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PC gaming has won - True HD graphics for the masses


Come on in, the water's just fine.
I think the real point isn't which is the better gaming experience but why we can't just let people play what they want how they want without talking down to them.

Maybe they aren't ignorant and just like what they like.


Junior Member
SneakyStephan said:
Yes please, the guy is just telling people how happy he is with his new toy , and people are raining on his parade with smug strawman arguments.

If someone made a 'i just got a DS/xbox and having so much fun and loving it' thread, people wouldn't be shitting on his moment.
If someone did post 'durr have fun with rrod' as first post they'd probably get banned for the pointless troll.

If he did a '3DS has won' or 'Xbox has won' thread you can sure as heck bet they would be shitting on his moment. It was all about his execution.

Tom Penny

Reuenthal said:
Honestly I see PC gaming as offering the best value for money and it isn't necessarily expensive especially if you don't buy anything new each time you make an upgrade. Especially if you invest in medium power cards, they are powerful enough to offer a great combination of graphics, performance and cheap price.

And considering that games on the PC can turn up to be cheaper often than console ones, you do get a good value for money. Not to mention that a lot of people will have a PC no matter what. Then you just add the increased cost of getting a somewhat capable PC for gaming.

That's why I don't get the bitching. Everyone got their PC free? People bitching don't make there own damn money apparently so they say it's too expensive and they are probably using their parents PC or the laptop they bought them. If they did buy their PC if they did some research and spent a couple hundred bucks they would have been set for years.
JudgeN said:
Its all depending on how long you wait to buy your games, alot of console games will have amazon credits while there retail PC version won't for some reason. If your willing to wait a year or 2 after release you can find consoles games at $9.99 as well. Its not as simple as you make it sound.
He probably lives in Europe, apparently PC games are super cheap over there.


Emulators. When I get a good rig I am going to emulate basically every console before this gen. I've already got a few handheld emulators but I will go all out. Can't do that on my console.


Rickenslacker said:
The only thing I hate about HDTVs, and it's a big hate, is the input lag that comes with most of them. I hope for a future where we can go back to universally lagless displays!
After buying a gaming PC with a proper Monitor. Started to use that monitor for Multiplayer console gaming as well. HDTV's are trash. :|
SalsaShark said:
Im not trying to argue with you, you even agree with me. Of course i was talking from a technical standpoint, i was making sure that there is no doubt that the PC is a better experience. What everyone decides to own is up to the prefered Software. Its totally understandable that someone buys a PS3 and a 360 over a PC because they really want to play Twisted Metal and Gears.

No one's denying that, i was just stating facts because there's lots of "but my comfy couch! but my gamepad!" on these threads.
Fair enough. I just get tired of the whole "PC gaming master race" thing.


JudgeN said:
Its all depending on how long you wait to buy your games, alot of console games will have amazon credits while there retail PC version won't for some reason. If your willing to wait a year or 2 after release you can find consoles games at $9.99 as well. Its not as simple as you make it sound.

Its the usual situation. Like i said, a $60 PC game is something unusual and frowned upon, a $60 console game is not.
Typographenia said:
I'm not saying your entire post is wrong or anything, but it definitely isn't true that they don't care about graphical power.


I don't really care about graphics on the whole but if I'm getting a console game and I own all the platforms I might as well get it on the one that handles it better.

2San said:
After buying a gaming PC with a proper Monitor. Started to use that monitor for Multiplayer console gaming as well. HDTV's are trash. :|
Hell yeah, monitors are the real deal. I also prefer the closer proximity of them, helps me get immersed into certain games having my face glued to it rather than a room spacing me apart.


Typographenia said:
I'm not saying your entire post is wrong or anything, but it definitely isn't true that they don't care about graphical power.


If they did care, why wouldn't they just have a PC?

It's a question of degrees of caring I guess, they clearly don't care a lot, because there is the PC option. The H2Hs will tell people who have both systems which version is better, but if you have both, and it takes you a couple of minutes to find out which is best, that's showing very little care really.

I imagine those things are mostly fanboy fuel, but I certainly can't prove that.

Orellio said:
For Crysis 2 to be back on Steam
Yeah, that whole situation is bullshit. I don't care who is actually at fault, but it sucks ass for everyone they can't hug and make up. I don't want to sound like a Steam fanboy, but I don't care to have Origin, I don't want it and I don't want the precedent of all the publishers having their own inferior Steam clones.
CozMick said:
During my "PC gaming era" I did nothing but watch my framerate.

I ain't never going back to that dark, evil place!
I don't understand that line of thinking. You were obsessed with framerate while playing pc games but suddenly it's a nonissue while playing console games. Suddenly playing most games at 30 fps and lower became perfectly acceptable.
ARXIN said:
I think the real point isn't which is the better gaming experience but why we can't just let people play what they want how they want without talking down to them.

Maybe they aren't ignorant and just like what they like.
Because we don't want PC gaming to become more fucked by consoles than it already has. We want PC gaming to reclaim some marketshare so we don't have to suffer through console ports that fail to take advantage of our hardware. Most PC haters are ignorant and it's dumbasses like that who ruin gaming for everyone else.


3 yrs ago I spent a fuckton of money on a 3870x2 to enter PC gaming (had to import it to my country, mail, taxes, etc).
There was no way I was able to play any game for more than 5 min without the dreaded "ati2dvag" BSOD.
After reinstalling drivers, OS, tweaking settings, etc., I just got tired and returned to my consoles.
This thread will make GAFers think PC gaming is a sweet history of wine and roses, but it is still not for the masses until this kind of issues is a thing of the past.
Last note: that card is still on my PC, as it is great for outputting the PC signal to my Plasma. For gaming, no-no.


I don't mind consoles gaming, it's just that they are holding the industry back, just for the sake of making mainstream dollars.Most games should be developed for the PC first then cut down for the consoles because it is a lesser platform.


hide your water-based mammals

I was not as big of a believer until I got an essentially high end rig together a half year ago. It's the master race and that isn't an understatement.


2San said:
After buying a gaming PC with a proper Monitor. Started to use that monitor for Multiplayer console gaming as well. HDTV's are trash. :|

I agree with you, most flat HDTVs have horrible lag and ghosting problems, the only speedier ones are plasmas (sometimes, and not so speedy).

Thats why the best option is an HD CRT tv, too bad they are too heavy and hard to do maintenance (especially convergence and geometry problems)

Well I also got my gaming PC last year, and I've played several multiplats in it, but I hate being sit down just as I did for the whole day at work, thats why I play more games on 360.

But if I would have:

- A ultra-long HDMI cable
- A 360 controller adapter
- A wireleess micro mouse+keyboard
- Some big font mods to play on HD 2 meters away from my tv (most PC games put the fonts almost microscopic when you rise up the resolution)

The M.O.B

I joined earlier this year, haven't looked back since.

Not to sound elite or anything, but playing console games at 720p or 480p(wii) is almost nauseating now. Added that many barely have any AA or AF and it becomes hard to bother with them anymore.

I still enjoy the console exclusives (Except the games MS moneyhatted to keep off the PC) but if the game is also available on PC then the decision is obvious for me.
if the 2GB 560Ti was a reference card, I would buy one and sell my 6950.

when the next wave of Nvidia cards come out, I might jump (presuming they are 2GB cards). The only reason I didn't go with a 560 this time is because 2GB of memory > > > 1GB of memory. Especially considering how many games use more than 1GB of ram when maxed out.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
Some say that it never really lost
PC gaming lost in one big area.. PC exclusive titles that took advantage of bleeding edge hardware. Thats where the PC gaming genre lost its battle to consoles. back in the day sure we had console to pc ports but now days..90% of all pc games are mearly ports of dated console hardware.

This is something a ton of pc gamers refuse to admit but its simply the hard truth. What games are out there that truly take advantage of today's bleeding edge hardware?

This is why im eagerly waiting for the next gen consoles to come..im tired of this gen's visuals..they are pretty much pushed to the limits..besides some software advancements.

We need more games like Crysis Original to come out where graphics are just a whole different league then what we see on consoles. Pretty much the best looking game on the pc can be somewhat matched on the consoles.. of course the pc version will have all the extra AA and AF, Res enhancements but most developers dont do much during these console to pc ports..which sucks imho
All I know is that playing The Witcher 2 at ultra settings in 3D at full 1080p at roughly 30fps is the best thing I've ever seen in my life.

Dreams-Visions said:
The only reason I didn't go with a 560 this time is because 2GB of memory > > > 1GB of memory. Especially considering how many games use more than 1GB of ram when maxed out.

... You can probably count the number of games that do that with your fingers. It's definitely a good idea to future-proof yourself a little though.
daCuk said:
3 yrs ago I spent a fuckton of money on a 3870x2 to enter PC gaming (had to import it to my country, mail, taxes, etc).
There was no way I was able to play any game for more than 5 min without the dreaded "ati2dvag" BSOD.
After reinstalling drivers, OS, tweaking settings, etc., I just got tired and returned to my consoles.
This thread will make GAFers think PC gaming is a sweet history of wine and roses, but it is still not for the masses until this kind of issues is a thing of the past.
Last note: that card is still on my PC, as it is great for outputting the PC signal to my Plasma. For gaming, no-no.
Yeah, PC gaming is much more simple these days, but things still don't work when they should all the time.

It can be infuriating.


Dreams-Visions said:
if the 2GB 560Ti was a reference card, I would buy one and sell my 6950.

when the next wave of Nvidia cards come out, I might jump (presuming they are 2GB cards). The only reason I didn't go with a 560 this time is because 2GB of memory > > > 1GB of memory. Especially considering how many games use more than 1GB of ram when maxed out.
Why? Every single game I have thrown at my 6950 has run without any problems.

Pie Lord

Felix Lighter said:
I don't understand that line of thinking. You were obsessed with framerate while playing pc games but suddenly it's a nonissue while playing console games. Suddenly playing most games at 30 fps and lower became perfectly acceptable.
I've had the same experience, actually. I can't speak for the person you quoted, but for myself, frame-rate drops on consoles don't bug me as much as on a PC because they are beyond my control.


Dreams-Visions said:
if the 2GB 560Ti was a reference card, I would buy one and sell my 6950.

when the next wave of Nvidia cards come out, I might jump (presuming they are 2GB cards). The only reason I didn't go with a 560 this time is because 2GB of memory > > > 1GB of memory. Especially considering how many games use more than 1GB of ram when maxed out.

Yeah, that list isn't really that big.


SalsaShark said:
Also, im not trying to pull of the whole master race crap, although like i said i do believe it to be the better experience.

I own a PC, a Wii, a DS and a PSP.

They all give me pretty different experiences, and that's what i was looking for with my game hardware purchases: variety.

Now, buying a PS360 that offers some exclusives, worst performance and visuals and in one of the cases makes me pay for online support i get for free on my PC?

nope, id rather upgrade.

If i had extra money? sure, i dont have anything against consoles and ive been using them all my life, i love them, i love many of the exclusives, and im sure i'd have a lot of fun with Uncharted and other Sony exclusives.

Its about knowing where your money is going to be better spent, for me that means a PC upgrade over a PS3.

Im not trying to argue with you, you even agree with me. Of course i was talking from a technical standpoint, i was making sure that there is no doubt that the PC is a better experience. What everyone decides to own is up to the prefered Software. Its totally understandable that someone buys a PS3 and a 360 over a PC because they really want to play Twisted Metal and Gears.

No one's denying that, i was just stating facts because there's lots of "but my comfy couch! but my gamepad!" on these threads.

I am PC /PS3 owner. But there is a case for console for sure. Beside its exclusive (The Journey). It some time pain in the ass to get the game running (Look at Witcher 2 problem thread), hell I still have blooming problem.

There are good and bad about PC gaming. If you like hassle free gaming and you are happy with Medium level PC graphics then I can totally see why people would perfer console gaming, beside its exclusive.

As much as I love my PC and Stream. I would never game without Console exclusives.


Competitive PC gaming is riddled with cheaters and there's nothing VAC, Punkbuster or any of that other shit that can do about it.

At least console gamers are on a more level playing field, same controller, same framerate, same visual effects and cheats are non-existent on PS3 at least unless the dev done fucked up (Infinity Ward - MW/2)
Baller said:
Because we don't want PC gaming to become more fucked by consoles than it already has. We want PC gaming to reclaim some marketshare so we don't have to suffer through console ports that fail to take advantage of our hardware. Most PC haters are ignorant and it's dumbasses like that who ruin gaming for everyone else.
Many gamers started on consoles. Many gamers game on consoles. Blame the developers. Plenty have done a great job of reaching both markets well and catering to the strength of each. But don't blame the gamers who are just minding their own business having fun playing the game they want.

It's like you hate my 12 year old nephew for enjoying Wii.

"FUCK YOU KID making gaming casual how dare you ruin it for me!"

I see you're point but I think you are mad at the wrong people.


CozMick said:
Competitive PC gaming is riddled with cheaters and there's nothing VAC, Punkbuster or any of that other shit that can do about it.

At least console gamers are on a more level playing field, same controller, same framerate, same visual effects and cheats are non-existent on PS3 at least unless the dev done fucked up (Infinity Ward - MW/2)
I'd rather deal with a few cheaters than use a pad to play a shooter.
Foliorum Viridum said:
Yeah, PC gaming is much more simple these days, but things still don't work when they should all the time.

It can be infuriating.

I definitely wouldn't recommend PC gaming to someone who doesn't want to get a little bit dirty. PC gaming requires 20% more effort, but delivers 100% more awesome.
Felix Lighter said:
I don't understand that line of thinking. You were obsessed with framerate while playing pc games but suddenly it's a nonissue while playing console games. Suddenly playing most games at 30 fps and lower became perfectly acceptable.
I think it's because of the options available to you. You can always upgrade, maybe you can look for some tweaks. Oh, the game just hitched there-- is that supposed to happen? Why am I hitting this framerate at this spot? Let's try this and see if that helps... now this... now that...

I think it's just a layer of consciousness that some people have while playing on a PC because it's all there. Whereas it's out of mind when playing on fixed hardware.

CozMick said:
Competitive PC gaming is riddled with cheaters and there's nothing VAC, Punkbuster or any of that other shit that can do about it.

At least console gamers are on a more level playing field, same controller, same framerate, same visual effects and cheats are non-existent on PS3 at least unless the dev done fucked up (Infinity Ward - MW/2)
Hacking and difference of hardware are a reality no matter where you play.


mt1200 said:
I agree with you, most flat HDTVs have horrible lag and ghosting problems, the only speedier ones are plasmas (sometimes, and not so speedy).

Thats why the best option is an HD CRT tv, too bad they are too heavy and hard to do maintenance (especially convergence and geometry problems)
Would love to have a HD CRT tv. Though not practical considering my current income and living conditions, but I anticipate better times in the future.

Rickenslacker said:
Hell yeah, monitors are the real deal. I also prefer the closer proximity of them, helps me get immersed into certain games having my face glued to it rather than a room spacing me apart.
Yeah same here. It also helps in noticing things a lot faster when your face is closer. With my TV I have the problem of either being to far or too close(I automatically roll forward with my chair, can't fight the habit).
TouchMyBox said:
I definitely wouldn't recommend PC gaming to someone who doesn't want to get a little bit dirty. PC gaming requires 20% more effort, but delivers 100% more awesome.
Sometimes a LOT more than 20% more effort

Even in the Steam era I've spent an hour or two just trying to get a game to load. Compared to putting a disc in a drive and it loading, I can understand people not bothering with that shit.

I mean, I know the pay-off is worth it so I do it, but I shouldn't have to.
Welcome to the dark side...


I do know what you're talking about, though. I built my first rig in late 2008 and I couldn't believe my eyes. I went all out with 2 GTX 280s (which were the shit at the time) and the first time I played Crysis I was speechless. Every multiplat was glorious as well. It's the kind of thing that you don't really appreciate until you try it.

I don't know if I can ever go back to consoles alone. Not this generation, anyway.

The M.O.B

2San said:
A platform that doesn't have SMG, MK, Gears, GoW, Bayo, Vanq, Tekken, FIFA(proper), uncharted, DS, etc. Can never be the "better" gaming experience.

Consoles don't have Terraria, mount and blade, Shogun 2, Stalker, Titan Quest, Red Orchestra 2, 99% of the best MMO's, 90% of the best strategy games...................these are just off the top of my head.

Your talking foolish and you know it.

EDIT: Here are two more just to add to your pain

Diablo 3
Torchlight 2

Not to mention PC has 10x the amount of indie games

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
The M.O.B said:
Consoles don't have Terraria, mount and blade, Shogun 2, Stalker, Titan Quest, Red Orchestra 2, 99% of the best MMO's, 90% of the best strategy games...................these are just off the top of my head.

Your talking foolish and you know it.
He doesn't care about those so they don't count.
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