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PlayStation 4 System Software 4.5 Beta sign up


All big PS4 software updates come in 0.5 increments.

1.50 - day1 launch firmware
2.0 - Share Play and themes
2.5 - Suspend/Resume
3.0 - YT support, PNG screenshots, jump from 1 to 10GB of cloud storage
3.5 - RP support for PC&Mac, 60fps RP, DS4 USB connectivity
4.0 - Folder support, 1080p streaming, HDR support
4.0 had a lot more than that. They also completely overhauled the quick menu, increased the size of gameplay clips, and improved system notifications.


Did not realize the bump in cloud storage went from 1 gb to 10! I thought it just went to 2 gb... No wonder I haven't hit the limit yet. Talking about the 3.0 update


Did not realize the bump in cloud storage went from 1 gb to 10! I thought it just went to 2 gb... No wonder I haven't hit the limit yet. Talking about the 3.0 update

Just to be clear, 10GB is shared between your all PS devices [PS3, PS4 and Vita].


A lot of the items on this list look to be done already but hopefully one or two more get crossed off.



Things I Care About

2. Fix the ATROCIOUS Library that STILL doesn't work properly
3. UI Updates
4. Let's us arrange "Game Name" in Trophies List Alphabetically
5. PS1 Games with Trophies

Things I DON'T Care About but Still Wish Fellow Gamers Get

1. External Hard Drive Installs
2. Name Change
3. Community Reporting (Not Broken One like Xbox's)
4. Whatever the hell else they want
Hoping this fixes 2 things:

Being connected via Ethernet to a 200mb fibre router only to take 400 days to download a patch on the abhorrent PSN potato servers after waiting 8 days on PREPARING TO DOWNLOAD to reach 100%


The system not crawling to a halt when bringing it up in a game like MWR.


Hoping this fixes 2 things:

Being connected via Ethernet to a 200mb fibre router only to take 400 days to download a patch on the abhorrent PSN potato servers after waiting 8 days on PREPARING TO DOWNLOAD to reach 100%


The system not crawling to a halt when bringing it up in a game like MWR.

That's a hardware issue, which won't be fixed by any software updates.

So either your wifi is complete shit or the server (sonys server) you are trying to connect with is overloaded with too many users trying to hit it at once.
so it looks like from that list, all we are missing is changing PSN ID, increase number of people in party, and custom backgrounds.

I am down for all of those.


I hope they can make the folders a bit more elegant. I was really excited about folders but the whole solution is really ugly.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I wish they would add the following

-allow a game to be in multiple folders (essentially treating folders as tagging mechanism)

- Support games on an external HDD, I know I can expand my internal drive (I already have to 2tb). Even if they don't let games run directly off it (although that with be annoying). That way I could use a reasonably priced SSD to run games and HDD for storage of them. The way the XB1 handles external drives is fantastic, they should just replicate that model.


Unless major policy change, the HDD support is not coming.

The last realistic Big ticket item from the og list probably is the PSN name change it seems.
Custom backgrounds is probably also not happening.


A lot of the items on this list look to be done already but hopefully one or two more get crossed off.


This image comes up in every Sony firmware thread, but I still believe it's a fake. There's only one instance of it appearing on the net (here), and every article that talked about it just used the image as evidence.

No one besides the OP that posted that image ever confirmed that they received that specific questionnaire.

It also reads like pure wishlist wank.


Ps1 games would be the best feature.
And custom backgrounds would be welcome aswell, but I'd be happy with more colour options for the standard backgrounds.
Things that are bound to happen, and I hope happens now so I can call PS4 PS4.5:

- Gamertag change. This is already soft-implemented in the back end, and devs are encouraged and aware of this.
- External HDD: It's about time, Sony. You have zero reasons not to when even Nintendo is offering 2TB of external space.
- Console-wide supersampling for Non-Patched PS4 Pro titles. C'mon, Sony. Let us use that power however we want to, add a cap to it, and let the hardware/software work the magic. Provide a warning sign at every boot that games may be unstable compared to its Of state.
- PS1 emulation support. Not sure WTF you're waiting for when my shitty phone can do it too. Embrace your legacy!
- Customizing themes. Change background picture or music or tones to default setting for any theme. Add more font options, and more color options.
- Adding more options to sidebar (aka holding the PS button), like shortcuts to games or any other app, and even better, providing more options within like "Launch single player" or "Launch Multiplayer" for those games. Or adding things like Twitter feed to the sidebar/PS menu.
- Ability to upload content within PSN Browser to sites like e.g. imgur or streamable.
- Ability to play PSTV compatible PSVita titles. C'mon, Sony! Do it!!!!


Not to be Devils advocate but I think placing down sampling at os level would be bad because then companies would just be lazy and half ass the pro versions of games. Let it be done on a game by game basis. Stop being so nitpicky because you can't play old ps4 games with slight improvements. A big number of new games are taking advantage of the features of the pro.

My wish list for new ps4 /psn features:
Game gifting
Public/Private Wishlist integrated into a more social and interactive profile page
Sales alerts from wish lists
Custom Backgrounds and static themes(realistic).
DS4 light customization. On/off
4k media support in media player.
Jeff Rigby 4k UHD Bluray patch.. lol
Begin recording time spent in game at OS level.
Notification theme customization
Viki app... lol


aka andydumi

Only if they first free up a lot of the names squatted on. Since accounts are free, people often created several to catch several good names. I have friends who are sitting on a handful of good accounts but are not their main.

At this point I would rather they take the steam approach and separate display name from game name and filter it down into games. Right now display name is for PSN dash only.


There's only one thing I want:

Stop TV/Media from jumping to the front of my list.
Let me pin items/folders to the front of the list.
Not to be Devils advocate but I think placing down sampling at os level would be bad because then companies would just be lazy and half ass the pro versions of games. Let it be done on a game by game basis. Stop being so nitpicky because you can't play old ps4 games with slight improvements. A big number of new games are taking advantage of the features of the pro.

My wish list for new ps4 /psn features:
Game gifting
Public/Private Wishlist integrated into a more social and interactive profile page
Sales alerts from wish lists
Custom Backgrounds and static themes(realistic).
DS4 light customization. On/off
4k media support in media player.
Jeff Rigby 4k UHD patch.. lol
Begin recording time spent in game at OS level.
Notification theme customization
Viki app... lol

Good wishlist. Please those happen.
This image comes up in every Sony firmware thread, but I still believe it's a fake. There's only one instance of it appearing on the net (here), and every article that talked about it just used the image as evidence.

No one besides the OP that posted that image ever confirmed that they received that specific questionnaire.

It also reads like pure wishlist wank.


I was part of the PlayStation Voice programme. PM me your email address and I'll happily forward to you every single one of their emails to me. This won't provide the proof you seek of the questionnaire, but it will at least show you that I was sent invitations to join in such research.
I am pretty sure I also posted screens of a questionnaire which asked about improvements coming to the Media Player. Some of the stuff brought up in that got implemented too,

Link to the site: https://www.playstationvoice.com/user/login?destination=home

These are the people who ran it: https://www.jointhedotsmr.com/


Great list Timmy, of those I vote for-

Game gifting
Public/Private Wishlist integrated into a more social and interactive profile page
Sales alerts from wish lists
Custom Backgrounds and static themes(realistic).
Begin recording time spent in game at OS level.
Notification theme customization


Stuff I'd love:

- Pinning games/apps to the main screen
- Customisable number of items in the main menu (X pinned items followed by Y "recent" items)
- "Purchased" library tab shouldn't show stuff that's already installed
- Hide purchases (e.g. old demos/betas)
- Single button press shortcut for library from anywhere in the UI (Triangle?)
- Single press button shortcut for search while in library
- Kill that awful built-in media folder that shows a bunch of stuff I don't have and can't be reordered
- Wishlist with notifications for price drops

And finally the two big ticket items that would really help me out as a heavy user but I'm not holding my breath for:

- USB storage support
- Cloud save overhaul (auto-sync between any number of consoles, not just automated backup from primary console)


Maybe not Pro support for all games but a white list of one's that don't break running under pro mode to improve performance.
Just need PS1 BC, Play Time stats and Theme Customization and I think I'm pretty much satisfied with the PS4 UI. Folders was a big one for me.
I wonder if that YouTube VR 360/3D app update (1.09) that went up early for people quick enough to grab it is an indicator of some parts of the firmware update (especially related to PSVR).


This image comes up in every Sony firmware thread, but I still believe it's a fake. There's only one instance of it appearing on the net (here), and every article that talked about it just used the image as evidence.

No one besides the OP that posted that image ever confirmed that they received that specific questionnaire.

It also reads like pure wishlist wank.

it's not fake → http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=182859965

I also got that email with survey link.
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