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RT on vs Off, can you tell which one is which?

Which one has RT on?

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Can You Tell Which One Is Which?
RT on the bottom ez


Why do people conflate 'RT is not worth the performance hit on current hardware' with 'RT has no future'.

Is RT the future? 100% yes. It absolutely is without question. Is current hardware' performant enough to make it worthwhile today. Not really although reflections and or shadows are pretty good uses for the time being.

Regarding your first sentence:
I don't think that's the case.

My current observations are the following - I can be wrong of course, but I see a pattern.

It's currently an absolute high end feature and the cards that make it playable are expensive. But I don't see many 3080 and 3090 owners saying raytracing isn't worth the hit. Because you can play current games with raytracing at 60fps with all the bells and whistles, which is very good. And it makes a huge difference.

Most people who say that it's not worth it are AMD owners or/and have weaker cards, thus can't even really make the decision if to raytrace or not. Feels like downplaying because they can't have it. Like console players saying no one needs raytracing, now loosing their shit because Spider-Man has it.

Doesn't apply to everyone of course, just a trend that I'm seeing. But for me personally, raytracing - if integrated well like in Control or Cyberpunk - is incredible and I can't take anyone seriously who says that it's not worth it. Especially if you still can run the games at 60fps.
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Regarding your first sentence:
I don't think that's the case.

My current observations are the following - I can be wrong of course, but I see a pattern.

It's currently an absolute high end feature and the cards that make it playable are expensive.
Still, 399$ console is able to render AAA game in 1440p 60fps with RT.


Still, 399$ console is able to render AAA game in 1440p 60fps with RT.

The PS5 achieves great results for it's hardware and is the best bang for the buck in existence, at least from my perspective.

But we need to be realistic about it's raytracing. Spider-Man only uses very limited RT reflections with significant shortcuts. It's not comparable to the multitude of raytracing effects that Cyberpunk uses.

But that's a different discussion.
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Gold Member
When in doubt, look for the game that has the most puddles. That'll be the RT game.

Even if the game's plot is in a desert, there will surely be a giant mirror reflection puddle somewhere in the dunes. Or somehow a coconut with RT can now reflect your face off it.

Next time you're walking or driving and it's rainy or the snow just melted creating big puddles, try to see if a reflection is even 20% of a video game RT reflection. Probably won't be.
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LOL i looked at your example and dont know which is which. I can see there is a slight difference between the two, but which one is supposed to be the better one?
Maybe you need LASIK, I can recommend it from experience. Open the two shots in separate tabs and click between them. Which looks more realistic? The one with flat lighting, or the one where darker areas are actually darker because of the diffused raytraced GI?
If someone does not see the difference, then they are blind, and possibly an idiot.




To me the differences seem so minor that I would leave it off to gain extra framerate.

The above examples display very small differences. I dunno, maybe i'm not used to playing ray traced games.

Buggy Loop

"Alright guys, so probably not as easy as you thought that was gonna be.."


"Do you really think Nvidia should be banking their entire business model on a feature that you really can't see the difference in?"

Oh youtubers..

Nvidia's business clearly shifted to AI and they are banking on it, that's for sure.


I found out that I don't really care about RT in its existing capability/form (on consoles). I enjoy 60 FPS more than I thought I would.


Gold Member
"Alright guys, so probably not as easy as you thought that was gonna be.."


"Do you really think Nvidia should be banking their entire business model on a feature that you really can't see the difference in?"

Oh youtubers..

Nvidia's business clearly shifted to AI and they are banking on it, that's for sure.
DLSS 2.0 is already providing tangible benefits in the games that has support for it. I'm hoping more games add it in the future.


Rt is a useless feature. Minor difference but takes a lot of power resources.

That's either bait or agenda driven ignorance. The difference in stuff like Control with full RT vs off is bigger than any other graphics settings in that game for example.

The people who liked your post also showed their ridiculous bias.

Why are you people fighting the biggest visual effects in years? I don't get it.


Should not be allowed to breed
digging for good RT work proves the point against current viability of RT.

RT is nice to have, bigger steps are being taken towards it now. but it's still not there yet as a standard. it's not the fault of NVidia, the biggest issue is that few developers have the talent to use this tool. and few publishers will dedicated funds on something that cant be scaled and applied to consoles.

We have the same opinion. I just wonder how you assumed I was of the opposite opinion based on a discussion of the merits of RT where all examples given were hiding the truth. I merely pointed that out.

you guys scan for the speech and if you detect some keywords, I am cataloged has "nvidia fanboy"? Discussing truths has nothing to do with "sides".
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Thinking about this, it would be interesting if they were to do a similar video but with DLSS instead of ray tracing!


If it's 2 it actually looks worse. This is why I don't spend thousands of dollars to get the latest overhyped marketing gimmick and just wait for a feature to mature before wasting money on it or believing that it is worth it.


RT will be worth it when it becomes highly performant. The atrocious framerate decline for these minimal differences in visuals is not worth it.

I think we should hold on for Vulkan RT, that should be revolutionary and highly performant. There we will get the perf we need at native resolutions instead of DLSS which has many IQ issues still...
In my opinion rtx is a scam, the amount of benifit it provides for the amount of performance drop it takes is just not worth it.
Some people don't even know what the real world looks like. They think perfect reflections in puddles are a gimmick and not the way puddles work. They think a flat looking image where everything has the same lighting and shading looks the same as a raytraced image where every object actually looks like it exists in the world and isn't just "floating".

Some people need new eyes lmao



Vulkan RT doesn't save RDNA2 from being shit at raytracing.
What is this, where is this from? How about we wait for newer games built with AMD hardware in mind...This game was probably ported to vulkan with no optimization for the new card and still has the legacy Nvidia RTX code......The Vulkan raytracing extensions was just released to devs in November, you think a demo would be in good state already. Even Cyberpunk does not support RT on AMD hardware yet.....That Quake 2 RT was built with Nvidia in mind, lets wait for ground up games that were not....

For some reason, Nvidia's go to game is Quake and Control. Also is the Nvidia card using DLSS? I put nothing pass Nvidia..


Vulkan RT doesn't save RDNA2 from being shit at raytracing.

It is a game written by NV, it's more of a feature that it doesn't work well on competitor (and no, just seeing the code doesn't help).
Dirt 5, WD:L show that "NV is faster at RT" is, to put it softly, a premature take.


It is a game written by NV, it's more of a feature that it doesn't work well on competitor (and no, just seeing the code doesn't help).
Dirt 5, WD:L show that "NV is faster at RT" is, to put it softly, a premature take.

Dude what are you doing. This is the fifth time I'm correcting you. WD L was bugged and the benchmarks are not representative. It used settings below the lowest PC settings.

Stop spreading that lie already. What's wrong with you? Like seriously, you have some kind of condition.
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King Snowflake
As a recent RTX card owner, I am fine with paying a little more for nice reflections. Shadows look better too. I don't know what the problem is really. It's diminishing returns, but I'd rather have the cherry on top instead of being the type that says they can't tell the difference when it is pretty obvious.


Cyberpunk was the first game I played with Raytracing on, and I dunno, I think it actually looked pretty good. When you are driving down the city at night, and it's raining, it looks a lot better with RT on.


I don’t get why so many people are skipping over the fact that by and large, rt is made for developers and marketed to consumers.

Developers can get way more benefit from it by dramatically shortening the development pipeline and eliminating pre baked assets. This kind of shit is revolutionary.

Nothing I’ve seen so far on the consumer facing side, I.e. visuals, have anywhere near the same level of impact - aside from the negative performance impact.
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Dirt 5, WD:L show that "NV is faster at RT" is, to put it softly, a premature take.

Not really. AMD can do raytraced shadows pretty well, but that about sums it up. As soon as you have raytraced reflections or GI/AO, the AMD performance drops by a ton.


I don’t get why so many people are skipping over the fact that by and large, rt is made for developers and marketed to consumers.

Developers can get way more benefit from it by dramatically shortening the development pipeline and eliminating pre baked assets. This kind of shit is revolutionary.

Nothing I’ve seen so far on the consumer facing side, I.e. visuals, have anywhere near the same level of impact - aside from the negative performance impact.

Guess my eyes are damaged. For me, Control and Cyberpunk looks drastically better.


Anyone using that RT off/on picture from Control as anything other then to show that the developer completely ignored the non ray-tracing mode...

It was just a dig at the selective footage from that "comparison" video.
And how did they completely ignored the non RT mode? Still looks very good without it.
I'm sorry but this video is really bad.
You can't show 2 short clips of a game and ask, which one has raytracing.
Not all games have the same raytracing implimentations. So first you've got to know what they are using raytracing for in a specific game.
If the game is using RT shadows you've got no more shadow pop-in which is huge in my opinion. If they are using RT reflections you may not notice it while driving but you will notice it while walking.

Also, so, if you pay this guy an amount of dollars per month you can send him messages and he'll reply?! Why would anyone pay 10$ a month to be able to send a random stranger messages and (probably) get a generic reply back. Why??
I mean, it's not that he as valuable information or something. Years of expertise on a subject so you have to pay to make use of that expertise.
Maybe I'm just too old to understand it :)


I'm sorry but this video is really bad.
You can't show 2 short clips of a game and ask, which one has raytracing.
Not all games have the same raytracing implimentations. So first you've got to know what they are using raytracing for in a specific game.
If the game is using RT shadows you've got no more shadow pop-in which is huge in my opinion. If they are using RT reflections you may not notice it while driving but you will notice it while walking.
That's quite the requirement for something that is guaranteed to tank your performance, independent of whether you can tell the difference or not, or whether it is in noticeable spots or not.

Also, so, if you pay this guy an amount of dollars per month you can send him messages and he'll reply?! Why would anyone pay 10$ a month to be able to send a random stranger messages and (probably) get a generic reply back. Why??
I mean, it's not that he as valuable information or something. Years of expertise on a subject so you have to pay to make use of that expertise.
Maybe I'm just too old to understand it :)
Lot's of YouTubers work like that nowadays. The ones that like the content, freely donate some money to support them.

It's a lot better than paying a monthly TV subscription to be brainwashed by CNN or Fox.


It was just a dig at the selective footage from that "comparison" video.
And how did they completely ignored the non RT mode? Still looks very good without it.

Seen better looking games that do not have rt modes at all, then the no rt mode in Control, they didnt bother because "sell RTX cards the game".


I was a RT skeptic. When I played Control via GeForce Now it became very apparent vs my Xbox One X version.
Your eyes will sense the baked reflections. You almost have to experience it in motion to appreciate.
Now, whether it is worth the huge FPS hit is another story.


And demon souls, horizon and god of war look substantially better than both, and none of those have RT.

I cannot speak in regard to Demon's Souls because I have not bought it yet. However, I can say that Horizon Zero Dawn - even on PS5 - does not look better than Control on PC or Cyberpunk 2077 on PC. As for God of War, it looks great, but it is very linear and certain sequences are very scripted; hence, it's not as impressive as Control on PC or Cyberpunk 2077 on PC.


And demon souls, horizon and god of war look substantially better than both, and none of those have RT.
These games would look even better if they had RT.

That being said, some games that implement RT do not implement all the rasterization that they would have implemented otherwise. This makes the gap between RT and non-RT appear bigger.

Not to mention the performance hit would inevitably mean cutting some other corners to make the game run on the console. So they might indeed end up looking worse in some areas compared to pure rasterization, assuming the same hardware.


We have the same opinion. I just wonder how you assumed I was of the opposite opinion based on a discussion of the merits of RT where all examples given were hiding the truth. I merely pointed that out.

you guys scan for the speech and if you detect some keywords, I am cataloged has "nvidia fanboy"? Discussing truths has nothing to do with "sides".

guess I was passive aggressive :messenger_grinning_sweat:

I apologize


horizon and god of war look substantially better than both
No, they don't. I will go even more with God of War and ask what amazing things people actually see in it's graphics? Terrible claustrophobic camera or levels build mostly from some sort of elements hiding constant loading of data, like slow walking sections, slow climbing or doors with animations of whatever that kid was called going first?
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