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Sonic 3 is the best 2D sonic game, right?

Gunstar Ikari

Unconfirmed Member
You know, I see people bring up Wacky Workbench a lot when they talk about not liking Sonic CD. That's fine and all, but then I question why they never mention the bad zones in the others games like:

Marble Zone
Labyrinth Zone
Metropolis Zone
Marble Garden Zone
Sandopolis Zone

I find all of these to be far worse than Wacky Workbench.

The only one of these that comes close IMO is Sandopolis Act 2. Wacky Workbench is easily the worst Genesis-era zone, and would be the worst 2D-styled zone altogether if not for some Game Gear atrocities and Classic Planet Wisp in Generations.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.

I also like Wacky Workbench. Some levels try my patience more than others, but I think Metropolis Zone is the only classic stage I really loathe.


I've been replaying all the Sonic's myself lately, Sonic CD is hands down the worst game. The level design is just nonsensical and it's really when stuff started to go wrong for the franchise. Figures it was the first mainline entry without Hirokazu Yasuhara.

For me it goes Sonic 2 > Sonic 3 > Sonic > Sonic CD, but the first three games there are so close it's not even really worth arguing over. Sonic CD is just bad in comparison to any of them.


Marble Zone is super easy, and overall the parts that require to slow things like pushing a block are not that much, and if you really master the game, lots of parts could be done quick which is really gratifying

Yea my point is that it Marble Zone might've caught some first time players by surprise, by being really different from Green Hill so early on.
Sonic 3 No
Sonic 3 and Knuckles


I've always thought the first three Sonic games are basically similar variations on the same basic theme; I could easily call each my personal favorite on any given day. The music in Sonic 3 & Knuckles puts it over the top for me more often than not though.

That said, all the music in every Sonic game since the original can't hold a candle to Marble Zone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDUvUASHkDg

Always takes me right back to that Christmas morning when I got a Genesis with Sonic The Hedgehog as a pack in.
The only one of these that comes close IMO is Sandopolis Act 2. Wacky Workbench is easily the worst Genesis-era zone, and would be the worst 2D-styled zone altogether if not for some Game Gear atrocities and Classic Planet Wisp in Generations.

At least Wacky Workbench doesn't last long, especially if you know the best route to go through them. All of the zones I listed take forever to get through even when taking the best routes.

And with the exception of Metropolis Zone (and even then, barely), I don't find the music for any of these zones appealing, either. But I absolutely dig this funky song from Wacky Workbench, even though it comes from the inferior US soundtrack.



This stack of lock-on technology beats any other stack in the thread, I think. That one "Game Genie" vacuum cleaner thing is pretty creative, though. Has that been posted here?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sonic 2 and Sonic CD are my favorites. The visual style adopted for Sonic 3 is also kind of ugly.




Has to be for me. Incredible soundtrack, they used the Sonic 1 sprite as the base (I disliked the changes they made to the sprite in numbered games starting from 2), it still felt fresh and Japanese in influence, it had no companions (never got the love for Tails) and it wore its cheesy heart on its sleeve (TOOT TOOT SONIC WARRRIOR)

To be honest - I found 3 a bit dull and generic. The soundtrack was pretty good if I remember but the sprite was a bit fat, the action a little slow, the Knuckles story meh and artistically just a tad bland.



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sonic 2 > Sonic 1 > Sonic 3 & K > Sonic CD

The entire Genesis trilogy was amazing. I thought Sonic CD was pretty lacking though
I actually used to feel that way, but after putting a lot of time into Sonic CD, I've come around. It's a really good game.

The updated port is the best way to play it, though, as the original SegaCD version has a lot of technical problems.

Also, my 2 year old son LOVES Sonic CD. He comes running up to me with the controller regularly wanting to play.

they used the Sonic 1 sprite as the base (I disliked the changes they made to the sprite in numbered games starting from 2)
Really? I actually thought the sprite work in Sonic 2 was the best in the series.


I actually used to feel that way, but after putting a lot of time into Sonic CD, I've come around. It's a really good game.

The updated port is the best way to play it, though, as the original SegaCD version has a lot of technical problems.

Thats the thing though, I have it on PS3, but everytime I get to Wacky Workbench I just stop. I don't know whether I get bored around that time or that crappy level makes me ragequit.


It's easily Sonic CD. Spend some time with it, learn how to play it and you'll find a really rewarding experience. You don't play it like a regular Sonic game, there's a much bigger emphasis on exploration. Not only finding the time travel signs and the generators, but finding the best place to do a run without stopping is satisfying.


they used the Sonic 1 sprite as the base (I disliked the changes they made to the sprite in numbered games starting from 2)

and this too.


I'm replaying the Genesis Sonic games on Steam. My order is:

Sonic 3&K > Sonic 2 > Sonic 1

Leaving out CD since I haven't replayed it yet.

Sonic 1 seems to be more of a straight up platformer with less emphasis on speed. That's okay, but I find the later games to be a more fun mix. Marble Zone, Labyrinth Zone, and the final zone are pretty annoying since there doesn't seem to be much you can do to speed them up. It's just a boring slog. Sonic 2 refined the graphics, music, and controls quite a bit and the levels are more interesting. The bonus stages suck, though. I can't see what's coming around all these twists and turns, the low framerate makes it hard to watch and Tails makes me see red.

Now let me gush a little about why I love 3&K:

- The graphics, music, and controls are improved even more.
- The two acts are more differentiated and offer more unique gimmicks. I especially love that act 2 now has its own variation on the stage theme.
- The split second shield is great since it allows a skill-based way to take out spiked enemies without just waiting around for them to become vulnerable.
- The elemental shields add some variety to Sonic's moves, which is great because...
- The game is long as hell.
- I love the slightly more cinematic approach they took. Sonic 2 felt like a sequence of stages until Sky Chase Zone, whereas 3&K feels like an enormous adventure with an actual story and characters, yet it's told without dialogue and without interrupting the gameplay much at all.
- Speaking of, some of the setpieces are awesome. The wall of death in Hydrocity Zone, the snowboarding, the Lava Reef (mini?)boss, Hidden Palace Zone, the fight with Knuckles followed by Robotnik stealing the Master Emerald, and the unforgettable final confrontation in Doomsday Zone.
Absolutely. Best music, best levels, best graphics, best special stages, multiple playable characters, Hyper Sonic, some semblance of a consistent world... it's pretty damn good.


Sonic 3 is one of the best platformers ever made. The music is phenomenal, level design is great, visual design is great, perfect controls, tons of variety, and great physics. I have played this game since I was 5 years old and have revisited it many times sense then. The amount of alternate routes in the levels make it a unique experience every time you play through, you can play a level tons of times and still find something new.

Sonic & Knuckles I feel doesn't have as many routes as 3 does, but it does up the challenge considerably. I don't like the music in Knuckles as much but honestly it is still an amazing soundtrack and I love all the tunes from it. There is only moment that I feel isn't perfect in each game, Sonic 3's Carnival Zone moving Barrel, and S&K's sand slide (where you have to switch tracks).

To me they are as perfect as a game can get. Sonic 3 and Knuckles combined into one is my favorite game (along with Link's Awakening and Pokemon Red/Blue). When people try to tell me that Sonic games are only good cause "they are about speed" it annoys me endlessly, all the classic games are amazing but the last 2 to me are just perfection in great game design all around.

Bonus points for anyone who understands how to access the screen my avatar is from.
Sonic 3 is the worst Genesis/CD Sonic game for me. I've never really liked 3's soundtrack... well outside of Hydrocity Zone. Carnival Night Zone was the most generic and awful sounding music I've ever heard in a Sonic game. It has the worst stage in all of the Genesis Sonic games ( Sandopolis Zone Act II ), and neither Marble Garden Zone nor Carnival Night Zone are much better. Sonic 3 also has the worst special stage in the series too.

Sonic > Sonic 2 >>> Sonic CD >>>>> Sonic3&K


Absolutely. Best music, best levels, best graphics, best special stages, multiple playable characters, Hyper Sonic, some semblance of a consistent world... it's pretty damn good.

It's amazing how far a simple framing of "you make your way through Angel Island to a giant waterfall, where Knuckles flips a switch and drops you in the water, now you're in Hydrocity Zone" goes to make the game feel like you're traveling through a connected world.


I tried to play Sonic 3 a good number of times and always liked the look of it. I just felt it was more platform-y and slower than Sonic 2, but I never played more than a couple of levels of it since I never owned the game. I've always been in the Sonic 2 camp. Never really liked the first one, not even as a kid.
Sonic 2. Most creative levels, better design, and the best boss fights.

I don't really think this is true on any counts, to be honest. Sonic 2 starts with Green Hill Zone Again, then it peaks with Chemical Plant, then the rest of the game is a drag. Seriously, I can't really be bothered with anything after Casino Night... Hill Top is just blue Green Hill + lava, Metropolis is bland and overlong, Oil Ocean is just there... I'm not into it. But, that's just me - a lot of people love it.


Either Sonic 1 or CD for me- both of those games are so wonderfully 90's and unique, at the time I had never seen anything like them, CD's bizarre soundtrack (euro/Japan version) in particular really stood out for me.

I remember writing off sonic 3 as being more of the same thing with weird looking graphics when I first played it (and I got stuck on the stupid barrel thing in carnival night and stopped there) and I had already moved on from Sonic to the donkey kong country trilogy at the time. I did start to appreciate the game much more when I bought sonic jam- Sonic 3 & knuckles is probably one of the greatest platformers ever made- but still not quite as exciting as playing Sonic 1 or CD for the first time.
I don't really think this is true on any counts, to be honest. Sonic 2 starts with Green Hill Zone Again, then it peaks with Chemical Plant, then the rest of the game is a drag. Seriously, I can't really be bothered with anything after Casino Night... Hill Top is just blue Green Hill + lava, Metropolis is bland and overlong, Oil Ocean is just there... I'm not into it. But, that's just me - a lot of people love it.
I'm with you there, once I get into Hill Top Zone I just tune out, while I generally enjoy all of the zones in 3&K.


It's amazing how far a simple framing of "you make your way through Angel Island to a giant waterfall, where Knuckles flips a switch and drops you in the water, now you're in Hydrocity Zone" goes to make the game feel like you're traveling through a connected world.


But yea, the world felt connected, even the intro with Sonic arriving on Angel Island was a nice touch.
Only Sega system I owned was Game Gear so I never got to play this..

IO loved Sonic Chaos though, and if it's somehow similar, I should play it!


The sonic ds games were the best sonic games ever. Before that i thought sonic 3 was the best game.
/end of thread.


I love Sonic 2's level design a lot more, even Metropolis (It's long, but it still has some good variety), but I have to admit the extra content in Sonic 3 and Knuckles probably makes it the better game. It never felt too short, which is one hell of an accomplishment for a Sonic game.


If you play Sonic CD like you play Sonic 1, 2 and/or 3 (& Knuckles), I can understand why one would dislike it. Or feel a bit confused over it, at least. It really is the odd one from the classics. But the game really shines if you try out the time attack mode. That perfect enemy placement. Mmmm.

It's also my favorite since the day I played it.
Sonic CD for me

I understand it's kind of the black sheep of the 2D classics, but I think encouraging exploration rather than "just going fast to the right" makes for a more fleshed out game, and the past/present/good future/bad future twists made replays more interesting.

Best thing about the game is the soundtrack however, its far and away the best of the 2D Sonics in that regard.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
^ just remembered another reason why Sonic 3 vanilla is objectively inferior... Yellow socks?? C'mon, Knux.

Fortunately, S3&K wipes this travesty from existence.


Gameplay-wise I would probably have to agree with the OP (except with the addition of the Sonic & Knuckles add-on, as many have pointed out).

At the same time I always find myself thinking that Sonic 1 remains the most pure and magical when it comes to aesthetics and its ability to be an icon for the Mega Drive / Genesis as a whole. Maybe it's because of the stronger Greek undertones also found in other early games such as Columns and Altered Beast, or it could be because of the "Mario Kart-effect" where the first game always tends to leave the strongest impression (has this ever been proven as being true by the way?).

Regardless, even for a mostly Nintendo-spoonfed child I couldn't ignore the charm and lure of Sonic 1, while Sonic (2 and) 3 didn't really catch my attention until much later when I was able to adopt a more objective view on games. Take that as you will.
Sonic CD is hands down the worst game. The level design is just nonsensical

If you're playing it left to right, sure. If you're playing to win, then no, it's an intricate, revelatory masterpiece. I could write an essay about the brilliance of that game's levels. But I won't, because that would be stupid.

For the record, Sonic CD is a game I used to think was garbage, coming from S3K, Sonic 2, etc. I thought it was a point-missing, confusing mess. After a while I actually tried to get Good Future on each act and realised it was pure genius. It's a wonderful game.


S3&K > Sonic CD (only with the JP/EU soundtrack though, US one is atrocious) > Sonic 2

Don't see a reason to play Sonic 3 standalone, other than maybe to play the boss in Launch Base Zone as Sonic/Tails.
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