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RUMOR: Ryan Phillippe to play Iron Fist?

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yes, that talented of a member
I am an Asian American so the hard resistance to the idea of an Asian iron fist is a little shocking to me. Nevertheless, I think iron fist and the MCU on Netflix will give a lot of opportunities for Asian American actors whether or not one is considered to play iron fist.


I can see both sides of this. I am also an Asian-American and I think they can do a lot with Iron Fist as an Asian-American character. There's a lot of story to mine about an AA trying to balance his Western upbringing with his Eastern roots. It's a problem that a lot of AA are experiencing. I think it adds a lot to the character.

As as an Asian-American, let me tell you that to me, the culturally appropriating white savior with Asian sidekicks trope is much worse than the all Asian know Kung Fu stereotype (to me).

But I also understand fans who want Iron Fist to look the way he always looks. I still can't really accept Michael B Jordan as Johnny Storm because I love the FF and I want him to look right. I mean, I even had a problem with Chris Evans because the buzzcut did not look right at all.
Then go make a captain Asia. What about iron fist makes him appeal to Asians OTHER THAN MARTIAL ARTS. How is this not stereotyping your own people.


Online Ho Champ
Dude.check your timeline. Ultimates 2 was just as great and came before dark reigns. Ultimates 3 on the other hand makes great toilet tissue.

Ultimates 2 was not the sensation Ultimates 1 was is what im saying by that time 2005 - 07 616 books were the most popular again whats really remembered from that time

House of M
Planet Hulk + WWH
Civil War
New Avengers

or Ultimates 2...

Ultimates 1 was huge though .


Daken, psylocke ,x-23 ,morph? I think you're starting to lose sight of what you're saying.

I meant available to the MCU. Also, is X-23 Asian? She's a Wolverine clone, not even a half clone as far as I know. Psylocke is still popular? When was her last solo book? Daken and Morph are not as big as Danny as a character or a Marvel IP.

as far as the tv/movie audience are concern they are on the same level. Unknowned, like the rest of the marvel universe.

Yeah but don't act like they're ever going to headline a show. Are you really trying to argue any of those characters has any likelihood of being as big in the MCU as Iron Fist?


I am an Asian American so the hard resistance to the idea of an Asian iron fist is a little shocking to me. Nevertheless, I think iron fist and the MCU on Netflix will give a lot of opportunities for Asian American actors whether or not one is considered to play iron fist.

it's not that people are arguing against an asian character. more the idea of making a character which has plot/theme elements tied with being a white guy in a foreign land.

its kind of bad that people think that just because it's a character using marital arts it should be asian dude i.e.:

So he's supposed to be a Kung Fu superhero? Why can't they get a Chinese-American to play the part...


Then go make a captain Asia. What about iron fist makes him appeal to Asians OTHER THAN MARTIAL ARTS. How is this not stereotyping your own people.

Who are you to tell someone how to react to their own stereotypes? Asians can't love kung-fu movies with Asian characters now? Iron Fist incorporates tons of Asian culture. Why is it such a mystery why Asian-Americans might enjoy an Asian-American iron fist?


I meant available to the MCU. Also, is X-23 Asian? She's a Wolverine clone, not even a half clone as far as I know. Psylocke is still popular? When was her last solo book? Daken and Morph are not as big as Danny as a character or a Marvel IP.

Yeah but don't act like they're ever going to headline a show. Are you really trying to argue any of those characters has any likelihood of being as big in the MCU as Iron Fist?

Really folks still talking this after GOTG and Daredevil?


Really folks still talking this after GOTG and Daredevil?

Oh my God, you really believe Shang Chi or Psylocke are comparable to Guardians and Daredevil? Guardians and Daredevil both have tons of beloved stories, lore, and history. Marvel is never going to make an Amadeus Cho movie or show or give him years and years of stories revolving around him.
As an asian american who has done a bunch of martial arts, read Iron Fist, and loves the character, I think the uncomfortable part for me is that the absolute master of asian-created martial arts is a white guy. Kinda crappy to feel like the person best at one of the only badass parts of my culture is someone appropriating it.


As an asian american who has done a bunch of martial arts, read Iron Fist, and loves the character, I think the uncomfortable part for me is that the absolute master of asian-created martial arts is a white guy. Kinda crappy to feel like the person best at one of the only badass parts of my culture is someone appropriating it.

Evidently this is self-hating racism.


yes, that talented of a member
Then go make a captain Asia. What about iron fist makes him appeal to Asians OTHER THAN MARTIAL ARTS. How is this not stereotyping your own people.

I don't read iron fist, but isn't eastern culture, philosophy, and spirituality a big part of the narrative tapestry? "Captain Asia" as an idea does not rub me the right way.

I'll never get why gaf is so hung up on physical appearance if the actor can pull it off. So many people in the deadpool thread scoffed at Ryan Renolds only because of his muscle mass? The dude has been championing and pushing for that movie for a long time, I think he'll have a very strong understanding and performance of the character.

I wonder if people back in the day greatly opposed Dustin Hoffman in the Graduate. He was a little 30 year old Jewish guy, not a strapping waspy college grad. I am fine with Ryan Phillipe as long as he does as well as Charlie Cox as Daredevil. Vondie Curtis Hall did great as Ben Urich and he wasn't white. Just give me an actor with presence.
As an asian american who has done a bunch of martial arts, read Iron Fist, and loves the character, I think the uncomfortable part for me is that the absolute master of asian-created martial arts is a white guy. Kinda crappy to feel like the person best at one of the only badass parts of my culture is someone appropriating it.


Magnus Carlsen is a white guy and is the best chess player in the world...does that mean he is "appropriating" a game that's origins are from Ancient India?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
As an asian american who has done a bunch of martial arts, read Iron Fist, and loves the character, I think the uncomfortable part for me is that the absolute master of asian-created martial arts is a white guy. Kinda crappy to feel like the person best at one of the only badass parts of my culture is someone appropriating it.

Shang Chi is the master, its right there on the title!

Then go make a captain Asia. What about iron fist makes him appeal to Asians OTHER THAN MARTIAL ARTS. How is this not stereotyping your own people.

If Danny Rand was made Asian and had an inborn ability Kung Fu, then yes, that would be a little stereotypical. Still better than white guy coming to show Asians how Kung Fu is really done!

But what if they made Danny an Asian-American who had no knowledge of his roots. While that would be Kun-Lun and the other mystical cities in the show, it would mirror the actual plight that many Asian-Americans who have grown up in America share. It would be an interesting story that is made more powerful by the change in ethnicity, without making him a stereotype.

And Captain Asia?! Really? So if I said, why don't you make Captain Black instead of changing Johnny Storm or Nick Fury, that would be ok with people?


Bitches love smiley faces
Oh my God, you really believe Shang Chi or Psylocke are comparable to Guardians and Daredevil? Guardians and Daredevil both have tons of beloved stories, lore, and history. Marvel is never going to make an Amadeus Cho movie or show or give him years and years of stories revolving around him.

Shang-Chi has a pretty length backstory and run... it's just sad that they'll never be collected.


Shang-Chi has a pretty length backstory and run... it's just sad that they'll never be collected.

True, but he's not as relevant anymore. I'd kill for a Netflix Original Shang-Chi show but I think I'd be a fool to expect it anytime soon. Maybe after Phase 3.


Oh my God, you really believe Shang Chi or Psylocke are comparable to Guardians and Daredevil? Guardians and Daredevil both have tons of beloved stories, lore, and history. Marvel is never going to make an Amadeus Cho movie or show or give him years and years of stories revolving around him.

See that is how good marvel is, they got you thinking an obscure comic like Guardians was always Triple AAA. Thanks for proving my point


yes, that talented of a member
Can any one from ComicGAF tell me if Shang Chi has actually been part of any good stories in marvels publishing history? He seems like a quick cash in for 70s Brucesploitation films. As somebody that has grown up on marvel I feel like that guy is a low d-lister.
They could satisfy both groups by making Daniel Rand half asian half white. His father Wendell Rand could be Asian, which would be an easy way to show him first visiting Kun'lun, while his mother is an American Wendell married. The family goes back to the homeland of his father for a visit, a place Daniel doesn't understand or care for, Tragedy happens and Daniel finds safety in Kun'lun.

It is pretty obvious which people know who Iron Fist is and those that don't.

Also we are likely going to have this problem with Dr. Strange unless they are smart enough to have a lot of the students there be multiracial.

D. Strange is a white guy though? im confused by your post?


I don't know, but I don't think everyone in here has actually read Iron Fist.

Duckroll had a good post about this in the other thread.

He basically said that because the fictional world depicted in Iron Fist comics is just that - fictitious and fantastical on top of it - Rand really doesn't need to be white. Whatever race you go with, you're going to be telling a fish out of water story because of the circumstances. They may as well cast Asian because their white guy quota is filled with DD.

I haven't read any Iron Fist myself, but I don't think the argument above is too unreasonable.

Edit: And yeah, in the year of our lord 2015, the White Savior trope should be avoided at all costs.


Online Ho Champ
I meant available to the MCU. Also, is X-23 Asian? She's a Wolverine clone, not even a half clone as far as I know. Psylocke is still popular? When was her last solo book? Daken and Morph are not as big as Danny as a character or a Marvel IP.

Yeah but don't act like they're ever going to headline a show. Are you really trying to argue any of those characters has any likelihood of being as big in the MCU as Iron Fist?

Iron Fist is a big comicbook especially in its initial run along side Luke Cage and Shang Chi...but as far as bringing those characters to film. Who's to say which will be the biggest/ most impactful? I mean look at the MCU vs Fox who are in possession of the most popular comicbook of the last 40 years...and maybe the biggest team book of all time the X Men. Their smedium success is proof enough that what you are before the film doesnt mean everything. I mean come on Batman , Superman, Spiderman and the Xmen have all bombed before, while Cap, Iron Man, Thor, and GotG have all prevailed in some way.

I don't think pedigree is going to matter now that some studios (marvel/ WB /TV) realize they can bring the core themes of the material to another medium and be successful more successful than anticipated. I could see Shang Chi being huge on TV or film, not to mention his story builds up the MCU lore in general which is alwys great.

Heroes for Hire???


Can any one from ComicGAF tell me if Shang Chi has actually been part of any good stories in marvels publishing history? He seems like a quick cash in for 70s Brucesploitation films. As somebody that has grown up on marvel I feel like that guy is a low d-lister.

Shang Chi like Ironfist will wane and wax in appearences. He was recently in Avengers, taught Spiderman Kung Fu, was in a good run of Heroes for hero.
Duckroll had a good post about this in the other thread.

He basically said that because the fictional world depicted in Iron Fist comics is just that - fictitious and fantastical on top of it - Rand really doesn't need to be white. Whatever race you go with, you're going to be telling a fish out of water story because of the circumstances. They may as well cast Asian because their white guy quota is filled with DD.

I haven't read any Iron Fist myself, but I don't think the argument above is too unreasonable.

Edit: And yeah, in the year of our lord 2015, the White Savior trope should be avoided at all costs.

insert any other race of the character then you will get the same "white savior" trope...? if you have an asian guy it will be "asian savior" trope etc.


Duckroll had a good post about this in the other thread.

He basically said that because the fictional world depicted in Iron Fist comics is just that - fictitious and fantastical on top of it - Rand really doesn't need to be white. Whatever race you go with, you're going to be telling a fish out of water story because of the circumstances. They may as well cast Asian because their white guy quota is filled with DD.

I haven't read any Iron Fist myself, but I don't think the argument above is too unreasonable.

Edit: And yeah, in the year of our lord 2015, the White Savior trope should be avoided at all costs.

Rand being white and standing out features wise from the rest of Kun Lun is a part of the story.


See that is how good marvel is, they got you thinking an obscure comic like Guardians was always Triple AAA. Thanks for proving my point

Is that what I said? Guardians characters haven't been "obscure" in Marvel comics since 2005 and they're not even exceptionally popular in the comics now after the movie. Get you fucking facts straight.
D. Strange is a white guy though? im confused by your post?

Actually I think Dr. Strange would be awesome if played by an Indian man.

I know, I know, that's sacrilege. But I think Sendhil Ramamurthy (who played Mohinder Suresh on Heroes) would look great with the necessary facial hair and white temples. Logically there's nothing wrong with a little more representation as long as the acting and overall product are great. For example, I loved the new Ben Urich in Daredevil, even though he didn't "look" like the Ben Urich I know from the comics.

I will still have an emotional reaction to stuff I'm personally attached to, like Johnny Storm, but I'm an adult, not a man-child. If the performance works, it works. And if there's a little more diversity at the cost of someone not looking EXACTLY like they did in the comics, then I'll get over it.


Is that what I said? Guardians characters haven't been "obscure" in Marvel comics since 2005 and they're not even exceptionally popular in the comics now after the movie. Get you fucking facts straight.

So what the problem is? Marvel can make anything pop now, based on name alone. Doesn't matter if the character was popular in comics or not.


insert any other race of the character then you will get the same "white savior" trope...? if you have an asian guy it will be "asian savior" trope etc.

You don't understand the trope.

Rand being white and standing out features wise from the rest of Kun Lun is a part of the story.

It's an adaption. Some stuff is gonna change no matter what. If he's a stranger in a strange land - doesn't know their history or their customs - that's more interesting and more valuable to the writers. His looks not being radically different is easy to discard.


Bitches love smiley faces
insert any other race of the character then you will get the same "white savior" trope...? if you have an asian guy it will be "asian savior" trope etc.

Uh, but it's an asian culture?

It's uncommon to see another minority become the "savior" of another minority. It's pretty common if the savior is white.

Think of it in terms of things like the white man's burden and colonialism. The Mighty Whitey trope is basically a white guy coming into a culture and saying he's better than anyone in their culture than they are.


But what if they made Danny an Asian-American who had no knowledge of his roots. While that would be Kun-Lun and the other mystical cities in the show, it would mirror the actual plight that many Asian-Americans who have grown up in America share. It would be an interesting story that is made more powerful by the change in ethnicity, without making him a stereotype.
Agreed, I do think this is a much more interesting approach to the material than simply "guy who looks different."
insert any other race of the character then you will get the same "white savior" trope...? if you have an asian guy it will be "asian savior" trope etc.

There is no Asian savior trope. You can't just make stuff up man.

And while there is a white savior trope in relation to cultural appropriation over non-western cultures, it's especially egregious when it comes to western takes on Asian culture. Does no one but me remember American Ninja?


They can make Rand female, black, Hispanic, Arabic, etc. But to make him Asian would be beyond baffling. The fact he isn't Asian, that he is different than the rest in looks is part of his story.

Absolutely no chance Marvel makes him Asian. It's as likely as casting a male for Captain Marvel.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
True, but he's not as relevant anymore. I'd kill for a Netflix Original Shang-Chi show but I think I'd be a fool to expect it anytime soon. Maybe after Phase 3.

he's so irrelevant that he's currently in the Avengers
There is no Asian savior trope. You can't just make stuff up man.

And while there is a white savior trope in relation to cultural appropriation over non-western cultures, it's especially egregious when it comes to western takes on Asian culture. Does no one but me remember American Ninja?

why can't there be an asian savior trope? it has an asian character being more superior to everyone else and saving the day..just like the white savior trope


So what the problem is? Marvel can make anything pop now, based on name alone. Doesn't matter if the character was popular in comics or not.

The problem is not all properties are considered equal, either in quality or likelihood of having a major adaptation. You're talking like it doesn't matter because marvel is just as likely to make a Shang-Chi Netflix series some time soon as they are Iron Fist. They're not equivalent properties.


The problem is not all properties are considered equal, either in quality or likelihood of having a major adaptation. You're talking like it doesn't matter because marvel is just as likely to make a Shang-Chi Netflix series some time soon as they are Iron Fist. They're not equivalent properties.

Maybe movie wise, but not for a tv show
Uh, but it's an asian culture?

It's uncommon to see another minority become the "savior" of another minority. It's pretty common if the savior is white.

Think of it in terms of things like the white man's burden and colonialism. The Mighty Whitey trope is basically a white guy coming into a culture and saying he's better than anyone in their culture than they are.

so a white guy can't be good at something that's origins come from PoC

so i'll use my Magnus Carlsen example again...white guy (Norweigian) best chess player in the planet of a game that's origins are of India is he appropriating the game then?
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