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Retronauts Podcast Thread


really gotta get around to playing a fire pro wrestling game one day, still trying to find returns at gamestop onna cheap

MOON TRANSLATION UPDATE: It is in basically done (1 major bug, a few items) and in beta. Does anyone want to beta test? I'm stuck until January. That's the only thing preventing its release. (I should say that I although I did rip off Nico Nico Doga and then rip my own soundtracks and upload them all to YouTube, I did not help with this translation. I'm just its herald.)

that's awesome news man! id volunteer but work is kinda wonky lately, you wanna bump the original thread (pretty sure it was yours) with this post, or should I? i feel confident we can find someone up for the task!


really gotta get around to playing a fire pro wrestling game one day, still trying to find returns at gamestop onna cheap

I don't want to be a jerk, but it's totally worth full price, and it wasn't even originally sold here for full price. There's ABSURD value in it.

that's awesome news man! id volunteer but work is kinda wonky lately, you wanna bump the original thread (pretty sure it was yours) with this post, or should I? i feel confident we can find someone up for the task!

I'm all over it once the 2nd-in-command posts again in the translation topic. No worries! We'll crowdsource this.


The fan translation episode was good. But every time a journalist talk how back in 90s he used emulation in a different context reminds me old guys talking how they used drugs in the 60s but this was completely different than use drugs today.

On the other side the Mega Drive episode was fuckin awful. Shallow, poor content, "we are nintendo guys talking about sega" joke every 5 minutes.

I still waiting for the Wing Commander episode, but I start to think that is better Nestronauts keep the focus on Nintendo platforms.


I feel like Ys IV really deserved a mention in the fantranslation episode if only because of the excellent fan dub. Earthbound Zero was sort of a cop out since it's not really a fan effort, I'd have replaced it with that.


MOON TRANSLATION UPDATE: It is in basically done (1 major bug, a few items) and in beta. Does anyone want to beta test? I'm stuck until January. That's the only thing preventing its release. (I should say that I although I did rip off Nico Nico Doga and then rip my own soundtracks and upload them all to YouTube, I did not help with this translation. I'm just its herald.)

Wow, I always thought that it's one of those projects that will never actually be released... So glad that I'm wrong about this! I dreamed of playing Moon ever since I heard you talking about it for the first time ... about 5 years ago?


really gotta get around to playing a fire pro wrestling game one day, still trying to find returns at gamestop onna cheap

It's available on PSN for 10$.
Just saying...

Regarding the last episode, thanks Bob and Ray, it was great and I enjoyed it even if I never play fan translated games and so I'm not aware of what is happening in that scene.


catching up on the video game music one...ugh, here we go with the "tinny-ness" of the genesis sound chip, the guest guy just shits all over the sound and then they play Technocop, like that's a great go-to there...good call dude.

Shining Force & some other calls were nice too, i love how the hosts always apologize after dumping on the system, haha


finally hearing the Arcade racers one & as per usual it's been thorough/educational, but we're up to Daytona era and unless i missed a bit (workin here) has OutRun not really been discussed? I mean they talked about Suzuki and VR racing, i think there might've been a mention but i find it odd there's no talk yet, hoping for 2006/Arcade to maybe come up later


Jeremy, when you finally decide on the east coast convention you're going to(I'm guessing you're eyeing MGC), give a heads up. I've wanted to give a different convention a go for a while now and whatever convention you choose for the third live show sounds like as good a place as any.


New episode is up. Konami beat em ups:

I’m Ray, I’m hosting Retronauts again, and this week we talk about the arcade beat-em-ups of Konami, a topic requested by listener and Kickstarter backer Steven Martin.

Like several other companies in the late ’80s, the Double Dragon-inspired “belt scroll” beat-em-up became a staple of the arcade, and Konami was no exception. They started a little rough at first, but by the early ’90s, they went pretty much full-on with beat-’em-ups for a few years, and mostly maintained high-quality throughout — from oft-remembered licesnsed games like The Simpsons and X-Men to original productions that they somehow found time to make, like Violent Storm and Metamorphic Force. We go over all those games and more, and though it’s hard to say a whole lot about games that aren’t completely different from one another, we do, as usual, get to dip into some nostalgia related to some of them.

Polygon’s Matt Leone rejoins us after talking about arcade racers a few weeks ago. As stated before, Matt knows his stuff about arcade games, and so it was kind of half-coincidence to have him on again when this topic came up.

As a side note, since Jeremy had to up and leave us for the eastern part of the US, he joins us through Skype. He did record himself and I spliced him in, though it’s still not ideal — nevertheless, I’m aware of any hiccups you might notice, and we’re already thinking of how to work it out the next time this happens. On the bright side, you still get Jeremy on Retronauts. (Also, Jeremy’s talk of Konami’s arcade flyers inspired him to write a history of sorts for USgamer.)

Thanks once more to Steve, and I hope to start tackling more backer requests in the future. Though next week on Retronauts Pocket, I just had to talk about accessories again.

Enjoy the show.



good episode. I'll likely just skim through or even skip the pocket episode next week, the accessory podcasts haven't been the most enjoyable for me.


I'm gonna go ahead and say if no one said Jeremy wasn't there, we'd never have known. really good job. it


I'm gonna go ahead and say if no one said Jeremy wasn't there, we'd never have known. really good job. it

Yea i was expecting the usual quality of someone skyping in, but youre right, if they hadnt said anything no one would have known he wasnt in the room with them.


I'm gonna go ahead and say if no one said Jeremy wasn't there, we'd never have known. really good job. it

Yep, Jeremy's audio quality was great.

Also, I learned that Cadillac's and Dinosaurs was not a Konami beat-em up. I always thought that it was, but apparently it was Capcom. Good to know. I assumed licensed beat'em up must be Konami.
Yep, Jeremy's audio quality was great.

Also, I learned that Cadillac's and Dinosaurs was not a Konami beat-em up. I always thought that it was, but apparently it was Capcom. Good to know. I assumed licensed beat'em up must be Konami.

Capcom had its fair share of licensed beltscrollers. Alien vs Predator and the two Dungeons & Dragons games come to mind.


Capcom had its fair share of licensed beltscrollers. Alien vs Predator and the two Dungeons & Dragons games come to mind.

Sure, but licensed cartoon based on a comic book that only ran for one season turned into a beat'em up, screams Konami to me for some reason.

A followup Capcom beat'em up episode in the future could be cool.

I know we are only halfway through what was promised in the Kickstarter, but I really hope there is a "season 2" of Retronauts. It makes me so happy every week to download this podcast.


Alien vs Predator was capcom? meme aside, i feel bad for all those years i wrote letters to Konami demanding a port of that game


Like others have said, if it wasn't mentioned that Jeremy wasn't phoning in via Skype I never would have known. Actually, he sounds better through Skype than he did in earlier episodes. His voice stands out much better this way.

Anywho, you guys are doing great! Hope life and professional obligations don't get in the way of having a second season.


by the way Bob: X-Men cartoon was awesome! your opinions on this matter are incorrect~

*edit and it poops on comics too...mannnnnnnnnnn


It's Super Scope time!

In the third and final “accessories” episode I’ll be doing, we (Ray, Bob, Matt) go over some of the peripherals for the Super NES, which did not have *exactly* the same kind of insane flood of crazy controllers or other stuff that the NES received. Sure, the SNES got many of the same things the Genesis did, but as far as exclusive goods, the pool just wasn’t as large. Speaking of large, we do talk about the gargantuan Super Scope, which actually got some good games for it. On a smaller scale, there’s the Super NES Mouse, which got way more games supporting it than we even talk about (including Shien’s Revenge, which I erroneously call Shiren‘s Revenge; whoops). There’s also the Super Game Boy — arguably the best accessory for anything — and the usual brief look at some Japanese standouts, like the Lasabirdie and the Satellaview. And I’d be remiss if I overlooked the LifeCycle exercise bike. Where was that in the Wii’s heyday, huh?

And if you’ve listened to the episode already, for posterity, here’s my Dezaemon video I mentioned when talking about Mario Paint.

As always, thanks and enjoy!


Great show, love the cast and they really know their subject matter. I think my favorite episode was the "B" RPG show. I remember playing a lot of those mediocre to bad games just to fill the RPG gap. Damn you Tecmo Secret of the Stars.
Wow I'm so out of the loop on retronauts its been ages since I last listened.. I thought they had went the way of the dodo...

Thanks for bringing this to my attention
Wow I'm so out of the loop on retronauts its been ages since I last listened.. I thought they had went the way of the dodo...

Thanks for bringing this to my attention

Yeah I could imagine it woul be easy to miss since it's a new podcast feed as they're no longer affiliated with 1up.


Next up on the "to get on Retronauts" list: Jenn Frank, Frank Cifaldi...umm I don't know any previous guest with Cifaldi as a first name.

Chris Kohler hasn't been on yet has he?


That was a great episode. It really helps having both Mark MacDonald and Jeremy corralling the conversation onto a single track. Mark in particular does a great job of asking follow-up questions.

Bob Mackey is...sort of bad at it by comparison. Too many dull anecdotes from that fella.


The last episodes were better than usual or at least more pleasant to listen to. I hate to admit it but I fear it's because Jeremy Parish wasn't there.
I have nothing against Jeremy, his written work is great but I find him a bit arrogant and a tad too dominant on the podcast.
I feel almost the same for Mark MacDonald.

So this episode has both Jeremy and Mark? I will pass I guess...


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Bob Mackey seems like a really nice guy, but I never really liked him on podcasts. To many uninteresting anecdotes and far to cynical for my taste. Mark McD and Jeremy on the other hand, are both great. Looking forward to listen!


The last episodes were better than usual or at least more pleasant to listen to. I hate to admit it but I fear it's because Jeremy Parish wasn't there.
I have nothing against Jeremy, his written work is great but I find him a bit arrogant and a tad too dominant on the podcast.
I feel almost the same for Mark MacDonald.

So this episode has both Jeremy and Mark? I will pass I guess...
Jeremy...arrogant? What? You must explain yourself.

Ray is good in his niche, but I find Mackey-led episodes to be a little overdominated by his voice. Jeremy knows how to step back and let the episode go on its own - literally from the start of Retronauts because he didn't enjoy running the podcats by his own admission, but I don't think Bob's figured that out yet.


Japan episode feels to me like the highlight of Retronauts this season; kudos to Dan the guy who's responsible for selecting the topic.

I feel the last few episodes have been pretty dry, the podcasts just run through a list of conversation topics with little insightful discussion. It's easiest to point fingers at the Genesis and SNES accessories episodes; but I feel it's been a problem with most of the episodes this season.


Latest episode is up

Retronauts Pocket Episode 10: Recorded long, long ago in a studio far, far away”

Something I’ve noticed (as has Bob, and I assume Ray as well) about the feedback we’ve received for Retronauts is that it has a tendency to praise one host or hosting style in a way that tends to diminish the other contributors to the show — perhaps not intentionally, but that’s what subtext is all about, baby. And so it goes. People like different kind of productions, and they’re drawn to different personalities. The best thing about the current format for Retronauts (besides its existence, for which thanks again, everyone) is that the three of us all take different approaches to producing our episodes. Bob’s super meticulous and organized, and Ray comes in with punchy zingers and well-timed sound drops.

As for me… I’ve long since discovered that the more carefully I plan a show, the worse it turns out. Which is why you have episodes like this one, where the three of us went into the studio with IGN’s retro arcade gaming fanatic Sam Claiborn with no real structure or plan in mind besides “talking about Star Wars’ influence on video games.” And, as you can see from the results, sometimes this approach leads to an abject failure in terms of meeting the stated objective — we actually struggled pretty hard to come up with good examples, and honestly I don’t think we succeeded. But on the other hand, the conversation itself is fun to listen to, and isn’t that what it’s all about? (Please say yes.)

And hey, if you hate it… Ray and Bob are up next.

In the meantime, let’s go for some audience participation. What obvious Star Wars influence on games did we somehow overlook? Chastise us in the comments!

I've already listened, and it's probably the weakest so far. But the worst Retronauts is still better than a lot of other podcasts.


Hopefully they say Super Star Wars is the pinnacle of SNES action platformers.

It's hard as balls and cheap as fuck but I still love it dammit
Sam talks over everyone way too much. I'm only 11 minutes into this episode; maybe it gets better as it goes on. As it stands, the 8-4 episode and this one have been the worst episodes of the relaunch due to people who aren't the core members of the show just talking over everything and turning it into the LOOK AT ME show.

I'm shocked that people enjoyed the one in Japan! The 8-4 goons just yammer on and on on top of each other. It's not a cogent conversation at all. Shane Bettenhausen, usually the king of I'M SMARTER THAN YOU LISTEN WHY was drowned out by Riccardi and MacDonald. Insufferable!


Sam talks over everyone way too much. I'm only 11 minutes into this episode; maybe it gets better as it goes on. As it stands, the 8-4 episode and this one have been the worst episodes of the relaunch due to people who aren't the core members of the show just talking over everything and turning it into the LOOK AT ME show.

I'm shocked that people enjoyed the one in Japan! The 8-4 goons just yammer on and on on top of each other. It's not a cogent conversation at all. Shane Bettenhausen, usually the king of I'M SMARTER THAN YOU LISTEN WHY was drowned out by Riccardi and MacDonald. Insufferable!

I've listened to the Japan episode twice and will probably listen to this one a second time while I'm going to sleep.

I don't notice people talking over each other. My problem was that there was no real information in the podcast. They kept grasping at ideas and letting them fall through their fingers. I kind of wish that they had just let the topic flow and when the Star Wars topic didn't work go to the video game references to Alien and RoboCop that were mentioned. Or even do a whole podcast on Star Wars console games like the weird Namco one and the Super Star Wars games.

I know I'm coming off as negative, and Jeremy had already posted here about some people not liking this or the Japan episode. Personally, the Japan episodes might be one of my favorites along with the Video Game Scandals episode. I meant what I wrote when I posted the link to the episode, the worst Retronauts is better than a lot of other podcasts that I've tried, video game or otherwise.


I know its bad etiquette to comment after your own reply, but Ray and Bob are on the latest episode of Laser Time, and the topic is the 25th anniversary of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Laser Time – MST3K Turkey Day!

This week we give thanks to our favorite cowtown puppet show! The Retronauts fellas join us for a celebration of one of the greatest things ever given to pop culture: Mystery Science Theater 3000…
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