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Resident Evil with action is the best Resident Evil

I prefer the slower, atmospheric, claustrophobic RE with a heavier emphasis on resource management, personally. I loved Resident Evil VII, and felt it was a return to the roots of the series. It'd be nice if they managed to sustain both types, but if I had to choose one, that would be it.


RE4 has a nice balance, I could live with games like that.

Shut like RE6 tho? Fuck that, there are plenty of other action games that do it better.


We've got time, that's just you being a wuss tbh

So how come RE7 sales were so disappointing eh? Why did Silent Hill become a Wayforward Diablo clone? Why did Silent Hills get canned? Why are there two Gravity Rush games instead of a new Siren? Why are the only new horror games left indie releases on Steam? Because people don't like being scared when they play games. Action is good. Horror is niche. Embrace Chris punching boulders and it'll all be better.

No thanks. Give me mood, atmosphere, puzzles to think about and a great soundtrack wrapped around a slow paced adventure of sorts so that there is enough time for me to soak myself in the environments.

I like all Resident Evil. RE7 might be my second favorite entry, but RE4 is considered one of the best games ever made for a damn good reason.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I don't play horror games. I play action games. Not sure what you misunderstood.
Resident Evil has many design problems when it comes to action compared to the deliberate design decisions made for the horror games.

Still the best selling game of the franchise, probably without RE6 you wouldnt get RE7 so..
RE6 despite the sales was so bad that it literally snapped Capcom out of whatever high they were on and they went back and made a much better designed and most of all MEMORABLE game as a result. The only things to remember about RE6 are how it tries and fails so hard in so many places and is a disjointed mess.
So how come RE7 sales were so disappointing eh? Why did Silent Hill become a Wayforward Diablo clone? Why did Silent Hills get canned? Why are there two Gravity Rush games instead of a new Siren? Why are the only new horror games left indie releases on Steam? Because people don't like being scared when they play games. Action is good. Horror is niche. Embrace Chris punching boulders and it'll all be better.

Stop reminding me that my heart is already broken!!


Great action game is great. Bad action game is bad. Don't see what is complicated about that. The fact is I, and I'm sure a ton of other people, would take a great action game over a great survival horror game any day. Aint got no time to be scared like a wuss under a blanket playing games. Just wanna have fun.

I don't play horror games. I play action games. Not sure what you misunderstood.

There isn't as much variance in Scary RE though. There's something of a baseline level of quality for Scary RE, for the most part. Action RE is feast or famine - it has one of the best and one of the worst action games I've played among its titles. Partly because of this, I'd go Scary. You know you're getting something pretty good. With Action, it could be fucking anything.


The original and REmake are my favorites, that level of action is enough for me in an RE. If I had my druthers RE4 would have been the first game in a new IP.


Personally i want the series to regain the balance that it had with the classics between action and survival horror. And neither RE6 or RE7 achieved that balance IMO.

Hopefully REmake 2 will be a true return to form.
The more action-oriented this franchise becomes, the more it'll come to resemble your run-of-the-mill shooters with retrofitted zombie mode and Capcom doesn't have the pedigree or competence to tread in those highly contested waters.


So how come RE7 sales were so disappointing eh? Why did Silent Hill become a Wayforward Diablo clone? Why did Silent Hills get canned? Why are there two Gravity Rush games instead of a new Siren?
Why does Call of Duty sell more than Undertale? I don't even.

As I've always said, if you wanna feel AWESOME by shooting things and punching zombies in the face just buy Dead Rising, Day Z, Left 4 Dead, Dying Light, whatever action game is the rage.
Don't drag RE into that, please.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Nah, RE1,2,3 and Remake are the best in the series, Code V was good but that was also a Sega produced spin off. I'd even say 0 too
RE4 was a something new and the honeymoon ended with it, today we have Resident Evil 7 which is a good VR game and that's about it.


The more action-oriented this franchise becomes, the more it'll come to resemble your run-of-the-mill shooters with retrofitted zombie mode and Capcom doesn't have the pedigree or competence to compete in those highly contested waters.

Judging from the rest of their output, Capcom these days doesn't have the pedigree or competence to ship anything that satisfies people anymore. Not even a fighter! So whatever. We're not talking about how much Capcom sucks here. That goes without saying.

The fact is, ACTION RE IS BEST!


Junior Member
It's an opinion not a fact. I do like action RE, I still prefer the classic. Again, it's my opinion.


We had to go 15 years for a return to the series roots, and after one game you're already demanding that that overblown tripe comes back?
Did you not see my post on the last page addressing how RE4 succeeds so well despite having action segments compared to RE5/6?

I'd say that the only game that has level design problems, noticiable ones at least, is RE6.

RE5 is a finely designed co-op game.

That said, RE6 had the potential to become one of the best TPS in the last gen.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
People really try their hardest to act like re4 wasn't the shifting point for the series

It's not action horror its action. Re7 is more action horror than re4


Junior Member
Resident Evil has many design problems when it comes to action compared to the deliberate design decisions made for the horror games.

The problem with this mindset is that you are not looking into the big picture. I love horror games and I talk about them all the time, it happens that I played every RE game and after all of them, my choices are clearly inclined to be more action-y than moody

Man, I do love REMAKE and 2 and Zero (I do love Zero even if the inventory management demon that lives inside me cries every time I want to replay the game) the thing is, I just prefer other horror games over how RE is designed;

The entire premise of each instalment gets cornier and cornier and instead of embrace it in a comical way like some bits of OG it gets more and more serious. This breaks my immersion with the horror part and embraces my connection with the action and monster part.

The puzzles and the design of levels, when you think about them, they shine for being corny and obtuse, they are often out of place imho and they can be laughable at times.

With every entry, even in the classics, they augmented the escale of the events to unbearable heights and the plot has little to grow without looking desperate, thats why I think RE4 and 7 works so well; they seem like very remote events that ignore most of the events and make their own thing.

I love all resident evil and I want Remake 2 to be good, I loved 7 and I love 4, I just want a new game that allows me to suplex cultists or else.


We had to go 15 years for a return to the series roots, and after one game you're already demanding that that overblown tripe comes back?

The people spoke with their wallets. Hopefully Capcom listens. In the end this is a capitalistic entertainment industry, it's not art. Action RE will return because Horror RE didn't sell enough. ACCEPT THE FACTS! :D
I'll get a lot of shit for saying this, but I never liked the horror RE games, the first 3 games were boring and not really scary to me. Code Veronica can fuck off too.

Resident Evil 4 is still the only game in the series that I love, but it seems like this game was a fluke since Capcom never succeeded in repeating it's greatness, while I do understand where you are coming from Luulubuu, I don't think we're ever gonna get RE4 again.


Jake's is the only campaign that's competently designed. It's the rest of the campaigns that completely squandered the game's potential.
I finished Leon and Chris' campaigns, but Jake's is where I had to throw in the towel. I don't know if it's because Jake's campaign was actually worse than the other two or just that I was so burned out from putting up with their rancidness that I couldn't do it anymore.

I think there was a lot of potential in RE6 if they just tried to make one good 10 hour campaign, but they stretched themselves as thin as humanly possible and the entire game was basically just wet toilet paper.
Holy shit at the pro-monopoly/monotony and "sales=quality" arguments.

Capcom needs to be applauded to go against certain trends and for instead providing a more memorable and unique experience than yet another low-quality cinematic shooter.
Disagree. I loved Resident Evil 4 and I think it was the reboot the series needed but I could not even get into RE5 or RE6. Revelations was good because it straddled the line like RE4 did. But I will always like survival horror Resident Evil the best.
I finished Leon and Chris' campaigns, but Jake's is where I had to throw in the towel. I don't know if it's because Jake's campaign was actually worse than the other two or just that I was so burned out from putting up with their rancidness that I couldn't do it anymore.

No, Jake campaign is quite bad.

Chris is decent and Leon has it's moments.


Junior Member
I finished Leon and Chris' campaigns, but Jake's is where I had to throw in the towel. I don't know if it's because Jake's campaign was actually worse than the other two or just that I was so burned out from putting up with their rancidness that I couldn't do it anymore.

You actually missed the secret fourth one which is the worst imho


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
We had to go 15 years for a return to the series roots, and after one game you're already demanding that that overblown tripe comes back?
Because they never returned? they just slapped RE on a VR jump scare product after it got good feedback, and still struggling to incorporate Resident Evil into it as Evident by the back and forth delays of a 1 hr DLC with actual RE character.


The people spoke with their wallets. Hopefully Capcom listens. In the end this is a capitalistic entertainment industry, it's not art. Action RE will return because Horror RE didn't sell enough. ACCEPT THE FACTS! :D
As much as I love a mod troll posting, this comes off as really juvenile you know. There are people who do care about the "art" or whatever. This is an enthusiast forum after all.
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