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La corda d'oro -Blue Sky- Episode 8

Jinnan and Kyoya's crew put on a great show. Tohgane moment playing was one of the best scenes
and the father acknowledging him finally

I loved how we went to the blue sky, best episode yet.

Link Man

Mekakucity Actors 7


Kano is amazing.

...as is the concept of Ene being trapped in a phone.

Oh wow, this got really good in the second half.
I hate Shirou in the sense that he is like his dad but didn't get shit done and he wasn't very smart...

High schoolers gonna high school, but yeah I agree. Being steadfast in your ideals is great and all but comes off painfully stuckup and idiotic if you're not doing anything with it besides spouting "I BELIEVE!"

Edit: Oh yeah Rin/Illya, I went there
It will alteast be better than the original anime of F/SN that much is guaranteed. However without Urobuchi involved this does question the dialogue between characters (which F/Z succeeded in) as its now back in the hands of Nasu.
The original F/SN anime was so fantastic that it put me off the entire Fate franchise for life.


Genuinely if fsn didn't feel like such a "weak male character surrounded by beautiful deadly females" harem I wouldn't have disliked it as much.

"No Saber you can't use your mastery of swordfighting and broken magical abilities against other power magical foes to protect me and save my life because you're a girlllll. I'll protect you instead with nothing because Y chromosome bitches!"


"No Saber you can't use your mastery of swordfighting and broken magical abilities against other power magical foes to protect me and save my life because you're a girlllll. I'll protect you instead with nothing because Y chromosome bitches!"

She needed to slap that shit down.

Instead she went to the kitchen and learned how to love.
The issue was that Shirou didnt work for his ideals. Kiritsugu went through hell with a squirt gun covered in cuts and having salt and lemons rubbed on his wounds as batman killed his parents so he could get his ideals. Shirou is just a dime a dozen boring self insert bland Shonen protagonist with world peace ideals.

Fuck that guy. With a rusty rake.
You people are really making me want to continue Fate/Zero with all this talk about the characters. I dropped it after episode 1 because I didn't think I could handle another beat-down by Urobuchi's Goldion Hammer of feels at the time.

But now almost a year has passed since then, and it's on Netflix, so...I guess I could give it another shot. If I do, I'm gonna keep my expectations low.

expectations are what caused my hatred of Madoka Rebellion, so perhaps it will hit me in the feels less if I expect the worst outcome imaginable.


It could have been worse. It could have been the Tsukihime anime...

*insert "what Tsukihime anime" joke here*

I kind of liked the Tsukihime anime - I had no real awareness of the VN when it started, and it had a vaguely interesting story. I bought the DVDs many years ago but sold them without rewatching - why am I supposed to hate it, again? Lack of faithfulness to the source? It wasn't exactly high budget as I remember but it had its moments.
You people are really making me want to continue Fate/Zero with all this talk about the characters. I dropped it after episode 1 because I didn't think I could handle another beat-down by Urobuchi's Goldion Hammer of feels at the time.

But now almost a year has passed since then, and it's on Netflix, so...I guess I could give it another shot. If I do, I'm gonna keep my expectations low.

expectations are what caused my hatred of Madoka Rebellion, so perhaps it will hit me in the feels less if I expect the worst outcome imaginable.

Don't blaspheme against the gospel that is Madoka Rebellion you heathen.

But in all seriousness, Fate/Zero != Madoka Magika in any way, shape, or form. Granted it has feels but these feels are not from
lolis dying
but instead from clashing ideologies.

Dropped. Nothing about any of it is doing anything for me. The story is uninteresting, characters are bland and the techno-babble just seems like the writers pulling stuff from their ass. And the protag's non-nonchalant attitude while he does everything amazing that no one else can do drives me up the wall.

I'm not sure what to think of ufotable's FSN adaptation. My only experience with the fate franchise is FZ and I liked it, but from what I've heard about FSN I don't have much confidence that it will be as good.
Mahouka 08

I can get behind the idea of a school tournament (though a tournament as the second arc feels a little quick), but the middle stretch of this episode had my brain tuning out partway through. Soccer match - discussion about bloomers - [magic theory that goes on] - I can fly!. I'm sure these books are popular for a reason, but all this minutiae of the universe leaves the characters feeling a little dry. And there are a lot of characters. I'm sure all these magic spells and possible applications will come up, but that is a lot of information to lay out.
Well the books are filled with a LOT of information , it's really crazy. especially in teh first arcs. thank fully the writter learned to tone down this a little.
Don't worry , you have this whole arc to see and understand all those new concepts

No I'm not thinking it backwards. What you listed above constitutes what should be in arc but what I've stated is that the first arc of Black Bullet already had essentially a majority of what it introduced already wrapped up already in a definite manner within the fourth episode. Take the first arc of something like Index, its first arc was executed as a lead-in to further arcs yet concluded its own arc-centric problem which was done without resolving main overarching themes introduced. With Black Bullet, as I've stated before, the main problems introduced with a prominent built-up villain have already been resolved in such a short timeframe.
No sorry it's just a matter of what you wanted // what you got.
At least you're aware that there are still things they need to take care and that not everything is solved. Black bullet is not responsible for your misexpectations about itself
Well of course its not the end of a long running anime because its only been 4 episodes, that's the point. The argument I'm bringing forth is that it was executed as such. Take episode 4 of Black Bullet and compare it to the endings of Railgun, Fate/Zero, SAO (ew), etc. Said episode is executed eerily similar to the endings of each one of these animes and similar ones in how much it had built up and how it concluded. Hence why I feel it is of a rushed nature.

The climax of all the arcs in Ln / adaptations are similar ? YOU DON'T SAY.
I hope you didn't watch "strike the blood" since it follow the exact same pattern every 4 episodes.
Trully black bullet fault that it want to end their arcs on a high note.Just like everyone does.
Heck Index does it too. Seriously it's nothing that isn't done to death in various LNs made into anime. Railgun anime would do it too if the anime wasn't dumbed down by boring fillers left and right.


I really liked the OP to the Tsukihime anime - used it as my alarm for years (though I now use chiptune Go My Way).

I have nothing otherwise constructive to add to the Type-Moon anime discussion.
No sorry it's just a matter of what you wanted // what you got.
At least you're aware that there are still things they need to take care and that not everything is solved. Black bullet is not responsible for your misexpectations about itself

So it's suddenly now wrong of me to hold anime up to a certain standard of storytelling? If Black Bullet was advertised as something like Gurren Lagann or Kill la Kill then maybe I can forgive it. But since it wants to be taken seriously then I will critique it seriously by taking other like-themed animes as comparisons, is that so wrong?

The climax of all the arcs in Ln / adaptations are similar ? YOU DON'T SAY.
I hope you didn't watch "strike the blood" since it follow the exact same pattern every 4 episodes.
Trully black bullet fault that it want to end their arcs on a high note.Just like everyone does.
Heck Index does it too. Seriously it's nothing that isn't done to death in various LNs made into anime. Railgun anime would do it too if the anime wasn't dumbed down by boring fillers left and right.

The problem is ending its first introductory arc on a "high note," if Index decided to end its first arc with Touma 'Touma-punching' Aleister Crowley and the Catholic Church simultaneously then yeah I would have the same problem of being it rushed, except it didn't.
Don't blaspheme against the gospel that is Madoka Rebellion you heathen.

But in all seriousness, Fate/Zero != Madoka Magika in any way, shape, or form. Granted it has feels but these feels are not from
lolis dying
but instead from clashing ideologies.

Sorry, but until a sequel comes out that fixes the mess that Madoka Rebellion made, I will continue to hate it. I don't have anything against people who like it though.

Fate Zero talk, oh, so it's like a fantasy Gundam then? Pointless war, clashing ideals, etc? I think I can get behind that. Still though, it's Urobuchi, so my expectations will still be set.

Link Man

What did he do this time
Was it the hair

Well, right after getting his name changed to Zeppeli (a name change already?), it seems he posted a thread about a video, without having first watched the video. The title made the situation seem much worse than it was.

This is going by speculation earlier in the thread:

So, what did Zeppeli formerly known as Sorairo do this time that got him banned?

Mostly likely this thread


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Episode 8
Alright this is the best episode since episode 2, polnarf(?)'s fight was actually pretty great and I wasent even expecting much from it, the animation was top notch for it, I really liked it, and that twist at the end, plus how awesome yet somehow creepy joseph's power is is enjoyable.
When kako was checking on everyone when they were trying ot figure out about the fly in episode 3, I knew something seemed sinister about it.


Nisekoi - 20 END

Chitoge-sama is truly the most stunningly radiant girl of Nisekoi.

Nobody can compare to the divine goddess that she is.

It seems you can put lipstick on a pig. Or in this case ape.

Wonder if we'll get more or whether thats it and people will be left to get the manga.


I'll see, but even the best produced series in the world can't draw someone in if it's not what they're looking for. I'm not trying to be too much of a downer, I just know where my tastes generally lead me.

I doubt you need to worry. It has everything good about FSN with more adults and less teen angst. Its drawn better. It has a superior Rider. It has a bunch of cuties and best girl Waver.

Rin is alright except for the times she's around Shirou. Then she just drops 100 in IQ and acts like a dumbfuck.

But everyone does that. Its called "the Shirou effect"

So Sorairo was banned for a third time? He's only been here since February, hasn't he?

Is it permanent?

I really hope not but he is tempting fate :(
So it's suddenly now wrong of me to hold anime up to a certain standard of storytelling? If Black Bullet was advertised as something like Gurren Lagann or Kill la Kill then maybe I can forgive it. But since it wants to be taken seriously then I will critique it seriously by taking other like-themed animes as comparisons, is that so wrong?
It's an LN to Anime adaptation !!
What were you expecting ?? A bones project ? a IG production ?A kyoto animation original IP ?
Thank to their source material , all LN to anime adaptation work by arcs. Why ? because they need to keep the readers occupied.It's different when you're a romance story like golden time for example , but if you're in the action territory , a climax per arc is the standard.

The problem is ending its first introductory arc on a "high note," if Index decided to end its first arc with Touma 'Touma-punching' Aleister Crowley and the Catholic Church simultaneously then yeah I would have the same problem of being it rushed, except it didn't.

Touma ends each of his arcs punching the current vilain , it's always the same thing.Everyone is punched ...equally , mercilessly .... if you're the vilain , you get punched dammit , that's how index is. Accelerator , the strongest ESPER ALIVE ? Punched . every magician ? punched. All of god hands ? punched . Every gremlin operative ? punched .
Seriously. i'm not even joking , it's how each arc in index is.
Aleister ? He is not set as the vilain yet. But when he will , you can bet he will be punched too.

You're acting as if , with this episode 4 the entire set of problems in Black bullet is solved when it isn't.
How about watching the second arc , before making those assumptions ?
You refuse to admit that the guy in black bullet was just maybe one guy, one vilain and the more will come afterwards in other arcs. Not only he was never set to be the main vilain, but the franchise itself already moved on, that's how it is.he was never meant to be a recurring guy ?

Wait maybe he is not , and the your entire point about things being over is wrong
or maybe he is , and you were wrong about him being so important in the first place.


It has everything good about FSN with more adults and less teen angst.
Just a personal thing, but the presence of adults has never tipped the scales either way for me. I have enjoyed series with adults before - like Servant x Service, but I wouldn't say the majority of the series I like fall there.
"No Saber you can't use your mastery of swordfighting and broken magical abilities against other power magical foes to protect me and save my life because you're a girlllll. I'll protect you instead with nothing because Y chromosome bitches!"

You know that wasn't the reason he wouldn't let her fight, right?


Subete no aware
Nisekoi ended with such a lackluster and pointless ending that I can't even be mad. But at least Shaft is free now and we can see their full powers next week with Monogatari.

Meanwhile, Daimidaler continues to surprise. The twist is what it took to make the show at least interesting.


Nisekoi ended with such a lackluster and pointless ending that I can't even be mad. But at least Shaft is free now and we can see their full powers next week with Monogatari.
Those are just going to be reruns with character commentary. Hanamonogatari was delayed until August.
Sorairo/Zeppelin is swiftly going into the most banned person I have seen from the regular members I come in contact with. Jesus man lol. I wish he comes back I don't think his banning reason was enough for a permaban but you never know. Wish him luck.
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