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Sony quizzed on Monster Hunter's betrayalton - 'You'll have to ask Capcom'


Blast Processing said:
Sorry, I didn't address it because I'm talking about Monster Hunter here, specifically. Nintendo did push MH3--I saw it in ads before movies in the theatre.

800k is more than I was aware of, which is nice, but MH is still hardly a phenomenon in the West. I bought Tri, and have evangelised it to friends and on my podcast, but I'd call it a middling success at best.

and you can bet they'll do the same with MH3G in the states. If the world market is the real deal as some people say, then MH has much better odds on the 3DS where people may buy the title alongside Mario Kart, long as it's properly advertised. Probably going to be much easier to piggyback on the success of a plumber vs ......I don't know what title's going to get mass appeal on Vita.
jman2050 said:
But the people interested in that game already have it. On their PS3/360.


see, this is why you guys always get shit wrong. You like Monster hunter and Japan, so you overestimate it. You don't like COD, so suddenly it's not going to have an impact. Guess which one of these two is one of the most popular franchises ever and which one won't do impressive numbers in any country besides Japan? And every NPD thread is bitter tears about how COD is popular, but Sexu Maid 3 flopped.

DS and PSP analogies are pointless-- Vita is new territory (a dual analog, console equivalent handheld.) It follows better that a console-equivalent portable will get a real COD game that makes a bigger impact than previously gimped versions. But it really comes down to the effort Activision will put in and whether Sony is smart enough to money-hat the shit out of a Vita exclusive COD game, or at least one on par with whatever console version comes out.


fly high ~ayunite~ said:
Can't Sony just moneyhat Pokemon? That would be a huge loss for Nintendo.

Nintendo should just let Sony buy them and all their IPs at a firesale price since they're going third party anyway. I doubt Mario or Pokemon would even fetch much.

On CoD - I don't know, its main audience is still in the West, and western gamers haven't really been enthusiastic about portables. Also, I still think the PSP suffered a bit because many of its big games were portable versions of bigger games on consoles - why spend extra money on a portable system and game when you're already playing its "big brother" on your TV? I mean, the GTA / GoW / FF releases on PSP all sold well, and CoD Vita will probably sell well also, but not to the levels of their console counterparts, and they didn't really seem to drive hadware adoption.


Blast Processing said:
See bolded.
1. maybe MH comes to vita at some point but it wont be this december when vita launches and at that time MHTG comes on 3ds
2. DS Vs. PSP was a fight between pokemon, mario kart, animal crossing, Dragon quest vs. monsterhunter pretty much (some Square Enix games sold well too). Now it will be pokemon, mario kart, animal crossing, Monsterhunter vs. Monsterhunter


durrrrrrrrrr said:
if only the people talking about Monster Hunter played Monster Hunter, maybe then it would have been a success in the west.

I would if they had made Lost Planet 2's multiplayer the FPS answer to Monster Hunter it made itself out to be in the demo. That had me convinced on a day-1 purchase, and I was appalled to find out the final product was just storyline multiplayer.
jgwhiteus said:
Well, to be fair, pretty much all major third-party franchises have lost their exclusivity in the past few years, and it's hard to point to any single game as being a "kingmaker" or really as significant as GAF hyped them to be: Final Fantasy, DMC, GTA, whatever. Even DQIX moving to DS didn't kill the PS3 / PSP - no one game is going to make or break a system (though there's no denying MH was a big boon to PSP).

But you add them all up, one after the other, and yes it's going to hurt the overall development eco-system. It may not be "betrayal" and the natural result of Capcom releasing its games everywhere, but having a franchise go from semi-exclusive on a portable to multiplatform on a competing portable is never a good thing.

That sounds sensible enough. No complaints here.

smision said:
it's really too early to say how big of an impact Monster Hunter will have. Worst case scenario is that PSVita doesn't get a MonHun game (0% chance of that happening unless nintendo put up some serious money hats.) But makes up for it worldwide with console-near-equivalent versions of GTA and COD. I think the who dual analog/PS3 power thing is going to be pretty seductive to people who wouldn't normally own a portable, but we'll see.

I'm not saying you're wrong, because you're right about it being too early to say how things will turn out, but I can't help but think that the bolded is a modern version of 2004 arguments in favor of the PSP. We really don't have any evidence that a near-console experience pushes hardware sales for handhelds.


walking fiend said:
fixed it.
There are a few more that are bigger.


Sky Chief

Capcom's share price fell on Tuesday after it announced that the next version in the series, Monster Hunter 4, would be offered on Nintendo's 3DS handheld, which is not seen as a likely hit with hardcore gamers. No announcement has been made about offering the new game on the PS Vita.

If this is really the case in the long run and considering, as others have mentioned, that the Vita seems to have the perfect control setup for this style of game (no need to buy a bulky add on) then I can see one of two things happening; either Capcom brings the game to Vita and makes a killing or one of the Monster Hunter knock offs made specifically for Vita takes over as top dog in Japan.


Blast Processing said:
Almost no one in the West cares a fig for Monster Hunter, and they never will. At this point Nintendo and Sony are fighting over the table scraps that are the Japanese gaming market.

MH was directly responsible for millions of PSPs sold in Japan over the last 5 years.

Not exactly table scraps.
guek said:

You seem to be admitting that japan is the most important handheld market yet still refer to it as small potatoes. That does not make sense. Sure it does. The entire handheld market is a minor consideration in the industry at large.

You're also assuming that MH will come to vita. While that might be the case, things are looking more and more like 3DS will have at least limited exclusivity. It is the case and EVERYONE knows it. It's Capcom, FFS. Limited exclusivity will mean nothing at all to other developers.

Tri:3GS is going to be exclusive for certain. Are you really saying that's not going to have an effect on 3DS sales? No, it'll sell systems, for sure. It's the next step in your logic chain that is more of hopeful assumption.

Also, PSP success hasn't translated to more western support because the PSP has been a mild success if not a moderate failure outside of Japan. That wasn't the case for the DS. DS sold like gangbusters in Japan, Japanese devs flocked to it, we then saw a ton of support for it in the west. The PSP is also big in Japan, still almost no support to speak of in the West



Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Sky Chief said:
If this is really the case in the long run and considering, as others have mentioned, that the Vita seems to have the perfect control setup for this style of game (no need to buy a bulky add on) then I can see one of two things happening; either Capcom brings the game to Vita and makes a killing or one of the Monster Hunter knock offs made specifically for Vita takes over as top dog in Japan.

That sentence is not based on reality or likely reality. While anything is possible, the 3DS has a pretty amazing core game lineup in Japan in the next 6 months or so.
Sony uncertain about MH for PSVita is lulz. MH is what made the PSP the monster it is in Japan. But this is Capcom. They are derp king. They stabbed Nintendo in the back last gen and now Sony.


AgentChris said:
Sony uncertain about MH for PSVita is huge. MH is what made the PSP the monster it is in Japan. But this is Capcom. They are derp king. They stabbed Nintendo in the back last gen and now Sony.
What? How? They gave them REmake, RE0 and PN03 exclusive. Very respectable.
muu said:
and you can bet they'll do the same with MH3G in the states. If the world market is the real deal as some people say, then MH has much better odds on the 3DS where people may buy the title alongside Mario Kart, long as it's properly advertised. Probably going to be much easier to piggyback on the success of a plumber vs ......I don't know what title's going to get mass appeal on Vita.

I agree with the potential (even with the 3DS's microscopic installed base as compared to the Wii's), but I don't think it'll take off because I think the Western market has moved too far away from dedicated handhelds in the direction of smartphones and tablets.
OrangeGrayBlue said:
I'm not saying you're wrong, because you're right about it being too early to say how things will turn out, but I can't help but think that the bolded is a modern version of 2004 arguments in favor of the PSP. We really don't have any evidence that a near-console experience pushes hardware sales for handhelds.

well, it certainly helped the PSP become the only handheld to survive a generation and thrive while up against Nintendo. But I think a lot of the console-equivalent talk about PSP got quickly capped, after seeing the kinds of compromises you have to make with the system...namely one analog, which works, but is janky (hence the 3DS Tumor add-on)


The thing about Monster Hunter 4 is that if it was being developed exclusively for the 3DS, it wouldn't have needed the extra buttons/2nd joystick. The only rational conclusion is that it was being developed for the Vita, which features those extra buttons, and that Nintendo had to come up Frankenstick to bring their hardware up to par with the game.
Smision said:

see, this is why you guys always get shit wrong. You like Monster hunter and Japan, so you overestimate it. You don't like COD, so suddenly it's not going to have an impact. Guess which one of these two is one of the most popular franchises ever and which one won't do impressive numbers in any country besides Japan? And every NPD thread is bitter tears about how COD is popular, but Sexu Maid 3 flopped.

DS and PSP analogies are pointless-- Vita is new territory (a dual analog, console equivalent handheld.) It follows better that a console-equivalent portable will get a real COD game that makes a bigger impact than previously gimped versions. But it really comes down to the effort Activision will put in and whether Sony is smart enough to money-hat the shit out of a Vita exclusive COD game, or at least one on par with whatever console version comes out.
In essence, the Vita version of CoD will still be gimped relative to the console versions due to the smaller screen, 3-5 hour battery life, dependence on Wifi hotspot or a 3G contract. Whether or not those things will prevent the bro gamers from migrating from the console versions of CoD remains to be seen but it's pretty optimistic to say that CoD will have the same impact on Vita as it did on the PS360. Especially when CoD hasn't proven to be a big seller on portables like say MH has.


Smision said:
you mean all those games they released, but nobody bought?

Aside from Zack and Wiki, Spyborgs (was that game even advertised one bit?) and Chop Till You Drop (didn't deserve to sell one copy), Capcom games on the Wii sold pretty well and they most likely made a pretty nice profit off the platform...

Dark Void, Bionic Commando and Lost Planet 2 are probably much much bigger bombs than those 3 games.
guek said:
Did you miss the part where I explained why the PSP didn't see more support outside of Japan?

And why so conveniently gloss over the DS?

You basically said the the PSP wasn't a success because it wasn't a success.

The DS was huge in the west because it was a cheap, portable Nintendo platform with a lot of games--that got it's start in the market before the rise of the smartphone.

But again, I'm here to talk about Monster Hunter and why it doesn't matter that much to the games industry as a whole. Yes, it matters. On handhelds, in Japan. How big a slice is that in the whole console/handheld pie?


EXGN said:
The thing about Monster Hunter 4 is that if it was being developed exclusively for the 3DS, it wouldn't have needed the extra buttons/2nd joystick. The only rational conclusion is that it was being developed for the Vita, which features those extra buttons, and that Nintendo had to come up Frankenstick to bring their hardware up to par with the game.

FYI. You don't need the monster to play Tri G.


So basically:

Capcom puts out a press release for MH3G saying it is going multi platform

then Shuhei Yoshida says Capcom is a multi platform company

and someone somehow thinks PSP/Vita won't have a monster hunter ever again.

Blast Processing said:
You basically said the the PSP wasn't a success because it wasn't a success.

The DS was huge in the west because it was a cheap, portable Nintendo platform with a lot of games--that got it's start in the market before the rise of the smartphone.

But again, I'm here to talk about Monster Hunter and why it doesn't matter that much to the games industry as a whole. Yes, it matters. On handhelds, in Japan. How big a slice is that in the whole console/handheld pie?

The point is, that someone who buys 3DS for MH, belongs to a certain demographic that is different than the demographic that buys 3DS for AC.

That certain demographic happens to buy other similar games on the device as well, this makes other developers who make similar games to make more games pertaining to the MH demographic and invest in their games more, as they are more certain that they will sell as there are already people who want these games.

Now, after a year or two, just because of MH, 3DS will become a house of several games similar to MH. As it happens, Nintendo's lacked in core gamers demographic (and games) the most last two gen, but merely MH can change that very quickly.

Imagine SSF being on 3DS. It was only one game, and much less high profile than MH. But it being on 3DS, meant that some people interested in fighting games went on board, not much, but not negligible. Now that they are those people on board, DOA couldn't lose the competition and so one DOA was released there not to let SSF take all the market. And now there's Tekken as well. When all said and is done, people will see 3DS as a system rich with and viable for fighting games, which is much bigger than 3DS with a mere port of SSF.
Kyoufu said:
So basically:

Capcom puts out a press release for MH3G saying it is going multi platform

then Shuhei Yoshida says Capcom is a multi platform company

and someone somehow thinks PSP/Vita won't have a monster hunter ever again.


lol, this is getting ridiculous

Cygnus X-1

Capcom announced RE4 for PS2 just some weeks before the game was due for the Gamecube.

They better not repeat this joke move.
The PSP is also big in Japan, still almost no support to speak of in the West
Umm...it's not like the DS got major Western dev support either. The fact that the biggest Western devs/pubs haven't put forth the $$$ and effort towards dedicated handheld gaming is a reason why the Japanese market is so important. So yes, doing well in Japan is important for any dedicated handheld in terms of gaming library (which in turn is going to affect the userbases outside Japan).


I'm just imagining someone planning the next MH game for the upcoming PS handheld and then they find out it has two joysticks. "We have to change the formula, NO it will not happen" Then they announce it for the 3DS, then the attachment comes. It's like they don't want the series to do well.


Cygnus X-1 said:
Capcom announced RE4 for PS2 just some weeks before the game was due for the Gamecube.

They better not repeat this joke move.
why? how would that affect the 3DS version in any way?


Kyoufu said:
So basically:

Capcom puts out a press release for MH3G saying it is going multi platform

then Shuhei Yoshida says Capcom is a multi platform company

and someone somehow thinks PSP/Vita won't have a monster hunter ever again.


Well, sane people tend to wait for an actual announcement of a real game to, somehow, confirm that the intention to release it exists at least.

As of now, no new MH game has been announced for the Vita, in the same event where 2 new games of the series where announced (and showed) for the competing console. Take it as you wish.
walking fiend said:
The point is, that someone who buys 3DS for MH, belongs to a certain demographic that is different than the demographic that buys 3DS for AC.

That certain demographic happens to buy other similar games on the device as well, this makes other developers who make similar games to make more games pertaining to the MH demographic and invest in their games more, as they are more certain that they will sell as there are already people who want these games.

Now, after a year or two, just because of MH, 3DS will become a house of several games similar to MH. As it happens, Nintendo's lacked in core gamers demographic (and games) the most last two gen, but merely MH can change that very quickly.

Imagine SSF being on 3DS. It was only one game, and much less high profile than MH. But it being on 3DS, meant that some people interested in fighting games went on board, not much, but not negligible. Now that they are those people on board, DOA couldn't lose the competition and so one DOA was released there not to let SSF take all the market. And now there's Tekken as well. When all said and is done, people will see 3DS as a system rich with and viable for fighting games, which is much bigger than 3DS with a mere port of SSF.

You are forecasting a bunch of MH clones coming to the 3DS and that making the system a success, but outside of the MH crowd, there will still be a whole lot of nobody caring. Also, during the two years you see this taking to happen, handhelds will have become that much more of a vestigial gadget outside, and even in, Japan.


Kyoufu said:
So basically:

Capcom puts out a press release for MH3G saying it is going multi platform

then Shuhei Yoshida says Capcom is a multi platform company

and someone somehow thinks PSP/Vita won't have a monster hunter ever again.


Keep the hope alive my friend.


Loonz said:
Well, sane people tend to wait for an actual announcement of a real game to, somehow, confirm that the intention to release it exists at least.

As of now, no new MH game has been announced for the Vita, in the same event where 2 new games of the series where announced (and showed) for the competing console. Take it as you wish.

Square-Enix announced and showed 2 new FF games for PS3... One of them went multi platform, the other is also inevitable heh.

Kuran said:
Keep the hope alive my friend.

Its not really hope, it is inevitability. You can't spell inevitability without vita.
Sony and Nintendo have made plenty of mistakes over the last few years.


David Jaffe: I Would Not Have Included Blu-ray in PS3 (2007)

-He was right. The PS3 has lost around $5 billion and the Blu-ray is worthless as a revenue driver.So much trouble for nothing.


-Now the PlayStation brand is a joke in America,and Sony does not have the resources to outbid Nintendo.Monster Hunter is gone,at least for a while.


-Nintendo is losing the casual gamer, to a certain extent,and is clueless about how to build a third party-friendly enviroment.

-A look at Japan shows that the Wii has the biggest system sellers in history. Moreover Nintendo's system outsold the PS3 by 3-to-1 during the first two years. Unfortunately,Wii sales collapsed in early 2009.Now, the Wii is a broken toy in the hands of the PS3.

-It is not about getting a huge game. It is about getting a steady stream of good games. Sony runs circles around Nintendo in that regard

-Monster Hunter is not going to change anything. The PS2 hardcore gamers have moved on to the PS3.

Media Create Sales (First Week)

PS3 7,004,795 ---> Tales of Xillia (PS3) 525,605

PS2 9,308,299 ---> Tales of Destiny 2 (PS2) 498,142 (*)

Wii 8,898,423 ---> Tales of Graces (Wii) 143,215

(*) Famitsu

-Moreover they don't trust Nintendo. Why they should do? Nintendo's hardware is perceived as outdated and its consoles don't have a steady stream of sofware. Of course,third party sales on Nintendo systems are pathetic.(NDS was the exception that proves the rule between 2007-2009)

Famitsu Top 30 (Dec 27, 2010 - Sep 4 ,2011)

Third Party Software Sales

PS3 3,526,172

NDS 1,725,213

3DS 1,197,362

Wii 460,699
-Of course,the 3DS will dominate the hardware sales for a while. Mario Kart,Super Mario,Pokemon,3DS Lite...maybe Monster Hunter will spurs hardware sales.

-Nonetheless Nintendo is going to get destroyed in terms of third party sales.Japanese third parties have already made their decision.Namco Bandai is leading the charge.

FY 2011-12

PS3 26 (7.8 million units)
PSP 25 (4.21 million units)
NDS 14 (2.1 million units)
3DS 17 (1.9 million units)

PS3 16 (8 million units)
PSP 11 (2.2 million units)
NDS+3DS 9 (2.4 million units)

PS3 23 (4.62 million units)
3DS 20 (4.15 million units)
PSP 6 (1.08 million units)
NDS 7 (610K)

FY 2010-11 (Unit Sales Platform Mix)

PS3 27%
PSP 20%
DS 16%
3DS 2%


FF XIII-2 (PS3) ---> 2011


FF Vs XIII (PS3)....

-Nothing can stop the PS3 at this point,which will allow Sony to create a PS3/PSV ecosystem, similar to the PS360 alliance in the West.

-With or without Monster Hunter,the 3DS is the new Wii in terms of third party support/sales.

Oh, I almost forgot (lol)

SALES-AGE: Why Wii will be getting Japanese exclusives


Wii didn't get serious support because PS360/PC install base is larger.

There aren't two other handhelds similar to PSV.

I still believe exclusives on either will be the exception, rather than rule, a year from now. I expect virtually everything to be on both.
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