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Roadhog get #$^*@% ! What's your favorite nerf?


How Symmetra didn't get nerfed is beyond ridiculous. Kill Her Blizzard.
Yeah. I didn't notice it before but lately I've seen synmetras spending the whole game on fire. If you run into a symmetra one on one your gonna be screwed because that laser is gonna kill you in 4-5 seconds
I'm not getting hooked through walls or floors since the patch but I still find myself getting hooked around corners, could be lag though. It seems to be a good fix because I actually see hooks missing now which seemed pretty rare in recent months.

The only fix I ask for now is not letting the hook stop Rein's charge. Aside from making zero sense physically it gives Hog too much priority over Rein. Stuff like McCree's stun grenade or Ana's dart stopping it is fine though since charges are instant death for them.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Guess I'm not buying Overwatch after all. He was the character I was having most fun with. Lucio was cool too.

He's like the best character in the game.


Yeah. I didn't notice it before but lately I've seen synmetras spending the whole game on fire. If you run into a symmetra one on one your gonna be screwed because that laser is gonna kill you in 4-5 seconds

The lazer is ridiculous because even if you break LOS with her, its stays latched on to you around corners or behind walls. If they are so concerned about the hook and breaking it if youre out of line of sight, then they should at least do the same for her.

The D.Va nerf was absolutely uncalled for and they appealed to a few whiny people rather than taking their time with it like they have for previous characters.
I loved playing Roadhog, I hope this nerf does not effect my gameplay with him too much. I still want to see a Zayra nerf because she is flat out ridiculous sometimes in a hands of a good player.


Roadhog is still excellent. They just changed the way his hook works.

It works a lot better now. Before the update it worked like this:

"Tfw the enemy Roadhog hooks you through a Reinhardt shield, 3 teammates, 5 walls, and 7 alternate dimensions"


Is funny how the Roadhog complaints didn't really start until there were tons of upset Dva players who couldn't 3v1 anymore.

The hook change itself means fewer bullshit hooks and the ability to de-hook if you're moving into cover. Should be better for everybody. If Roadhog himself doesn't move after hook the target is in a better shot to be headshot than with the previous hook, which is probably what is sparking most of the complaints from people who aren't just bandwaggoning.

Thing is, Roadhog could always one-shot headshot most targets at pointblank range with Scrapgun. It has always been that way.

I guess my unconcern stems from playing primarily Zenyatta this season, which means Roadhog is pretty much just ult-charge for me. Discord orb turns roadhog into a fat, slow Reaper with less DPS and only 4 rounds in his shotgun.


Isn't D.Va's HP getting a nerf? Down to like 400 or something? Or did I imagine that?

they swapped her health and armor values. last patch had her at 200 health + 400 armor, now it's 400 health + 200 armor. it makes her easier to kill even though the numbers add up.


they swapped her health and armor values. last patch had her at 200 health + 400 armor, now it's 400 health + 200 armor. it makes her easier to kill even though the numbers add up.

Yeah that's what it was. Ugh I always feel so squishy with D.Va. I can barely 1v1 someone without needing to dip.
Yeah. I didn't notice it before but lately I've seen synmetras spending the whole game on fire. If you run into a symmetra one on one your gonna be screwed because that laser is gonna kill you in 4-5 seconds

Ive never wanted to quit the game more than the last few months. Mei was damn close at making me quit the game, she aint as bad anymore to deal with.
Played a lot of 3v3 arcade last night. A roadhog is almost required when you're doing solo que. I was subjected to a ton of BS hooks. I'll see if it's the same on console tonight when I grid my PS4 boxes.

They made D.VA garbage. How did they mess her up so badly? She's not even viable as an offtank or a flag runner.

There is still a lot of good use for D.Va. She can shut down projectiles and ults like no-one's business. She's still good at chasing Pharahs out of the air. She never has to reload. Her ult can secure a point. She was never a main tank, but she is a great second pick.
They made D.VA garbage. How did they mess her up so badly? She's not even viable as an offtank or a flag runner.

Too weak now.

Beating soldier 76 or Mei is now problematic 1v1. I consider trying to 1v1 soldier as a 50/50 gamble. If he drops his healing field I generally lose. Can't kill him fast enough.

Was my most-picked since launch.

Now I only play on a few maps where her ult is strong / needed. Volksaya for example.

Again, I'd rather have launch Dva back where her ult killed her.


No, he's in a desperate need for a nerf.

Being 100% mandatory for almost every team comp is not healthy for the game. I don't know what it is about Rein that make him seem so fair to a lot people when he's absolutely busted. People have apparently just accepted that the whole game revolves around this one insane character. It doesn't have to be that way.

Rein was a must pick even before Ana. Now it's just beyond ridiculous.

If you really believe this, you don't have enough experience in Overwatch to casually declare all this.

On the first point, Reinhardt is not a must-pick. On traditional, heavy 'push' teams and indeed most comps, he's very much welcome. Strong dive compositions, something like Lucio/Zen/Zarya/Winston/Genji/Tracer can work. I'm only talking about top level there, but at lower level, like what I'm playing at, no. Not on every map. Not in every situation. You can play without him.

Getting to the core of the issue though, no he's not a problem. Like Lucio, he provides very unique and useful abilities for Overwatch games in general that make him a preferential pick, but as a hero in general he has many weaknesses in his design that check his place.

He provides a shield with an enormous health pool that his allies can shoot through, but it regenerates durability only when it's down and only after a couple seconds have passed (and he's punished extra hard when it breaks entirely). The biggest drawback of the shield though is that it slows his movement speed, preventing him from engaging and fleeing effectively against multiple targets by himself and preventing his team from advancing more quickly than his opponents can retreat (even if they too have a Rein, retreating back at full speed still keeps them behind a shield, and the enemy Rein can often find safety for himself once he's found cover for himself somewhere after his team's fell back). That problem is addressed somewhat by Lucio (part of the reason why he's so often a 'must pick'), but since the other team can also have a Lucio.

Regarding the utility he provides... I mean, yeah, people have mentioned it before, but he's the truest tank in the game. He provides some semblance of order to the chaotic game of Overwatch. Attacks can come from anywhere, but players can rest assured with a Reinhardt that they often won't come from the front, allowing them to shift some of their focus to watching out for flankers and focusing on destroying the other Rein's shield first and attempting to capitalize on the drop (not allowing a strategic retreat before the shield drops) or just pushing/holding (if the other team doesn't have a Rein).

Again, Rein's not necessary, and dive comps, like what I cited earlier that sacrifice durability and sustain for mobility to bypass a Rein battle can and do work. The longterm drawbacks of dive comps stop them from being more popular picks but they can work.

Edit: If there's a problem, popular pick, it can and may still be Ana. If you have a Reinhardt on your team and your team's failed at winning neutral, your whole team may be wiped. If you have an Ana on your team, her insane burst healing may just allow your team to full retreat or even hold.


looking back at this thread after i've had a week to play roadhog and...no, roadhog is still damn good. roadhog wasn't even the most nerfed hero in that same patch, dva was imo.
D Va's ridiculous super that has a blast radius that seems to get bigger and bigger no matter how far I run away is more annoying than road hogs hook. Imo
They shouldn't have buffed D.Va's armor in the first place. Now she's just worse off than before.

Only problem with the Roadhog changes is that hook accuracy is now broken. Killing someone with your hook damage or if a teammate kills someone you hook before they're pulled all the way in counts as a miss.


If anyone needs a rework, it is Lucio. He is still pretty much required at organized levels of play and outclassed by the other supports at lower levels.
One step forward two steps back, why on earth they felt the need to buff symetra, she now excelson all fronts, she can be pushing while simultaneously is still defending, it's ridiculous.


Guess I'm not buying Overwatch after all. He was the character I was having most fun with. Lucio was cool too.

I loved playing Roadhog, I hope this nerf does not effect my gameplay with him too much. I still want to see a Zayra nerf because she is flat out ridiculous sometimes in a hands of a good player.

People who never played Roadhog thought he was getting nerfed because they'd been hooked in some weird way in the past. If anything Roadhog is better than he was because the hook always drops the person really close in front of him. Before the hook would drop people all around Roadhog and you'd miss kills expecting them to land in front of you.
People have to play her the way she was meant to be played now. No more sitting behind or with the group getting gold damage and elims by holding down the right trigger. Now you're much more useful if you're aggressive, flank, or get in close since she will actually do more damage at close range now. She's still a great pick.

I still can't stand Roadhog. Even after the "nerf" I've been getting pulled through other players and it's such a pain how arbitrary the hook can be. I think it's just a flawed design decision for the character and there isn't really a way to make it perfect.

It kind of goes back to how she was at launch, because of her huge hitbox and large cricital area having that much hp just feels low, I think removing armor was a bad call but she never needed 600 hp, 100 normal with 400 armor was fine.


If anyone needs a rework, it is Lucio. He is still pretty much required at organized levels of play and outclassed by the other supports at lower levels.

Reaper needs some serious changes. His teleport move is too weak atm. Too slow to execute and makes hella noise. His foot sound also must be lowered. They should give him alternate shot like Roadhog maybe his grenades from reveal trailer. Nobody using him in high level combat anymore , only ones use him are low levels who finds him cool.

He dies too fast aganist tank meta cant be anti -tank. Cant take other dps's. Mobility is bad
Symmetra is super op right now. There's no other way to put it, she will demolish opponents in big team fights jumping around and doing ridiculous damage. And she can comfortably be by herself without being afraid of flanking because 1v1 against Tracer/McCree/Genji/Soldier she will win most of the times. And her ult, who can be game changing, charges super fest.

But I'm bored to death with Roadhog. I feel like he came out of the patch stronger somehow. He has that aura, "we're fucked" and strangely enough I think the aim assist on the hook has been notched up.


I hate roadhog, whe. Im playing that seems to be all im saying "fuck you roadhog" up to me to overcome him though to be honest.


Symmetra is super op right now. There's no other way to put it, she will demolish opponents in big team fights jumping around and doing ridiculous damage. And she can comfortably be by herself without being afraid of flanking because 1v1 against Tracer/McCree/Genji/Soldier she will win most of the times. And her ult, who can be game changing, charges super fest.

But I'm bored to death with Roadhog. I feel like he came out of the patch stronger somehow. He has that aura, "we're fucked" and strangely enough I think the aim assist on the hook has been notched up.

Can concur. Symmetra is fucking awful, whenever she's on the enemy team I make a point of not playing squishy characters anymore. I'll maaaaybe stay on Genji as I at least have a prayer of escaping with my dash.
D.VA is absolutely horrible now. Her damage has dropped off a cliff and losing that armor hurts so bad. Mostly unnecessary changes... Which is odd because they clearly felt she was underpowered before,. but then they turn around and make her worse than she was at launch? Mind bottling. Not to mention why was D.VA drawing all of their attention with OP characters like Soldier, Symmetra, Anna etc running around? Just don't get the Blizzard balancing team at all. It's clearly their first fps and they're doing it all backwards. Hopefully they get it right one day.

Anyway, I've actually dropped her as my main and moved on. If this happens to my main again I'm dropping OW and moving over to R6S fulltime.

Reaper needs some serious changes. His teleport move is too weak atm. Too slow to execute and makes hella noise. His foot sound also must be lowered. They should give him alternate shot like Roadhog maybe his grenades from reveal trailer. Nobody using him in high level combat anymore , only ones use him are low levels who finds him cool.

He dies too fast aganist tank meta cant be anti -tank. Cant take other dps's. Mobility is bad

Reaper was actually just fine. But why play Reaper now when you can just look at someone with Soldier and get a free kill? At least McCree still has some other uses like controlling Genji's, Tracers etc. Soldier needs to be nerfed. Reaper could use some minimal buffs.


Symmetra is and will always be awesome.

that said, now i play every game always on the lookout for where the Roadhog is. i try to only do something to him once i see his hook on cooldown.
he can only fire 4 shots before reloading, so there's that too.
Symmetra is super op right now. There's no other way to put it, she will demolish opponents in big team fights jumping around and doing ridiculous damage. And she can comfortably be by herself without being afraid of flanking because 1v1 against Tracer/McCree/Genji/Soldier she will win most of the times. And her ult, who can be game changing, charges super fest.

But I'm bored to death with Roadhog. I feel like he came out of the patch stronger somehow. He has that aura, "we're fucked" and strangely enough I think the aim assist on the hook has been notched up.

I came across an unexpectedly terrifying sight yesterday, a pocket Mercy on an aggressive Symm, there was no use trying to actually take out Symm in this event unless you had one shot capabilities.

As for Roadhog, well I look forward to being able to say the thread title out loud sooner rather than later because it seems it was rather pre-emptive.


Yeah. I didn't notice it before but lately I've seen synmetras spending the whole game on fire. If you run into a symmetra one on one your gonna be screwed because that laser is gonna kill you in 4-5 seconds

Move away from her. Her beam does not have a lot of range and loses charge after 3 seconds. No reason for her to get nerfs, she relies on constantly outsmarting and preplanning.


I know it's not the same in PC because of easier aiming but on console Widowmaker sucks and nobody plays her. I feel they need to do something to help the character

Move away from her. Her beam does not have a lot of range and loses charge after 3 seconds. No reason for her to get nerfs, she relies on constantly outsmarting and preplanning.
You do realize that she's following you too. Ex if I'm mcree and trying to take a point and she comes around the corner. I'm not getting away. and I'm dead before you know it.


Honestly, if you are constantly dying to Symmetra as a flanker, you deserve it. Her range is limited, so getting away is not very hard. Her entire purpose is to get her ult up, and that isn't very hard to break if you have a Tracer ult

I know it's not the same in PC because of easier aiming but on console Widowmaker sucks and nobody plays her. I feel they need to do something to help the character

You do realize that she's following you too. Ex if I'm mcree and trying to take a point and she comes around the corner. I'm not getting away. and I'm dead before you know it.
You are McCree, you still have time to react with a flashbang
Move away from her. Her beam does not have a lot of range and loses charge after 3 seconds. No reason for her to get nerfs, she relies on constantly outsmarting and preplanning.

lol you're in the denial stage. Her dps and the shield generator is beyond broken. And then she also has the turrets and teleporter!? OP AF. My advice with most characters is to run in the other direction if even a pixel of her can be seen on screen.
I think the reaction to D. Vas nerf is premature. It's only been a week. Let's see how the players adapt to her new playstyle.

Soldier is most definitely OP, at least on consoles. He's pretty much the only offensive character worth having. Symmetra, as much as I hate to say this, also needs a nerf. She either needs her range dropped back down to 5m from 7m or her DPS dropped from 120dp/s to 100 dp/s

Honestly, if you are constantly dying to Symmetra as a flanker, you deserve it. Her range is limited, so getting away is not very hard. Her entire purpose is to get her ult up, and that isn't very hard to break if you have a Tracer ult

Except that most of this game's combat occurs at ranger where symmetra is indeed viable. Not to mention a good symmetra can charge behind her shield (which has an insane amount of health) and get right in someone's face even if they are aware. This is coming from someone who has Symmetra as a top 5 most played. I've even been able to run straight up to bastions and destroy them.


I know it's not the same in PC because of easier aiming but on console Widowmaker sucks and nobody plays her. I feel they need to do something to help the character

You do realize that she's following you too. Ex if I'm mcree and trying to take a point and she comes around the corner. I'm not getting away. and I'm dead before you know it.

Most characters can outrun her and stay at a safe distance to kill her. She does not have huge damage until after a few seconds, and up close. It's up to you not to allow her in your range.

lol you're in the denial stage. op af. My advice with most characters is to run in the other direction if even a pixel of her can be seen on screen.

The problem is that you're unaware of how to handle a character who is only a threat at arms length after a short period.


Move away from her. Her beam does not have a lot of range and loses charge after 3 seconds. No reason for her to get nerfs, she relies on constantly outsmarting and preplanning.

I just discovered Symmetra recently and I love her on defense and certain control point maps. If positioned correctly and backed by good team work you can absolutely lock down a choke-point.
My favorite nerf is when NRS patched Kung Lao in MK9 and he was still doing 75% wall combos with 4 divekicks. I've never seen a character get nerfed for a year straight and still be in the top 5 characters in the game lol.
Most characters can outrun her and stay at a safe distance to kill her. She does not have huge damage until after a few seconds, and up close. It's up to you not to allow her in your range.

The problem is that you're unaware of how to handle a character who is only a threat at arms length after a short period.

She has too many tools. Does too much damage close range. Period. Your whole argument is that some characters can outrun her? Running right off the objective point and losing doesn't sound like the best strategy. You're hella stretching hard.
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