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Sony Hackers: We won't release any more info now that Sony has scrapped THE INTERVIEW

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How is a cyber attack against a private corporation an act of war? Get real, dude

“The world will be full of fear”, “Remember the 11th of September 2001. We recommend you to keep yourself distant from the places at that time. (If your house is nearby, you’d better leave)"

This not not only a thread against Sony. It's a thread against america, too.
Well Sony got exposed a bit, and looks like shit (Hollywood does, period). They desperately want to hide shit now instead of come clean. The truth will set you free, they could make money off of this movie but now they are afraid of what they said in their emails. So funny.


"Don't release the movie or = 9/11 all over again" is a terror thread by terrorists.
Ordered by NK.

This not not only a thread against Sony. It's a thread against america, too.

No it's not. Any yahoo online can make a threat. If we took every anonymous threat as "act of war", there'd be a whole lotta wars!


No it's not. Any yahoo online can make a threat. If we took every anonymous threat as "act of war", there'd be a whole lotta wars!

the difference is that it is a threat coming from a foreign government rather than a yahoo online
No it's not. Any yahoo online can make a threat. If we took every anonymous threat as "act of war", there'd be a whole lotta wars!
Yes it is!
They're threating ordinary citizens with terror acts.
All this thanks to NK. This is a terror act.
Terror acts are an act of war for me.
Doesn't mean we have to respond with missles and bombs. Of course not.
Still, it is what it is.


This was not anonymous and they had already carried out some of their threats.

This is anonymous. We suspect the NK govt. but they have publicly denied having any hand in this. You can't start shouting about war based on suspicion of making threats!


This whole thing is silly. It's not like anyone, outside of a SELECT few, in NK can even USE the internet, let alone watch this film...so why all the fuss? Why not just say to your people, "the great Satan, the United States of America, tried to release a film depicting the death of our dear and glorious leader, but we prevailed and destroyed them upon the heavenly battlefield of glory that is the internet". Case closed. NK would never be the wiser and none of this shit would have happened.

Instead, the theaters and studios pussied out and NK is going to end up with even more sanctions.
Was the film (a fiction) really that bad for North Korea? Really?

Instead of hacking Big Oil or GMO Companies they hack fucking SONY over some fictional movie about Kim Dzong Un?

WTF get a life hackers.


Was the film (a fiction) really that bad for North Korea? Really

It's stupid but imagine the uproar if our president was killed in a NK comedy. Folks would be screaming bloody murder. The hacking isn't justified but I believe their outrage is
Has it hit torrents yet? I keep checking daily
It's interesting, because it looks like the leaked ending was from an awards screener, which implies digi copies in the wild. So someone outside of Sony's got this. Must be someone trustworthy, without a 14-year old son to leak it for everyone I guess?
It's stupid but imagine the uproar if our president was killed in a NK comedy. Folks would be screaming bloody murder. The hacking isn't justified but I believe their outrage is

People wouldn't be screaming body murder. We probably wouldn't be able to see the NK movie. Or the majority wouldn't give a shit about a piece of fiction from NK.
My worry isn't terrorists blowing up movie theaters ( I have a hard time believing NK could pull that off). My worry is the film being shown, and NK nuking South Korea, sending the world into WW3.


It's interesting, because it looks like the leaked ending was from an awards screener, which implies digi copies in the wild. So someone outside of Sony's got this. Must be someone trustworthy, without a 14-year old son to leak it for everyone I guess?

The ending was being sent back and forth for editing within Sony, attached to emails, so that's how that leaked I believe.
My worry isn't terrorists blowing up movie theaters ( I have a hard time believing NK could pull that off). My worry is the film being shown, and NK nuking South Korea, sending the world into WW3.

Sorry, but how would this lead to WW3? You really think China/Russia will take the side of NK when it uses a nuclear bomb on SK? Because of a movie.

I mean, really?
Yeah, unethical business decisions are way more important than terrorism, threats of mass murder, and the security of your most basic human rights!

Am I allowed to say "Fuck you" to people on NeoGAF?

Oh, I'd also like to offer the same sentiment to everyone who is more concerned about condemning the victim of terrorist threats than addressing the actual issue,

Who is going to be murdered? Obama said go to the movies for a reason.

Still, I have no issue with theaters pulling out of screening the film and Sony canceling it for that reason. Is it giving the terrorists what they wanted after a likely empty threat? Sure, but its always better safe than sorry when talking about human lives.

But now that has been avoided, I can't have much sympathy for leaks that paint a massive company in a negative light. If these hackers thought that some of this information is really so big that it might scare Sony Pictures from releasing the film, then we have some reason to think it may be damning information. I'm not going to ignore that. If the information that they were talking about was personally destructive to innocent people, then I'm obviously looking at this the wrong way and I fully hope such a situation and leak can be avoided.

But sure, fuck me, whatever.


You're more optimistic than me.

This movie has too much baggage. And the threats remains in place.
The threat remains regardless. If they listen to there demands, sometime down the road when Sony does something else they don't like, out comes this threat again. You can only blackmail someone so long before they say damn the consequences.
We have no good reason to believe Sony did this to keep more info from coming out. Firstly Sony pulled it after theaters decided not to show it on the 25th, and secondly trusting a group and holding back a movie would be dumb on Sony's part.

I'm not just talking about the decision to pull it out from theaters, but their follow-up announcement that they won't have any more comments about the movie. It's not for certain, but they appear to be abandoning it altogether. If they were only worried about movie theater safety, you'd think that they would have stopped at just cancelling the theatrical release.

And, yeah, it would be dumb for Sony to trust them and hold back the movie. They should just leak it or release it to NetFlix or something, which really makes me wonder why if they don't.


President Barack Obama said Friday that Sony Pictures Entertainment "made a mistake" by nixing the release of a comedic film after the company was hacked and received cyber threats.

"Sony's a corporation. It suffered significant damage. There were threats against some of its employees," he said "I am sympathetic to the concerns that they faced. Having said all that, yes, I think they made a mistake."

In a year-end press conference, Obama said that he wishes Sony had spoken to him before deciding to back down on the film "The Interview," which depicted a plot to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. "I would have told them 'Do not get into a pattern in which you're intimidated by these kinds of criminal attacks,'" he said.

"That's not who we are," he said. "That's not what America's about."
I find this somewhat ironic considering your unwavering stance that press should be able to publish whatever they wanted from the leaks but Sony is seemingly not able to choose to pull their movie

You've either completely misunderstood my arguments or are intentionally distorting them.

When did I say Sony shouldn't have the ability to pull their movie? Of course they should be able to. However, that doesn't mean that it wasn't a terrible decision on their part, because it clearly was.

And I stand by my previous arguments about the media. One hundred percent.

Nice try. Good effort.
Sony Hackers: We won't release any more info now that Sony has scrapped THE INTERVIEW.

then. . .

Apparently Montreal is going to show the film anyway..

Can't tell if Satire

Your move hackers. . .
Just heard an ad spot on CNN, Fareed Zakaria will interview Michael Lynton (Sony Pics CEO) Sunday at 10 am on Sunday. Should be interesting to hear what he has to say, we've heard nothing but silence from them directly in the last few days.


Just heard an ad spot on CNN, Fareed Zakaria will interview Michael Lynton (Sony Pics CEO) Sunday at 10 am on Sunday. Should be interesting to hear what he has to say, we've heard nothing but silence from them directly in the last few days.
What day is the interview happening?

I wonder what information Sony is scared of being released. It has to be something big.


Just heard an ad spot on CNN, Fareed Zakaria will interview Michael Lynton (Sony Pics CEO) Sunday at 10 am on Sunday. Should be interesting to hear what he has to say, we've heard nothing but silence from them directly in the last few days.

It will likely just be a lot of PR fluff. I wouldn't get too excited.
"And we want everything related to the movie, including its trailers [...] down from any website hosting them immediately."

I guess Sony is doomed since that has zero chance of happening.
What day is the interview happening?

I wonder what information Sony is scared of being released. It has to be something big.
This Sunday 10am (et) ...I like Fareed's interviews, he tends to get in depth. I would like to hear at least something straight from Lynton's mouth.
Wow, can't believe my luck. As a fan of Rogen and Goldberg's movies and freedom in general, I am sure glad to be living in Montreal right now.

And now to hope for the organizers to find a copy within the next month...


"And we want everything related to the movie, including its trailers, as well as its full version down from any website hosting them immediately."



Was waiting for this.

GoP's response to Sony pulling The Interview.

I Dear Mr. Michael Lynton (CEO of Sony Entertainment),

We shall first-off begin this message with an expression of sympathy as you have failed to release "The Interview" as you believe that hackers shall carry out a new operation to cause malicious damage within your organisation.

I would like to inform you that we all know the hacks didn't come from North Korea (we think everybody knows about this already).

What we would like to say is that by not releasing "The Interview", you are denying us the privilege of the Freedom Of Information Act (1966).

Unfortunately, due to your organisation panicking at first sight of trouble, we find this very cowardly of both yourself and your organisation (Sony Entertainment).

We know that Mr. Paulo Coelho has offered Sony Entertainment a sum of $100,000 for the rights of the movie; where he shall then be able to upload the movie onto BitTorrent.

Obviously, you shall not be responding to his generous offer - so please respond to ours with a public conference, we wish to offer you a deal...

Release "The Interview" as planned, or we shall carry out as many hacks as we are capable of to both Sony Entertainment, and yourself.

Obviously, this document was only created by a group of 25 - 30 Anons, but there are more of us on the internet than you can possibly imagine.

We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not forgive,
We do not forget,
Expect us.


you can't put a price on sparks
Wait is that Anonymous putting a toe into this telling them to release it or is GoP supposed to be Anonymous now?
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