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Republican Debate 4 [Fox Business] Kapow!

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Nice OP!!

My thought was that it would be a little serious, so I made this haha



The night is darkest before the dawn.
Love these debate OTs.

Is there a reason there's fewer candidates? Looks like they dropped Christie (and Huckabee? Can't even remember if he was in the last big boy debate) but didn't bring in a replacement to keep the numbers the same?

Also, I realize this is off-topic, but did anyone look into what influence Trump had on the shorter time of the last debate? I thought it was kind of crazy he and the moderator publicly argued about it since it should be easy to fact-check.
This thread is fantastic, good work. I've watched the previous debates, so I might have to take a bit of time out of Fallout to watch another one of these circuses...might.


I forgot Christie isn't in the main debate. I wonder if the kiddie table will even further is assholeish tone on stage.
Greatest of all time OP thank you for this.

Watch as the Emperor seizes DIRECT CONTROL.

the full line is ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL though. Now, where is that Reap- I mean asteroid. Totally just an asteroid. Nowhere inside a pyramid.

Btw OP, who's going to be Ra's Al-Ghul and come back for round two from the backstage?
Sold on the OP though. Wonderful work.
Fantastic OP! Actually remembered and purchased alcoholic beverages of choice today!

Not sure if the moderators here are better or worse than the CNBC ones. Cavuto is rather professional by FOX standards but he's been wonky since being demoted to FBN years ago. Bartiromo is the ultimate feminist-hating trophy wife. No clue who Baker is!
"You were the chosen one!"
Oh god. WE NEED THIS. Jeb! coincidentally is not above murdering kids. This is so perfect. Question is, who gets to be badass Boba Fett? Because I don't think anyone should get to be. No one gets to be bish, either.


I really hope there's a question about time-traveling Hitler-murder. These are important issues and I want to know where the candidates stand.


Makai I'm really offended by the liberal anti-Marvel bias in this OT

since I intend to do the next Dem debate thread, I will try to make it as fair and balanced as possible. Such as by exposing Hillary's lies and murders.


Glad to see Huckabee almost gone. Now I just need to see Carson and Trump drop out. The circus really has gone on long enough.


What's the over/under FOX will throw softballs at the candidates or Trump will believe he's being treated unfairly?

"wahh, I only want to be the executive of the most influential country in the world! Don't challenge me! Also, we need to adjust the AC, thanks."


I seriously came really close to calling it Kids Table Debate sponsored by Nickelodeon

But I decided to spare Retromelon.


I can feel America getting greater with each and every Trump answer tomorrow.

"They didn't ask you to be on SNL, did they? That's right, they don't care about last place losers."
I seriously came really close to calling it Kids Table Debate sponsored by Nickelodeon

But I decided to spare Retromelon.
Im only watching this because im still tryna get that fifty out of you. Carson must not selfdestruct until january 1st, he needs my support


As a Republican I find the Carson support strange. Ok, maybe not strange, just annoying. The guy flip flops on his positions almost daily, but the damn evangelicals make excuses as long as he says Jesus, Joseph, and fucking Pyramids every day. Dude has some dedicated followers. Hell, he could stab someone on stage and they would defend him.

Granted, every politician has dedicated followers. Obama would say Hope and change and he would lower the sea levels while standing in front of fake Greek columns and some people did believe him. Some feminists defended Bill Clinton when he couldn't control his penis, and attacked Lewinsky instead.

Politics is exciting though. Great job btw OP. Had a good time reading it.

Jeb has to come out swinging in this debate. His campaign is on life support. Rubio needs another good debate to help his numbers. He got a bounce from last debate but it has stalled. Trump needs to be competent and probably avoid going after crazy Ben too much. Trump actually seems sane in comparison.

Carson probably just needs to show up and do his usual xanax style mumbling and his damn supporters will like it. Cruz needs to get some Carson or Trump supporters somehow. Not sure how though.


As a Republican I find the Carson support strange. Ok, maybe not strange, just annoying. The guy flip flops on his positions almost daily, but the damn evangelicals make excuses as long as he says Jesus, Joseph, and fucking Pyramids every day. Dude has some dedicated followers. Hell, he could stab someone on stage and they would defend him.

Granted, every politician has dedicated followers. Obama would say Hope and change and he would lower the sea levels while standing in front of fake Greek columns and some people would believe him. Some feminists defended Bill Clinton when he couldn't control his penis, and attacked Lewinsky instead.

Politics is exciting though.

It's just the usual flirtation the Republican party has with a figure "outside" of the political realm. It's why you saw Herman Cain draw so much support in the 2012 primaries and Fred Thompson's flash in the pan in 2008.

Carson is probably going to fizzle out towards the end of this month and his support will probably fall in behind a more establishment candidate. I don't see him making any headway with this "economy-centered" debate.
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