU) power. I define it according to a timeline of hardware releases.

The PS2/GCN/Xbox were one generation of hardware.
The PS3/Wii/360 are the successor generation, respectively.

Are the DS and N64 the same generation of hardware because their specs are vaguely similar? Of course not.

New gen vs. next gen, if you must.

My point still stands, though. Okami got TWO shots separated by 3 or so years on TWO different consoles with largely different audiences. If the DS version sells gangbusters, it's not likely to change anyone's mind over at Capcom about a third console version. It'll likely only secure another handheld release. It's all speculation, of course, but let's keep expectations semi-realistic.


Wolves Evolve said:
I agree. Back in myyyyyyy day, a hardcore gamer might have had preferences, but by large, they played and appreciated everything they could get their hands on. If I meet a gamer these days who is talking first about the console rather than what they play, I tune out.

I'm pretty much the same way. I like games on all the systems out right now, I just can't afford to own everything so it's fortunate my friends are willing to share.
ShockingAlberto said:
A puppy running around and jumping around people sounds extra fun.

oh great and powerful chibiterasu, puppy to us all, i implore that you take heed of my prayers to thee that

no. NO. that is my carpet and you do not

stop rolling in that. that is not clean. now look what you've done. look at it. that is shame.
Wolves Evolve said:
I agree. Back in myyyyyyy day, a hardcore gamer might have had preferences, but by large, they played and appreciated everything they could get their hands on. If I meet a gamer these days who is talking first about the console rather than what they play, I tune out.

I have always been this way as well.

But these days, you find moe console warriors than gamers.

Shame really.


The newest scan looks good. I hope they keep the gibberish voices for this. I know a lot of people complained about the voices in the original but I always felt that it added to the charm if the game.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I always loved Ammy's tendency to yawn and rest her head on her paws (in boredom?) during the longer cutscenes. However, I will happily trade that for a puppy Ammy-wannabe chasing her tail or yipping at butterflies while others discuss grave events.

Well, last night I made good on my idea of attempting to give Okami another shot.
As indicated in a previous post, I gave up my 30+ hour PS2 file and started over on the Wii (yep, did my part and double-dipped, day 1, full price, for both versions, despite not much liking the PS2 original).

I'm digging the more vibrant colors (due to the reduced paper filter, perhaps?) and the pointer painting controls. A lot. I was annoyed by the waggle combat, which isn't nearly as comfortable or painless as Twilight Princess, so I happy located an Ocarina code that kills the waggle and maps attacks/tackles and the dodge to buttons 1 and 2, respectively. Holding Z acts like a shift, so you can access the normal 1 and 2 commands by holding Z. Z+1 is now map, Z+2 is now first person view.

Additionally, since I have the game installed to HDD and running via USB Loader (with Ocarina cheat code support!), the load times have melted away. Even had they not removed the load screen demon fang minigame from the Wii version, there'd be no time for it in any event.

The game, in general, runs at a nicer clip. Though mapping combat to 1 and 2 is not ideal placement (and not as good as the dualshock controls), it's quite a bit better than the standard waggle, and married to the Wii's superior painting controls. It's a good compromise, IMHO, and I'm having no problem matching or exceeding my combat times and scores from the PS2 rev. And painting/slashing/whatever is so much more engaging!

Consequently, I put almost 6 hours into the game last night, and got a lot less sleep than I should have!


Running off of Custom Firmware
I don't play Sales Age, but according to Wikipedia...

&#332;kami sold 200,000 copies in North America in 2006, grossing approximately USD$8 million and ranking as the 100th best selling game of the year in the region.[123] By March 2007, the total sales of the PlayStation 2 version were near 270,000.[54] By comparison, &#332;kami sold 66,000 copies in Japan for 2006.[124]

On July 30, 2008, Capcom revealed that the Wii version of &#332;kami had sold approximately 280,000 copies in North America and Europe since its release date.[129]

I think Okami Wii is about to hit, or just hit Japan, so hopefully it'll do decently there. According to these numbers, it seems like the Wii version is more or less outselling the PS2 release, and that's with one major territory missing.

Looking at the scans, all my concerns about the graphics have melted away. It won't look fantastic like the original, but they should be able to pull off the style on the DS.

Here's to hoping Capcom can do a good job with the series without Clover.


Mejilan said:
I don't play Sales Age, but according to Wikipedia...

I think Okami Wii is about to hit, or just hit Japan, so hopefully it'll do decently there. According to these numbers, it seems like the Wii version is more or less outselling the PS2 release, and that's with one major territory missing.


I don't know if I can trust the sales listed there when they have the JP sales completely wrong. Okami sold 147k in Japan in 2006. :p
Mejilan said:
I always loved Ammy's tendency to yawn and rest her head on her paws (in boredom?) during the longer cutscenes. However, I will happily trade that for a puppy Ammy-wannabe chasing her tail or yipping at butterflies while others discuss grave events.

Well, last night I made good on my idea of attempting to give Okami another shot.
As indicated in a previous post, I gave up my 30+ hour PS2 file and started over on the Wii (yep, did my part and double-dipped, day 1, full price, for both versions, despite not much liking the PS2 original).

I'm digging the more vibrant colors (due to the reduced paper filter, perhaps?) and the pointer painting controls. A lot. I was annoyed by the waggle combat, which isn't nearly as comfortable or painless as Twilight Princess, so I happy located an Ocarina code that kills the waggle and maps attacks/tackles and the dodge to buttons 1 and 2, respectively. Holding Z acts like a shift, so you can access the normal 1 and 2 commands by holding Z. Z+1 is now map, Z+2 is now first person view.

Additionally, since I have the game installed to HDD and running via USB Loader (with Ocarina cheat code support!), the load times have melted away. Even had they not removed the load screen demon fang minigame from the Wii version, there'd be no time for it in any event.

The game, in general, runs at a nicer clip. Though mapping combat to 1 and 2 is not ideal placement (and not as good as the dualshock controls), it's quite a bit better than the standard waggle, and married to the Wii's superior painting controls. It's a good compromise, IMHO, and I'm having no problem matching or exceeding my combat times and scores from the PS2 rev. And painting/slashing/whatever is so much more engaging!

Consequently, I put almost 6 hours into the game last night, and got a lot less sleep than I should have!

Is it not slower initially running from a usb? Cuz i was thinking on digitalizing all my Wii games but speed has always kept me from doing so.

Wow at those scans, very nice.

Also, i personally think that Okami 2 should never have been made. Not all games need sequels.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
NoitoraJirugajr said:
The biggest reason Okami DS will not be as good is that no way can the DS produce such an awesome soundtrack as the PS2 had. Sure they can synth a decent replica but it won't be Okami soundtrack quality.

Uh, sure they can.


Orangepeel said:
it sold at least enough for greatest hits, however many units that is.

I think some of the later reprints got GH just for the sake of it. Disgaea and Odin Sphere also had GH versions.


Does Chrono Trigger count? Obviously it's originally a SNES game but the DS music is still better then the music from Okami.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I thought it looked good for DS, but a 2D game would be even better... still don't understand why DS devs insist on 3D for games.


billy.sea said:

This was a good game.

It was fun for 5 minutes. Only 4 enemies on the screen at a time ruined it for me.
BorkBork said:
Ignoring personal taste, the quality of the audio is there.
I suppose so. I guess people are worried about the soundtrack being smaller than Okami, which should be a given. I mean holy crap, that soundtrack was freakin' huge! 5 discs!

And Chrono Trigger OST better than Okami's? Hmmm, I don't know.


ryan-ts said:
Does Chrono Trigger count? Obviously it's originally a SNES game but the DS music is still better then the music from Okami.

That's subjective. Sound quality, however, is much better on the PS2/Wii than on the DS.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Okami's OST is massively bigger than CT's, though. This game obviously won't have as much music.
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