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Press Reset: The Story of Polygon - financed by Microsoft for $750,000

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Does the future of games journalism involve getting an interviewee's name right?

That's basically rule number one in freshman journalism. If you interview someone you make sure you get their name.

Yes typos happen, edits need to be done, flow in stories sometimes gets broken, but you never, ever screw up the spelling of someone's name.


I think that's really the thing that rubs people the wrong way about Polygon. They keep making the claim that they're "better" and "different" than everyone else, but so far there's nothing to show for it. Basic fact checking errors, such as naming the wrong production studio for the MGS movie or misspelling a producer's name keep cropping up.

If you talk a big game, you have to have the game to back it up.
Pretty wild that article's been up for 4 days with no correction. I sent her a msg over Twitter to help her out. I don't necessarily think a typo even one like that is a big deal but it should probably be fixed. If my name was spelled wrong in an article I'd probably be a bit irritated.


mik is unbeatable
The subject/verb agreement error I pointed out in Phil Kollar's Forza review is still there, too--although they corrected the minor typos. Makes me wonder if the world's greatest editor can't find it. ;)


mik is unbeatable
So, one of my favorite podcasts (CNET's The 404) had Russ as a guest. He replied to the criticism of the documentary as well as when the site should launch.

Interesting that he seems excited about the graphic design of the site and... not really anything else?
"If I have to review anymore games this year people in my life will kill me."
- Arthur on Rebel FM

I had a nice laugh at the comment in light of the whole back and forth last week on twitter



Holy crap, what a shitty podcast. It's got it all...slow-talking/boring/unlikeable hosts, the old "Well thank goodness no one listens to this podcast anyway" gag, calling out NeoGAF, ragging on GiantBomb for telling corny jokes and then proceeding to tell far worse "jokes", in-jokes that only the hosts laugh at or understand, the list goes on and on. I want that fifteen minutes back :(.
Man, these type of documentaries are starting to make me wanna puke. Slow panning shots. Close up to subject just slightly out of view and focus. Cut to close up of hands articulating something. Cut to close up of feet tapping. All accompanied to this atmospheric slow guitar playing.



ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
So, one of my favorite podcasts (CNET's The 404) had Russ as a guest. He replied to the criticism of the documentary as well as when the site should launch.

Go to about 6:45:

Man, these type of documentaries are starting to make me wanna puke. Slow panning shots. Close up to subject just slightly out of view and focus. Cut to close up of hands articulating something. Cut to close up of feet tapping. All accompanied to this atmospheric slow guitar playing.


Listen, they're just trying to capture the feeling of staring out into the great unknown, and putting everything on the line... for a video game blog. You obviously can't appreciate the majesty and poetic vision of this film series. It's a slice of life, and a look into the heart and soul of the industry - new games journalism.
I know a guy, who has over fifteen years worth of experience in the field, launched a few popular sites, and is currently facing the possibility that he may lose his house and car.

I'd wager that his story is ever so slightly more interesting than anything Polygon could ever hope to put together.


I know a guy, who has over fifteen years worth of experience in the field, launched a few popular sites, and is currently facing the possibility that he may lose his house and car.

I'd wager that his story is ever so slightly more interesting than anything Polygon could ever hope to put together.

But how does he feel about Internet Explorer?
I know a guy, who has over fifteen years worth of experience in the field, launched a few popular sites, and is currently facing the possibility that he may lose his house and car.

I'd wager that his story is ever so slightly more interesting than anything Polygon could ever hope to put together.

Posts like this make me think of people who watch American Idol and say "Well, I'm definitely a better singer than this guy".
Yeah. Ive listened to every episode mainly because I listen to a lot of podcasts while driving, jogging etc and I run out of good ones. I liked the McElroys on the Joystiq podcast, so I keep listening kind of hoping Then Besties will get better. It is pretty insanely bad most of the time, though. They never even make much of an attempt to have a real conversation. It is just an excuse to be ironically amused by their own bad jokes.

Really, this attitude is a trend that is spreading throughout Polygon. Try watching that "Co-op" series they started where two guys give their thoughts on one game. Only they barely talk about the game and mainly are just amused by themselves.

Their latest example, an impromptu Google Plus video: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?featur...=/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=X-8iKTwoDvg

I made it through 25 minutes of this bullshit mainly because I was busy fixing dinner and it was on in the background. It is an hour long video literally about nothing. They apparently think people should just be amused that they exist. There is no sense of audience awareness except for an ironic one (haw haw we are so bad, nobody would want to watch this haw haw). I dont want to be mean but this crew largely comes off as smug and incredibly unlikable.

It is like they only know two polar extremes of existence: self important pretentious braggadocio and ironic slacker. Both are equally annoying.

Why are you doing this to yourself?


Posts like this make me think of people who watch American Idol and say "Well, I'm definitely a better singer than this guy".
That doesn't make any sense.

He's citing a specific example of a person he knows and "wagering" how their story would be more "interesting" than Polygon's self-pleasuring; he isn't saying he has a game writing career that needs to be documented because it would be better.

Your posts are so weird and off the mark that I don't know where to begin with you sometimes.
That doesn't make any sense.

He's citing a specific example of a person he knows; he isn't saying his game writing career needs to be documented.

Your posts are so weird and disjointed that I don't know where to begin with you sometimes.

1) He sites his friend's story is better than anything Polygon could come up with. ie, he's a better "singer" than them other folks.

2) The people of Polygon never said their writing careers needed to be documented. Some higher ups did, and like most employees would, they went along with it. You're welcome to create whatever fictional version of this story you'd like, but that's the reality of the situation.

The fact that people like yourself continue to create your own fictional version of this story is so weird to me.
1) He sites his friend's story is better than anything Polygon could come up with. ie, he's a better "singer" than them other folks.

2) The people of Polygon never said their writing careers needed to be documented. Some higher ups did, and like most employees would, they went along with it. You're welcome to create whatever fictional version of this story you'd like, but that's the reality of the situation.

The fact that people like yourself continue to create your own fictional version of this story is so weird to me.

I don't think the bolded is true(Didn't MS approach Polygon?), why are you pushing your fictional version of the "story"?
Has anyone actually watched this all so far? I have and I can't say I find anything particularly offensive about it. It's certainly a lot more boring than I would have predicted it would be, but it's actually kind of well-made. I'll watch the rest I suppose.
I don't think the bolded is true(Didn't MS approach Polygon?), why are you pushing your fictional version of the "story"?

Higher ups, Microsoft, whatever you want to refer to as the genesis of these videos, it was not the writers for the site, which is what 99.9% of the posts in this thread are shitting on. So what was your point again?
Higher ups, Microsoft, whatever you want to refer to as the genesis of these videos, it was not the writers for the site, which is what 99.9% of the posts in this thread are shitting on. So what was your point again?

That complaining about people making up fictional versions of the truth is pretty sad when the person complaining is doing the exact same thing.

Also there are/were plenty of people "shitting" on the writers for their outlandish comments(unless you think trying to be EDGE of 10 years ago is redefining videogame culture), which is entirely there own fault(although I suppose you can blame the "higher ups" for hiring some terrible "journalists").
That complaining about people making up fictional versions of the truth is pretty sad when the person complaining is doing the exact same thing.

Also there are/were plenty of people "shitting" on the writers for their outlandish comments(unless you think trying to be EDGE of 10 years ago is redefining videogame culture), which is entirely there own fault(although I suppose you can blame the "higher ups" for hiring some terrible "journalists").

You're not even attempting to be honest here, but that's par for the course in this thread.

I was in no way attempting to mislead anyone, and you know it. You're just grasping at straws.
You're not even attempting to be honest here,but that's par for the course in this thread.

I was in no way attempting to mislead anyone, and you know it. You're just grasping at straws.

I would consider claiming the idea came from Polygon & not Microsoft as being pretty misleading (& rather hypocritical considering your earlier comments). I do like how you call me dishonest but don't seem able to point out my dishonesty, it's almost as if you are trying to move past your clear factual inaccuracies.
lol, wtf?

So everyone is just lying about their true feelings regarding the video series?

What are you talking about, dude?

I suggested nothing of the sort, but you seem to misconstrue a lot of things.

Cerebral Assassin's suggestion that my use of the word "higher ups" instead of "Microsoft" was my attempt at misleading is absurd. Where in I caught you directly misleading with your suggestion that the writers of Polygon thought their story was worthy of filming, my statement was an irrelevant note to the conversation. Yours was a direct attempt at painting something in an inaccurate way.

ie, they were not comparable discrepancies, but some people will dishonestly attempt to portray them that way in hopes of shutting down those who ask questions.
BruiserBear, you seem to be very passionate about the Polygon staff.

I'm actually not. I've even said so earlier in this thread. I'm just not a fan of irrational behavior/thought, and this thread is loaded with it.

Note what I replied in response to on this very page. Someone bringing up their friend's situation, as if it has anything to do with the Polygon staff and their videos. Someone suggesting the Polygon staff believed their story to be worthy of filming, even though we know they were not the ones who came up with the idea, or even had the power to make it happen.

It's all completely irrational, and yet it continues to be posted and go unchallenged.


I suggested nothing of the sort, but you seem to misconstrue a lot of things.

Cerebral Assassin's suggestion that my use of the word "higher ups" instead of "Microsoft" was my attempt at misleading is absurd. Where in I caught you directly misleading with your suggestion that the writers of Polygon thought their story was worthy of filming, my statement was an irrelevant note to the conversation. Yours was a direct attempt at painting something in an inaccurate way.

ie, they were not comparable discrepancies, but some people will dishonestly attempt to portray them that way in hopes of shutting down those who ask questions.

I don't understand how your narrative that Polygon did not think they had a story worth filming, but did it anyways because Microsoft told them to, is any less damning for Polygon.
I suggested nothing of the sort, but you seem to misconstrue a lot of things.

Cerebral Assassin's suggestion that my use of the word "higher ups" instead of "Microsoft" was my attempt at misleading is absurd. Where in I caught you directly misleading with your suggestion that the writers of Polygon thought their story was worthy of filming, my statement was an irrelevant note to the conversation. Yours was a direct attempt at painting something in an inaccurate way.

ie, they were not comparable discrepancies, but some people will dishonestly attempt to portray them that way in hopes of shutting down those who ask questions.

Whether it was intentional misleading only you can answer(although judging by your prior posts in this thread it all points one way), but even you should be able to see how your statement is misleading (even though the almost freudian slip was pretty funny).
I don't understand how your narrative that Polygon did not think they had a story worth filming, but did it anyways because Microsoft told them to, is any less damning for Polygon.

I'm only pointing out the writers of Polygon do not warrant the garbage being thrown at them. If you want to suggest the higher ups of Polygon have no integrity, because they let Microsoft fund these videos, be my guest.


I'm only pointing out the writers of Polygon do not warrant the garbage being thrown at them. If you want to suggest the higher ups of Polygon have no integrity, because they let Microsoft fund these videos, be my guest.

I am just saying that your version of events casts even more of a black mark on there journalistic integrity.
I'm only pointing out the writers of Polygon do not warrant the garbage being thrown at them. If you want to suggest the higher ups of Polygon have no integrity, because they let Microsoft fund these videos, be my guest.

Some of the people at Polygon are incapable of fact-checking (judging by some of the content on The Verve) & are badly edited(days go past without simple errors being corrected),is that a good enough reason to complain about them. I am still waiting for a quote of mine to show how I've been dishonest btw, it almost seems as if you will smear anyone with uncomplimentary things to say about Polygon.
Some of the people at Polygon are incapable of fact-checking (judging by some of the content on The Verve) & are badly edited(days go past without simple errors being corrected),is that a good enough reason to complain about them. I am still waiting for a quote of mine to show how I've been dishonest btw, it almost seems as if you will smear anyone with uncomplimentary things to say about Polygon.

Yes, it almost seems, except it doesn't.

Here is exactly where you were being dishonest.

I don't think the bolded is true(Didn't MS approach Polygon?), why are you pushing your fictional version of the "story"?

I used the words "higher ups" in discussing who decided to do this filming adventure at Polygon, and you corrected me that it was Microsoft who started the idea. Would the higher ups at Polygon be the ones who made the final call on doing such a thing? Of course they would. My use of the word "higher ups" was simply to differentiate that it was not the writers who made this call, as Dangerstepp had said.

Your statement that this discrepancy was somehow comparable is intellectually dishonest. One was a bold faced lie, while the other is splitting hairs.


Dude: If the poor innocent writers are beholden to the evil greedy higher ups, then they are just another gaming site with no credibility and all our criticism of them applies because from the start they've been selling their BS as changing the game.

So what you said in their defense actually makes them look worse. Relatively. Especially since they claim they are separate from sales and make their own decisions.


I like how one guy brought up the fact you can't bash GB here on GAF and then they go on an ignorant 10 minute rant on GB about how they changed, it's fat people playing games etc.

I am not a GB defender/knight, it's not the best site on the internet and i have my issues with GB but these guys are idiots.

It was hardly 10 minutes, that one guy's monotone voice probably made it sound a lot longer than it was, but it was probably like 4-5 minutes, if that. I really can't stand podcasts that don't have a good structure/host. It's just two dudes sitting there in complete silence just yammering on about shit with nothing going on. The giantbomb criticisms weren't even solid and even though I'm a giantbomb fan I can't say I was offended by it because it was just random crap. Hell, I didn't even know which 'week' they were on because they didn't introduce themselves!


I like how one guy brought up the fact you can't bash GB here on GAF and then they go on an ignorant 10 minute rant on GB about how they changed, it's fat people playing games etc.

I am not a GB defender/knight, it's not the best site on the internet and i have my issues with GB but these guys are idiots.
You realize that you fulfilled their prophecy.
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