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Okamiden: Okami SEQUEL to the system that won the system war!


Running off of Custom Firmware
lorddarkflare said:
Is it not slower initially running from a usb? Cuz i was thinking on digitalizing all my Wii games but speed has always kept me from doing so.

Full USB2.0 speeds slower than an optical drive? I think not, my friend!
Not only do most games' load times get seriously slashed when running off HDD, some games (such as House of the Dead Overkill) actually see smoothed over performance issues! This, admittedly, is much rarer.

Also, i personally think that Okami 2 should never have been made. Not all games need sequels.

Out of curiosity, what makes you think that?
I've yet to beat the original, but others have made it out that some kind of war in heaven was basically implied in the ending... Seems like a more than decent set up for a follow up!


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
ZealousD said:
Maybe if you didn't use headphones...
Even so, the version playing on that youtube link is from the OST cd. An audio rip from the game would have lower quality, even with headphones.


soldat7 said:
That's subjective. Sound quality, however, is much better on the PS2/Wii than on the DS.

Subjective my ass :lol

Sound quality may be better but when I wear a pair of headphones with my DS the only thing that matters is if the music is good or not.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Fuu said:
Even so, the version playing on that youtube link is from the OST cd. An audio rip from the game would have lower quality, even with headphones.

Not enough to make a HUGE difference, imo. But even so, compression quality is one thing. Implying that the DS can only do synth music is another.


paid requisite penance
Crewnh said:
I suppose so. I guess people are worried about the soundtrack being smaller than Okami, which should be a given. I mean holy crap, that soundtrack was freakin' huge! 5 discs!

And Chrono Trigger OST better than Okami's? Hmmm, I don't know.

It's true that Ôkami's OST is frickin' huge, but there are so many useless songs in it, starting with all the ambiance music for demonic worlds. I currently have only a third of the OST on my MP3 player, and I know I could cut at least another half, if not 2/3 of it. I won't mind if Ôkamiden has less songs if most of them are top notch.


Fuu said:
I think a better example would be these audio rips from Professor Layton:

Audio rips of Soma Bringer would be even better, but I doubt there's any around.

On topic: since apparently the combat system is similar to the original, I think I'll just give up following this and wait for the reviews.


I'm probably lttp, but the new scan looks awesome. Chibi Amaterasu looks so adorable! The graphics also look really good, but they still lack the subtlety of the PS2 game. God I'm like a pendulum with my opinion on this game. :lol


Mejilan said:
You're not making much sense here. Okami got two console chances spanning two different generations of hardware, and failed to light up the charts. If the DS sequel becomes a smash hit, it'll just mean that we'll probably see another on the handheld.
Well, I think it makes perfect sense.
The first bombed, no idea why, I never had a PS2 long enough to buy it the first time so I was outta the loop there. The second time around I think it bombed because it was a port of the original, typically Wii gamers don't like ports for graphics or shoe horned control issues. (there are some exceptions, eg. MP trillogy) Unless it comes from Nintendo, ports have almost always sucked on Wii, period.
Now then, unless you have solid examples of games that bombed on consoles but went huge on portables, and remained there, without a console follow up...I'm inclined to say you don't make sense.

Unless you're saying it was simply your opinion...in which case you're welcome to it.
Y2Kev said:
Okami's OST is massively bigger than CT's, though. This game obviously won't have as much music.

is it purchase-able in the states without importing?

and/or is that certain final fantasy themed hotel site still around/functioning?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Evilink said:
Well, I think it makes perfect sense.
The first bombed, no idea why, I never had a PS2 long enough to buy it the first time so I was outta the loop there. The second time around I think it bombed because it was a port of the original, typically Wii gamers don't like ports for graphics or shoe horned control issues. (there are some exceptions, eg. MP trillogy) Unless it comes from Nintendo, ports have almost always sucked on Wii, period.
Now then, unless you have solid examples of games that bombed on consoles but went huge on portables, and remained there, without a console follow up...I'm inclined to say you don't make sense.

RE4 Wii was a port and sold GANGBUSTERS! And hey, that was Capcom too! So yay for your silly and incorrect generalizations!
Okami not selling all that great on the Wii (just like it didn't sell all that great on the PS2) has little enough to do with it being a port. Hell, the fact that it's putting up PS2-like numbers is something of a moderate success, in my book. I had it pegged for the harshest of failures, but if it winds up outselling the PS2 version... *shrugs*

Also, this trend of continuing console franchises on handhelds is actually a pretty recent innovation. So we're all boldly exploring new and exciting frontiers, here. Were you not around when the systems were announced for games like Dragon Quest IX and Valkyria Chronicles 2? Woooooo the meltdowns. This announcement was met with a tame reception, relatively speaking!

Like I said, Capcom gave the first game two console at-bats, and they seem to consider that it struck out twice. Or at least barely managed a base hit. If they hit a home run THIS time around with a console iteration, there's absolutely NO reason to believe that Capcom would give it a third at-bat on a console in lieu of a second at-bat on a handheld.

Much like a fantasizing over an HD Okami 2, it's a pipe dream.

Edit - And opinion has little to do with it. We're all totally speculating here. We can't possibly know how Capcom would react to a successful Okami DS game. But yes, it's my OPINION that one of two things will happen:
1) Okami DS succeeds; series continues on the platform where it found said success.
2) Okami DS follows in the footsteps of its bigger console brothers; basically ending the franchise for the foreseeable future.
Mejilan said:
Edit - And opinion has little to do with it. We're all totally speculating here. We can't possibly know how Capcom would react to a successful Okami DS game. But yes, it's my OPINION that one of two things will happen:
1) Okami DS succeeds; series continues on the platform where it found said success.
2) Okami DS follows in the footsteps of its bigger console brothers; basically ending the franchise for the foreseeable future.

but we often see a game series take a quick break on a handheld to keep it's composure, get some quick money, and then fund a proper console sequel later on. i agree though that putting it on the DS might give it the right exposure.

i have doubts though, and my reasoning may seem a little weird: i think a lot of young or casual american gamers have a natural allergy to games with asian-sounding titles or words in the title. OKAMI vs. (insert some sort of white wolf yay fun tiem title here). they may not even give it a glance assuming it's some mega complicated SRPG. im not saying i want the game's name changed, but i just feel like naming is one of many reasons that a lot of AMAZING eastern games just sink like a rock in the west. it's unfair.


Mejilan said:
RE4 Wii was a port and sold GANGBUSTERS! And hey, that was Capcom too!
Well, I said there were exceptions.

Okami not selling all that great on the Wii (just like it didn't sell all that great on the PS2) has little enough to do with it being a port. Hell, the fact that it's putting up PS2-like numbers is something of a moderate success, in my book. I had it pegged for the harshest of failures, but if it winds up outselling the PS2 version... *shrugs*
If it's selling better on Wii, and there's a handheld brewing, I'm not going ot count it out...yet

Also, this trend of continuing console franchises on handhelds is actually a pretty recent innovation. So we're all boldly exploring new and exciting frontiers, here. Were you not around when the systems were announced for games like Dragon Quest IX and Valkyria Chronicles 2? Woooooo the meltdowns. This announcement was met with a tame reception, relatively speaking!
That has absolutely nothing to do with what I said... "games that bombed on consoles but went huge on portables, and remained there, without a console follow up... DQ9s follow up is on Wii, durrrrr DQX? where's VC2 going, I dunno, but I bet we'll see it on PS3 in the future. The question was, can you name any games that went handheld and remained there without making a home console comeback, you haven't listed 1...

Like I said, Capcom gave the first game two console at-bats, and they seem to consider that it struck out twice. Or at least barely managed a base hit. If they hit a home run THIS time around with a console iteration, there's absolutely NO reason to believe that Capcom would give it a third at-bat on a console in lieu of a second at-bat on a handheld.
We're talking about the destination of future Okami games, it's relevance on being on a handheld for the time being, and possible return to home consoles. And examples to back your opinion...by the way...an opinion is a synonym for speculation, read about it. lol, Who you school'n chappy?
Now then, if you weren't in such a hurry to respond so as not to actually read what I posted in the first place, I wouldn't be such an ass...it's been a long day :(
This game will never receive hype on gaf.

There is a reason that KZ2 was the most hyped game in gaf history and that UC2 is by far the most hyped game this holiday season.

There is also a reason why despite being by far the most popular console of all time most people on here prefer the 360 and PS3 to DS.

Gaf is primarily comprised of graphics whores.

This could be one of the greatest games of all time and it will almost be completely overlooked on here.
AdventureRacing said:
This game will never receive hype on gaf.

There is a reason that KZ2 was the most hyped game in gaf history and that UC2 is by far the most hyped game this holiday season.

There is also a reason why despite being by far the most popular console of all time most people on here prefer the 360 and PS3 to DS.

Gaf is primarily comprised of graphics whores.

This could be one of the greatest games of all time and it will almost be completely overlooked on here.
Not sure I entirely agree with the bolded, but yes, you're right.
AdventureRacing said:
This game will never receive hype on gaf.

There is a reason that KZ2 was the most hyped game in gaf history and that UC2 is by far the most hyped game this holiday season.

There is also a reason why despite being by far the most popular console of all time most people on here prefer the 360 and PS3 to DS.

Gaf is primarily comprised of graphics whores.

This could be one of the greatest games of all time and it will almost be completely overlooked on here.
That would be MGS4


AdventureRacing said:
This game will never receive hype on gaf.

There is a reason that KZ2 was the most hyped game in gaf history and that UC2 is by far the most hyped game this holiday season.

There is also a reason why despite being by far the most popular console of all time most people on here prefer the 360 and PS3 to DS.

Gaf is primarily comprised of graphics whores.

This could be one of the greatest games of all time and it will almost be completely overlooked on here.
Don't be so negative, there's a sizable contingent of Okami fans here, as well as a lot of DS owners. We'll try to make sure this won't be forgotten or overlooked.

It might not get as hyped as the two titles you mentioned above, but let's just say that those received exorbitant amounts of hype for other reasons as well.
AdventureRacing said:
This game will never receive hype on gaf.

There is a reason that KZ2 was the most hyped game in gaf history and that UC2 is by far the most hyped game this holiday season.

There is also a reason why despite being by far the most popular console of all time most people on here prefer the 360 and PS3 to DS.

Gaf is primarily comprised of graphics whores.

This could be one of the greatest games of all time and it will almost be completely overlooked on here.

Is there room in that head of yours for people who prefer the 360/PS3 because they feel the games are actually better?

Or is it a forgone conclusion that people must be graphics whores to prefer them. Or that placing importance on graphical presentation makes you a "graphics whore" (whatever that means)?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Evilink said:
Well, I said there were exceptions.
You also said "sucked hard, period." Might want to tune down the rhetoric a bit. Throwing an "almost" in there doesn't really save that bullshit line.

If it's selling better on Wii, and there's a handheld brewing, I'm not going ot count it out...yet

I don't understand what you mean here.
Also, I don't have current LTD numbers for Okami. I was just basing off what I read on Wikipedia, which according to Duckroll, isn't all that accurate.

That has absolutely nothing to do with what I said... "games that bombed on consoles but went huge on portables, and remained there, without a console follow up... DQ9s follow up is on Wii, durrrrr DQX? where's VC2 going, I dunno, but I bet we'll see it on PS3 in the future. The question was, can you name any games that went handheld and remained there without making a home console comeback, you haven't listed 1...

I'll forgive you because you're apparently tired, but let me lay it out again. Since this whole idea of franchises graduating from console to handheld is relatively new, obviously there isn't much history to analyze. THAT was my point. Handhelds have always received spin-offs. Full-blooded sequels, on the other hand, are a more modern development.

Also, DQX is completely and totally irrelevant. The decision to release it on the Wii had to do with the Wii selling like a mofo on top of / despite of everything. You'll note that the DQX decision was made long before DQIX came out... or development on DQIX had even wrapped up! Long before DQIX had a chance to sink or swim (btw, it not only swam, but won Olympic gold medals!) DQIX and the DS were clearly two unknowns/non-issues, at that point. DQX on the Wii was announced solely on the merits of the Wii's successes, and not on the basis of DQIX's performance.

DQ has always gone to the most successful system. When the generation was young, they decided to skip consoles and migrate to the DS. It was either that, take a chance on one of the consoles (not really in Horii's modus operandi), or sit on DQIX. Once the generation matured a bit, the Wii was selected. It's basically how the franchise has always worked, only now handhelds are basically strong enough to be considered for "meatier" affairs, perhaps unlike in generations past. Thus, they did not sit on DQIX.

And VC2 is PSP-bound, not PS3-bound, for what it's worth. Many bitter tears in that thread as well. Nothing ambiguous about it, it's a full-blown numbered sequel. Admittedly, Okami isn't numbered, but then again, not all sequels are. What little we know about the game suggests that it is a sequel, and that seems to be what IGN is going with as well.

We're talking about the destination of future Okami games, it's relevance on being on a handheld for the time being, and possible return to home consoles. And examples to back your opinion...by the way...an opinion is a synonym for speculation, read about it. lol, Who you school'n chappy?

I'm not a moron, so you can drop the asshole act. It's not even remotely contributory. Also, opinion and speculation are plenty different, if you allow nuances. If you want to get truly technical, we can both easily speculate on the future of the Okami franchise without interjecting our opinions into the process. An opinion requires an underlying belief, motivation, or judgment. Speculation does not. It is simple contemplation or consideration, and can certainly remain unpolluted by opinion.

I think most reasonable folks would agree that this shift in tactics (and platform) is a result of relatively unimpressive console sales. There's even some interview-speak to back up that assessment. It's not a great leap to carry that assessment to the next logical conclusion: That Capcom are disinclined to continue the franchise on consoles. Hell, there's interview-speak out there that suggests that they were disinclined to resurrect Okami (or ANY Clover IP), regardless of platform.

We KNOW that this started off as some dude's pet project; that he worked on it until he had a prototype he could show off internally; and that the prototype was then approved on the basis of what he had accomplished. This was mentioned earlier in this clusterfuck of a thread.

Given what we know about Capcom's view of the IP, and given what we know about the origins of this revival; I do feel that it's a huge leap to even SPECULATE (*wink*) that a successful DS game could potentially lead into a new console game, instead of another DS game. The logic just doesn't follow, in my mind. But of course, you're free to both speculate and have an opinion, as am I. :)

Now then, if you weren't in such a hurry to respond so as not to actually read what I posted in the first place, I wouldn't be such an ass...it's been a long day :(

My responses were perfectly in line with what I had quoted you on. Selective reading for the loss. ;p
There's never justification for being an ass. Though, if the day was that rough, I would be inclined to take the rest of the night off and crash. Hell, I might do the same. It's only Wednesday and it's already been a rough week. And I think I'm fighting off a cold... and losing. :(

Edit - OMG, just saw the newer, high quality scan. Adooooooorable! Truly, the behind-the-back shot of Chibiterasu does no justice!
Mejilan said:
Edit - OMG, just saw the newer, high quality scan. Adooooooorable! Truly, the behind-the-back shot of Chibiterasu does no justice!

Really the only appropriate response upon seeing Chibiterasu is SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
AdventureRacing said:
There is a reason that KZ2 was the most hyped game in gaf history and that UC2 is by far the most hyped game this holiday season.

Somebody is forgetting about Scribblenauts.


stuburns said:
Dead Rising is by far the worst offender. GAF acts like it's a masterpiece and it's awful.


Mejilan said:
not a moron, so you can drop the asshole act. It's not even remotely contributory. Also, opinion and speculation are plenty different, if you allow nuances. If you want to get truly technical, we can both easily speculate on the future of the Okami franchise without interjecting our opinions into the process. An opinion requires an underlying belief, motivation, or judgment. Speculation does not. It is simple contemplation or consideration, and can certainly remain unpolluted by opinion.
Me being an asshole right now isn't an act. You opened this conversation saying I didn't make any sense, without so much as backing your claim in the first place.(wtf?) That's where the assholery comes from. I don't think you're a moron, but if you think you're gonna school me on how your opinion is truth-or no wait-speculation is far superior to mine, and have no evidence to back it up...you're not running off custom firmware, you're running off at the mouth. You wanna tell me I don't make sense, cool, but back your opinon with something relevant or don't bother wasting my time. Now, you can color opinions and speculation as you seem fit; add all the pretty nuances you want, label them with whatever definition, it certainly doesn't make you any more educated or impressive, I couldn't care less. You still fail miserably to come up with a game that started on a console with poor reception, made a comeback on a handheld, and release on a home console, which was my point. ( Afterall, why can't Okami make a Wii comeback if it's DS counterpart sells well)...and if your point was to illustrate how little there was to analyze about the history of this type of transiton occurring, you coulda just said so. I know VC2 is PSP, that was my bad, I meant after that. Now, myself, I'm just a blue collar bitch trying to make his way in the gaming/entertainment world, I don't presume to know more or less than anyone else here, and I don't pretend to tell anyone they don't make sense-especially without fact.(something you lack) I take offense to that shit, even on a forum.
Edit: And I didn't say sucked hard, I said "almost always sucked, period." There's a frigg'n difference.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
typhonsentra said:
Wooow, I hadn't seen the screens yet.

Goddamn, if that's the screens they approve for press... this is going to be horrible. :lol

The's two scans out in the wild right now. The second one is better than the first.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Dragona Akehi said:
I want several!

omg omg squeeeeee chibiterasu <3

this is my most anticipated DS game now

Relaxed Muscle said:
They could always use a bigger cart size than CT...

The PS2 game has 5 cds of music. This is going to have fewer tracks.
Evilink said:
Me being an asshole right now isn't an act. You opened this conversation saying I didn't make any sense, without so much as backing your claim in the first place.(wtf?) That's where the assholery comes from. I don't think you're a moron, but if you think you're gonna school me on how your opinion is truth-or no wait-speculation is far superior to mine, and have no evidence to back it up...you're not running off custom firmware, you're running off at the mouth. You wanna tell me I don't make sense, cool, but back your opinon with something relevant or don't bother wasting my time. Now, you can color opinions and speculation as you seem fit; add all the pretty nuances you want, label them with whatever definition, it certainly doesn't make you any more educated or impressive, I couldn't care less. You still fail miserably to come up with a game that started on a console with poor reception, made a comeback on a handheld, and release on a home console, which was my point. ( Afterall, why can't Okami make a Wii comeback if it's DS counterpart sells well)...and if your point was to illustrate how little there was to analyze about the history of this type of transiton occurring, you coulda just said so. I know VC2 is PSP, that was my bad, I meant after that. Now, myself, I'm just a blue collar bitch trying to make his way in the gaming/entertainment world, I don't presume to know more or less than anyone else here, and I don't pretend to tell anyone they don't make sense-especially without fact.(something you lack) I take offense to that shit, even on a forum.
Edit: And I didn't say sucked hard, I said "almost always sucked, period." There's a frigg'n difference.

this is just like the ending to Zelda 2!!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Evilink said:
Me being an asshole right now isn't an act. You opened this conversation saying I didn't make any sense, without so much as backing your claim in the first place.(wtf?) That's where the assholery comes from. I don't think you're a moron, but if you think you're gonna school me on how your opinion is truth-or no wait-speculation is far superior to mine, and have no evidence to back it up...you're not running off custom firmware, you're running off at the mouth. You wanna tell me I don't make sense, cool, but back your opinon with something relevant or don't bother wasting my time. Now, you can color opinions and speculation as you seem fit; add all the pretty nuances you want, label them with whatever definition, it certainly doesn't make you any more educated or impressive, I couldn't care less. You still fail miserably to come up with a game that started on a console with poor reception, made a comeback on a handheld, and release on a home console, which was my point. ( Afterall, why can't Okami make a Wii comeback if it's DS counterpart sells well)...and if your point was to illustrate how little there was to analyze about the history of this type of transiton occurring, you coulda just said so. I know VC2 is PSP, that was my bad, I meant after that. Now, myself, I'm just a blue collar bitch trying to make his way in the gaming/entertainment world, I don't presume to know more or less than anyone else here, and I don't pretend to tell anyone they don't make sense-especially without fact.(something you lack) I take offense to that shit, even on a forum.
Edit: And I didn't say sucked hard, I said "almost always sucked, period." There's a frigg'n difference.

Now you're just being a brat (and, unsurprisingly, an asshole). You're up in arms over nothing. Literally nothing. I quoted you and responded simply as a discussion point, not to call you out over a fallacy or to somehow disprove your opinion with my own opinion. That's ridiculous, and if that's how you choose to interpret this discussion, then we have nothing left to discuss. That was never my intent, and I'm not going to continue to play your stupid little game (beyond this response) just because you choose to be a little bitch about it.

I've done my speculation, and I don't need industry "precedent" to "prove" it. Especially since much of the shit going on this gen is unprecedented.

But to recap; here's my stance:
Game (relatively) flops on two massively successful consoles (with huge install bases), spanning two generations. Capcom VIPs openly admit to unimpressive sales and to having NO intention of reviving IP. IP gets a surprise revival mostly due to the independent efforts of a tenacious employee, apparently one with a lot of heart and/or appreciation for the IP. Given Capcom's past comments on the subject, I find it more likely that a successful DS outing will result in another handheld follow-up, if anything at all. That's my best-case-scenario. Actually, I suspect it'll bomb a third time, and Okami will die for good, at least for the next 5 or so years.

That's it. If you choose to take offense at something I said before, when it was never intended as anything more than idle chatter, well, I can't help that.

If you want an example of a console game that successfully continued on a handheld... fine. Chibi-Robo for the GCN. Sequel hit the DS. Second DS sequel announced a few months ago. Original game on a console. Games 2 and 3 on a handheld. DONE. It means nothing to me and to this discussion, so I don't know why it should mean anything to you, but there you go. Precedent.

Want another? Wind Waker hits the GCN. Phantom Hourglass continues that story and those characters on the DS (much like Okamiden seems to be doing). Spirit Tracks seems to continue Phantom Hourglass, also on the DS. (Twilight Princess technically follows up on Ocarina of Time, not Wind Waker; as both WW and TP are set up like "alternate" possible futures from the events of OoT). This may hold less water, since we don't really know if Spirit Tracks features the same Link, or just one that looks like him. The Zelda franchise is a bit sticky, however, since they're not numbered, and the order of games varies a bit between Japan and the US (thanks to classically loose localization standards back in the day). But I think we can all agree that the main adventures (regardless of platform) are mainline games, and only gimmicky entries like Four Swords Adventures and Link's Crossbow Training merit being called spin-offs.

Wait, another? Ok, how about a third party entry this time? Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. The original was a multiplayer, dungeon-crawling Action RPG. It got a similarly themed, similarly playing sequel on the DS featuring offline local multiplayer. That got ANOTHER direct sequel on the DS, this time with online multiplayer. Sure, it was also packaged onto a Wii disc and sold as a separate SKU, but no one who played it can argue that it's anything more than a DS game (with texture filtering) on a Wii disc. Hell, the "two screens" are simply side-by-side.

Oh, but there's a new FFCC Crystal Bearers also coming to the Wii, you say? True, but by all reports, that's more of a single-player, story-driven action/adventure game than a multiplayer, dungeon-crawling ARPG; so it's a different beast entirely, either spin-off or franchise reboot or what have you, but certainly not a "traditional" FFCC game like the three that came before it.

Satisfied? Either way, I suspect you'll just go around in more circles. I'm done with this. I'll spend the rest of the evening playing Okami, thank-you-very-much.
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