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Resident Evil with action is the best Resident Evil

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I'd say that the only game that has level design problems, noticiable ones at least, is RE6.

RE5 is a finely designed co-op game.

That said, RE6 had the potential to become one of the best TPS in the last gen.
It's fun co-op, (how the hell do guns generally feel so much better in that game compared to 6 where it feels like you're shooting paper bullets?), but the design is hurt by older series trappings contradicting the VERY transparent attempt to make a gears of war alternative. So things like limited inventory space and standing still while shooting along with the swarming style enemies coming to abrupt halts after sprinting towards you.

People really try their hardest to act like re4 wasn't the shifting point for the series

It's not action horror its action. Re7 is more action horror than re4
Lol what? How? There's way less combat scenarios and way less viable combat options compared to RE4 because you're near constantly confined in small spaces like the older games leading to a common scenario where you get overwhelmed easy. And entire segments of the game that don't have any combat whatsoever. Meanwhile RE4 has very explosive bouts of action followed by slower quieter segments and each time the action gets more and more over the top.
You can probably get a better balance than with 7.
TEW was a technical mess and unpolished, but it was scary/tense and felt pretty good


I myself prefer the horror element. RE1/2/7 are my favorites from the series.

However I have to agree with you that the series was getting stale and 4 had a huge impact.

I think that there's room for both horror themed RE's and the more action oriented ones in the style of RE4.

I hope they they continue to make both styles to please each group, and money wise it makes the most sense in the future.



No thanks. Give me mood, atmosphere, puzzles to think about and a great soundtrack wrapped around a slow paced adventure of sorts so that there is enough time for me to soak myself in the environments.

Yep, that's the only resident evil I want.
Because they never returned? they just slapped RE on a VR jump scare product after it got good feedback, and still struggling to incorporate Resident Evil into it as Evident by the back and forth delays of a 1 hr DLC with actual RE character.

Spoken like someone who hasn't played beyond the first 45 minutes. After those, RE7 exceeds anything an "jump scare" indie developer could have ever put out.

Joey Ravn

I vastly prefer REmake, 2 and 3 to all others, but I concede that RE6 is a great action game.

Oh, and RE7. That game is really good, although a different beast from the others.


Jake's is probably the only campaign I remotely enjoyed, even with its horrible stealth sections and lazy garden palace.

Leon's is so boring until Hong Kong. Although I haven't gotten to that point in over a year, so it's probably just as boring as the first half.

None of the campaigns could even touch RE5, much less RE4. And Mercs was too repetitive to spend more than an hour of time with at once, since the same strats are effective on all levels and you just have to make your own fun out of them. No Mercy is better because the enemies aren't drip fed and it becomes too chaotic to control.


As much as I love a mod troll posting, this comes off as really juvenile you know. There are people who do care about the "art" or whatever. This is an enthusiast forum after all.

Asserting my opinion = trolling

Okay! If you say so. People can care about the art, but they're not the ones who own the franchise. The ones who own the franchise clearly don't. Is that really hard to accept? RE is made to make money.


This is my kind of thread. Everyone knows how much I love Action RE. I'll defend that style and gameplay until the bitter end. Especially from those who say I should just play call of duty. Since that's missing the point. It's like me saying go play amnesia if you want horror.

At this point the fanbase is at an impasse though. Generally it seems action fans seem to be fine with horror to an extent. While horror fans really don't want any sort of bombastic action at all. Obviously that's just a generalization but from the usual threads on here where we discuss the matter.

There's no real changing what people like and dislike though. Especially in a series that has gone on for 20 years and has effectively been 10 years horror and 10 years action. At this point they just need to stick with offering different titles for different voices in their fanbase. That seems to be the common ground most can agree on outside greedy ass people.

Regardless much like horror RE. There's nothing that plays like Action RE. So even with it's change to the core of survival horror. It deserves it's praise and fans.


I 100% agree with you. There can be a compromise with both action gameplay with horror survival elements.

I love coop and wish it was in RE7.


I like every single mainline RE game, including Code Veronica, so both approaches are "the best" for me. Though I do hope RE VIII continues in the vein of RE VII while fixing some of the problems and maybe being 2-3 hours longer


Junior Member
Haha I almost completed it but I couldnt bear continuing lol

The entire game and its annoyances burned me out

Yup, its a saturated game and I think a better and lighter tone, more focused areas and polished control would be awesome, theres much to do in RE6 and its not always good or fun.
The action RE games aren't nearly as terrible as some people put them, but compared to the previous games in the series, they just don't have a leg to stand on. By modern RE, I'm talking 4 onwards. Old RE games are upwards to 4.

The main problems with the modern RE games is that they are all generic dudebro shooters with instant gratification and little to no thought input required to advance the game. Enemies are easy to kill at any distance, puzzles are a matter of fulfilling pre-quisite tasks that barely even fit the term "puzzle", and there is definitely some ryona fetish going on with them. All bad things of course. The old RE games are more about building an atmosphere, immersing the player, making them feel responsible for the character they control and putting them in situations that are either odd or make you scratch your head a few times. Enemies can be deadly at any distance, puzzles are genuine puzzles that you would otherwise find in point n' click adventures, and absolutely require some mental arithmetic in order to advance. Death scenes aren't fetish material, but as a punishment for a player's mistake while making them look cool or gory to add to the mature theme of the games.

Yes, there are bad things about the old RE games like the voice acting, low res backgrounds and arguably menial tasks you have to do for each playthrough, but that came part in parcel as the package for a game in the 90s/early 00s. For their time, they were good to excellent, although Capcom started experimenting with different kinds of RE games after 3.

People often argue the strengths of modern RE are the fact that many people have bought them, or that they are just fun, or the tank controls sucked in the old games. To that, I say co-op games tend to sell double the units they normally would have had they sold single player, no doubt the modern RE games are fun but the old RE games are both fun and challenging. The only challenges the modern RE games offer is trying not to die to OP enemies, whereas the older RE games locked that kind of challenge behind secret game modes or by inherently making the base game harder by the way of its intricate level designs and puzzles. Finally, tank controls don't suck, YOU suck. Just because a game requires skill and has a learning curve, it doesn't mean it's bad and outdated - it's most likely the other way around.

To me, the old RE games were, are and will forever be superior to the modern RE trash that just copy what's popular at the time of current release. RE5 is a Gears of War clone, RE6 tried to do everything in 1 game, Revelations was a bad attempt at fanservice and RE7 is a Outlast and Amnesia clone. It use to be that the old RE games were leaders and innovators in the horror genre, now it's RE is desperately copying what others are doing in order to get in on those sale numbers. Pah, proof of this are games like ORC and RE7, clear clones of your average dudebro shooter and of course Amnesia/Outlast, but with added "value" that are season passes and pointless DLC that are sometimes ripped right out the main game later to be re-sold. And people actually defend this shit. I don't see season passes or crappy, tacked on skin DLC in the older RE games. No, instead, we had games like Outbreak File #1 and #2, which had HUNDREDS of FREE IN-GAME unlockables, and you could share your save games willy-nilly DRM free. Not to mention the co-op nature of those games were never forced on you much like the cheating partner AI of RE5 onward. Seriously, that sucks, I don't want to have a partner AI with me as I play single player RE.

I've always been torn between REmake, RE4 and in more recent years, RE2 as to which is the best RE game and I still can't decide. Yes, RE4 is a modern RE game but it's also incredibly innovative and the last of its kind, with all the MGS1 references and amazing cutscenes and Leon being badass, it's hard to look past that. Here's hoping REmake 2 won't be full of shitty season passes, microtransactions, forced co-op, "puzzles lol" and fanservice deaths.

Gimme classic tank controls, foreboding, challenging old school RE any day of the week.


You actually missed the secret fourth one which is the worst imho

I played through Ada's campaign when I re-bought the PC version to take screenshots of it. It would have been quite a waste of time if I was playing it for the sake of playing it, not screenshotting it.


I see that the OP makes no mention of RE5 and instead highlights the awful RE6 melee combat. This is not exactly the right way to make this argument, IMO.

My thoughts exactly. If I was trying to argue that action RE is best, I would pretend 6 doesn't exist.


Unconfirmed Member
Just break the series into two franchises. One with Leon and his action stuff and one with Chris for the classic horror style.


What qualifies art though.
Some fans liked the way the old games expressed the sense of dread and desperation of the zombie apocalypse. That's where the "art" part of old RE comes. The music, the locales, it all served to communicate a feeling the way videogames are capable of.

Sure, the action REs communicate the feeling of felling AWESOME, but you get, it's not the same.
Asserting my opinion = trolling
duckroll pls >>

BTW, there is action and there is /action/. I think nobody would be opposed to a horror game with spectacular bosses like the Souls series and setpieces, like RE3.
It's when the game revels on being dumb that everything falls apart.


Honestly would've bet money this was a Jawmuncher thread.

Also I'll agree, but only if people admit RE5 > RE4.


Junior Member
I played through Ada's campaign when I re-bought the PC version to take screenshots of it. It would have been quite a waste of time if I was playing it for the sake of playing it, not screenshotting it.

Those laser sections where you need to crawl though shameless


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Spoken like someone who hasn't played beyond the first 45 minutes. After those, RE7 exceeds anything an indie could have ever put out.
check it, completed it and I have the season pass


Just break the series into two franchises. One with Leon and his action stuff and one with Chris for the classic horror style.

But Chris is the one who punches the boulder. I like Leon and his stylish moves, but we still need someone on steroids sometimes to do the heavy lifting.

Some fans liked the way the old games expressed the sense of dread and desperation of the zombie apocalypse. That's where the "art" part of old RE comes. The music, the locales, it all served to communicate a feeling the way videogames are capable of.

Sure, the action REs communicate the feeling of felling AWESOME, but you get, it's not the same.

If good action is not art, why does GAF love Platinum Games so much?
Yup, its a saturated game and I think a better and lighter tone, more focused areas and polished control would be awesome, theres much to do in RE6 and its not always good or fun.

I still say make a new game with its mechanics, but nothing to do with RE, AND actually make it good this time

Cuz boy do I love backdiving while firing. But why do I need to do that to zombies tho 🙍
Those laser sections where you need to crawl though shameless

Some very fine specular highlights on those leather pants
Resident Evil 4, yes. It's one of the best games ever made.

Resident Evil 5, 6, and Revelations, no (haven't played Rev 2). I like them all, but I wouldn't consider any of them to be near the quality of something like REmake or even 7.
RE has always been Action RE. You have to be utterly incompetent or completely new to the series to ever run out of bullets in any of the games. I've played the PS1 games religiously since they came out, and you can shoot everything that shows up and still have enough ammunition to get through to the end. Unless you're using the magnum on dogs or the shotgun on crows, you can Rambo your way through every single game. The "Survival Horror" tagline is a bunch of marketing baloney.


Junior Member
Some fans liked the way the old games expressed the sense of dread and desperation of the zombie apocalypse. That's where the "art" part of old RE comes. The music, the locales, it all served to communicate a feeling the way videogames are capable of.

Sure, the action REs communicate the feeling of felling AWESOME, but you get, it's not the same.

duckroll pls >>

Too bad the first game is more a spiritual sucessor from a japanese movie that was more like the premise of a cabin in the woods, not the movie of Cabin in the woods, but the premise.

and the zombie apocalypse theme didnt came after a few entries in the saga. And for the music and art that expresses stuff is totally subjective and you can get feelings from "high smart" movies like 2001 and "dumb" movies like Transformers.

That kind of argument will be always subjective and I dont think is fair to pull it off like that, because, for example, one of my favorite themes in the whole franchise is the SAFE ROOM theme and also the mercenaries themes lawl


To me, the old RE games were, are and will forever be superior to the modern RE trash that just copy what's popular at the time of current release... RE7 is a Outlast and Amnesia clone.

I'll never understand this line of thinking. They aren't remotely similar.
check it, completed it and I have the season pass

I missed the old characters, but all the actual game design was totally RE and way beyond any walking simulator - a kind of game I certainly do not like at all (just like RE7's intro). The few jump scares were totally earned just like in old RE too, not cheap.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
For Resident Evil 6, MY PERSONAL OPINION;

Best Chapters (in no order):
-Leon Chapter 4
-Chris Chapter 4
-Jake Chapter 3

Good Chapters (in no order):
-Leon Chapter 2
-Chris Chapter 3
-Jake Chapter 5
-Ada Chapter 1
-Ada Chapter 3

Okay Chapters (in no order)
-Leon Chapter 5
-Chris Chapter 2
-Jake Chapter 1
-Ada Chapter 4

Mixed Chapters (in no order, and I'll give some reasoning)
-Leon Chapter 1 (I like the second half, but the first half forced walking stuff and the school segment I'm not fond of)
-Chris Chapter 1 (I like some bits quite a bit, other bits are kind of drudgery)
-Jake Chapter 4 (I fucking hate the beginning of this chapter, and the helicopter boss is among my least favorite things in the game, plus his section helping out Chris is dull. However, after the intro I actually like the rest of it, the road stuff, the chainsaw fight, etc.)
-Ada Chapter 2 (I like some segments of this chapter a lot, other parts are drudgery, and it goes on a bit overtly long)

Bad Chapters (in no order)
-Leon Chapter 3
-Chris Chapter 5 (I love the design and boss design and story stuff, but the gameplay is bad here)
-Jake Chapter 2

Worst Tier:
-Ada Chapter 5

This is just my opinion, but I've had time and a few replays to think about it. I have a similar ranking for Resident Evil 5, but that's a much more even game, I think RE6 has some higher highs but also lower lows than RE5 though.


Tears in the rain
I'll be eternally grateful that I actually got an actual Resident Evil game with RE7, one last time. Classic puzzles, limited ammo, save rooms (with cassette tapes!), and a return of a big interlocked location to learn inside out. Just like the good ol days of RE and RE2.

If every action RE game was RE4-tier, then I'd have no problem with action RE. But RE4 is lightning in a bottle. There probably will never be a game, this good again.


Junior Member
I'll be eternally grateful that I actually got an actual Resident Evil game with RE7, one last time. Classic puzzles, limited ammo, save rooms (with cassette tapes!), and a return of a big interlocked location to learn inside out. Just like the good ol days of RE and RE2.

If every action RE game was RE4-tier, then I'd have no problem with action RE. But RE4 is lightning in a bottle. There probably will never be a game, this good again.




If good action is not art, why does GAF love Platinum Games so much?
It's a different kind of art, one of which RE was not in the first place. The problem with over the top action in Re is not that it exists, it's that it replaces the thing the series got its first fans in the first place.

As Jawmuncher says, the best course of action is just branch the series out.
Too bad the first game is more a spiritual sucessor from a japanese movie that was more like the premise of a cabin in the woods, not the movie of Cabin in the woods, but the premise.

and the zombie apocalypse theme didnt came after a few entries in the saga. And for the music and art that expresses stuff is totally subjective and you can get feelings from "high smart" movies like 2001 and "dumb" movies like Transformers.

That kind of argument will be always subjective and I dont think is fair to pull it off like that, because, for example, one of my favorite themes in the whole franchise is the SAFE ROOM theme and also the mercenaries themes lawl
Remember we were in 1996. Zombie saturation was not a thing. Re1 was a damn scary game for its time. And REmake is just a masterpiece of horror which delivered in the first game's premise for the modern times.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The problem with this mindset is that you are not looking into the big picture. I love horror games and I talk about them all the time, it happens that I played every RE game and after all of them, my choices are clearly inclined to be more action-y than moody

Man, I do love REMAKE and 2 and Zero (I do love Zero even if the inventory management demon that lives inside me cries every time I want to replay the game) the thing is, I just prefer other horror games over how RE is designed;

The entire premise of each instalment gets cornier and cornier and instead of embrace it in a comical way like some bits of OG it gets more and more serious. This breaks my immersion with the horror part and embraces my connection with the action and monster part.

The puzzles and the design of levels, when you think about them, they shine for being corny and obtuse, they are often out of place imho and they can be laughable at times.

With every entry, even in the classics, they augmented the escale of the events to unbearable heights and the plot has little to grow without looking desperate, thats why I think RE4 and 7 works so well; they seem like very remote events that ignore most of the events and make their own thing.

I love all resident evil and I want Remake 2 to be good, I loved 7 and I love 4, I just want a new game that allows me to suplex cultists or else.
I feel that classic RE games were the only good horror games that actually felt good to play in spite of the design decisions to depower the player like tank controls. Especially in terms of gunplay, like I never felt like shooting a gun in Silent Hill was satisfying. Meanwhile the small amount of times you decide to use a shotgun in REmake always felt incredibly worth it. And that juxtaposed really well with all the horror elements and the atmosphere of the mansions, cities, and castles. Hell it still does. The greatest part of RE was most definitely how it's gameplay nailed the horror setting even if the story did not.


Even I don't believe and I'm a huge TEW stan.

RE4 is untouchable. It was already one of my absolute favorite games when I played it on GameCube release, but I replayed it for the first time in a decade when the Ultimate Evil Edition came out on PC a few years ago and ended up liking it even more. It was better than I remembered it being and I already remembered it being one of the very best games ever made.
Resident Evil 4 is my GOAT and I say that with loving the classic series. RE4 really meshed horror well with action and still had classic Resident Evil elements like inventory management, chests and typewriters. RE5 can die in fire. RE6 was actually and amazing action game but its not the direction where I want to series to be in. RE7 was a step in the right direction. Lets go from here and move forward.


Junior Member
I feel that classic RE games were the only good horror games that actually felt good to play in spite of the design decisions to depower the player like tank controls. Especially in terms of gunplay, like I never felt like shooting a gun in Silent Hill was satisfying. Meanwhile the small amount of times you decide to use a shotgun in REmake always felt incredibly worth it. And that juxtaposed really well with all the horror elements and the atmosphere of the mansions, cities, and castles. Hell it still does. The greatest part of RE was most definitely how it's gameplay nailed the horror setting even if the story did not.

Welp. The thing with Silent Hill is that the gunplay was meant to be bad to give you the perspective and abilities of your character in such situation, none of them are militars until Homecoming, so the game was trying to say to avoid combat as much you could.

Is putting narrative into the actions and performance of the characters, at least thats how I had readed it for years
RE has always been Action RE. You have to be utterly incompetent or completely new to the series to ever run out of bullets in any of the games. I've played the PS1 games religiously since they came out, and you can shoot everything that shows up and still have enough ammunition to get through to the end. Unless you're using the magnum on dogs or the shotgun on crows, you can Rambo your way through every single game. The "Survival Horror" tagline is a bunch of marketing baloney.

The limited supplies in the older games, except maybe the majority RE1 and RE0, is kinda overstated. Its more the feeling that you need to need to conserve your ammo, that's what you expect because the game and everyone tells you that's what you need to do. Then by the time your at the finale you have so much unused handgun and shotgun ammo, plus enough magnum and grenade to take out any boss remaining. Its really a clever mental trick, even though you still need to explore to find those supplies.

You know what RE game is the only one I constantly ran out of ammo in was? Fucking RE6 lol



I like action RE. I like horror RE. I think both can peacefully coexist and there doesn't need to be an argument about it.

I agree, the argument over which one deserves to be called Resident Evil 8 (and onwards) will be like a never ending bloodbath though,
It should be the action oriented ones.
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