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Redskins owner says they'll "Never change the name"

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That's not the logo at all! Stop your ludicrous smear campaign.

This is Chief Wahoo.

Changing, though. Slowly but surely.

I don't care how things are changing. The fact remains that this is not a high priority for football fans or the league. Most people, objectively, do not care. So he can get away with it. The NFL has more pressing issues on its hands like getting sued for concussions and brain damage. On the totem pole, this is low for the league and fans.



Completely embarrassing how much sway these leagues have. Any other institute would have been forced to drop them by now.


I'd hope not. In your example, I don't really see how the Blackhawks' or Redskins' logo could be called racist. They're just native american dudes wearing feathers.

The Cleveland Indians' logo on the other hand, I feel is the opposite. They should keep their name and lose the logo.

The Indians have been downplaying the Chief Wahoo logo for years. I was just in a team shop the other day and there's hardly anything there with him on it. I think they might be trying to slowly faze it out.


I find it to be so damn hypocritical to be offended by these names and logos and to drive home the point lets intentionally try to be as racist as possible because how else can we prove our point.


I don't care how things are changing. The fact remains that this is not a high priority for football fans or the league. Most people, objectively, do not care. So he can get away with it. The NFL has more pressing issues on its hands like getting sued for concussions and brain damage. On the totem pole, this is low for the league and fans.

You're using a lot of words to repeat the same thing over and over.


Again, some of the natives are getting handouts which probably ease the pain and suffering.

I know the Seminole tribe gets a ton from Florida State, but I think they also get to have a say in their logo, mascot, etc to ensure they're not offended by any of it.


It's like these days bigots can easily hide behind "You're trying to oppress my freedom of speech" or "You're making a big deal out of nothing" or "You're too sensitive" to the very minorities who actually are affected by those words.


The Redskins will never change. They are an old franchise, in a powerful market in the most popular sport. There will never be a protest large enough to hurt their bottom line, nor a government/commissioner that will make them change.

The Indians on the other hand will be moved one day and then they will likely change the name. Or they will have completely phased out the logo to the point where it's moot.

I have a hard time understanding how, or why, some sports fans accept these names.

Do you follow sports teams? It seems like something someone who isn't really into sports would say.


I know the Seminole tribe gets a ton from Florida State, but I think they also get to have a say in their logo, mascot, etc to ensure they're not offended by any of it.

American football prints money. They could have the most racist logo on the planet, and you'll find a native to cash that blank cheque.

The Redskins will never change. They are an old franchise, in a powerful market in the most popular sport. There will never be a protest large enough to hurt their bottom line, nor a government/commissioner that will make them change.

The Indians on the other hand will be moved one day and then they will likely change the name. Or they will have completely phased out the logo to the point where it's moot.

It's really one of my favorite logos. I just hate looking at Tito wear that stupid bucket sized red BP cap.


What's wrong with the Braves name? Redskins is a slur based on supposed skin color. You can't totally remove all ethnic based imagery at all. What about the Vikings? Blonde, mustached white nord. Or the celtics. A pipe smoking irish leprechaun with a shillelagh.

Or do you mean that racist screaming chief on the cap? I actually like the name Braves.

I agree chief wahoo of the Indians is stereotypical and laughable.

Since I love hockey, what do you folks think of the Chicago Blackhawks and their logo? I think it's one of the best and most iconic in the NHL. A somewhat realistic feathered warrior Indian/Native/First Nation/Indigenous American.


Maxis Redwood
Good, they shouldn't. Not only is it nice to see a stand against political correctness, my personal take (not that it matters in this situation) is that it honors positive aspects of Native Americans. I find it difficult to believe anyone's a fan of the name because they think it's racist and enjoy that aspect of it.


Good, they shouldn't. Not only is it nice to see a stand against political correctness, my personal take (not that it matters in this situation) is that it honors positive aspects of Native Americans. I find it difficult to believe anyone's a fan of the name because they think it's racist and enjoy that aspect of it.


It's a racial slur. Not sure how it honors them.
Good, they shouldn't. Not only is it nice to see a stand against political correctness, my personal take (not that it matters in this situation) is that it honors positive aspects of Native Americans. I find it difficult to believe anyone's a fan of the name because they think it's racist and enjoy that aspect of it.

I would LOVE for you to talk more about this.
Guys stop. It's not good. Like AT ALL. It's a racist slur, but "fuck those pc liberals right"

Jesus christ... I wonder if the team was called the Washington Wet backs, there'd be the same defense. Some of the replies here are shameful.


What's wrong with the Braves name? Redskins is a slur based on supposed skin color. You can't totally remove all ethnic based imagery at all. What about the Vikings? Blonde, mustached white nord. Or the celtics. A pipe smoking irish leprechaun with a shillelagh.

Or do you mean that racist screaming chief on the cap? I actually like the name Braves.

I agree chief wahoo of the Indians is stereotypical and laughable.

Since I love hockey, what do you folks think of the Chicago Blackhawks and their logo? I think it's one of the best and most iconic in the NHL. A somewhat realistic feathered warrior Indian/Native/First Nation/Indigenous American.

The only problem with the Braves is the Tomahawk Chop.


Guys stop. It's not good. Like AT ALL. It's a racist slur, but "fuck those pc liberals right"

Jesus christ... I wonder if the team was called the Washington Wet backs, there'd be the same defense. Some of the replies here are shameful.

Personally I'm preferential to the Washington White Crackers.



It's a racial slur. Not sure how it honors them.

Yes, it is a racial slur but everyone on the team is proud to be a redskin and the fans all root for redskins. I think the name should change and that it's different from other native-based teams (and weapons) but it's not that unbelievable that some people see it as a positive
Guys stop. It's not good. Like AT ALL. It's a racist slur, but "fuck those pc liberals right"

Jesus christ... I wonder if the team was called the Washington Wet backs, there'd be the same defense. Some of the replies here are shameful.
Well few people have issues with Celtics or Vikings as mentioned. Or Fighting Irish.


American football prints money. They could have the most racist logo on the planet, and you'll find a native to cash that blank cheque.

...You seem to be repeating yourself a lot in this thread. We get it, you think Native Americans all survive on nothing but handouts and love these nicknames.


Also, I think since Dan Snyder is Jewish he should rename his team to Big Nose Shmoes.

See how he likes it.
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