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[Rumor] Microsoft bought Techland

The last thing the world needs is another generic, violent, 1st person action adventure game with zombies.
Now, the 1st Dying light was an OK game in that technically wise was A-OK and it also controlled and played well, other than that though ? It was as generic and "safe" as they come, another game made by a committee :
1st person ? Check. Zombies ? Check. Parkour ? Check. Uber-comically violent 'cause teh kidZ love this kind of thing ? Check. Check list/grind-y missions for the OCD type gamers ? Check. Big open world map ? Check. Could be played in co-op ? Check.

I understand that it sold well and that's pretty much all that is needed in today's world for a game to be considered "good" and successful but...i dunno, IMO, Microsoft needs to seriously expand the genre portfolio and start shopping for - how can i put this - "quirkier" companies/games ?
Remember when MS had some actual quality exclusives ? Remember Breakdown, Panzer Dragoon Orta, the (then exclusive) DOA sequels, Ninja Gaiden, Gun Valkyrie, Otogi 1 & 2, JSRF, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon etc etc ? Those were actual games that made you buy the friggin' console, not another generic "AAA" zombie game.

Techland is as mediocre as they come producing some of the most generic, bland and boring games out there (2 out of 4 Call of Juarez games were actually good though) - let's not forget they hype surrounding the 1st Dead island after its 1st trailer came out only for people to realize that it was yet another loot game with check-list missions/gameplay when it actually released.

TLDNR : If this acquisition proves to be true...i don't think that it will add anything substantial to MS's portfolio.MS needs more companies like - say - Grasshoper manufacture and/or Platinum games (yeah, i know :D ) than Techland.


Excuse me...what?

What year is this?


Techland would be a nice investement for the future for MS. The talent is there, but they would have to do some changes on the management level to avoid another clusterfuck like Dying Light 2 never ending development.


I don't have a strong pc either. Considering graphics card prices are through the roof i might not have a gaming pc for awhile.

Yeah Im gonna have to wait for awhile too.
Atm Im enjoying playing older PC games like KOTOR, Duex Ex, Vampire M.
Ill be happy with PS5 and Switch and older PC games for now


The same reason why Microsoft will never have a chance to compete here with Sony. Japanese people want to support Japanese companies.

I've always said this but to fanboys "its not true" lol. That's why I think Microsoft should quit chasing that market. Its not big enough to be worth the hassle. They will never support ms over their Japanese counterparts.


I don't care where they go as long as they're helped enough to stay open. They're definitely talented and it'd be a shame to lose them.
A rumour from a guy who brought us this classic

And this just happened the other day:

Sorry to be so blunt, but the guy is a fucking douchebag. If only someone would reply back to that post with his own avatar, lol.

And now we can include this tweet of his and Techland's tweet too.


And Shpeshal Ed is another Xbox insider on wall of shame. Claiming by yourself that you were right to many times. LOL Pathetic. Sad thing is, XboxERA is full of them.

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That would be nice, but it’s definitely a risk imo. The problem is, the market for Japanese game’s is very small on Xbox and the Japanese companies will have a much smaller audience to sell their games to while missing out on Sony and Nintendo’s user base most likely. Yeah, Microsoft could fund some development and games, but will it be worth it to them when they probably won’t be making much, if anything in return?

Microsoft could easily recoup the development Cost via Game Pass (Xbox/PC). Yakuza series is popular on Xbox Game Pass


I thought Dying Light 2 was supposed to be having development issues.

Are MS mad?
I mean, if that was true (but apparently it isn't) not sure what would be "mad" about it.
"Talented studio with financial struggles" is basically a prime, perfect target for an acquisition.

Incidentally that descriptions matches to a T even some of their previous purchases, like Double Fine, Exiles and Obsidian.
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Still think they did/will.

Find it hard to believe that one month there is a $4B asset is up for sale. The next month, out of the blue, they just don't feel like selling it anymore (while still remaining heavily in debt).
Nobody was gonna spend that much on studios without their IP attached.
Asia is the growing market for cloud gaming, but that doesn't matter if you're just gonna try to sell them the same games they didn't care about when consoles were the growing market.

Microsoft need Japanese games quickly, and at high quality. This is the thing people miss out on when they say franchises like Persona and Yakuza would die if Sega get bought out.
Microsoft does need Japanese games, but imho I would try to create some original Japanese games division from ground up and provide significant to ample funding and resources to them. I don’t think Microsoft waving their money around buying up established Japanese developers will do any favors to those developers because the audience for their games will be much more diminutive. Maybe a buyout would entice people to buy an XBOX, but it’s a huge risk.

I think a buyout for Sega would be detrimental for them because I don’t think most of their games are a good fit for Microsoft’s demographic. To me, it would be like Nintendo buying Rockstar games and having GTA6 exclusive to Switch. Don’t get me wrong, it will still get attention and sell ok I guess, but Rockstar will be losing a plethora of user base and money off that buyout and the demographic for GTA is on PlayStation and XBOX mostly.
Microsoft could easily recoup the development Cost via Game Pass (Xbox/PC). Yakuza series is popular on Xbox Game Pass
That’s the first time I heard Yakuza is popular on XBOX. Is their a GP list or something? I heard Yakuza LAD sold much worst on XBOX, but I don’t think it’s sales were too great on PlayStation either to be honest. Even if it is, not sure if Sega would make more money off Gamepass downloads over selling units on consoles. I’m not exactly sure how they get paid on Gamepass though.
That’s the first time I heard Yakuza is popular on XBOX. Is their a GP list or something? I heard Yakuza LAD sold much worst on XBOX, but I don’t think it’s sales were too great on PlayStation either to be honest. Even if it is, not sure if Sega would make more money off Gamepass downloads over selling units on consoles. I’m not exactly sure how they get paid on Gamepass though.

I think "most played games" on Microsoft store is accountable for that. On UK and US store you can't find Yakuza in top 50. That list also include Gamepass titles across all platffoms ( PC, Xbox in that case)
That’s the first time I heard Yakuza is popular on XBOX. Is their a GP list or something? I heard Yakuza LAD sold much worst on XBOX, but I don’t think it’s sales were too great on PlayStation either to be honest. Even if it is, not sure if Sega would make more money off Gamepass downloads over selling units on consoles. I’m not exactly sure how they get paid on Gamepass though.

Microsoft pays them in full before the game appears on Xbox Game Pass.

Phil Spencer:

"Our deals are, I'll say, all over the place. That sounds unmanaged, but it's really based on the developer's need," Spencer explained. "One of the things that's been cool to see is a developer, usually a smaller to mid-sized developer, might be starting a game and say, 'Hey, we're willing to put this in Game Pass on our launch day if you guys will give us X dollars now.' What we can go do is, we'll create a floor for them in terms of the success of their game. They know they're going to get this return."

In some other cases, Microsoft will completely fund the production cost of a game."

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Yeah I mostly meant big ones, Namco, Square, Sega etc. Id hate to see Japanese Franchises Ive played for decades disappear and be exclusive to xbox
"Exclusive to Xbox"... Dude, once again... With Xbox you have 3 options to play their games. while the other 2 you are forced to buy their system. Your concern is pretty corny.


Microsoft does need Japanese games, but imho I would try to create some original Japanese games division from ground up and provide significant to ample funding and resources to them. I don’t think Microsoft waving their money around buying up established Japanese developers will do any favors to those developers because the audience for their games will be much more diminutive. Maybe a buyout would entice people to buy an XBOX, but it’s a huge risk.

I think a buyout for Sega would be detrimental for them because I don’t think most of their games are a good fit for Microsoft’s demographic. To me, it would be like Nintendo buying Rockstar games and having GTA6 exclusive to Switch. Don’t get me wrong, it will still get attention and sell ok I guess, but Rockstar will be losing a plethora of user base and money off that buyout and the demographic for GTA is on PlayStation and XBOX mostly.
Making a Japanese division would take years - most of this generation if not longer. For context, most of Xbox's dev purchases have come since 2017. Not quite four years, and we're only just starting to see the results of that.

Now imagine you have to start from scratch. In practically a brand new market, no less. It'd be expensive, and when it's done they'd have missed the start of the cloud boom they so desperately need to be part of to have new success in Asia.

And the result? One game.

I don't think there's any such thing as an Xbox market. People like to talk about it, because it makes Microsoft's chances outside of America very black and white. But these issues are complicated.

Take away the need for the box. Take away the need for your local game store to actually stock Xbox games. Add in a rising push against consoles and for mobile. All you need is the titles.

Are people just gonna not play Yakuza or Persona because they're owned by Microsoft? Would you just write off Grand Theft Auto if it became a Nintendo exclusive? Probably noy, so long as they're easily accessible and the quality maintains. They're not going to ignore them on principle.
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Which xbox studio makes games like techland?
All of them.

(kidding, but there is already State of Decay for zombie games, and there are already several proposals for third and first person western action games)
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Correct, they are sorted into tiers.

Tier 1 is called the core group and has companies like Sony and Toyota etc.

Nintendo is second tier.

Sega and co don't have that much protection as far as I know but can still be stopped by the government.

Acquisitions in general have a lot more red tape though.
This is some BS if true.
The Euro and USA should retaliate and do the same thing.
No Japanese companies can buy American or Euro companies.
Sony should be forced to sell MGM studios, Naughty Dog, Insomniac and Sucker Punch back to a North American companies.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If Japan's government wants to be selfish then other governments should treat Japan the same way. Same thing for China or any other country putting stupid restrictions on the purchasing of corporations.

Why do people get massive erections from the thought of acquisitions? Do you people work in M&A or what?
It's pretty simple when you actually think about it, the more studios XGS own the more games for your $15 a month. The price stays the same but you get more games with your sub.
I think "most played games" on Microsoft store is accountable for that. On UK and US store you can't find Yakuza in top 50. That list also include Gamepass titles across all platffoms ( PC, Xbox in that case)
I see.
Making a Japanese division would take years - most of this generation if not longer. For context, most of Xbox's dev purchases have come since 2017. Not quite four years, and we're only just starting to see the results of that.

Now imagine you have to start from scratch. In practically a brand new market, no less. It'd be expensive, and when it's done they'd have missed the start of the cloud boom they so desperately need to be part of to have new success in Asia.

And the result? One game.

I don't think there's any such thing as an Xbox market. People like to talk about it, because it makes Microsoft's chances outside of America very black and white. But these issues are complicated.

Take away the need for the box. Take away the need for your local game store to actually stock Xbox games. Add in a rising push against consoles and for mobile. All you need is the titles.

Are people just gonna not play Yakuza or Persona because they're owned by Microsoft? Would you just write off Grand Theft Auto if it became a Nintendo exclusive? Probably noy, so long as they're easily accessible and the quality maintains. They're not going to ignore them on principle.
Valid points, but I feel if Microsoft was really that serious about penetrating Japan, they should of tried to create a few Japanese studios years ago. I personally don’t think buying Japan up will resolve their issues. Nothing wrong with those franchises being on XBox, but them being exclusive to the platform is the risky part. Microsoft doesn’t have the worldwide appeal of Sony or even Nintendo also.

As silly as it may sound, there are people that won’t play certain franchises if they are not on the platform of their choice. Look at Japan literally boycotting Sony and embracing everything Nintendo even though Sony still has Japanese games. Some people would buy an XBox to play these franchises surely, but a lot won’t which is potential money out of the developers pockets that Microsoft will have to compensate them for.


I see.

Valid points, but I feel if Microsoft was really that serious about penetrating Japan, they should of tried to create a few Japanese studios years ago. I personally don’t think buying Japan up will resolve their issues. Nothing wrong with those franchises being on XBox, but them being exclusive to the platform is the risky part. Microsoft doesn’t have the worldwide appeal of Sony or even Nintendo also.

As silly as it may sound, there are people that won’t play certain franchises if they are not on the platform of their choice. Look at Japan literally boycotting Sony and embracing everything Nintendo even though Sony still has Japanese games. Some people would buy an XBox to play these franchises surely, but a lot won’t which is potential money out of the developers pockets that Microsoft will have to compensate them for.
Microsoft wasn't serious about making their own games at all until not that long ago. Poor planning, poor direction, but they've done a lot to fix that. Hopefully it pays off.

Sony and Nintendo didn't get popular by not taking risks. Of course there are people who won't buy anything but Sony devices, but they're the vast minority. We saw that in the 360 generation.

Gaming is cheap. Gamepass/Xcloud makes it ridiculously cheap, especially if you own a PC. If you love Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Doom, Perfect Dark, Fable, and, for argument's sake, Sonic, Football Manager, Total War, Persona and Yakuza..

... And you still refuse to even consider buying into the Xbox ecosystem, that's on you. That guy is the definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Microsoft can't please that guy, so why try?

Again, Sony's issues in Japan aren't black and white. The Switch's portability, price, look and its type of game have a lot to do with it. And honestly, between Microsoft and Sony, Xbox is closer to cracking that puzzle.

Get the right software on Xcloud, offer up the service at the right price, make sure there's a steady stream of interesting content and the Asian market will eat it up. Sony, currently, can't rival that.

And that's not to say there aren't other problems. We could write a 200 page report about these things and still miss stuff out. The issue with forums like these is inevitably shorthand misses out on a mountain of nuance.


I agree that another Japanese studio would be better for their lineup than something like Techland, but I'm happy with the recent push to at least get third party Japanese titles on the platform like Yakuza, Kingdom Hearts and NieR. If going forward they continue to fail to get major Japanese titles released same day on Xbox then more Japanese 1st party is a must.

Buy Swery's studio and let him finish D4, they would greatly benefit from an increased budget and the episodic format is perfect for GP.

To me, it would be like Nintendo buying Rockstar games and having GTA6 exclusive to Switch. Don’t get me wrong, it will still get attention and sell ok I guess
If GTA ran well on a Switch and had feature parity it would sell amazingly, and it would be crazy to think otherwise. Bad example, you could put GTA anywhere and people would play it if it lived up to expectations.


Gold Member

Colt saying Dying Light 2 one year exclusivity for sure. Not sure for acquisition. I'll stay in sit and wait mode. I don't think this is a huge acquisition, though I would say I was pretty impressed with original trailers for the game.
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Colt saying Dying Light 2 one year exclusivity for sure. Not sure for acquisition. I'll stay in sit and wait mode. I don't think this is a huge acquisition, though I would say I was pretty impressed with original trailers for the game.

If this is true I think there would have to be some huge management changes
The last thing the world needs is another generic, violent, 1st person action adventure game with zombies.
Now, the 1st Dying light was an OK game in that technically wise was A-OK and it also controlled and played well, other than that though ? It was as generic and "safe" as they come, another game made by a committee :
1st person ? Check. Zombies ? Check. Parkour ? Check. Uber-comically violent 'cause teh kidZ love this kind of thing ? Check. Check list/grind-y missions for the OCD type gamers ? Check. Big open world map ? Check. Could be played in co-op ? Check.

I understand that it sold well and that's pretty much all that is needed in today's world for a game to be considered "good" and successful but...i dunno, IMO, Microsoft needs to seriously expand the genre portfolio and start shopping for - how can i put this - "quirkier" companies/games ?
Remember when MS had some actual quality exclusives ? Remember Breakdown, Panzer Dragoon Orta, the (then exclusive) DOA sequels, Ninja Gaiden, Gun Valkyrie, Otogi 1 & 2, JSRF, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon etc etc ? Those were actual games that made you buy the friggin' console, not another generic "AAA" zombie game.

Techland is as mediocre as they come producing some of the most generic, bland and boring games out there (2 out of 4 Call of Juarez games were actually good though) - let's not forget they hype surrounding the 1st Dead island after its 1st trailer came out only for people to realize that it was yet another loot game with check-list missions/gameplay when it actually released.

TLDNR : If this acquisition proves to be true...i don't think that it will add anything substantial to MS's portfolio.MS needs more companies like - say - Grasshoper manufacture and/or Platinum games (yeah, i know :D ) than Techland.

Perhaps Microsoft wants to corner the market on zombie games along with Western RPGs and having the best simulators.
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I agree that another Japanese studio would be better for their lineup than something like Techland, but I'm happy with the recent push to at least get third party Japanese titles on the platform like Yakuza, Kingdom Hearts and NieR. If going forward they continue to fail to get major Japanese titles released same day on Xbox then more Japanese 1st party is a must.

Buy Swery's studio and let him finish D4, they would greatly benefit from an increased budget and the episodic format is perfect for GP.

If GTA ran well on a Switch and had feature parity it would sell amazingly, and it would be crazy to think otherwise. Bad example, you could put GTA anywhere and people would play it if it lived up to expectations.
D4 sold so bad on XBOX, I think the creator was asking people to buy his game or something if I remember correctly. That’s what I mean with bad fits and not appealing to the demographic. D4 probably would of did better on Switch or possibly even PlayStation imo.

Yes, GTA would definitely sell, but no near as much as it would if it’s on the PlayStation and XBOX. Different demographics and preferences. The same way I feel something like Gears of War would sell better on PlayStation than the Switch. Persona 6 would sell better on Switch than the Xbox. COD would do better on XBOX than Switch as well. The Wii U COD sold horrible in comparison to the other versions for example.

Isn’t GTA5 the highest selling game of all time now? It accomplished that on PlayStation, Xbox and PC. No way it could of even hit half of that exclusively on a Nintendo platform imo. That’s what I mean by developers losing money or fan base with certain buyouts. I know you have to take risks, but they have to be realistic as well.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.

Colt saying Dying Light 2 one year exclusivity for sure. Not sure for acquisition. I'll stay in sit and wait mode. I don't think this is a huge acquisition, though I would say I was pretty impressed with original trailers for the game.

We're at the point we are trusting colt eastwood.....jesus christ boys.....
It's pretty simple when you actually think about it, the more studios XGS own the more games for your $15 a month. The price stays the same but you get more games with your sub.
The consolidation of gaming Intellectual Property is good for nobody other than Microsoft or Sony or whomever else does the acquisition; and of course their shareholders.

And its laughable to think that Microsoft would keep the subscription price the same if they buy out all of the high quality IP in the industry. They tried to do so with XBL, the only reason they didn't is because they're far behind and faced massive backlash. If you think that would happen while Microsoft are in a position of dominance you'd be a complete fool.

And now for a rant:

The mental gymnastics and frankly illogical reasoning to justify a company just using their financial muscle to buy their way into dominance is fanboy nonsense. Its always out of some bizarre desire to see the competition fail or otherwise lose. People always say nice things like "Yay, this will mean more competition for the <insert incumbent player here>" but that's just a cover, because we all know that's not what's happening. Its depriving the competition of something available to all and then restricting it to a single platform indefinitely, as a means to justify the existence of their platform. Its not that they created something that people want, they took something that people wanted and pulled it into their walled garden.
No different to Nvidia buying PhysX and then crippling its ability to function on CPU or AMD GPUs, by forcing it to use an obsolete codepath, so they could justify people buying their GPUs.
Its no better than Sony moneyhatting Call of Duty and restricting it to their platform for a year or whatever.

It makes business sense, but I'm not a Microsoft or Sony stockholder, so I don't give two shits about what is good business sense and what drives growth. I care about not being forced into purchasing a platform I'm not inclined to buy just to play a game series that I previously loved.
I also don't care about GamePass or PlayStation now. They might start off as great value deals, but as the IP get consolidated and the userbases settled, those prices will creep up. And I don't want that. I don't want to be forced to buy a subscription to play a couple of games that I loved and were previously available to all platforms, because it has been bought out by some multi-billion dollar superconglomerate.

And lets not get started on the whole "Well Microsoft has x billion dollars to spend" and "Oh, Sony has y billion dollars to spend" and "Nintendo makes the most profitable consoles and games".
Why the fuck does anyone here care who has or makes the most money? Fuck all to do with any of us. If you do have some financial interest, then I'm sorry but your word no longer has any value.
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