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Sony: Dedicated fans keeping Vita from getting shelved

Expected that they'd considered shelving it at some point, but it's very reassuring to know that the possibility of that happening (At least anytime soon) appears to be off the table in their eyes. Seeing as they've already announced at least one major title as far out as 2015 for it (Soul Sacrifice 2), I'm prepared to believe they're serious.

tl dr: Fatherbrain am cry + VITA'S ALIIIIIIVE!!!!


I like to how Fergal mentions the price cut, but fails to say anything about the price of the f*cking memory sticks.

I know several people who own and love the Vita, but the amount of content they're purchasing off of PSN is stifled by the fact that they refuse to pay the absurd price for a big memory stick. The Vita--which I adore--is NEVER going to have a shot at finding its legs until SONY gets with the program on the memory stick pricing, end of story.


The situation was that dire? That they'd shelve it already? Goddamn.

Well if the people that do have it weren't as vocal about it, they would have sold even less than they have now. If after 18 months on the market they'd only managed to shift half as many units as they have I wouldn't have been surprised if they had canned it as so many people seemed to wish would happen.


nice. it's such a wonderful system. i buy games i'd be unlikely to try on other platforms because i love playing on vita.


I love my Vita. I've used it more then any other console in the past year. My game mix is about 50-50 digital/retail. PS+ for the system has been great too.

I'm happy to hear Sony hasn't given up on it - the system is fantastic. I'm really looking forward to PS4 remote play and Gaikai.

EDIT: I do wish for a couple of games in the system tho, like a true dungeon crawler and a full 3D ARPG....and I would kill for a Resident Evil 4 port.

If you meant a Wizardry-style dungeon crawler, Demon Gaze is being released by NISA next year.

I love the hardware, and I have a solid collection of games already. Honestly, I'd be pretty happy just to have more Japanese games localized. My biggest disappointment would be a repeat of the giant list of PSP JRPGs that never made it here.


Just started playing Rayman origins (got it for free from PS+). God damn. It is gorgeous, like seriously all the different colours just pop on the OLED. Amazing game as well, couldn't put it down. Ill never give my Vita up, so nether should you sony!


if this thing does actually manage to perform some sort of comeback due to either Vita TV or PS4 streaming, it will be one of the greatest judo flips in console history


Went to Taco Bell last night to see if they were selling the PS4 Big Boxes yet. No, but the GM starts telling me about the promotion and mentions that he won one of the Vita bundles (how a manager won a contest I didn't ask). He said he has 2 young kids so his wife yells at him when he plays video games so he's only played it for 30 minutes total and was selling it for $120. He said I was the first person he told and he hadn't put it up online yet.

It was really, REALLY hard not to rush out the door and go get the money right then. Hell, I'm still considering it this morning. I've got lots of games because of PS+. But I just dropped $300 for a WiiU. ugh....


The sales of the Wii U lead me to believe differently.

Wii U's remote play isn't required by Nintendo, I think less than half the games on the system actually use it. Also, it's a very limited remote play option, where with the Vita, as long as you have a strong wifi connection, you could go anywhere in your house, and even outside of your house in some cases.


How things have changed. I remember when it was revealed and there was plenty claming this would be the handheld which would end the domincance of nintendo and how the 3DS was doomed etc etc. Now its hanging on for dear life.
Vita doesn't seem to be selling well, but almost all people who have a Vita seem to like it. And people who like Vita, REALLY like it. I would be interested to see some updated software attach rates. I imagine thy are quite high.


i'll never understand the insane dedication some people show towards this thing

It's just a slick, beautiful piece of equipment with some great games to play on it. Sleep mode, instant access, etc... It's my most played and favorite platform right now...


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
You'd send your Vita flying against the ceiling playing that game. :p

Hahaha. Ouch.

More like "Persona 4 kept the system from being shelved."

Whatever it takes to get Gravity Rush 2. Whatever it takes.
These statements are all so true it hurts. I'm an advocate for PS Vita Skygunner.
Maybe they should shelve it. Focus purely on PS4 and PS3. That's Sony's strong point anyway.
No no no no no. They need to shelve the PS3 and throw more at the Vita. There's life in this console yet! It's a fantastic piece of extremely comfortable and well made hardware. And I'd have to think that the Vita and VTVs success will determine Sony's streaming and overall Playstation strategies going forward. And I want those ideas.
I call BS.

Internet people can swear by it all they want, if people don't buy it it's gone. They are just saying nice things so the super fans feel good


The sales of the Wii U lead me to believe differently.

Your comparing apples to oranges. The Wii u is not selling well (PS4 preorder indications indicate that it will sell extremely well). The Wii u is also offering graphics on par with the current generation so the excitement factor of getting to play games with a graphical fidelity higher than the current gen on a portable device is simply not there.

The Wii U also lacks many of the social interaction features that the PS4 has, making the desire to continue playing off-TV much higher. What I mean by this is the trophies, and the friends lists showing who completed what sections of a game and trying to beat your friends times / scores. I also believe you can jump into your friends games while playing remotely on the Vita (may be wrong).


Wii U's remote play isn't required by Nintendo, I think less than half the games on the system actually use it. Also, it's a very limited remote play option, where with the Vita, as long as you have a strong wifi connection, you could go anywhere in your house, and even outside of your house in some cases.

You know I don't understand this. I mean, it's a big part of the console since it is mandatory with every console bought so why not make it mandatory for every game to use it (e.g. PS4)? Do exactly like Sony did and have it natively in the console so by default it is supported.

Just seems weird to me that remote-play is a big thing for WiiU but with Sony it's just there and they implemented it 100x better than Nintendo did.
We understand the drawbacks - it's a bit expensive, also people expect multi-functionality on high-end mobile and portable devices, the content is expensive and a lot of people are used to getting free or cheap apps.

Please don't misunderstand the system's main drawbacks: expensive memory and not enough exclusive software. I'd say when everything is boiled down, these are the main two issues. As it happens, get more killer software on there and other issues will become less important. Exclusives, naturally.
It's really true. I feel like anyone I've come across with a Vita absolutely loves the thing. I know I spend a good amount on PSN because I never had a PS1 or PSP, which they must love.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Went to Taco Bell last night to see if they were selling the PS4 Big Boxes yet. No, but the GM starts telling me about the promotion and mentions that he won one of the Vita bundles (how a manager won a contest I didn't ask). He said he has 2 young kids so his wife yells at him when he plays video games so he's only played it for 30 minutes total and was selling it for $120. He said I was the first person he told and he hadn't put it up online yet.

It was really, REALLY hard not to rush out the door and go get the money right then. Hell, I'm still considering it this morning. I've got lots of games because of PS+. But I just dropped $300 for a WiiU. ugh....
Waiting for a confirmation bias?
Go buy it. You'll love it more than your WiiU, if not immediately then in the near future. There'll only be more games coming out for it soon. I'll consider buy a WiiU
or at least my own controller
when Super Smash comes out. And not a moment before.

I call BS.

Internet people can swear by it all they want, if people don't buy it it's gone. They are just saying nice things so the super fans feel good
Nothing wrong with making the hardcore feel like they're single handedly responsible for keeping a massive product alive world wide. And it'd be in their interests to do so even if it wasn't true. That attach rate isn't going to build itself. And no, it's not just Internet People Syndrome. The 3 friends I have that have Vitas all reinforce every stereotype. They all have P4G, they all Love it and play it more than their current gen consoles, and they most likely all own over 10 games each for it. Steroetypes exist for a reason.
You know I don't understand this. I mean, it's a big part of the console since it is mandatory with every console bought so why not make it mandatory for every game to use it (e.g. PS4)? Do exactly like Sony did and have it natively in the console so by default it is supported.

Just seems weird to me that remote-play is a big thing for WiiU but with Sony it's just there and they implemented it 100x better than Nintendo did.
Well, Nintendo coins it "Off TV Play" but yes, it's very badly implemented. Not only do barely half of the media apps support it, most games font support it. I think it's a case of developers not compensating for using the Gamepad for more than just UI. And apparently, indie games that use the feature will have a stronger case on the E-shop.


i'll never understand the insane dedication some people show towards this thing

It's a wonderful piece of hardware. Seeing something this good to die is not on my to-do list, at least in the next 5 years.

Reality, I had much more fun playing games on Vita than on 3DS, but that's my own personal taste. I know not many people buy this thing, but for people who already made a purchase that I know, I haven't seen a single discontent with it.


Hopefully some good news. I got mine at launch and played all the games I wanted and then abandoned it and I'm not a fan of indies or old ps1 games (I'd have bought both if I felt like the physical library was good). I really hope they do something great with it game wise. The vita should stand as a good system without ps+ or the ps4, which I don't think it does.

If they fix the situation, I might get one again...used though never new.


they're both great systems. if you can afford both, go for it! they libraries complement each other well imo.

Just don't buy an EU/AU 3DS, the waiting time for the games is horrible. I really love my 3DS, but the games is just not there, where is SMTIV? RF4? EO:Millennium Girl etc. If I had to say anything that would be that EU 3DS is lacking games...

My Vita on the hand is getting nice games every month due to my JP PSN.

For me, right now, the vita has more games I like, but that's just my opinion.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Now if they'd only make some fucking games for it...

What have you done?!



Got a used vita from my nephew a month back for $90 with PSABR (meh game, I'm selling it for pokemon).

I've yet to play a single PS+ freebie, the games I bought where Sonic All Star Racing (best handheld kart racer ever), UMvsC3 on sale (for a casual player this works PERFECTLY on a handheld where battles are super quick and fast paced plus DEM COLORS), Soul Sacrifice on sale (it's OK) and guacamelee on sale (very, very fun).

Already beat all of them except SS and am gonna finally play Uncharted and Gravity rush soon. It's a great little handheld and now I feel like I'm portbegging everytime a new game is announced lol (give me SC2HD namco and your excused from making a vita exclusive ok?...please?)

My only wish was that it would be able to play PS2 games.


Hyperbole. They're not going shelve millions in r&d and dev costs without making an effort to sell the thing. Vita was slow seller because it's expensive and people weren't as attracted to the games it was offering. It is a lot more competitive now.


Now if they'd only make some fucking games for it...

The system has plenty of games and plenty of great games. People need to quit saying this cause it is simply not true.

I would make a list but don't feel like it right now...I'm sure someone else could / will.


How ironic would it be if the PSVita dies? Like Obi-Wan said: Expect the unexpected, Sony. They should be careful next time and release a PSMors...

It's a great device though. I only sold mine because there were no good games available back then. Now I'm tempted to get either this or Vita TV.


The system has plenty of games and plenty of great games. People need to quit saying this cause it is simply not true.

I would make a list but don't feel like it right now...I'm sure someone else could / will.

I think people mean no great exclusives or games that make it worth their while to buy. Gravity Rush was the only one I thought was exceptional.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
You know I don't understand this. I mean, it's a big part of the console since it is mandatory with every console bought so why not make it mandatory for every game to use it (e.g. PS4)? Do exactly like Sony did and have it natively in the console so by default it is supported.

Just seems weird to me that remote-play is a big thing for WiiU but with Sony it's just there and they implemented it 100x better than Nintendo did.

Because Wii U console is built differently. There is a reason why vita is largely limited to just remote play and not act as a 2nd screen.
The Vita TV and it's price would have been extremely appealing to me, if there was at least a couple of games that interest me. But there aren't. I guess Ninja Gaiden S2 uncensored is kinda cool and... that's it.
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