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Sony is removing Cyberpunk from PlayStation Store


No to the first yes to the second. Skyrim should have recieved the same treatment as this on the PS3.

It's cute you guys just deflect to some other game that had issues

The only thing I'm listening is inflamatory bad comparisons with broken messes like Skyrim. Not trying to defend Cyberpunk, but those type of comparisons are stupid. I sincerelly hope cases like Cyberpunk or worse get the same treatment.
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King of Gaslighting
Is this shit really that bad? I have the physical version and plan on starting to play it on PS5 in a week or two, should I just not bother?

It is fine on the PS5. You will get the same FPS drops that PC users get however you'll have a much better experience than base PS4 users.

Remember when people made a lot of posts and a lot of threads about whether Sony or Microsoft were anti consumer? 🤭

This would not have happened if CDP/R hadn't halfhazardly thrown out a refund policy.
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You talk like "Broken" is a Black & White statement. Broken is a spectrum. How broken? Plus there have been tons of "broken" games. Ark Survival Evolved anyone?

Another one that deflects to other games. Ark is a fucking joke of a game that shouldn't even be on sale to this day on last gen. Though i'll give it slack because at the very least it's stable.

No one in there right mind would consider a product that repeatedly crashes as functional


Knock your bad self out.

You also didn't answer my question.
I don't want large companies like Sony deciding what I cannot and can buy. I get what you're saying and I know I can buy from Amazon. But you're giving way too much control to Sony when you support this stuff.

If the reaction is so great from this, who's to say they won't start pulling future games that don't politically align with policies? Not enough transgender representation? Pulled. No BLM support? Pulled.
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Why the hell is this company even public? How many game’s have they made?

I was wondering that the other day as well. TW3 must have made a fucking asston of money.

This is probably the craziest thing I've seen in the game industry in a while.

Good on you, Sony.



It’s because the sjws at Sony Don’t find it woke enough or preemptive damage control/vindictiveness when cdpr inevitably gets bought out by Microsoft. Or both.

It’s because there’s a line in the game that says not all cops are bastards. Sony sjw management won’t allow that. You may as well have restera be the suits at Sony anymore.
You can't possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?

I think the game is far from being a real unplayable though. Yeah, It should not have been released in this current state, It still needed additional months of development, the crashes are annoying, etc. But you can play and finish the game entirely; with some choppy framerate at certain moments, glitches, and low IQ, but nothing game breaking.

I have played games way worse than this, waaaaay more "unplayable", and a situation like this has never happened till now. Guess they are just doing this cause they got tired of the constant refund requests they are receiving, and all the huge word of mouth behind it.


Elektrokats said:
I don't want large companies like Sony deciding what I cannot and can buy.
So you want companies to be forced to sell things they don't want to sell, even if said selling could open them up to legal liability.

ooooooooookay then. Have fun with that ideal world of yours.
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It still works on my PS5 right now hope its not removed from your library, they probably don't want gamers taking advantage and just beating it quick and refunding it also which you know would happen.


CDPR tarnished its reputation, I think the only similar case was with No Man Sky and that was done by an indie developer.

What the fuck, in just 24 hors their reputation went to acclaim to EA tier.
The only thing I'm listening is inflamatory bad comparisons with broken messes like Skyrim. Not trying to defend Cyberpunk, but those type of comparisons are stupid. I sincerelly hope cases like Cyberpunk or worse get the same treatment.

Cyberpunk is quite honestly in an even worse state than Skyrim on last gen consoles
This would not have happened if CDP/R hadn't halfhazardly thrown out a refund policy.
Do you mean that in a good way or a bad way? The end result is good for everyone except day one suckers (no offense, but cmon this was seen from a mile away) and for CDPR.


NMS wasn’t crashing every 30 mins, running at 10 FPS and bugged to fuck. It just didn’t have much to do in game.

NMS was literally unplayable at launch if you had purchased the collector's edition.

tl;dr: Buying it gave you access to a certain item that was tied to the progression early on (literally the second or third thing you do), meaning you could no longer obtain the item the right way, and the story stalled.
Bugs are not an excuse to pull the game. You can fix bugs and it's not like they have refused to fix the game.

This is just overreacting.
They will never fix how badly this game runs on base PS4. It should have never been released on that console in the first place.
Aren't the next gen version better in terms of stability? Or maybe next gen is just as buggy.

What they could do is keep the next gen versions alive on PSN.

Oh well. That's what happens when game companies need to hit that Christmas rush, and combined with probably 90% of gamers hooked up to the net. The good old..... "don't worry gamers, just download the patch"
There is no next-gen version. It's all BC with varying settings.


Stop preordering shit people; this is exactly what can happen. I love how CDPR thinks it's somehow redeeming to admit they pushed the PS4 and XBO versions out without caring the state they were in - admitting to the crime after you're caught doesn't get you brownie points.

PS, MS, don't try this shit with Infinite; release only when it's ready.
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So you want companies to be forced to sell things they don't want to sell, even if said selling could open them up to legal liability.

ooooooooookay then. Have fun with that.
They should be holding a neutral opinion on the subject. As long as CDPR isn't outright refusing to fix the game, then it really shouldn't be that big of an issue.

But because of COVID, 2020, and other factors, people are louder than they've ever been on the internet and big things are changing in our day to day lives. Consumerism has never been this rabid before. You all need to take a break from it and go outside, exercise and maybe pick up another hobby instead of sitting inside all day and obsessing over the latest media/news or your latest $70 purchase living up to your expectations.
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Deflect? Lol, ive seen games released in much worse states. That was the point

That's called a deflection. I would have loved to see other turds like this get delisted.

It's clear as day to see the bs you lot are spewing, because you're not demanding the same treatment with other games, you're just using it as an excuse to defend CDPR
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Neo Member
Enjoying this a lot on PS5, but base console looks god awful. Probably a necessary wake-up call for other devs not to shovel their unfinished tripe and try and sneak one by consumers.


They should be holding a neutral opinion on the subject.

What part of the words legal liability is not getting through to you? Ain't no company in the world gonna sell something for long that'll get them sued and/or tarnish their brand, and you're going to be permanently disappointed if you think that's a reasonable demand.

You act if this is some ideological thing or some kind of censorship, especially with the jank-ass comparison to Twitter. This is pure business.
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Is this shit really that bad? I have the physical version and plan on starting to play it on PS5 in a week or two, should I just not bother?

Don't, wait atleast 4 months, The game is literally filled to the brim of bugs and that's just begining.
The AI of literally everything is worse than something you would see in GTA3, It feels last gen.
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