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Rebel FM 14-1-09 feat. Shane (and his new job) and Skip


Fess up GAF, who did it?

Ignition Entertainment is a video game publisher formed in April 2002. It was created from a selection of smaller developers and publishers, such as Archer MacLean's Awesome Studios. They are best known for their Director of Business Development, Shane Bettenhausen


it's ok, you're all right now
McBacon said:
Fess up GAF, who did it?

The best part about this? The guy who made the edit could seriously make a legitimate argument to that effect (never heard of this company ever before). :lol
Wikipedia said:
Ignition Entertainment is a video game publisher formed in April 2002. It was created from a selection of smaller developers and publishers, such as Archer MacLean's Awesome Studios. They are best known for their Director of Business Development,
Shane MothaFukkin' OG Mangod Bettenhausen
:lol :lol :lol


Acid08 said:
Really? That's a random fucking company. I did really like both Mercury games though.

Are you insane? They are the ones that bring everything SNK to the west. If not for them we would have got shit.

The need good business menager that's for sure. The need to invest in marketing.

Shane I'm counting on you!

Btw is this US only Job? Europe needs love.


Kingsgoon said:
"They are best known for their Director of Business Development, Shane MothaFukkin' OG Mangod Bettenhausen"

:D :D :D

heheheh, captured just in case it gets edited.



I've been working at Barnes & Noble for about six years now and when Gamestop merged with EB I was pumped because that meant I could get my employee discount at both stores.

Now I feel bad that I closed GMR.


Junior Member
I loved that great pause in the Player One Podcast where they mentioned Shane leaving on his own terms and nobody speaking up. That plus Shane twittering that other things were in the works, and we all hoped it was a new venture with all of the layed off employees when what he was really talking about was his next job. And now seeing how amazingly awesome his new job is,,,, class act. Rock and roll Shane.


force push the doodoo rock
I think Shane made the right decision with where he went, and he's going to do really well at the job he's been assigned.

Hopefully this means more trips to Tokyo in the future.


Ignition is a god send to us Europeans. How else would we get 20 King of Fighters and 10 Metal Slugs per year?
These guys know how to take a shitty situation and chuf it out. This episode was FANTASTIC. Better than any 1UP FM or EGM Live I ever heard. Great stories from everybody, Shane was at the top of his game, Kevin Smith's voice, presidential assassination prophecies (what the hell?), Ninja Gaiden II getting pushed during Team Ninja's collapse, I laughed, I cried, it had everything.


Obviously anyone who's been in the gaming press as long as Shane has will have a feel for what will sell, so a position like the one he's taken makes sense. What will be interesting is to see how well he can reconcile his personal tastes (as eccentric as they are) with the more pragmatic sales approach. Everyone has their own niche titles that they love (well, everyone who bothers to post a board like this) but it would be as irresponsible to focus on those as it would be to only look at the bottom line. Ignition seems like a company that is used to games slightly off the beaten path, so that seems like a good fit. Also, what the hell, a Red Bull B-Boy game? Shane's been secretly working with them for months, hasn't he?


listen to the mad man
Success is doing an XBLA Zoo Keeper. Ignition localized Zoo Keeper DS. Zoo Keeper DS sold around 100k units. Also, the game was barely translated--gibberish English for the most part, and none of the game's issues (for example, the game does not go into sleep mode when you close the DS and you also can't delete high scores from the high score list) were fixed in localization, so it's not like it cost anyone anything to bring it over here.

Shane, pitch Zoo Keeper XBLA localization or


Yay! this time I managed to get the entire podcast!

I think Shane will do well at his new job. If there's one thing we could all use, it is more Japanese games making it over here. Hope it works out for him, but goddamn I'll miss him.


Stumpokapow said:
Success is doing an XBLA Zoo Keeper. Ignition localized Zoo Keeper DS. Zoo Keeper DS sold around 100k units. Also, the game was barely translated--gibberish English for the most part, and none of the game's issues (for example, the game does not go into sleep mode when you close the DS and you also can't delete high scores from the high score list) were fixed in localization, so it's not like it cost anyone anything to bring it over here.

Shane, pitch Zoo Keeper XBLA localization or

It'll be a PSN exclusive :)

Frankly what I really want to see is how the people at 1UP, specifically people who have been there for years and years, deal with a new job where it's likely they have no idea who they are, and also having to buy every game they wish to play. At a place like 1UP where practically a whole bunch of people room with other people who work there, you tend to get into a bubble that some of them sounds like they've been in for a while. Shane won't be getting away with many "Secret best game ever" conversations at Ignition.

Ignition is all the way in California so it will be a shame to not hear Shane around so much anymore. Maybe at E3.


Kind of disappointed that Shane didn't get a "Playstation Network Evangilist" job. It seems the chance of hearing his voice on a podcast is very low.

Fragile eagle has the better job though.


Why isn't the podcast hosted on an official tracker/torrent? On last week's episodes people were complaining about bandwidth costs, so this could be a way to pull those way down, right?


Ignition? Aren't those the WarDevil people?

Too bad he didn't go to Sony or some other place, Shane's just gonna disappear from the media within that company. Good luck 'n all.


are they ever gonna releae an RSS feed compatible with PSP?(rss 2.0 i think) I think it would greatly help those psp users like me who use that. Cant wait to DL and listen to new podcast..been dying to hear what shane has to say.(Mangod!!)


listen to the mad man
eznark said:
So Ignition to publish all the niche Japanese RPG's that never make it over here?

As much as I'm sure Shane would like to pursue that avenue, there aren't really any on the consoles this generation...

360 (this list is pretty exhaustive):
Zegapain NOT					Namco
Zegapain XOR					Namco
Zoids Infinity EX Neo				Takara Tomy		
Tengai Makyou Ziria: Harukanaru Jipang		Hudson
Super Robot Taisen XO				Namco
Diario: Rebirth Moon Legend			Idea Factory
Apocalypse: Desire Next				Idea Factory
Agarest Senki: Reappearance			Compile Heart
Absolute Blazing Infinity			Idea Factory

The Idea Factory / Compile Heart is utter trash that even the most niche jRPG fans don't enjoy, Namco doesn't let anyone touch their stuff, the Hudson game is the latest and shittiest installment of a long-running series that's never made it over here. So, uh, I guess there's another Zoids game up for grabs :p

PS3 (this list is pretty exhaustive although slightly less, I could be missing a few):
Mist of Chaos					Idea Factory
Agarest Senki					Idea Factory
Tears to Tiara: Kakan no Daichi			Aquaplus

Two Idea Factory trash heaps and Tears to Tiara, which is a PG-13 of a PC porno game.

Wii (this list is pretty exhaustive although slightly less, I could be missing a few):
Soul Eater: Monotone Princess							Square Enix
Fushigi no Dungeon - Furai no Shiren 3: Karakuri Yashiki no Nemuri Hime		Sega

Soul Eater is a shitty game based on an anime that Square Enix owns, licensing would likely prove to be tricky.

So, uh, Ignition to publish Shiren 3 confirmed? :lol

The portables have a slightly bigger stack, but again most of the games mostly boil down to total trashheaps (Idea Factory crap like Spectral Force Genesis on DS), stuff that's almost certainly financially unpalatable (Legend of Heroes VI, for example), or stuff locked up by companies like Nintendo (Soma Bringer, Glory of Heracles DS, Card Hero) or Square Enix (Nanashi no Game, Sigma Harmonics, Egg Monster Hero) who don't negotiate with external publishers.


Wikipedia said:
On Dec 17, 2007 they further announced the opening of two new development studios - Ignition Florida, and Ignition Tokyo. Both studios are said to be working on proprietary IP for next-generation platforms.It is also clear that a PS3 exclusive IP is being devloped along with ala famous monsieur Shane Bettenhausen of 1up fame.

Ok GAF, fess up!

And Nick, Anthony, someone spill the beans on who Shane's been for the past few years on here. I have 2-3 guesses but need confirmation! :D

Podcast is great so far btw, I got the pre-volume fixed version that downloaded about 15 minutes before the new one was posted. Oh well. It's tolerable.


Stumpokapow said:
The portables have a slightly bigger stack, but again most of the games mostly boil down to total trashheaps (Idea Factory crap like Spectral Force Genesis on DS), stuff that's almost certainly financially unpalatable (Legend of Heroes VI, for example), or stuff locked up by companies like Nintendo (Soma Bringer, Glory of Heracles DS, Card Hero) or Square Enix (Nanashi no Game, Sigma Harmonics, Egg Monster Hero) who don't negotiate with external publishers.

This is what I was thinking of, some DS stuff like Soma Bringer, which I didn't realize was "locked up." Wasn't there another Mistwalker DS RPG that never made it over here?

edit: ASH, that is what I am thinking of.
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