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Sony quizzed on Monster Hunter's betrayalton - 'You'll have to ask Capcom'


duk said:
MH should come out on apple and droid platforms


and yes, for some reason I bought MH for IOS.

I don't know what I was thinking..



AgentChris said:
Off-topic but after so many years SCE only has 1 mega franchise and that's it. SCE should blame themselves for not creating more big time Japanese franchises; depending on 3rd parties is risky.

The sanest statement that has come off this thread. Hopefully they've learned the lesson.
kevm3 said:
I have a feeling one of the reasons it went to 3ds is so that Capcom doesn't have to spend all of that money making PS3 level assets. They will probably port it down the line to Vita with some improved graphical effects such as better AA, etc.
God I don't want sloppy seconds. PS3 owners have enough of that treatment from Capcom.
Commanche Raisin Toast said:
it's no use, save your breath.

they've already decided that they're going to return the PSV they are going to preorder in the future, when it releases in the future, and put the credit toward the future revision of the 3DS that incorporates 3 analog sticks and has games released on it that haven't even been announced yet, but they *know* will be.... in the future.

...If you threw an e-rock in this thread you'd hit someone swearing up and down that Monster Hunter is coming to Vita. I personally think it will as well, but how are the 3DS fans suddenly the ones asking for a game that isn't announced yet? Furthermore, what game are you even talking about that they're supposedly begging for?


AgentChris said:
Off-topic but after so many years SCE only has 1 mega franchise and that's it. SCE should blame themselves for not creating more big time Japanese franchises; depending on 3rd parties is risky.
How is it anymore risky than the opposite? You're alluding to Nintendo having more 'mega' franchises, and that is without question true. But Nintendo lost twice with those franchises. It didn't mean anything.

Nintendo are acting like a company circling the drain despite being the market leader, with obscene price drops and horrid cradle add-ons. They're scared of PSV, or cell phones, or whatever. They clearly aren't confident their mega franchises are going to win them anything.
OrangeGrayBlue said:
...If you threw an e-rock in this thread you'd hit someone swearing up and down that Monster Hunter is coming to Vita. I personally think it will as well, but how are the 3DS fans suddenly the ones asking for a game that isn't announced yet? Furthermore, what game are you even talking about that they're supposedly begging for?

obviously you're not a golfer :)
StuBurns said:
How is it anymore risky than the opposite? You're alluding to Nintendo having more 'mega' franchises, and that is without question true. But Nintendo lost twice with those franchises. It didn't mean anything.

Nintendo are acting like a company circling the drain despite being the market leader, with obscene price drops and horrid cradle add-ons. They're scared of PSV, or cell phones, or whatever. They clearly aren't confident their mega franchises are going to win them anything.

We're still discussing portables..right?

Much better than being complacent
Based off comments from Sony Computer Entertainment Japan president Hiroshi Kawano, it looks like Monster Hunter 4 really is a 3DS exclusive. During an interview following Sony's pre Tokyo Game Show press conference, Reuters Japan asked Kawano if a new Monster Hunter will be released for Sony systems. "At present, there is no talk of a new Monster Hunter coming to PlayStation," replied Kawano.


What a mess. Sony needs to fire everyone in their third party relations division.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
StuBurns said:
Nintendo are acting like a company circling the drain despite being the market leader, with obscene price drops and horrid cradle add-ons. They're scared of PSV, or cell phones, or whatever. They clearly aren't confident their mega franchises are going to win them anything.

Well this strikes me as a damned if you do, damned if you don't type of argument. What would you and others be saying if Nintendo was doing nothing in the face of disappointing initial sales? As far as the cradle add on, that is looking more like another GAF exaggeration.


DaSorcerer7 said:
We're still discussing portables..right?

Much better than being complacent

Exactly. Anyway, their own franchises saved Nintendo more than damned them. When you have little third party support you have to fall back on your own properties. What we are watching here is whether or not Sony can do the same.

And now back to discuss MH.
x3r0123 said:
"at present" is the keyword. Who knows what might happen down the road

There should already be one in the works, but Sony is bullshitting around for some reason. They're going to be in for a rude awakening if they honestly think their PS3 strategy is going to work on the Vita.


schuelma said:
Well this strikes me as a damned if you do, damned if you don't type of argument. What would you and others be saying if Nintendo was doing nothing in the face of disappointing initial sales? As far as the cradle add on, that is looking more like another GAF exaggeration.
The point was, the sales wouldn't be disappointing if Nintendo's mega franchises alone meant they would 'win'.

Didn't Iwata say in his letter they needed to cut the price or they believed 3DS would fail? The price cut is a clear indication they know (as should anyone on GAF) that a first party line up will not win you a platform 'war'. It never has.

Personally outside of the cradle, I think Nintendo are doing exactly what they should be doing, and there is practically no chance of them 'losing'.


AgentChris said:
Off-topic but after so many years SCE only has 1 mega franchise and that's it. SCE should blame themselves for not creating more big time Japanese franchises; depending on 3rd parties is risky.
PSP was Sony's first handheld, and creating a new IP requires time and money; not to mention it's risky. Most of their WWS are concentrating on the PS3 right now and have created a lot of new IPs this gen. PS3 was in a critical condition when it launched and that's why their entire effort went in bolstering its library. Things will definitely change with the Vita though.

Sure, the 3DS will smoke Vita in sales because its cheaper and that's a given, but if Sony quickly adjusts to market changes, and keeps on constantly releasing new games for the Vita; like the PSP is getting at this stage in its lifecycle (Japan), it should do fine. Right now the big mistake I feel was missing the holiday period. It would have given the Vita a solid install base boost.
StuBurns said:
How is it anymore risky than the opposite? You're alluding to Nintendo having more 'mega' franchises, and that is without question true. But Nintendo lost twice with those franchises. It didn't mean anything.
Just because 1st party franchises/IPs aren't everything doesn't mean they mean nothing. It's just a (more reliable) slice of the metaphorical pie.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
StuBurns said:
The point was, the sales wouldn't be disappointing if Nintendo's mega franchises alone meant they would 'win'.

Didn't Iwata say in his letter they needed to cut the price or they believed 3DS would fail? The price cut is a clear indication they know (as should anyone on GAF) that a first party line up will not win you a platform 'war'. It never has.

Personally outside of the cradle, I think Nintendo are doing exactly what they should be doing.

Ok, I think I get your point now.


SolidSnakex said:
There should already be one in the works, but Sony is bullshitting around for some reason. They're going to be in for a rude awakening if they honestly think their PS3 strategy is going to work on the Vita.

Seems like they are banking on hardcore games from niche publishers this time around. The list of games for Vita from the PR is filled with studios I've barely heard of. I still fully expect a MH port or a different MH from Capcom down the line on Vita. The 3DS ones were revealed a while after the console launched. The series is already on PS2, PC, 360, Wii, PSP, PS3, iOS and 3DS. I really don't see why there won't be one on Vita.


Based off comments from Sony Computer Entertainment Japan president Hiroshi Kawano, it looks like Monster Hunter 4 really is a 3DS exclusive. During an interview following Sony's pre Tokyo Game Show press conference, Reuters Japan asked Kawano if a new Monster Hunter will be released for Sony systems. "At present, there is no talk of a new Monster Hunter coming to PlayStation," replied Kawano.

Well maybe that finally puts an end to the bullsh...

x3r0123 said:
"at present" is the keyword. Who knows what might happen down the road

Nope, lets just kick the can down the road and let the stupidity continue I guess.
Vamphuntr said:
Seems like they are banking on hardcore games from niche publishers this time around. The list of games for Vita from the PR is filled with studios I've barely heard of. I still fully expect a MH port or a different MH from Capcom down the line on Vita. The 3DS ones were revealed a while after the console launched. The series is already on PS2, PC, 360, Wii, PSP, PS3, iOS and 3DS. I really don't see why there won't be one on Vita.

That's if Nintendo really didn't moneyhat the entire series. They've already said that they don't have any problem doing that. I'll be perfectly honest, Sony shouldn't have even bothered with the Vita if they weren't going to be doing the same. There's no way that they can compete with Nintendo's first party plus the moneyhats that they're handing out for major third party titles if all they're just going to rely on their first party titles and whatever third party developers decide to put on their systems.
x3r0123 said:
"at present" is the keyword. Who knows what might happen down the road

If they wait too long and the fanbase moves over to the 3DS then they've seriously hurt themselves. MH has helped the PSP a lot.


Little Green Yoda said:

Its ridiculous really. Getting there anyway, there is both recent precedent (MH3 Wii exclusivity) and word from Sony themselves, along with common sense (where in the hell were the announcements for this Vita MH game? What happened to the 3rdHD launch title that was promised, yet mysteriously vanished, and didnt even appear on the release window list for the Vita? Can you say, sudden moneyhat?) that gives reason to believe Nintendo bought an exclusive here.

Its really time to dead this nonsense.


SolidSnakex said:
There should already be one in the works, but Sony is bullshitting around for some reason. They're going to be in for a rude awakening if they honestly think their PS3 strategy is going to work on the Vita.

From the outside it looks like Sony fucked up badly, but we don't know what happened. The obvious thought that came to mind is that Capcom asked for an amount and Sony told them to fuck off, looking at how important the MH franchise has been for PSP the amount must have been pretty special. For all we know Yoshida might have been the one to say no and used the money to expand their first part. The amount of DQ IX and MH3 advertising here in the UK was amazing, even beat SMG2 so Nintendo will have paid a pretty penny for both franchises. Again this is looking at things from the outside but seems fairly logical considering Sony don't actually have any huge first party games for Japan.

I dunno but again Capcom must have asked for a pretty penny. Perhaps for that amount Sony were able to fund the likes of LBP Vita, Wipeout etc which Sony think would be the better option?.....??? Anyway this rules out me getting to get a Vita, will get a 3DS once we get the revision.


x3r0123 said:
"at present" is the keyword. Who knows what might happen down the road


That's fantastic logic :-D

Who knows? Maybe nintendo will somehow BUY sony? At present, they have no plans to. At present.

I kid, I kid. In all seriousness though, yeah, I expect MH to be on Vita sometime in its lifetime. Who knows when though.


StuBurns said:
The point was, the sales wouldn't be disappointing if Nintendo's mega franchises alone meant they would 'win'.

Didn't Iwata say in his letter they needed to cut the price or they believed 3DS would fail? The price cut is a clear indication they know (as should anyone on GAF) that a first party line up will not win you a platform 'war'. It never has.

Personally outside of the cradle, I think Nintendo are doing exactly what they should be doing, and there is practically no chance of them 'losing'.

I think the main idea being presented is that having a stable of high-selling IPs gives a fallback option for worst-case scenario. They continued making money during the N64/GC in no small part because the games that DID sell on those systems were theirs.

Being able to rely on that source of income and on the money already generated also allows you the flexibility to address problematic situations swiftly and easily, like, say, slashing the price on your marquee handheld device months after release to encourage market adoption while you have no real direct competition in the market. Sony certainly couldn't have done that with the PS3 5 years ago, that's for sure.


thefil said:
I wonder what the situation is outside of the top ten for third parties.

Takuya said:
If the target MH audience has no interest in any other game on the platform prior to MH4, they do not need to purchase a 3DS until the release. And when that time comes, nobody knows if 3DS will still be the only platform for which the game is available on. That was the point of my post.
But that's a ridiculous assumption to make, with TriG coming out this holiday.


SolidSnakex said:
That's if Nintendo really didn't moneyhat the entire series. They've already said that they don't have any problem doing that. I'll be perfectly honest, Sony shouldn't have even bothered with the Vita if they weren't going to be doing the same. There's no way that they can compete with Nintendo's first party plus the moneyhats that they're handing out for major third party titles if all they're just going to rely on their first party titles and whatever third party developers decide to put on their systems.

Sony also hasn't shyed away from moneyhats in the past: their publishing deal with Squaresoft back in the PS1 days cemented the Playstation 1's reign, for example.

I don't know if they have decided to back away from those policies (unlikely, I think) or if they're simply not in a position to do so (more likely). Their financial position was significantly affected by the costs associated with the succesful revival of the Playstation 3.
People are in shock simply because they never HAD to see a desperate Nintendo before.

Guess what people Nintendo can moneyhat too. Sony at this point can be confirmed as the worst moneyhatters in the biz...maybe they don't even bid, like its a "we don't negotiate with terrorists" policy.
theBishop said:
Did anyone take the guy's advice and actually ask Capcom?

lol was right about to post this.

i know it's already been mentioned, but i wish there was a log of all the times a game company has said "no plans" because they just didn't want to announce something yet. the other side of that coin is how long it sometimes takes for those things to actually come to fruition lol


Cipherr said:
Its ridiculous really. Getting there anyway, there is both recent precedent (MH3 Wii exclusivity) and word from Sony themselves, along with common sense (where in the hell were the announcements for this Vita MH game? What happened to the 3rdHD launch title that was promised, yet mysteriously vanished, and didnt even appear on the release window list for the Vita? Can you say, sudden moneyhat?) that gives reason to believe Nintendo bought an exclusive here.

Its really time to dead this nonsense.
This thread is made for that kind of discussion, what else do we need to talk about? How awesome seeing the same aoashira with 2 new moves in negative PSP textures is in a game that isn't even coming out in the west (for as far as we know) on a region locked system? Yeah let's talk about that in a topic with a OP about Sony responding to the betrayatlon.


wsippel said:
It centers on the monster when you hit the L button, but the camera won't stay focused on the monster. It's not lock on at all.

well that's a lot better than what i initially understood.

i suppose that's to compensate for those who don't want to use the add-on stick?


SolidSnakex said:
That's if Nintendo really didn't moneyhat the entire series. They've already said that they don't have any problem doing that. I'll be perfectly honest, Sony shouldn't have even bothered with the Vita if they weren't going to be doing the same. There's no way that they can compete with Nintendo's first party plus the moneyhats that they're handing out for major third party titles if all they're just going to rely on their first party titles and whatever third party developers decide to put on their systems.

I think it's a bit early down to throw the towel. It seems the fate of the 3DS and Vita is dramatically altered after every news. Vita is already getting a Final Fantasy. Granted, it's a port but it still bode well for the future. How can we predict that there won't be a new hot seller down the line? We also have to keep in mind that Sony seems to be trying to seduce the west a bit more this time (like Capcom is trying!)

When the 3DS was announced the only huge franchises it had were the Nintendo games, a Metal Gear Port, Resident Evil, Street Fighters and Kingdom Hearts. Vita is not even launched and has Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Ports and the Sony games (Uncharted, Wipeout, Toro). Let's wait for 5-6 months after launch to see what will happen.


Opiate said:
Sony also hasn't shyed away from moneyhats in the past: their publishing deal with Squaresoft back in the PS1 days cemented the Playstation 1's reign, for example.

I don't know if they have decided to back away from those policies (unlikely, I think) or if they're simply not in a position to do so (more likely). Their financial position was significantly affected by the costs associated with the succesful revival of the Playstation 3.

Well the SCE of the 90s is not the SCE of today. So much of their management has shifted and changed since then. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the company also isn't as strong as it used to be. I get the impression that they're very splintered as a company at the moment.

Also, didn't iwata make a very bold statement awhile back specifically talking about moneyhatting?
Sony needs to fire everyone in 3rd party relations. Plus get a new CEO; Stringer sacrificed PlayStation for Blu-ray and sat back as Kutaragi burned through billions... derp.


Jokeropia said:

Thank you. I guess the DS still had a stronger 3rd-party ecosystem then the PSP in the long run.

At this point the Vita might be legitimately threatened then with the top selling third-party title at the very least cross-platform and past momentum against it.

On a silly side note, it's fun to observe this from the perspective of someone who has no intention of purchasing either platform in the near-term and thus no loyalties. For anyone saying that MH will either will not or will come to Vita, remember that there is nothing but circumstantial evidence to support either claim.


Anerythristic said:
People are in shock simply because they never HAD to see a desperate Nintendo before.

Guess what people Nintendo can moneyhat too. Sony at this point can be confirmed as the worst moneyhatters in the biz...maybe they don't even bid, like its a "we don't negotiate with terrorists" policy.

Sony published Tekken 1 and Final Fantasy VII/VIII as "gifts" to Namco and SquareEnix, and those games played pivotal roles in the advancement of the Playstation 1.

It is almost never true that "moneyhats" literally mean just giving some company millions of dollars and saying "make this game for us." Even in the few cases where something similar has happened (e.g. GTAIV), it's not rationally distinct from, for example, paying for the company's advertising.

For example, I could give you 10 million dollars, and then you could go out and spend 10 million dollars advertising the game you made on my platform exclusively. Or, I could pay for your 10M dollars in advertising, if you'll make the game exclusive to us. In both cases, the financial transaction is identical; my company gives 10 Million dollars in assistance to your company.

That's how this usually works, and Sony has clearly done this historically (as stated above) and also recently (multiplatform games which nevertheless only advertise the PS3 version on TV).


Vamphuntr said:
When the 3DS was announced the only huge franchises it had were the Nintendo games, a Metal Gear Port, Resident Evil, Street Fighters and Kingdom Hearts. Vita is not even launched and has Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Ports and the Sony games (Uncharted, Wipeout, Toro). Let's wait for 5-6 months after launch to see what will happen.

The key part of that sentence is "Nintendo games" which by themselves shift the scales in their favor.


jman2050 said:
I think the main idea being presented is that having a stable of high-selling IPs gives a fallback option for worst-case scenario. They continued making money during the N64/GC in no small part because the games that DID sell on those systems were theirs.

Being able to rely on that source of income and on the money already generated also allows you the flexibility to address problematic situations swiftly and easily, like, say, slashing the price on your marquee handheld device months after release to encourage market adoption while you have no real direct competition in the market. Sony certainly couldn't have done that with the PS3 5 years ago, that's for sure.
The only reason Nintendo could afford to cut the price of the 3DS, is it was a rip off price anyway. Sony couldn't cut the price of the PS3 because they were losing hundreds of dollars per unit on it. Nintendo are done with 3DS price cuts now, for marketing movement, it's over. It's practically the price of a DSi already, and it's cheaper than a PSP. Sony however don't have some huge profit on PSV units. They can't slash prices after a few lack luster months.

While I did say I think other than the cradle Nintendo are doing it right, the price cut I think was premature. They should have launched a little lower, but they could have kept the price in place till the holiday, cut less off, bundled Mario Kart or something. I really believe it would have blown up, and at a higher price.

It's what makes this whole cradle/monhun thing so strange. It feels like they threw this together in a matter of months, and maybe they did. Because if they knew they had monhun locked down, they had no reason to cut the 3DS price at all. It seems like they'd do one or the other, either slash the prices, or send dumper drucks of cash to Capcom HQ. Doing both seems really costly to me. But if it kills Sony, it'll be worth it for them no doubt.


Vamphuntr said:
I think it's a bit early down to throw the towel. It seems the fate of the 3DS and Vita is dramatically altered after every news. Vita is already getting a Final Fantasy. Granted, it's a port but it still bode well for the future. How can we predict that there won't be a new hot seller down the line? We also have to keep in mind that Sony seems to be trying to seduce the west a bit more this time (like Capcom is trying!)

When the 3DS was announced the only huge franchises it had were the Nintendo games, a Metal Gear Port, Resident Evil, Street Fighters and Kingdom Hearts. Vita is not even launched and has Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Ports and the Sony games (Uncharted, Wipeout, Toro). Let's wait for 5-6 months after launch to see what will happen.

Yeah, that's well said. Even with all this doom and gloom over the vita, lots and lots of people are pumped for it. If not for the price, I'd say it's a shoe in to blow up in the west. We'll see how it does though, it could still do gangbusters.


guek said:
Well the SCE of the 90s is not the SCE of today. So much of their management has shifted and changed since then. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the company also isn't as strong as it used to be. I get the impression that they're very splintered as a company at the moment.

Also, didn't iwata make a very bold statement awhile back specifically talking about moneyhatting?

Yes, the two plausible explanations you've given are the two I outlined. Either Sony has changed -- which again isn't likely, as they're still going out and paying for companies to advertise the PS3 version exclusively, even if the game is on other platforms, indicating their continued willingness to pay third parties for favors -- or they simply aren't in a financial position to make moves like this. The latter explanation does seem more likely to me, because the PS3 generation has been enormously costly for Sony.

And yes, Iwata explicitly stated that they'd invest in third parties.

Opiate said:
Sony also hasn't shyed away from moneyhats in the past: their publishing deal with Squaresoft back in the PS1 days cemented the Playstation 1's reign, for example.

I don't know if they have decided to back away from those policies (unlikely, I think) or if they're simply not in a position to do so (more likely). Their financial position was significantly affected by the costs associated with the succesful revival of the Playstation 3.

The whole thing just blows my mind. They've done everything right with the Vita up to this point. It's extremely easy to develop for, it has two analog sticks, multiple other functionalities for controls, it's apparently region free, and they even hit a pricepoint that people were happy with. But despite that they managed to screw up acquiring games even though that's the most important thing at the end of the day.

Vamphuntr said:
I think it's a bit early down to throw the towel. It seems the fate of the 3DS and Vita is dramatically altered after every news. Vita is already getting a Final Fantasy. Granted, it's a port but it still bode well for the future. How can we predict that there won't be a new hot seller down the line? We also have to keep in mind that Sony seems to be trying to seduce the west a bit more this time (like Capcom is trying!)

When the 3DS was announced the only huge franchises it had were the Nintendo games, a Metal Gear Port, Resident Evil, Street Fighters and Kingdom Hearts. Vita is not even launched and has Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Ports and the Sony games (Uncharted, Wipeout, Toro). Let's wait for 5-6 months after launch to see what will happen.

The 3DS had two RE's, a new Kingdom Hearts, Layton, and Layton vs. PW all announced before it was released. Those are all exclusive and they're all major series. Sony doesn't have a single major exclusive third party series (for Japan) announced for the system right now.


StuBurns said:
The only reason Nintendo could afford to cut the price of the 3DS, is it was a rip off price anyway. Sony couldn't cut the price of the PS3 because they were losing hundreds of dollars per unit on it. Nintendo are done with 3DS price cuts now, for marketing movement, it's over. It's practically the price of a DSi already, and it's cheaper than a PSP. Sony however don't have some huge profit on PSV units. They can't slash prices after a few lack luster months.

And people say Nintendo has no business sense :p


FoneBone said:
..........you can't be serious.
Yes, I'm serious. They have every IP Japan cares about, and they're the same price as the platform that has none? They would have creamed Sony.
Opiate said:
Sony also hasn't shyed away from moneyhats in the past: their publishing deal with Squaresoft back in the PS1 days cemented the Playstation 1's reign, for example.

I don't know if they have decided to back away from those policies (unlikely, I think) or if they're simply not in a position to do so (more likely). Their financial position was significantly affected by the costs associated with the succesful revival of the Playstation 3.

That was when they were first breaking into the games business, had no first party outside of previously making SEGA CD games from movie titles under their Sony Imagesoft name. They had to money hat during the PS1 days or the Playstation brand would have never taken off.

Sony has said on many occasions that they will not money hat games... or as Jack Tretton's own words "to bribe" a company to make games for them. So of course he was full of it because there have been many examples of them doing it after he said it but I think they don't want to... they don't have the cash to... but know they need to to be competitive.
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