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//: StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void |OT| My Life For Aiur


I say this now, but 8 years ago when I first met Stats, he was the most clueless and common senseless person I’ve ever seen in my life. Everyone probably agrees with me on that one (laughs). It was so bad that everyone didn’t like him. He had no social skills because he was a high schooler, and he even was sent home once.

Going to see GSL live today you bros might see me in the crowd today. I'll be cheering for Myungsik as the only protoss today but i do think he might get stomped we will see! Ill try to make some sort of sign today


relies on auto-aim
Going to see GSL live today you bros might see me in the crowd today. I'll be cheering for Myungsik as the only protoss today but i do think he might get stomped we will see! Ill try to make some sort of sign today
Really disappointed to see Zerg struggle so much in GSL. The only series they have won so far was a ZvZ. Biggest issue has been figuring out good late game comps. In PvZ Zealot/Archon/Immortal/Disruptor destroys any ground comp Zerg can make. In TvZ Zerg need a large comp of Ling/Baneling/Ultralisk/Infestor/Corruptor to attack into a Terran heavily guarded with Liberators and Ghosts. Zerg also still can't find a good midgame build with Ravagers. I've seen a bunch try to stay on Roach/Ravager until Ultralisks but Bio/Tank wrecks them.


btw SC2 ends on the Saturday now. They changed the schedule around so the semis and finals both are gonna be on the main stage in the stadium. Should be freaking great as long as we don't get another PvP final like we always seem to at Katowice. I swear having one good TvZ on the Katowice stage would be huge for the game. Then again I think PvP and ZvZ are both vastly better to watch than they were in HotS so maybe it doesn't matter so much anymore.


Dreamhack OT | Not a Flash in the pan
Dreamhack OT | Did they nerf Adepts yet?
Dreamhack OT | Only three Koreans attending this time
Dreamhack OT | Oh geez I've already been drinking
Just looked at the balance changes they're trying out. I don't know why they're nerfing Ravagers. Zerg already have enough trouble with Protoss deathballs and this just makes it worse. The Siege Tank buff is nice but removing Siege drops by far outweighs the buff. The Liberator nerf doesn't offset Zerg now needng 4 Corrosive Biles to kill one and also now limits Terran's ability to harass Protoss early.
btw SC2 ends on the Saturday now. They changed the schedule around so the semis and finals both are gonna be on the main stage in the stadium. Should be freaking great as long as we don't get another PvP final like we always seem to at Katowice. I swear having one good TvZ on the Katowice stage would be huge for the game. Then again I think PvP and ZvZ are both vastly better to watch than they were in HotS so maybe it doesn't matter so much anymore.

Oh, I didn't know that, for those wondering:

Ugh, b/c of work this week I'm going to miss a lot of these games :(

Just looked at the balance changes they're trying out. I don't know why they're nerfing Ravagers. Zerg already have enough trouble with Protoss deathballs and this just makes it worse. The Siege Tank buff is nice but removing Siege drops by far outweighs the buff. The Liberator nerf doesn't offset Zerg now needng 4 Corrosive Biles to kill one now and also now limits Terran's ability to harass Protoss early.

Link for this?

Mr Swine

Jesus, I think I found either a hacker or the most OP build ever. The guy played Protoss while I played Terran, he had a minimal APM of 39 looking at the score board after the game.

So he basically made 1 pylon and 2 cannons outside my ramp locking me out and went directly to Voidrays. He had 1 MSC and 2 Cannons in his natural. So I harassed him with a Tankivac killing 20 probes. He gets out a few voids and kills my marine army. He then starts taking base after base and starts putting cannons on every opening making it impossible to attack him

He keeps on making voids, upgrading them and eventually has a few carriers and tempest mixed in. I had 10 thirst 10 Vikings and mass liberators and mines. I won that match but he just kept making voids and killed my bases while he has a ridiculously low APM. He eventually won with me badmouthing him since I couldn't do a thing.

So I just looked at his profile and his match history and he has tons of wins with the same build he did against me with low APM (between 35-45) while the other players had 2-3 times the amount. Sure he has losses too but man it's extremely frustrating that a Protoss player has a fire sure way to win every match with minimal APM. Heck the lowest APM I had was roughly 65 :(


Man, balance is really in a sorry state at the moment. Only one Protoss in the RO8 left at IEM (and only because we got a rare PvP in RO16) and again rarely any Protoss qualified for WCS Shanghai in two weeks. From the very beginning of LotV Protoss have struggled in lategame (and nobody seems to care) but with the recent nerfs they are also ridiculously weak in early game in PvZ. Not to mention the clusterfuck that is Disruptor-Stalker PvP.
Yeah, TvZ is in an alright state, but both vP matchups favor the other race. Protoss needs work

Pretty much any kind of split ruins Protoss' effectiveness, especially at the high level.

I mean, I'm not going to lie, it's a lot better than flat out losing to 1TA MMM 1 base pushes, and it's a lot better than previous deathball compositions, too, I think the most important problem for me, personally, is dealing with invincible medivacs because they can exit the fight so fast. But then, I'm not what anyone would call 'high level,' and you can't really balance a game around its middle 20% players when there's e-sports surrounding it.
What issues have you guys been seeing Protoss have with Zerg besides mid-game? I've watched all of GSL so hard and Protoss have been mostly dominating Zerg's in it. All the late games these have gone to Protoss have dominated. Phoenix/Disruptor/Immortal/Archon destroys any Zerg with a ton of Lurkers. The early to midgame success for Zerg lately has been Zerg figuring out heavy Adept pressure. If Protoss goes Twilight Council into Adept upgrade and don't do decent damage, a big Roach/Ravager counter destroys it. Almost no one opens Blink anymore which would wreck those pushes. So would Robo openings.

Edit: I only saw the end of the Curious/Solar Proleague game but what the hell. How the hell did a TvZ turn into Muta/Viper/Infestor/Ultra vs Viper/Hydra/Infestor/Ultra?

Mr Swine

So has Blizzard given out an official statement on why Protoss can build pylons faster than Terrans can build Depots? Especially when pylons can attack thanks to the MSC
Balance update.

Had no idea Protoss struggling with Zerg drops was a thing. The Overlord drop change was the best thing to happen in any early game matchup. They'll probably increase the cost of it.

All the Terran problems about getting interesting comps is because of Liberators. Liberators without upgrades are better than Banshees with Cloak for harass. Plus they don't require a tech lab. They're also better and cheaper than Thor's against Muta's so Thor's have become obsolete. Cyclones aren't terrible for safety early but they need an aoe attack for them to become viable later.

Mr Swine

Gee, Blizzard has turned Protoss into a pylon Photon Overcharge race.

What do I see in every TvP matchup? Protoss hiding behind pylons and gateways. As soon as I try to attack Protoss just activates it's PO which makes me need to fall back. Then I lose because Protoss manages to get a second base and a larger army and then I'm screwed because I cannot harass or do ANYTHING.

Protoss can do a oracle harass, DT harass, Adept harass and warp prism harass. I can just do a Reaper harass and kill of a probe or two -_-

Against Zerg I'm a lot better at and TvT its ok
Pretty much lttp on completing Legacy of the Void, but overall had fun with the entire campaign saga.

I don't know if I'll ever want SC3 as much as I wanted SC2 though.
I'll be around 40 if they do similar SC1>SC2 time lapse. (oh god...)


Pretty much lttp on completing Legacy of the Void, but overall had fun with the entire campaign saga.

I don't know if I'll ever want SC3 as much as I wanted SC2 though.
I'll be around 40 if they do similar SC1>SC2 time lapse. (oh god...)
Well there's still the mission packs to look forward to lol. First few should be out real soon actually.. I wonder what we can expect from them story-wise. We know they'll tell about the new dominion, at least.


Hey guys,now that all expansions are out i'm interested in buying the whole package.I've been amazed by the Battlechest edition which contains the first 2 games of the trilogy plus a delicious strategy guide.

Do you know if and when a Battlechest containing all 3 games will be released? Could it be by the end of 2015 for example?



Hey guys,now that all expansions are out i'm interested in buying the whole package.I've been amazed by the Battlechest edition which contains the first 2 games of the trilogy plus a delicious strategy guide.

Do you know if and when a Battlechest containing all 3 games will be released? Could it be by the end of 2015 for example?

If you don't mind buying digital, all 3 are available in a bundle on the battle.net shop. Not sure if a retail battlechest will ever be made.



I mainly want the beefy strategy guide that was included in the battle chest,i'm a sucker for those and since the guide only covered 2 of the 3 games,i was assuming they'll release a battlechest with a guide for all 3.

Also,I am not interested in digital since i can find the games in the same price as retail.But thanks !


Well there's still the mission packs to look forward to lol. First few should be out real soon actually.. I wonder what we can expect from them story-wise. We know they'll tell about the new dominion, at least.

Spring is pretty vague, as it covers March to May. And since there's no news about it so far, i'd expect April earliest but May more likely.
Besides, Blizzard Soon(tm).


Will the Covert Ops mission pack get its own OT or...?

I reckon it should have its own for story and mission discussion.

Not that i'm volunteering to do one...
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