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Street Fighter : 3rd Strike SUPER appreciation thread


Managed to finnally open up my T5 HRAP, and fix one of the buttons that I had accidently spilt Ginger Beer into, making it all sticky. ;S

Played on it for about an hour and half in practice mode...and I can really see me getting used to this. Some combos are so much easier to do, especially the ones requiring chain combos into EX moves such as with Ibuki. Parrying seems to be easier to do (didnt have a problem on a pad) but it gives you an extra sense of rythem to get the timing right on big SA parrying situation...dunno if that makes sense.

The trouble I am having is just combining all the tactics\tricks over from the pad on to the stick. I just freeze when i have to do alot, as for some reason, i think my brain is spazzing out from having to think too much moving the stick. On a pad i could basically rush in and apply pressure, on a stick...im more reserved, for the moment ofc.

Also, finnally managed to nail qcfx2 ( :lol ) and have tried to move over to cancels. I cant consistantly get cr.MK x SA3 with Ken at all. Tried a few other cancels with other characters same thing. First off, the timing to do the motion of the cr.mk, and inbetween this animation roll out x2 qcf just seems impossible. On the pad it would be a simply a case of rubbing the Dpad (pressing K when confirmed) and bingo, done. Obviosley cos im still new to the stick, but it just feels so infinatley more immediate using the Dpad for cancels.

The positives far outweighing the negatives from my move over to Stick, but man, i can see this taking me MONTHS to nail this down. Anyway, any GAF'rs have any techniques or tips to help me along on my way? :)


Are you holding the stick in your lap, or is it on a table?

It's just the angle the whole unit is held at can mess up your play, because you might move it as you play too.


I've been meaning to mod the SF Anniversary stick for so long now but never get around to it (haven't even ordered the parts yet).

Anyone in or around the Vancouver, Canada area interested in buying this very slightly used stick from me?


Unconfirmed Member
Yay! SF3 arrived, and my pals and I are already addicted. Obviously loving the art and character animation (Alex's idle leg muscle and finger wigglage ftw), and the music is surprisingly funky.

I'm absolutely loving Hugo, which is a big change of pace in terms of people I usually play, but he's just so hilarious, and I love unnerving opponents with his claps and run-ins. Also I think I should chime in my Makoto fanboyism; getting to grips with her is a lot of fun.

I'm curious as to what you guys think about a couple of things, mainly to do with the rating system. I'm currently reading up about it elsewhere, but I couldn't resist the opinions and answers of the lovable GAF lot, now could I? Basically, I take it the game rates you on attack, defence, EX moves (if they were successful? If you got them out at all?), and something else which I can only guess is variety. One of my mates is (apart from occasionally dipping into Oro) purely transferring his skills from existing games, and playing either that bloody pyjama brother Ken, or the house favourite, Chun.

He loves to harass and keep the pressure on, but doesn't have a great defence game, and never mixes up his attacks (is this 'scrubbing'?) This usually results in him getting Cs and Ds, but of course, until I can catch on to his play patterns and learn not to fall into his traps then he's going to win a lot more consistently. Incidentally, on the off-chance that I do get the better of him (particularly with Makoto), I'm normally awarded at least a B.

Tell me honestly, GAF: might I eventually beat him if I just keep practicing my parries and fake-outs? Am I permitted to sit there smugly as the PS2 slates his performance? Or should I worry that his "I play to win" attitude will always get in the way...? I mean, I know it's not all about the grades, but for me it shouldn't always be about winning either.

What grades do the more experienced among you end up with, and how? I've seen some pretty crazy match videos, where it seems to be all about the mind game, and how evil they can be in punishing an opponent's mistakes, but whether a bout was actually fun to watch is a whole other story.

Sorry for the long post, but I'm very eager to learn! Thanks to anyone who puts up with my lack of knowledge and takes the time to respond.


I disagree.
The grades don’t really mean jack in the real world. Since, you are penalized for things which you really need to do against a human opponent who is good at the game to win.

Anyway, JinraiPVC at SRK translated a Japanese website with all the criteria of the grading system.

-How many times did you dizzy the opponent?
-How many hits was your highest-hitting combo?

-How much life did you have left in each round that you won?
-How many times did you blue parry?
-How many hits did you parry of a multi-hitting move?
-How many times did you red parry?


-How many "First Attack" bonuses did you get?
-How many UOH's did you do? Whiffing and blocking still count.
-How many times did you land a throw?
-How many times did you tech-hit the opponent's throws?
-How many times did you tech-roll?
-How many times did you taunt (and get a bonus for it)?
-How many "Reversal" messages did you get?
-How many supers did you do? Whiffing and blocking still count. (They mention Elena's Healing as an exception... you only get credit for a fully completed heal.)

-How many consecutive rounds have you won so far? (CPU game only)
-How did you win each round? Normal/special/super/time/chip/etc.
-How varied were your attacks? This is determined by tallying the number of times you did each possible attack and looking at the highest number. The lower the number, the better.
-Will this grade be an improvement over your last one? In a CPU game this will show as an SP point in your final stats, but the bonus exists in a two-player game too.


Yeah, grades really mean nothing, but for Oro, learn to do Tengu Juggles for easy S ranks. Nothing like a 38 hit combo to get your attack rank up.


LakeEarth:...Ive kinda got used to the arcade stick now...I want a rematch fool! :lol

Guess not! :lol Ah man, arcade stick is PURE PAIN. Struggled to get a super out, and I thought I had that down now. :( My win ratio this week since I started stick is like 30/150. :lol

Sorry I left the game running during that last match first round, had to open the door downstairs. I had enough beatings and decided to take the baseball bat to this T5 stick. >_<;;

Ill keep at it, although I was tempted as hell to slap the Joypad back in, but thats till I remembered it would be worse as ive changed the config to suit the stick. xD

GG's, ill play you some other time. NEED TO LEARN THIS SHIT!!!!!!! Its like ive had to relearn everything! Thought I could put up a fighting using the stick. xD Guess not...bloody training dummy tricked me into thinkin im good! xD



robojimbo said:
I love seeing this thread bumped to the front page.
Me too, but then again it is my baby.

And yeah good games Singho, I noticed you were struggling. I knew you were frustrated cause eventually you stopped blocking on wakeup and I couldn't help but take advantage of that. No awesome red parry madness this set, next time.

Sticks definetly give you more control, but they can be a pain when you first start to use them.


robojimbo said:
I love seeing this thread bumped to the front page.

Anyway, I wish I could help with using a stick, but I've been using one for over 5 years now and I still don't have it down very well. Goddamn muscle memory loves to play tricks on me, I think. One thing you might want to try is experimenting with different stick tightness. HORI sticks are generally pretty loose which I find more difficult to use, so you might want to find someone with a MAS, or build your own little stick (which is very simple and relatively cheap) and test out a heavy duty spring. Personally, I don't like light springs because they sort of require you to move back into a neutral position manualy, where heavy duties will snap back on its own much quicker (not that it still doesn't require guidance). I play really shitty on a light comparitively and always have.


I dont think that its the stick thats the problem, its just seems I have no control over my left hand. :lol Ive caught myself during a few matches when I want to do a super for example, just doing a motion which doesnt even resemble a QCFx2. I just end up moving the stick and bashing the buttons when things get to hectic. I can under no pressure do supers in practice mode right, even cancels and linking into them... but I just cant seem to do them when it matters. :lol: Played against a mate yesterday and I was Ken, the amount of failed QCFx2 i missed from a cr.mk which just criminal.

Gonna stick at it, hopefully continually playing on the stick will develop some control in my left hand. Although, if im right, the US T5 HRAP has a square gate, wondering if I get one of those other gates which click into the diagonals might help. Anyone else find changing the gate help their play?


hey, i just connected to Xbox live for the first time now, and looking for someone to play SF3strike with, please play with meee

my game tag is gimzz

i'm searching.......


Did this game ever make it to Europe? I'm a SF fan since I played SFII for the first time. Best fighter ever. Graphics, characters, music, moves. Yeah.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
First off, I am a noob. We have a cabinet at work, but over the last couple of months I have worked my way up using Akuma, til I can reliably win games against (better) opponents and not look shit - based largely on my blocking ability and the sheer fucking range of Akuma's high Hard kick - it takes offensive jumpers totally off guard because they think they're nowhere near enough to be hit by it.

He also has a weird priority over Hugo in some throw scenarios.

Anyway, it's now my favorite fighting game evar. By far.
Stinkles said:
First off, I am a noob. We have a cabinet at work, but over the last couple of months I have worked my way up using Akuma, til I can reliably win games against (better) opponents and not look shit - based largely on my blocking ability and the sheer fucking range of Akuma's high Hard kick - it takes offensive jumpers totally off guard because they think they're nowhere near enough to be hit by it.

He also has a weird priority over Hugo in some throw scenarios.

Anyway, it's now my favorite fighting game evar. By far.

You have a cab in your break room? Where do you work, a dev? :)

I really want a cab in my living room.
Damn I just saw ths thread. I would have to say that this game while not perfect in some respects, is one of the best 2D fighters ever created in terms of balance, gameplay and offensive/defensive options. (I can't decide if I love this or Garou: Mark of the Wolves better). This game was really under appreciated back when it debuted becuase of the divergent direction of the storyline, art-design, music, and gameplay. Especially after the "spaztastic' combo heavy "Vs." series of games from Capcom.

When I first saw the game in arcades andplayed it, having been a SF2 and SFA fanatic I was like WTF. Who is this guy in the diaper? The pacing seems off?! Who's the guy in the diaper?! I immediately began to diss the game and thought Capcom had lost there minds. But a pal of mine who was a heavy 2D fighter player and did some of the tournament circuits, brought me some footage of some really good tournament players, and a copy of the Gamest Strategy comboo video, and I was blown away. when I saw how the game was designed to be lpayed, I understood how this game changed the whole perspective of 2D fighters in general. I then gained a true appreciation for the game. I think that Daigo video that was floating around on the net last year, really opened peoples eyes to what the game could do, but anyone who had seen the Gamest tapes, knew that what he did was child's play in the hands of a SF3 master. When this was finallyl released on the Dreamcast I nearly lost my mind. I picked up the PS2 version as well because I wasn't sure if Capcom would follow through with an XBox version.

I too love the hell of out this game, and try my best to get good at it. The one thing I LOVED about the XBox version was the online play, there are some reallyl good fighters out there with very impressive skills. I would LOVE to see an XBox360 version (or XBLA) with an option similar to PGR3's "Gotham Channel", where you could just go online and spectate matches. Damn Capcom andM$, make it so!! All fighters should have this option (DOA4 had a awesome spectator mode).


Easilly the best 2d fighter ever made. Could I get a rehost of the Gouki, Chun-Li, and Ken pictures? That aren't fulling loading for me. NM they started working.


Super Art I – Seichusen Godanzuki
Makoto punches you a few times then sends you flying. This move has great startup, good vacuum properties and does a lot of damage. I’m talking a good 30-40%. Its also very stylish with Makoto saying….something. Only one bar, so blah blah, EX, blah blah, you get the point. Also because Makoto poses after getting the last hit of this super, you don’t have the opportunity to put pressure on your opponent on wakeup which is an important part of the game. You can hit the super after a karakusa but it scales back the damage 25% or so. Still, a great super that can turn the momentum of a round in a flash.

Makoto says the name of her Super at the end of the last hit, so its hit, hit hit hit hit, HIT SEICHUSEN GODANZUKI!! With her first still in the air. :D


Makes sense. Did you know when you activate SAIII with her, she'll say something different if you EX the buttons to activate it? Doesn't change anything, just one of those weird things.

I've gotten walk-in 720s to work for Hugo, let me teach you how.

1. Do a move to hide your buffering, say a standing lk or his palm bombers.
2. Start by pressing up on the pad/stick (the standing lk prevents you from jumping)
3. Swing back and around to the forward position (up, back, down, forward, so a 270), you can hold forward for a second, hence walk in to get Hugo into position
4. Swing the stick in the opposite direction and hit punch when you hit up (from forward, swing to down, back, and up, then hit punch). Yes, the 720 doesn't have to be 2 full rotations in the same direction.
5. Gigas bitches


I can only do it 30% of the time. I blame my pad :lol

But I've got it to work for me. Last night someone missed a jet uppercut on me, and I just walked up and Gigas'd him when he hit the ground. He yelled at me and said I was cheating. :D

Sorry to be anal : EIN! ZWIE! DRIE! END!!!!!!!!!


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
This might be the best thread ever made.

I'll be back for some Hugo tips.

The Hermit

I love this thread...one of the few games I play for a long while and still enjoy and learn new things...

BTW, how do I red Parry? And is there an easy way to link Makoto´s high puch with a SAII?

Red Scarlet

In SF2, CE, HF, Super, Super Turbo, and I think the Alpha games, I would always do the 360 motion a different way..I wonder if it's doable in SF3? I just do right, left, up for the motion and it counted. Didn't matter if hitting right meant forward or backward. I've done that on the sticks for the arcade versions of some of those as well, and have gotten 720 motions off with just doing right, left, up, right, left, up + punch in Super Turbo and Alpha 2.

Any idea if it works in SF3? It may be helpful, maybe not. That's how I do them, though.


LakeEarth said:
Secret Super Art –Kongou Kokuretsu Zan
Akuma slams his fist into the ground, causing an enormous shockwave that will do huge damage. The only move that can kill a character (Twelve) in one hit (though probably could never happened in a real match). However, it takes nearly 2 seconds for the move to go off from the flash that signals a super, which gives someone knows the game enough time to get out of the way, but if someone is cornered it could probably do good chip damage. All flash.

I may be a little late to the party (oh really?) but how do you execute this last move?

qcf x2

Stinkles said:
He also has a weird priority over Hugo in some throw scenarios.

Be careful, Hugo owns Akuma. In fact, back when Akuma was too fast for me to keep up with, I would just pick Hugo, taunt 3x for the defense boost (best move ever), and annihilate him.

Capcom and Microsoft are stupid fucks for not having this on 360 in SOME capacity already. Even if I have to re-buy the damn game, I will.


Unconfirmed Member
Baiano19 said:
I love this thread...one of the few games I play for a long while and still enjoy and learn new things...

BTW, how do I red Parry? And is there an easy way to link Makoto´s high puch with a SAII?
I agree! You learn something new everyday with SF3 ^^

As I understand it, you red parry by parrying mid-way through a multi-hit attack. E.g. you block a whole super art combo, until the final hit (easiest to judge usually) when you tap forward. Viola, red!

I've been practicing Makoto's command throw -> fierce punch -> SAII a lot recently, and finally starting to get the hang of it... there's no real easy way to do it, but if you're gonna combo the FP and super successfully, you need to have struck them in your half of the screen, otherwise they have enough time to recover and block. Obviously depending on their placement after the FP you need to choose the appropriate distance for the initial flying kick =)

Dunno if you're using a pad or a stick, but like with most cancelling/buffering moves, you just need to work on getting a clean input of the super out (really fast) during the FP animation. Good luck, and enjoy the results! Time to start working on those follow-up combos...

The Hermit

Thanks! Well I´m using the original controler of the DC(yeah I know worst version and all, but it´s the only one I have...) and I don´t know if it is even POSSIBLE to do it that way...

Anyway, I´ll start praticing now!!


Baiano19 said:
BTW, how do I red Parry? And is there an easy way to link Makoto´s high puch with a SAII?
Red Parry - to parry while on blockstun. You only have 2 frames of animations to hit it, so you have to hit forward exactly when the move is going to hit you (unlike blue parry, where you have a little more leeway with 8 frames). It takes practice and its very risky, especially online.

Karakusa -> HPxxSAII, the hard part is is linking the HP after the grab. Makoto makes a sound when she starts to drop the person, some people use that cue to time there HP. Also you can see when the opponents feet hit the ground, a split second after that. It just takes practice.

For the HPxxSAII, hold back when you hit HP, then swing around half circle to forward, then do a quarter circle from down to forward, then whichever kick you need.

qcf x2 said:
Be careful, Hugo owns Akuma. In fact, back when Akuma was too fast for me to keep up with, I would just pick Hugo, taunt 3x for the defense boost (best move ever), and annihilate him.
Technically no. If you were against a really good Akuma, a Hugo would have huge trouble even touching him. I believe the matchup is something like Akuma 8-2. Not that you can't win, that's the beauty of 3rd Strike, its well balanced, but it is a tough match for Hugo. Sure, Gigas will take of 70% of his health, but hitting it is another story.

Anal alert - its 4 taunts to get Hugo's entire defense boost

EDIT - and to completely go against what I just said, here's a Hugo/Akuma match where the Hugo cleans house. Then again, the Hugo is being played by Hayao who is regarded as the best Hugo player out there.



I was playing some SFZ 2 today, and looks like CAPCOM created Hugo way before SFIII:


Look above Ken.. i never noticed :lol


Calidor said:
I was playing some SFZ 2 today, and looks like CAPCOM created Hugo way before SFIII:


Look above Ken.. i never noticed :lol

i always thought it was just Andre, who knows.

anyway, i NEED more SF art!! :) speacilly Chun-Li´s plz :D

SF3 is an excellent game, and we need SF4 soooooooooonnnnnn!! :(


WalkMan said:
Doesn't it make you sad that not all of the characters from SF2 could make it into SF3? :( Blanka
I would want them back just to make the game more inviting for casuals. The cast for SF3, fighting-wise, are all varied and all have their unique playstyle, even the 'seemingly the same' shotos have totally different playstyles. The cast just is not as ... inviting, as the original SFII cast was, but you learn to love them. Hugo and Dudley are the two new characters that are very loveable right away, and Urien and Necro take some getting used to, but if you get where I am you get the same nostalgia hit that I get from Blanka and Guile.

Remy and Elena's design are still kinda dull though. And they really need to work on the character plots if they want these guys to be more endearing to us. Elena just wants to make friends by beating the shit out of them? Remy hates fighters so he's going to fight them? Q's a mystery, and you beat the game to see people going "wow, what a mystery!" Come on Capcom.


I know its a busy time for a bump, but I wanted to share this Dudley SAII (Rolling Thunder) strat video. Its got me into playing Dudley now! The other two supers are still better, but man Rolling is more awesome then I thought, you can hit confirm it from such a huge distance. Great stun too.


Note : If under a punishment situation (say a whiffed SRK), don't use the super, do a hk->EX Machine Gun Blow, as it'll do about 70% of the same damage and only use one EX. You want that super loaded up to punish moves that are usually safe.

So now the only character I have no clue what I'm doing when I fight as her is Elena. I'm actually winning with Dudley, its pretty sweet!
LakeEarth said:
I know its a busy time for a bump, but I wanted to share this Dudley SAII (Rolling Thunder) strat video. Its got me into playing Dudley now! The other two supers are still better, but man Rolling is more awesome then I thought, you can hit confirm it from such a huge distance. Great stun too.


Note : If under a punishment situation (say a whiffed SRK), don't use the super, do a hk->EX Machine Gun Blow, as it'll do about 70% of the same damage and only use one EX. You want that super loaded up to punish moves that are usually safe.

So now the only character I have no clue what I'm doing when I fight as her is Elena. I'm actually winning with Dudley, its pretty sweet!

and here i was hoping this was bumped with and SF4 rumor :D
anyhow.. nice video, thanks!


Holy God, it looks like you can drop that any time the opponent breathes.

I'll have to mess with that.

Oh shit, I can play on Live again =D


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Why does it seem like I'm the only one that doesn't have a hard time vs. Dudley and good players. Perhaps all those rounds vs. Barlog in SF2 has taught me something..

*waits for the influx of "I can beat you with Dudley" post*
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