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Roadhog get #$^*@% ! What's your favorite nerf?


That time they nerfed She-Hulk in Marvel 3 was the worst day of my life. She was already working uphill with her godawful supers, and then they took away her range and combo ability for god knows why. Hey, at least they they gave her a useless lamppost in Ultimate.

In Overwatch, Roadhog is only unbalanced in the lower levels of play. So I see why they nerfed him, but he really didn't need it. Other tanks are far more likely to change the outcome of a game in this meta, especially Zarya and Rein.
Ana is not the only problem/enabler here. Nerfing nade or heals on her doesn't change the fact that tanks are doing more dps than dpss. Even without the nade the meta would just be the same as it is now.
You pick soldier now because he's better at breaking rein's shield in combo with hog to land a hook. And it's WAY easier to play than mcree. Soldier isn't doing the dps work, it's just there to put hog in a position to get the pick. Once you are 5v6 you are halfway done.

Ana needs a nerf for sure (remove the +100 instant heal when you nade? 30% heals buff instead of 50? rifle healing less than what it does now?) but that's not the problem here. It's a combination of really bad hero design, dps doing less damage than heals and tanks being basically the god pick because they can fill all the roles needed right now.

Hog is the only one of the tanks with crazy DPS....any of the others, if they are doing better than the dps, the dps is bad.

Permanently A

Junior Member
No, he's in a desperate need for a nerf.

Being 100% mandatory for almost every team comp is not healthy for the game. I don't know what it is about Rein that make him seem so fair to a lot people when he's absolutely busted. People have apparently just accepted that the whole game revolves around this one insane character. It doesn't have to be that way.

Rein was a must pick even before Ana. Now it's just beyond ridiculous.

Regardless of how you nerf Rein, as long as he has a shield he will be picked. He is the only true tank. He has no competition for his role. Is Lucio overpowered because he has a higher pick rate than Reinhardt? No, he suffers from the same problem, he is the only speed booster with no competition for his role, and he has to be picked.

The same problem would arise if there was only one healing hero. Would they be overpowered because of their insane pick rate? Is the right answer to nerf their healing capability into the ground?
Actually they're buffing him.

"Firstly, the hook victim will now move in to the position directly in front of Roadhog, rather than just a straight line towards him."

Thanks Blizzard! No more Ana, Lucio and Genji ending up behind me or on top of me somehow.
Holy shit if this happens soon. It's about time they fixed his broken ass hook.

As a Roadhog main, most people in this thread have no idea how annoying it is to hear the constant bitching about how broken Roadhog is in terms of pulling people through walls and whatnot. The video in the OP is either a glitch, or a killcam shown from the McCree's point of view, in which case I'm pretty sure it wouldn't actually show us where the McCree is on the Roadhog's screen. Everybody knows the game has a low tick rate. That means that if a Roadhog pulls you through a wall, it's likely he didn't actually pull you through a wall on his screen. That's not a problem with Roadhog, that's a problem with the game's tick rate.

The problem with Roadhog is that 90% of the time, his hook fails to actually pull the enemy close enough to him, and directly in front of him, for him to get his left click off. Roadhog isn't broken in terms of being overpowered. He's broken in a way that works against him. Right now Roadhog is almost entirely RNG.

Thread starting off as a complete disaster.

Hog is the only one of the tanks with crazy DPS....any of the others, if they are doing better than the dps, the dps is bad.
Doesn't have any support mechanics though like D.Va's shield, Reinhardt's shield, Winston's shield, or Zarya's two shields. He's really not much of a tank beyond his size and health. Mei is more of a tank than he is.

so i can't do this now?

I don't see anything wrong with what happened in that situation beyond the Hanzo ending up too far away from the Roadhog and to the left of him rather than directly in front of him.
In Overwatch, Roadhog is only unbalanced in the lower levels of play. So I see why they nerfed him, but he really didn't need it. Other tanks are far more likely to change the outcome of a game in this meta, especially Zarya and Rein.

Yep. Roadhog has no escape nor armor and is a huge target. By organized teams he gets burned down too easily. WIth disorganized teams its easier to flank and pick off unprotected supports or dps.

Hog is the only one of the tanks with crazy DPS....any of the others, if they are doing better than the dps, the dps is bad.

He has to be alive to dps and while someone like dva has less burst dps she can keep damage on targets and be less at risk. He also has poor utility. Sure hes great at handling flankers like Genji/tracer and is even my go to for mei but well timed ults really screw him and he's not really good at countering them. Where other tanks can block ults or have ones that are great for initiating team fights.
Snipers in Dirty Bomb used to get a kill and a gib from a headshot, and you could jump, double jump, as well as triple jump still with perfect aim.

Before Taimou wrecked OW with Widowmaker he wrecked Dirty Bomb with Vassilli.

A nerf forced snipers to shoot downed players, increased time to scope, and I think I unscopes if you jump (though you can still shoot while in the air).


not really, you just described specifics about his character.

roadhog can stun and kill people in one shot!! bastion can out dps the combined damage of the players on the rest of your team!!

Roadhog is significantly weaker while hook is on cooldown. He's also got a GIANT hitbox, he's basically a walking source of ultimate meter for the enemy team.

Bastion is notoriously situational, a good Pharah / Hanzo can focus him down from a relatively safe distance, and he's completely free to characters like Genji or Sombra. Bastion is very easy to counterpick once you learn how to do it, which is why he's only really good for niche situations or surprise formation breaks. The moment your team shifts in order to stop a Bastion, he quickly no longer becomes a viable threat.

not overpowered, because overwatch is a game built around exaggerated abilities and mechanical advantages. what is relevant about lucio being picked all the time at high levels isn't that he can boop people off ledges, it's that he can increase someone's movement speed by 70% and everyone plays the game around that buff at the higher levels.

so to change that, you need to either:

1. nerf lucio's speed boost until it's no longer impactful, which is dumb and bad design that'll lead to heroes becoming homogeneous with one another

2. give speed boost buffs to other heroes, and i guess blizzard ain't going that route after they removed it from Ana's ult.

3. buff and retool other heroes to specifically counter and punish the play style that revolves around lucio's speed boost. which they KINDA have been doing with Torb's and Symmetra's mechanic changes. unfortunately the tank meta might be hiding the effects of those changes.

Overwatch is built around counterpicks and strategies. Thats why the game doesn't force you to play one hero. Majority of the heroes in the game have very clear counterpicks who they struggle with, or at least undermine their strengths.

Lucio barely fits under this umbrella...most of the heroes who can really harass him have to commit way too hard to do so, and leaving him to his own devices is detrimental because there is nothing stopping him from dealing damage while simultaneously healing/boosting his teammates.

And this is before mentioning his ultimate, which is easily among (if not THE) best in the game.

Ana and Mercy are annoying in their own rights. But IMO Lucio is just way too optimal of a pick right now. I can't think of a single situation in which picking him is a bad idea.
Roadhog is significantly weaker while hook is on cooldown. He's also got a GIANT hitbox, he's basically a walking source of ultimate meter for the enemy team.

Bastion is notoriously situational, a good Pharah / Hanzo can focus him down from a relatively safe distance, and he's completely free to characters like Genji or Sombra. Bastion is very easy to counterpick once you learn how to do it, which is why he's only really good for niche situations or surprise formation breaks. The moment your team shifts in order to stop a Bastion, he quickly no longer becomes a viable threat.

Overwatch is built around counterpicks and strategies. Thats why the game doesn't force you to play one hero. Majority of the heroes in the game have very clear counterpicks who they struggle with, or at least undermine their strengths.

Lucio barely fits under this umbrella...most of the heroes who can really harass him have to commit way too hard to do so, and leaving him to his own devices is detrimental because there is nothing stopping him from dealing damage while simultaneously healing/boosting his teammates.

And this is before mentioning his ultimate, which is easily among (if not THE) best in the game.

Ana and Mercy are annoying in their own rights. But IMO Lucio is just way too optimal of a pick right now. I can't think of a single situation in which picking him is a bad idea.

the game does force you to play certain heroes.


are almost guaranteed to be in the vast majority of matches. sure it changes every time they rebalance the game, but at any given time theres maybe 7 heroes that are viable because blizzard is incompetent


People need to realize that there's getting hit behind a wall that is naturally caused by latency AND there's Roadhog's hook bullshit on top of that. They're trying to get rid of the latter (thank god).

Regardless of how you nerf Rein, as long as he has a shield he will be picked. He is the only true tank. He has no competition for his role. Is Lucio overpowered because he has a higher pick rate than Reinhardt? No, he suffers from the same problem, he is the only speed booster with no competition for his role, and he has to be picked.

The same problem would arise if there was only one healing hero. Would they be overpowered because of their insane pick rate? Is the right answer to nerf their healing capability into the ground?
Well, yeah, out of all the tanks Reinhardt is by far the best at tanking. You don't pick him, you're probably going to lose hard. That makes him OP in my book.

I wouldn't nerf Rein's tanking btw, I'd make him even more about it. It's the damage and crowd control potential he has on top of a fast recharging 2000 hp shield that I find problematic.

And yes, if there was only one healer in the game, they should be brought to a level where they are not a must pick. They should be an option to bring unique tools to a fight, not a mandatory part of any working comp.

Now, Reinhardt is a problem that is eventually sort of going to go away when 2+ more heroes fill the same niche and more heroes can counter that style of play (tank busting is probably going to be a big thing for at least a couple heroes in the next year so that this current farce can never happen this badly again), but in the meantime Rein is a problem and just letting time sort it out takes something like 2 years unless they focus it exclusively.


Maybe its because I mostly play dva but her weaknesses are really obvious. Shes a huge target. Attack her from any position but head on and her mech melts. Alternately, when she throws up a defense matrix, reload and wait. Even head on shes pretty easy to chew up. Her center of mass is one huge crit box.
Reinhardt is a literal requirement in every situation. His shield is outright necessary and Earthshatter is incredible for the charge time.

That said, I still don't think he himself is the issue so much as the tank spread being too wonky right now.

It's due to the fact that he's the only main tank, rather than him being too powerful. And at higher levels it's just as hard to get a good earthshatter as any other ult, if not harder. The charge time for shatter doesn't matter if you have to hold it half the match to actually hit things. The second that they add another Main tank to the game (or TBH when tank meta dies and you can run dive comps again), Rein will go back down quite a bit.

If you guys think Rein is a problem without Ana being a thing, I would have to completely disagree. The moment the shield goes down from fire, Rein should be dead. Ana is the only thing preventing that at any level, atm.


I loved the hanzo nerf that made it so you didn't have logs, then they went back on it. I wish they had not though. We lived in a wonderful world where players hitboxes were tied to the character not having giant box heads that extend out of their character. Oh and scatter shot, fuck that ability, it is my most hated thing in the whole game. It should not have a set pattern, it's why shooting at the feet of all things can give you free kills. The pattern should be one of say 4-5 patterns it can have. It should be used for tight quarters to do damage not to get instant kills on people cause you shot the ground in front of them.

When they finally nerf the Biotic grenade we can get away from the tank meta, because +100% healing and -100% healing to enemies is dumb. All or nothing abilities are bad. It could easily be +60% healing and -40% healing to enemies and it would be balanced.

I want a Mei freeze nerf. 1.5 to freeze and get a free kill all while the person you're freezing is slowing down and can't defend themselves is just stupid. It should take 3 seconds to fully freeze


Hog is the only one of the tanks with crazy DPS....any of the others, if they are doing better than the dps, the dps is bad.

"If your tanks are doing less than dpss, your tanks are bad."

Means nothing, really. It's just reddit non-sense that has nothing to do in a discussion about balance.

Tanks are doing way more damage than dps right now, that's why we have a tank centric meta. It has nothing to do with personal skill, really. If you can't see something that glaring and understand the difference between balance and personal skill.. i really don't know what to tell you.
I loved the hanzo nerf that made it so you didn't have logs, then they went back on it. I wish they had not though. We lived in a wonderful world where players hitboxes were tied to the character not having giant box heads that extend out of their character. Oh and scatter shot, fuck that ability, it is my most hated thing in the whole game. It should not have a set pattern, it's why shooting at the feet of all things can give you free kills. The pattern should be one of say 4-5 patterns it can have. It should be used for tight quarters to do damage not to get instant kills on people cause you shot the ground in front of them.

When they finally nerf the Biotic grenade we can get away from the tank meta, because +100% healing and -100% healing to enemies is dumb. All or nothing abilities are bad. It could easily be +60% healing and -40% healing to enemies and it would be balanced.

I want a Mei freeze nerf. 1.5 to freeze and get a free kill all while the person you're freezing is slowing down and can't defend themselves is just stupid. It should take 3 seconds to fully freeze

Freeze nerf is silly to call for. In most circumstances, Mei is just going to shoot you with two icicles to kill you instead of trying to freeze you. And if she's close enough to freeze you, you deserve it. It's no more annoying than getting flashed and killed.

Biotic Grenade I can live with, same for Scatter Arrow. But I can't really agree with Hanzo nerfs outside of that either. If you think hitboxes for any projectile in this game are dumb, you need to see what they are like for hitscan in other games. Overwatch honestly has some of the tightest hurtboxes out there, it's just the hitbox on hook and possibly Junk grenades (due to their persistence) that sometimes goes too far. Whereas in CoD, Halo, and Titanfall you can hit some pretty silly shots that you mostly wouldn't get away with in OW.
Should have actually posted the changes:

1.) ”Firstly, the hook victim will now move in to the position directly in front of Roadhog, rather than just a straight line towards him,"

2.) ”Secondly, the line-of-sight check to see if a hook should connect or not is now checked from Roadhog's position, instead of the hook's position," Goodman explained. ”This basically means the hook can't connect to targets that Roadhog himself can't see."

3.) The final change will make it possible for players with quick reflexes or already in motion to break the chain.

”Lastly, there is a new persistent line-of-sight check back to Roadhog once the hook has landed," Goodman said. ”If this check fails, the hook breaks off and returns to Roadhog. This means if you get hooked and move out of [line of sight] quickly (either you dashed, were falling, were pushed, etc), the hook will now break early and not pull the target."

#3 kinda concerns me, but everything else sounds fine. #1 is more of a buff IMO, hook was a little too unpredictable at times. We'll see how it goes
how long is the delay from hook landing to target going helpless? i don't think it'll be all that brutal if the answer is like, half a second and in practice you're only escaping if you're a tracer that sees it coming and mashes a dash or recall.
how long is the delay from hook landing to target going helpless? i don't think it'll be all that brutal if the answer is like, half a second and in practice you're only escaping if you're a tracer that sees it coming and mashes a dash or recall.

I mean, the thing is, you can now play corners against hog. Doesn't matter if the delay is long. If you are on a corner, then due to the instant strafe momentum in this game, you will be fine. That is bad enough, but #3 will hit him harder than people realize. As is he can still get lucky hooks that take you for a ride But now if you go against hog and play smart, he will be completely useless. .


I mean, the thing is, you can now play corners against hog. Doesn't matter if the delay is long. If you are on a corner, then due to the instant strafe momentum in this game, you will be fine. That is bad enough, but #3 will hit him harder than people realize. As is he can still get lucky hooks that take you for a ride But now if you go against hog and play smart, he will be completely useless. .
If fixing the hook makes him underpowered, then he just needs to be buffed elsewhere. Balance is not an excuse to keep broken mechanics.

Although sometimes people seem to travel quite a bit after getting hooked so #3 might be an overkill as far as fixing the hook goes.

Permanently A

Junior Member
People need to realize that there's getting hit behind a wall that is naturally caused by latency AND there's Roadhog's hook bullshit on top of that. They're trying to get rid of the latter (thank god).

Well, yeah, out of all the tanks Reinhardt is by far the best at tanking. You don't pick him, you're probably going to lose hard. That makes him OP in my book.

I wouldn't nerf Rein's tanking btw, I'd make him even more about it. It's the damage and crowd control potential he has on top of a fast recharging 2000 hp shield that I find problematic.

And yes, if there was only one healer in the game, they should be brought to a level where they are not a must pick. They should be an option to bring unique tools to a fight, not a mandatory part of any working comp.

Now, Reinhardt is a problem that is eventually sort of going to go away when 2+ more heroes fill the same niche and more heroes can counter that style of play (tank busting is probably going to be a big thing for at least a couple heroes in the next year so that this current farce can never happen this badly again), but in the meantime Rein is a problem and just letting time sort it out takes something like 2 years unless they focus it exclusively.

But there's no point in spending time working on nerfs to power down Rein and then introduce new characters that fill the same niche/counter the pure tank archetype. That just puts Rein in the shitter even harder and introduces power creep.
Freeze nerf is silly to call for. In most circumstances, Mei is just going to shoot you with two icicles to kill you instead of trying to freeze you. And if she's close enough to freeze you, you deserve it. It's no more annoying than getting flashed and killed.

Biotic Grenade I can live with, same for Scatter Arrow. But I can't really agree with Hanzo nerfs outside of that either. If you think hitboxes for any projectile in this game are dumb, you need to see what they are like for hitscan in other games. Overwatch honestly has some of the tightest hurtboxes out there, it's just the hitbox on hook and possibly Junk grenades (due to their persistence) that sometimes goes too far. Whereas in CoD, Halo, and Titanfall you can hit some pretty silly shots that you mostly wouldn't get away with in OW.

just went and played unreal. nope overwatch hitboxes are not "some of the tightest out there". lmao what a joke of a post


Mercy's fine, Ana's just so much better than every healer so they're overshadowed.
Mercy is not fine. If she's on your team and refuses to switch you lost. Her ultimate is too situational and requires her to hide that's why you fight 5v6 almost all time. And when she rezzes, your team just gets gravitoned.
The only characters that I'd say need a nerf are D.Va and Ana. The biotic grenade is a tad too powerful both ways and defense matrix is ridiculous because of the 3D projection and length that it can stay active. Outside of that, I'm fine with the game's balance.

I used to care about Hanzo's hitbox, but facing a team with him on it is usually a easy W. So eh. Mercy is trash, Widow is trash, Torb is trash, and Sombra is trash too. Playing competitive is difficult because people like playing Mercy over Lucio, and one of those trash characters often shows up as well.

Oh, and I wish bad things on anyone wanting Mei to be nerfed.


But there's no point in spending time working on nerfs to power down Rein and then introduce new characters that fill the same niche/counter the pure tank archetype. That just puts Rein in the shitter even harder and introduces power creep.
I just don't think "we'll sort it out naturally with new heroes over the next year or two" is good enough.

But yeah... if there's one character in OW I'm fine with being OP, it's Rein. Like others have mentioned, he promotes teamwork and tactical play. So in a way I understand why the community is fine with how dominant he's always been.
I don't want to comment on the specifics of this "nerf" before it's even on the test server to see the difference, but I always found Roadhog problematic as a character. His ability to get consistent picks is just too good for how easy and low risk it is to do it. He essentially is a mid range sniper who requires very little aim and has 3 times the life of a traditional dps (and self heal). That high health is somewhat offset by his large body, but not all that much and his huge health pool synergizes well with how powerful a healer Ana is.

If Roadhog's hook takes more skill to land and can be defended against better by sticking to corners than I think it's a good change. I think that they need to do other things though to move hog a little further from dps and a little more into the tank category. I don't mind him being a high dps character, but he really needs to have something to help him mitigate damage from his team better than he does currently in the way all of the other tanks do.


That time they nerfed She-Hulk in Marvel 3 was the worst day of my life. She was already working uphill with her godawful supers, and then they took away her range and combo ability for god knows why. Hey, at least they they gave her a useless lamppost in Ultimate.

In Overwatch, Roadhog is only unbalanced in the lower levels of play. So I see why they nerfed him, but he really didn't need it. Other tanks are far more likely to change the outcome of a game in this meta, especially Zarya and Rein.

The She-hulk nerf was so silly when Hawkeye who's great at zoning kept his long range slide. They better not do something dumb to my mains in Infinite.


In Guilty Gear when they made Eddie's flight mode make him always in a counter hit state.

jk that was one of the dumbest changes in existence
Mcree was literally the top dps for all season 2.

No one is playing mcree right now because the balance is totally broken. The only dps you can really use is soldier. There's no point on running anything else than 4 tanks right now (or 3+soldier). Still, he remains the only dps with hanzo and widow with the ability of turning around a teamfight in a couple of shots.

The day blizzard decides to put an end to world of tanks meta, mcree will be back as top dps choice for sure.
Oh I was referring to pre Season 1 (and maybe season 1 for a bit) McCree when he was oddly a close range character who would win every encounter with flashbang, hammer fan, roll, hammer fan.

The rebalanced mid range McCree was always fine by me.
One thing though. I'm fine with Blizzard fixing the hook hitbox. What I'm not fine with is that even if you land a hook, and the hooked, for some reason, leaves your FOV, it detaches from the HOOK. It makes no sense.


not me
In Final Fantasy XI when SE nerfed Rangers so their damage decreased as they got too close to the target. They couldn't use Kraken clubs to brain-dead their way to being the top DPS anymore. No one felt bad for them because a surprising amount of Rangers were assholes about had much better their job had been than others.
One thing though. I'm fine with Blizzard fixing the hook hitbox. What I'm not fine with is that even if you land a hook, and the hooked, for some reason, leaves your FOV, it detaches from the HOOK. It makes no sense.

Yep, absolutely ok with them adjusting the hook hitbox. The hook breaking after you've already connected it fucking stupid.

Someone said the equivalent would be Rein's charge going through corners but the more accurate comparison is if people could get out of a pin by moving to the side. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
One thing though. I'm fine with Blizzard fixing the hook hitbox. What I'm not fine with is that even if you land a hook, and the hooked, for some reason, leaves your FOV, it detaches from the HOOK. It makes no sense.

Isn't it to make sure you don't pull enemies through corners, cars, etc.? At least that's what it looks like it's doing when hooks detach from what I've seen.


Should have actually posted the changes:

1.) “Firstly, the hook victim will now move in to the position directly in front of Roadhog, rather than just a straight line towards him,”

2.) “Secondly, the line-of-sight check to see if a hook should connect or not is now checked from Roadhog's position, instead of the hook's position,” Goodman explained. “This basically means the hook can't connect to targets that Roadhog himself can't see

3.) The final change will make it possible for players with quick reflexes or already in motion to break the chain.

“Lastly, there is a new persistent line-of-sight check back to Roadhog once the hook has landed,” Goodman said. “If this check fails, the hook breaks off and returns to Roadhog. This means if you get hooked and move out of [line of sight] quickly (either you dashed, were falling, were pushed, etc), the hook will now break early and not pull the target.”

#3 kinda concerns me, but everything else sounds fine. #1 is more of a buff IMO, hook was a little too unpredictable at times. We'll see how it goes
#3 is the only change that begins to approach a nerf.

#1 is a huge buff.


This thread is interesting in retrospective cause people thought Blizz would have balls to nerf him.

His damage is more then ever. Getting 550+ damage if you hook+headshot. Practically can kill anyone with hook+ one shot. If its Roadhog you play against just shoot head in hook. If dva robot will blow up then one shoot or enemy friend shoot will kill her already.

Roadhogs changes were more of a adjustment then a nerf, lining up pulled enemies just made him stronger for left click attacks and he can now pull people off ledges next to him if he wishes, making kills on some maps instant.

D.va's hp change was the real nerf, she feels like paper now but still useful in some situations because of her matrix barrier.
Roadhogs changes were more of a adjustment then a nerf, lining up pulled enemies just made him stronger for left click attacks and he can now pull people off ledges next to him if he wishes, making kills on some maps instant.

D.va's hp change was the real nerf, she feels like paper now but still useful in some situations because of her matrix barrier.

People have to play her the way she was meant to be played now. No more sitting behind or with the group getting gold damage and elims by holding down the right trigger. Now you're much more useful if you're aggressive, flank, or get in close since she will actually do more damage at close range now. She's still a great pick.

I still can't stand Roadhog. Even after the "nerf" I've been getting pulled through other players and it's such a pain how arbitrary the hook can be. I think it's just a flawed design decision for the character and there isn't really a way to make it perfect.


This thread is interesting in retrospective cause people thought Blizz would have balls to nerf him.

His damage is more then ever. Getting 550+ damage if you hook+headshot. Practically can kill anyone with hook+ one shot. If its Roadhog you play against just shoot head in hook. If dva robot will blow up then one shoot or enemy friend shoot will kill her already.


It's great. I was shocked when I one shot a Zarya at one point.


Mercy is not fine. If she's on your team and refuses to switch you lost. Her ultimate is too situational and requires her to hide that's why you fight 5v6 almost all time. And when she rezzes, your team just gets gravitoned.

That has nothing to do with the character and everything to do with shitty players using her. Resurrection at the proper time can single-handedly win games. It's absurdly good. Outside of that she kinda lacks in the healing department and requires her to be tethered to her healee.

Guys no I just started playing Overwatch again why we all gaining up on my girl Ana.

Ana's the fastest single target healer in the game. Her sleep is great and for a while boost basically broke the balance of the majority of characters. She got a slight nerf but is still really great.

I don't think D.Va really got that bad of a nerf either. She's just can't straight up fight tank shredders like Reaper anymore (which is a good thing.)

I honestly wish there was a second between the hook and the shot where I can do something to defend myself. I hate that if you are most anyone with 200 health, there isnt anything you can do.

Don't get hooked! That's the whole point of the character.
I honestly wish there was a second between the hook and the shot where I can do something to defend myself. I hate that if you are most anyone with 200 health, there isnt anything you can do.
Whenever Roadhog is causing me all sorts of problems, I switch to Zenyatta and go ham with the Orb of Discord. Not 100% viable, but you can really bring him down a peg or two if you constantly grief him while managing to keep your distance. Zenyatta is a great antidote to any overbearing tank player in fact.


People have to play her the way she was meant to be played now. No more sitting behind or with the group getting gold damage and elims by holding down the right trigger. Now you're much more useful if you're aggressive, flank, or get in close since she will actually do more damage at close range now. She's still a great pick.

I still can't stand Roadhog. Even after the "nerf" I've been getting pulled through other players and it's such a pain how arbitrary the hook can be. I think it's just a flawed design decision for the character and there isn't really a way to make it perfect.

I just don't like immediately losing my Mekka when I, as a tank, get hooked, by another tank.

It was okay back then, but now you have to really play super careful. Her old 300 armor and 200 HP were perfectly fine and now they fucked it up with less armor and more HP.

Yes she is still viable, but in ranked she is now almost useless in the higher ranks if my team already has reinhardt for blocking soldiers ultimate. Cleaning places with her ultimate in high plays is also really hard to do.

Also that thread is funny now, because in a way Roadhog got a big buff. He can secure kills like no other character can right now it's really annoying.

Now we have Reinhardt, Roadhog, Ana, Soldier, Lucio + another DPS/Tank in teams all the time. Beforehand you would have at least Dva in teams who couldn't immediately fuck you up if the player is hookgod.
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