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STEAM | August 2014 - Everybody loves iDLEM@STER

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Stormy Grey
Holy shit. I was about to play HL2 all the way through for the first time, so glad I saw this first. Anyone know how easy this is to install?

I would highly recommend playing HL2 through first without the cinematic mod. It adds a lot of stuff that simply wasn't there before and changes the colors and moods of certain locations far too much imo. And the character model changes are outright silly. The geometry may be simple, but the art and design is still pretty strong.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Oh man that foliage placement misses the point so badly.



CS:GO Night was fun with GAF, although those hostage maps were really boring. Prefer playing the normal ones, but it was still a fun night. :d I gotta say. That Chawlie guy was pretty good and I'm impressed with the general skill of the guys who were playing tonight (altho some were of course more skilled and experienced than others). The ping was alright too. Better than those times we queue'd up for a casual match in lobby. Gotta work a bit more on my AWP. :D
Come on you were owning everyone with the awp :p it was awesome. yeah we generally have one every weekend :) teach me the art of the AWP senpai.

You were among the best players cHinzo! I dragged the quality down a notch, ha.
You did well :) just keep practicing with GAF and you will be ready for comp in no time :D
also damn. that look amazing.


Just had my first ever CS:GO match with gaffers. Pretty fun but I realized something. Unlike Left4Dead2 - where every map is fun - in CS there were maps I liked and others I detested.
Obviously I sucked hard but Shadow, cHinzo and others helped. I thought maneil99 would be there, too. Wonder who that one guy with the funny voice is here on Gaf.

And here I thought my 7 € were of significance.... treat yourself to some great stuff jman, you deserve it! Far Cry 4 would be my pick.
You know, you should add an option to set up idlemaster so that one card every 100 cards gets automatically send to you. I'd use it. Use it for ES or iM or any future greatness.

Funniest thing I heard all night "How can you play? You're a vegetable, you have no arms!" I don't remember who said it, but it was hilarious
Man the Darksiders achievement unlocks are wonky. You basically have to have a fresh restart of the Steam client before you play the game otherwise you're not getting your achievements.


You should really play HL2 without mods first, the game hasn't aged badly, plus a lot of mods lose the charm of where the game is set in, Eastern Europe looks vastly different to modern western cities.


Dota 2 keys are going away period. There is little reason to buy them at all anymore.

Uhhh... No. Dota 2 keys are the best right now in long term (10 month) investment for two reasons.

#1) They now will turn into any new chests that are released by valve.
#2) They are no longer available in the store, thus decreasing supply and increasing prices eventually.


I've finally settled into my dorm. How am I supposed to live with this paltry 3rd world 3 mbps connection?

It's a bit late, but thanks freshveggie for the birthday gift. Hikkis for life.

GabeN also gave me a booster pack for gun monkeys. T-thanks gabe
Uhhh... No. Dota 2 keys are the best right now in long term (10 month) investment for two reasons.

#1) They now will turn into any new chests that are released by valve.
#2) They are no longer available in the store, thus decreasing supply and increasing prices eventually.

at most they will be the same price as the chests are in the store

they will not go over 2 50 because of suppy and demand

so go for it if you want

just remember to bail on that ship in a year


Do you guys think that the Redux upgrade is worth it for both Metro 2033 and Last Light? It seems like there isn't much being improved upon in Last Light, not really sure if it's worth the $12.50.

It might be worth if you don't have any of DLCs. Otherwise it's just glorified patch and waste of money when Last Light is good enough.


Uhhh... No. Dota 2 keys are the best right now in long term (10 month) investment for two reasons.

#1) They now will turn into any new chests that are released by valve.
#2) They are no longer available in the store, thus decreasing supply and increasing prices eventually.
Nice to have you back Liez :D

at most they will be the same price as the chests are in the store

they will not go over 2 50 because of suppy and demand

so go for it if you want

just remember to bail on that ship in a year

Whats going on with Dota 2 keys?


Did the "play" pop up button on the library screen and download manager screen change colors to blue recently? I swear when the new update first launched on beta the play button in library was still black and in the download manager screen it was bright green. Was this changed to blue when it went live to everyone or was there an even more recent patch?


Do you guys think that the Redux upgrade is worth it for both Metro 2033 and Last Light? It seems like there isn't much being improved upon in Last Light, not really sure if it's worth the $12.50.

Holy shit. I was about to play HL2 all the way through for the first time, so glad I saw this first. Anyone know how easy this is to install?

I think it's best to treat Last Light as a "goty" edition with the add-ons. About half of them are good.


Do you guys think that the Redux upgrade is worth it for both Metro 2033 and Last Light? It seems like there isn't much being improved upon in Last Light, not really sure if it's worth the $12.50.

Holy shit. I was about to play HL2 all the way through for the first time, so glad I saw this first. Anyone know how easy this is to install?

Use russiabux and get both games for almost the price of one?
CS:GO was pretty fun this time around, didn't quite get my groove on for it though, but hey, it was fine all things considered really, nothing out of the ordinary for me.


you mean the ones whos items aren't worth shit?

if they're so good go to town on them

No need to get so aggressive. I am simply speculating based on my experience. If you choose to have your own opinions, fine by me, but just keep in mind my dota 2 backpack is valued at about 2000$ USD.


Steam GAF Secret Santa


Please PM your Steam Name with community URL link and email (That you use, does not have to be steam)

  • You have until the final day of the Christmas Steam Sale (Fuck you I'm saying Christmas) to send your assigned GAFer is gift
  • If you do not give an explanation to why you did not send your assigned person a gift you will be blacklisted from future Secret Santa Giveaways
  • The raffle and deadline to pm me your email is December 6th
  • Please don't troll another user and simply give them Bad Rats or Toki Tori 2, at the same time please be reasonable with you're purchase, it's better to get a cheap game that someone wants then dropping 100$ on CoD Advanced Warfare Atlas Pro Edition DAY ZERO HARDCORE
  • Raffle will be randomized and done December 7th
  • If you want the game sent anonymously you can trade the game to me and I can gift it to your giftee. It does not have to be anonymous! Just don't let them know before you send the game!



Black Mesa might be going up for pre-order soon with possible TF2 promos. They updated their site with images of TF2 character's all over and they're in a folder called "promo" with the images labeled as "DLC"

When was the last game to have TF2 Promos? That game is dying quickly in terms of attention from Valve, the last update was big but the games population is going down, and I think it's linked to CSGO


Steam GAF Secret Santa


Please PM your Steam Name with community URL link and email (That you use, does not have to be steam)

  • You have until the final day of the Christmas Steam Sale (Fuck you I'm saying Christmas) to send your assigned GAFer is gift
  • If you do not give an explanation to why you did not send your assigned person a gift you will be blacklisted from future Secret Santa Giveaways
  • The raffle and deadline to pm me your email is December 6th
  • Please don't troll another user and simply give them Bad Rats or Toki Tori 2, at the same time please be reasonable with you're purchase, it's better to get a cheap game that someone wants then dropping 100$ on CoD Advanced Warfare Atlas Pro Edition DAY ZERO HARDCORE
  • Raffle will be randomized and done December 7th


It's not even autumn yet!

I love this, though!
Steam GAF Secret Santa


Please PM your Steam Name with community URL link and email (That you use, does not have to be steam)

  • You have until the final day of the Christmas Steam Sale (Fuck you I'm saying Christmas) to send your assigned GAFer is gift
  • If you do not give an explanation to why you did not send your assigned person a gift you will be blacklisted from future Secret Santa Giveaways
  • The raffle and deadline to pm me your email is December 6th
  • Please don't troll another user and simply give them Bad Rats or Toki Tori 2, at the same time please be reasonable with you're purchase, it's better to get a cheap game that someone wants then dropping 100$ on CoD Advanced Warfare Atlas Pro Edition DAY ZERO HARDCORE
  • Raffle will be randomized and done December 7th


Cool idea, will probably sign up for it closer to christmas though

Also I know this isn't a popular opinion, but do that many people really like Hotline Miami's soundtrack? I enjoy the gameplay but unless I play my own music I can't stand playing for more than 10 minutes.
When was the last game to have TF2 Promos? That game is dying quickly in terms of attention from Valve, the last update was big but the games population is going down, and I think it's linked to CSGO
Game's daily peak population has been pretty stable for a while. Last game promo was Wolfenstein I believe, with Thi4f and the Bioshock DLC also this year.


Steam GAF Secret Santa


Please PM your Steam Name with community URL link and email (That you use, does not have to be steam)

  • You have until the final day of the Christmas Steam Sale (Fuck you I'm saying Christmas) to send your assigned GAFer is gift
  • If you do not give an explanation to why you did not send your assigned person a gift you will be blacklisted from future Secret Santa Giveaways
  • The raffle and deadline to pm me your email is December 6th
  • Please don't troll another user and simply give them Bad Rats or Toki Tori 2, at the same time please be reasonable with you're purchase, it's better to get a cheap game that someone wants then dropping 100$ on CoD Advanced Warfare Atlas Pro Edition DAY ZERO HARDCORE
  • Raffle will be randomized and done December 7th


What if they get the game themselves thus making your own gift useless?


What if they get the game themselves thus making your own gift useless?

Good question, you can send the game whenever you want post raffle, therefor all you need to do is check the users games before you buy the game you want to give them!

How exactly do you send someone a Steam gift in secret? Some kind of Modbot wizardry?
Personally I think it should be okay to reveal who you are when sending the game but if not you can get a fellow gaffer to proxy send it


Cool idea, will probably sign up for it closer to christmas though

Also I know this isn't a popular opinion, but do that many people really like Hotline Miami's soundtrack? I enjoy the gameplay but unless I play my own music I can't stand playing for more than 10 minutes.

It's the visuals that make me unable to play the game for more than 10 minutes!


How exactly do you send someone a Steam gift in secret? Some kind of Modbot wizardry?

Since this was my original idea that Maneil hijacked :p

the way we can solve this is that you all send me the gifts. and I just gift them to the person it suppose to get to. That way, you won't find out till later!

Yes Maneil. I just hijacked your hijack.


Since this was my original idea that Maneil hijacked :p

the way we can solve this is that you all send me the gifts. and I just gift them to the person it suppose to get to. That way, you won't find out till later!

Yes Maneil. I just hijacked your hijack.

I brought up secret santa like a month ago you liar


I think it should be cleared up I was not born in 99'

We could have a 5 or so day window to send out the gifts to our giftees, and message someone to keep track of who sent who what?

I'll have a master list so aslong as everyone recieves something we should be good.


Since this was my original idea that Maneil hijacked :p

the way we can solve this is that you all send me the gifts. and I just gift them to the person it suppose to get to. That way, you won't find out till later!

Yes Maneil. I just hijacked your hijack.

This is starting to sound like a pyramid scheme ;)
the way we can solve this is that you all send me the gifts. and I just gift them to the person it suppose to get to. That way, you won't find out till later!

Not to offend you or anything, I'm sure you're trustworthy and all, but if we go that route I'd probably want a mod to vouch for you, just in case.


Ohhhh, I'd like to do Secret Santa. I'll join closer to December though, when I know what my money situation will be like. I'd hate to join and then find out that I can't give my person a good game.
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