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Okamiden: Okami SEQUEL to the system that won the system war!

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
Rewrite said:

Redeemed. I'm still unsure of Chibiterasu, but we'll see. That gif brings me hope.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Video looked quite nice but I want a non flash version. Chibiterasu is still a terrible name but I also love the doggie.


Zanasea said:
Chibiterasu... this is ridiculous.

Yes, how dare the game go for cuteness. That certainly was to be avoided in its predecessor. I know the original Okami constantly strived to maintain an utterly serious and mature tone, and it didn't at all have a protagonist that was a dog or anything like that.


sparkle this bitch
Been a while since I feel this was appropriate

Outside of the framerate or slowdown(whatever you wish to call it), Quite excited. I thought Okami was one of the better games of last year and seeing another makes me warm inside. I do love the support the DS gets :lol


ethelred said:
Yes, how dare the game go for cuteness. That certainly was to be avoided in its predecessor. I know the original Okami constantly strived to maintain an utterly serious and mature tone, and it didn't at all have a protagonist that was a dog or anything like that.
You certainly enjoy the idea of "let's make a baby Amaterasu for the DS!"

"Oh and by the way, we want to reach a larger audience!"
Zanasea said:
You certainly enjoy the idea of "let's make a baby Amaterasu for the DS!"

"Oh and by the way, we want to reach a larger audience!"
Well, yes

The point is to reach a larger audience

Capcom isn't Takahashi, they're not purposely trying to keep people from playing their game


Zanasea said:
You certainly enjoy the idea of "let's make a baby Amaterasu for the DS!"

Sure, I enjoy the idea of a new Okami game very much. I'm not as put off as you by the idea of the wolf being a puppy this time instead of a dog because, let's be honest here, it's not like Amaterasu was some kind of edgy, serious business hero. It's a dog. It did ostensibly cute doggy things throughout the whole game. Do you think there's some kind of vast difference in maturity playing as a young adult dog versus playing as a puppy? Good grief, get a grip. You have some serious personal insecurity issues you need to work through.

The puppy is fucking cute as hell, man.


I wonder how the camera control is going to work. I would rather have most areas use a fixed camera angle instead of having to keep pressing a button to readjust the camera.

Edit: What is the button on the bottom of that site for? Does anything happen once it reaches a certain number?


That looks fantastic. The speed between the game pausing and the brush appearing makes it seem like it just switches to "Brush mode" the moment you touch the screen. That should make the game play better.
Could someone please make a Gif avatar from the teaser clip of Amitaratsu turning into Chibiratasu (preferably with a nice Squeeeeee at the end :D)

The person who does this becomes my eternal friend :D
Mejilan said:
I've yet to beat the original
You should. The game came out in '06 dude.

but others have made it out that some kind of war in heaven was basically implied in the ending... Seems like a more than decent set up for a follow up!
Don't know what people have told you but the only thing the ending said was that Amaterasu was going to restore "heaven" since it was ruined previously. The only "war in heaven" was in the backstory for the game. Other than that, all plot threads were tied up. Hell, you even got an epilogue from an older and much wiser Issun saying that Ammy and him would end up going on more adventures but the tale for Okami was pretty much tied up. So yeah, the game didn't really need a sequel.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Crewnh said:
Hell, you even got an epilogue from an older and much wiser Issun saying that Ammy and him would end up going on more adventures but the tale for Okami was pretty much tied up. So yeah, the game didn't really need a sequel.

You don't remember the epilogue very well.


"If you're eager to hear more, I can tell you the rest of the story some other time."

"Until next time..."
ZealousD said:
You don't remember the epilogue very well.


"If you're eager to hear more, I can tell you the rest of the story some other time."

"Until next time..."
The rest of the story as in the rest of Amaterasu's adventures? So yeah, what don't I remember? The game wasn't screaming for a sequel, they left potential for it with that comment but it could have equally stood alone as a stand alone title.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Crewnh said:
The rest of the story as in the rest of Amaterasu's adventures? So yeah, what don't I remember? The game wasn't screaming for a sequel, they left potential for it with that comment but it could have equally stood alone as a stand alone title.

You were implying that the ending had essentially written out the possibility of a sequel, even though I felt it did just the opposite. It wasn't exactly a Halo 2-style cliffhanger but that doesn't mean that it didn't leave the door wide open. In this case, apparently the rest of the story involves Chibiterasu, not Ammy.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

The graphics look amazing! The framerate looks like it is chugging a little, but all the effects are there and the big village vista is amazing! Oh my god they are making another Okami!

ZealousD said:
You were implying that the ending had essentially written out the possibility of a sequel.
All I said was that all of the plot threads apart from the restoration of the Celestial Plane in Okami were tied up. Then I even went on to mention Issun's spouting of more adventures. Then I said that a sequel was not needed. If you disagree with that, that's fine but I don't I think I implied that there was no possibility of a sequel, just that it was not needed. Feel like I've repeated myself twice.:lol

In this case, apparently the rest of the story involves Chibiterasu, not Ammy.
Well we'll never know what was really intended by that comment if Clover had had their way.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
EmCeeGramr said:
Fixed, desuyo.

^____^^ kawaii desuuuuneeee ^___^_^^^_^^

(for the sake of discussion, my most wanted DS titles are this, SJ at number two (but close behind!), and SQUEEballs party)


Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Can't lie, I'd rather have this sequel on anything but the DS.

Anyways, let's hope it makes it to the west soon. Guess we'll have a full spread at TGS.
You know, this thread has inspired me. I'm digging out my old PS2 right now and replaying the game.

I'll be back in three hours when the intro stops gibbering at me.
Yaweee said:
That looks fantastic. The speed between the game pausing and the brush appearing makes it seem like it just switches to "Brush mode" the moment you touch the screen. That should make the game play better.

Wow. Now I really hope that's how it works because that would be amazing.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
EmCeeGramr said:
You know, this thread has inspired me. I'm digging out my old PS2 right now and replaying the game.

I'll be back in three hours when the intro stops gibbering at me.
I'll join you, playing my Wii and PS2 versions at the same time on adjacent televisions. SQUEEEEEE
charlequin said:
Wow. Now I really hope that's how it works because that would be amazing.

If that's how it works, I'm concerned... they're gonna have to rely pretty heavily on the celestial brush mechanics, then, because if you've got the stylus in one hand, you'll only have the D-pad and one of the shoulder buttons for input.


Amibguous Cad said:
If that's how it works, I'm concerned... they're gonna have to rely pretty heavily on the celestial brush mechanics, then, because if you've got the stylus in one hand, you'll only have the D-pad and one of the shoulder buttons for input.

You're right. The controls are going to have to be creatively mapped. They could also be laid out differently in battle compared to out of battle, which would resolve some of the issues.


Varjet said:
I can't be the only one who can't see what's so cute about Chibiteratsu, can I?
Puppies are cute.
Chibiteratsu is a puppy.

Hence follows Chibiteratsu is cute.

It's a simple deduction, really.


Amibguous Cad said:
If that's how it works, I'm concerned... they're gonna have to rely pretty heavily on the celestial brush mechanics, then, because if you've got the stylus in one hand, you'll only have the D-pad and one of the shoulder buttons for input.
Actually I'm thinking the controls might work like this:

Tap/draw on screen for normal attacks (reflectors/glaives/rosaries/etc.) like Ninja Gaiden DS.

Hold down shoulder button to activate celestial brush mode. Draw gesture, release shoulder button.

I don't see them making you switch between pressing A and drawing during combat...that would be really awkward.


I am, however, morbidly curious as to how well (sales-wise) this game will do in light of the first. The PS2 was as fertile a system as DS, so it stands to reason it could sell as poorly...or worse considering how prevalent piracy is on DS.


EmCeeGramr said:
At least this'll be the best Zelda on the DS, not that it has any actual competition.
Dino Crisis 3.

I'm keeping my hopes for the Zelda-like games on DS very low, regardless.

Dr. Chaos

Ookami-kun said:
Is Chibiterasu... Ammy and Oki's pup?
If it is Ammy's puppy, hopefully she suddenly pops out of nowhere to help you out in a boss battle or something later in the game, a nice surprise fanboy moment.

Looking pretty good. I mean, I wasn't expecting it to look like crap (that may or may not be a lie) or anything but Okami being as godly as it is, it's nice to have something that can slowly start to help me get my expectations in check for this.


ShockingAlberto said:
And when you're done, the DS game will be out!
Exactly! You see, the timing is perfect! :lol
Actually the Length of Okami have never bothered me at all.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Nice teaser animation!!

Tigel said:
Damn, now I have the urge to play Okami again :lol We should do a GAF plays: Okami :D

Someone totally should to a thread. I'm about 6 hours into a Wii play, so if a thread pops up, I'll participate.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Evilink said:
LOL. Well, perhaps you should have phrased it differently, and as your chosen term "brat" indicates, you would continue to talk at me as you would some kid. But hey, that was my interpretation of your post. If you're going to call someone out, make it stick...

My responses were more or less in line with the way I perceived you to be carrying yourself in this discussion. Note the careful use of past tense. :)

That said, I do regret some of my words in that last post. Much like you, I had a long day... a long week, really. Not an excuse, but I'm just putting it out there. Still, you seem like a decent sort, and going by the rest of this post I'm quoting, I'm getting the hint that you'd like to continue in a more civil fashion.

To that end, I do apologize for any offenses I may have caused in my last response to you last night. And I'd like to stress that my initial response to you was intended only as an innocuous discussion point, not an attack of any sort. I still don't see exactly how you perceived it as one, but you're of course entitled to your own interpretation of my words. Still, it was not my intent to "start something" (unless by "something" we mean "fun discourse" concerning games that probably deserved better than they got.)

You took offense at something I said, interpreting an attack.
I, in turn, reacted to what I felt was an unmerited lashing out.
Things escalated. Thread got sullied (though admittedly it was almost beyond salvation after the news broke, well before our contributions).

So let's continue happily ever after, SQUEEing over any new media that hits. [/livejournal]
But first...

Brilliant, you've made my day, and almost made my point. Although those games sold better to begin with on home consoles I believe, and the hand held versions were the icing on the cake.

Respectfully, I'm not sure that you're seeing the big picture here. That a console offering may have sold more than a handheld follow-up is like comparing apples to oranges; except where we might agree that both apples and oranges are quite delicious, in this case we're missing important details. Such as total budget costs, ultimate revenue pulled in, and internal expectations as to what's considered a success. Comparing raw sales figures... less relevant. The fact that SUBSEQUENT follow-ups remained on the handhelds instead of shifting back to parent consoles... Relevant. And ultimately my point.

I think, as a general rule, we can agree that console games tend to have higher allocated budgets than their handheld equivalents. Consequently, we can probably expect publishers to have higher revenue expectations for the console offerings than the handheld ones. Regardless of which SOLD more units, I think the fact that FFCC, Chibi-Robo, and Cel-da all migrated from initial console offerings to multiple sequential handheld follow-ups suggests the handheld versions were viewed as performing more successfully, relative to the costs put into the projects.

Returning for a moment to the baseball analogy, it can be surmised that these devs/pubs attempted to avoid the initial "strike-outs" and instead repeat the strategy that resulted in the "home-run."

[In the case of Zelda, I forgot to mention that Minish Cap shared the Cel-da art style as well, only in a 2D fashion. So I think we can fairly add a 3rd handheld game to that list. The very next mainline console Zelda offering was a "return to roots" in many sense. Retreading much of OoT in spirit, if not in substance, and eschewing the Saturday morning cartoon aesthetic which now persists on the handhelds. Indeed, from a story perspective, it also follows up on OoT, and not WW.]

So you're saying, in a round abouts way, if Okami sold better on consoles, a ressurrection after Okami DS is more likely?

What? No. I'm saying that had the PS2 and Wii console Okamis both hit home runs, it probably wouldn't have taken a "rogue" DS prototype (and the new strategy/tactics it suddenly afforded Capcom) to finally see a continuation of the series.

Possible (cartoon) scenario:
Capcom dude: Look at this side-project I've been working on.
Capcom VIP: Huh, cute. Looks pretty good.
Dude: CHIBI OKAMI! On the DS! It's so SQUEEEE, neh?
VIP: Yes, quite. Wait a second...

*VIP consults with marketing*

VIP: Yes, this could very well be the new direction we need to give this game another shot! Let's do it!

Silliness aside, I'm sure you see where I'm going with that.

Viewtiful Joe was, by all reports, a pretty big smash hit all things considered. It spawned a sequel on two consoles, another silly party-based spin-off that, IIRC, hit two consoles AND a handheld, and a final (more traditional) entry that hit only the DS. Franchise eventually fizzled, but I think it was run to the ground by overly-aggressive/careless exploitation. That, however, is another discussion entirely.

Had Okami similarly taken off, we probably would have seen similar (though obviously pared down given the epic scale) exploitation. Instead, we got Capcom reps going on record as saying that sales were insufficient to see a sequel. Capcom was seemingly content to let the Clover IPs lapse. Again, in their own words. I don't have the actual quotes, but they were brought up earlier in this thread.

Maybe? If it weren't for the sales of Okamis first two outings I'd feel better about it...my thought was, like these examples, if Okami DS was a bonafide hit though, (even considering the bombs) surely a home console sequel is viable.

Sure, it's definitely possible. Hell, I'd welcome that as well! I just think the likelier follow-up scenario to a successful Okami DS is another Okami DS! As we've been discussing.

It's true, Okami DS is pure miracle...I'm just hoping for a similar trend like with FF:CC...but as much as I appreciate Okami, it's track record dictates otherwise. But yeah, I'm hoping things will swing the other way, it's crazy I know.

Nothing would make me happier than to see Okami DS make Capcom VERY happy. It can only bode well for the franchise (and hey, happy day, we can now apply the term "franchise" to Okami!)

To be fair, Chibi Robo doesn't work so well in this case...There's no sequel on Wii to compare...

To be even fairer, that Chibi-Robo went from GCN -> DS -> DS and NOT to Wii WAS EXACTLY my point. My "proof" if you will, since you seemed to be asking for some. :)

Sorta, yeah, I'm not about going around in circles, that's not my thing, I'm about being real. My "behind the computer screen" identity is the same as it is in person, so for me, some shit is definitely personal.

Same here. Hell, I'm not even hiding behind my screen name. It's a rather clever (IMHO) mishmash of my first and last names, which I basically use for EVERYTHING; and with some clever Googling, it's not too hard to find out who I am, or my real name. Not that I really hide it in any event, going by my favorite (only) alias. :)

Anyways, my thought was that potentially an Okami console version could be viable, admittedly the idea holds more weight if it's first swings were hits, but as you pointed out with Zelda and FF:CC it does happen. We just don't have any solid examples that "bombed games" on consoles, after a handheld rebirth, can spark genuine interest for a sequel. So, it can go either way...

For sure, and that's where fun speculation (and dare I say it, even a little opinion) come into play. :)
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