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Tekken 6 no longer Ps3 exclusive, coming to 360 Fall 2009

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Sato Koiji said:
Wrong. Microsoft has $$$ which makes it all more simple.
Sony has too...but its not comparable with Microsoft.
I'd be surprised if their gaming divisions don't have access to similar warchests.


Sato Koiji said:
MS has the upperhand anyway.Namco should get their Microsoft cocks outta their mouths and stick with Sony in these difficult times before Sony has enough and shits on the PS3 and decides to try again with PS4.

Im sick and tired of multis.
when are people going to realize that Sony thought that owning the next gen movie disc rights was more important than giving Playstation fans the best gaming machine they could.


Took a while to get that first 500 - Internal Server Error, but we got there! LOL

I've been looking forward to playing Tekken 6 on Xbox 360 for a long time. Just wish it would come out sooner.

In any case:
I really don't get why people are mad that it's on 360. More people will play the game, which is good for Tekken itself. I go where the games are. I am just mad like everybody else about the fall 09 crap.


hyperbolically metafictive
kick yourself in the ass if you're at all surprised by this (anyway the real meltdowns are going to come when the 360 version ends up having extra aa or less slowdown or something)
drohne said:
kick yourself in the ass if you're at all surprised by this (anyway the real meltdowns are going to come when the 360 version ends up having extra aa or less slowdown or something)

You do realize even the Arcade version is running of a PS3 right?


you can't put a price on sparks
ThatCrazyGuy said:
I really don't get why people are mad that it's on 360. More people will play the game, which is good for Tekken itself. I go where the games are. I am just mad like everybody else about the fall 09 crap.

i love the "more people will play the game" argument

why does it matter to you? that's not something to care about at all. AT ALL


Distinguished Air Superiority
Its not really surprising. C'mon guys.

And a big LOL to whoever said this was his/her only game to get a PS3 for.


hyperbolically metafictive
of course i do. i'm also aware that it's essentially a first-gen ps3 game, that it probably isn't doing much of anything with cell, and that 360's gpu advantage will probably manifest itself somehow. we can go ahead and have the meltdowns now if you like


In general, Sony brought a dud with the PS3. If not for LBP, I wouldn't mind selling my PS3 and getting a 360. Sony has pretty much sacrificed the Playstation brand to pimp blu-ray.They've lost nearly every definitive 3rd party exclusive except MGS, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that found it way over as well.
Rhazer Fusion said:
Then again, after Final Fantasy 7, nothing is safe.

Fixed for the old schoolers

davepoobond said:
i love the "more people will play the game" argument

why does it matter to you? that's not something to care about at all. AT ALL

If you play online it actually matters a whole hell of a lot.
Sato Koiji said:
Wrong. Microsoft has $$$ which makes it all more simple.
Sony has too...but its not comparable with Microsoft.

I am not really sure if Microsoft is even paying for this. I bet the success of SC4 contributed to this decision. Now I do believe that Microsoft is using money to procure those exclusive JRPG's, but that is another subject for another day.
The only meaningful argument against cross-platform games is that sometimes the quality of the game might suffer if the developer tries to make it fit the lowest common denominator and runs into technical hurdles.

Given that the actual arcade code runs on PS3, there's no chance of that happening here.

So really the only people who can be upset about this particular game going cross-platform are fanboys who get off on knowing that people who don't own their preferred platform can't play their exclusive game.

That's fucking pathetic. :lol
its one thing to keep blurting out the same multiplatform-cuz-costs-are-too-high PR statement over and over again, but when you look at the one-sided street that exclusives from namco is flowing (ace combat, tales, katamari), you have to wonder about paid exclusives. If you're gonna keep harping on about costs being the reason why certain former Playstation games are going multiplatform, then put that money where your mouth is and make most if not all of your games multiplatform on ps3 as well

and i certainly hope sony 3rd party relations shape up and get their priorities in line...cuz it doesnt seem like they know what the hell they are doing right now
Buba Big Guns said:
None of this really matters to me, but WHERE THE FUCK IS ACE COMBAT ON PS3?


Let me explain. Sony EFF-ed up in Japan. Big time. Japanese devs are in a dilemma that the way of gaming has changed and that they should start following what the North American devs are doing. Microsoft replied with a "Fuck the NA way. All you guys need are more RPGs and more japan-centric games. here, let us show you."

Every dev in Japan is ready to follow MS and they clearly are following. Devs can't just ditch Sony for it's track record and they just can't ditch Microsoft for they are delivering them money.
The-Switcher said:

That really does bring Sony's franchises down a notch, I mean, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, now Tekken?

well like the coporate heads like to keep repeating ITS JUST TOO EXPENSIVE TO BE EXCLUSIVE.......

yet when you see exclusives like Tales, SO4, etc, you gotta wonder wtf they are talking about

Baby Milo

The-Switcher said:

That really does bring Sony's franchises down a notch, I mean, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, now Tekken?

what do they even have left at this point besides mgs?

dunno wtf happened over there at sony
frAntic_Frog said:
its one thing to keep blurting out the same multiplatform-cuz-costs-are-too-high PR statement over and over again, but when you look at the one-sided street that exclusives from namco is flowing (ace combat, tales, katamari), you have to wonder about paid exclusives. If you're gonna keep harping on about costs being the reason why certain former Playstation games are going multiplatform, then put that money where your mouth is and make most if not all of your games multiplatform on ps3 as well

and i certainly hope sony 3rd party relations shape up and get their priorities in line...cuz it doesnt seem like they know what the hell they are doing right now

I read somewhere, and I'll try to find the link but there was in interview with a Japanese developer who was talking about how expensive it was to make games recently and at the time Sony didn't have their dev kits ready and when they were finally ready they were super expensive where as Microsoft didn't *give* them free dev kits but they loaned them out free of charge to them which in turn took a huge financial burden off their shoulders since there was no extra cost to them up front for equipment.


The-Switcher said:
Team Ico game!

Well....shit, imagine if THAT was announced as multiplat...

That, would literally, be the end.
Yep, the second Sony start going multiplatform really is the time to worry.
GSG Flash said:
Let's face it, the exclusives list for all consoles is fairly small this gen. Seems like no one wants to dish out $$$ to publishers for exclusives.

What the hell are you talking about? Do you honestly think MS has not dished out some major cash this generation to get some 3rd party exclusives and/or steal 3rd party exclusives from the competition?


i've been waiting for this since the generation started. cant afford a ps3 and tekken is my fav unarmed combat fighting series!

wtf is up with you people? multi-platform is a good thing. lame fanboys gtfo.
The-Switcher said:
Team Ico game!

Well....shit, imagine if THAT was announced as multiplat...

That, would literally, be the end.

that doesn't even make sense. Sony publishes Team Ico games

Tekken being on other consoles at this point doesn't surprise me, and shouldn't be a shock to others. High development costs + no true dominant HD console = multi platform games
they already said Tekken 6 isn't coming to ps3. but Bloodline Rebellion is. but Tekken 6 is coming to 360. :lol

just being silly ;P
The-Switcher said:

That really does bring Sony's franchises down a notch, I mean, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, now Tekken?

None of those games you mentioned are Sony franchises though. They are Square, Capcom and Namco franchises and they are free to do what they want with them.

The problem here is the *assumed* exclusivity based on past games but Final Fantasy 7 moving from the Famicom to the Playstation showed years ago that you should never assume exclusives will come to a system just because the previous system had them.
gketter said:
that doesn't even make sense. Sony publishes Team Ico games

Tekken being on other consoles at this point doesn't surprise me, and shouldn't be a shock to others. High development costs + no true dominant HD console = multi platform games

thats fine and all, but that would mean that large profile games like SO4 and Tales should go PS3 as well.......because its too expensive to stay exclusive to one console, right?

right, namco/Square??????


frAntic_Frog said:
thats fine and all, but that would mean that large profile games like SO4 and Tales should go PS3 as well.......because its too expensive to stay exclusive to one console, right?

right, namco/Square??????
No, it's too expensive to stay exclusive on PS3. Not on 360, it's easier to develop for, and they got the dev kits out much earlier, and the install base is much bigger. All games in development now, are far enough in that most studios have all the dev kits and tech they need to build games for both systems.

And SO4 will come to PS3, eventually.
frAntic_Frog said:
thats fine and all, but that would mean that large profile games like SO4 and Tales should go PS3 as well.......because its too expensive to stay exclusive to one console, right?

right, namco/Square??????

Considering RPGs is one of the biggest genres in Japan you would think that.
the other way to look at this is that it was sony's ball to lose since they had more 3rd party exclusives carrying over to this generation, and since costs are skyrocketing, sony was bound to lose some franchises. Hopefully sony will create some more new exciting series by themselves or by working with 3rd parties (wheres that damn Cellius effort with namco and what games have come of it?)


Who exactly is in charge of third party relations at Sony anyway? It really is kind of crazy how many third party franchises with a history of being on Playstation are jumping ship. No big deal to me, all these games going multi-platform. But this type of thing isn't exactly looking good for Sony. As long as games are day and date and they both run fine and look the same, cool. But like someone mentioned, if these companies are going multi-platform, then go all the way. Like how Capcom said from here on everything was going to be mutli-plat. Yet we got a shitty port of Lost Planet, and we still don't have Dead Rising on PS3, which the Wii is getting...the Wii....
HomerSimpson-Man said:
Considering RPGs is one of the biggest genres in Japan you would think that.
i think its inevitable that those rpgs go ps3, since there is still a 2million userbase in japan. its probably still a matter of time exclusiveness


fps fanatic said:
Who exactly is in charge of third party relations at Sony anyway? It really is kind of crazy how many third party franchises with a history of being on Playstation are jumping ship. No big deal to me, all these games going multi-platform. But this type of thing isn't exactly looking good for Sony. As long as games are day and date and they both run fine and look the same, cool. But like someone mentioned, if these companies are going multi-platform, then go all the way. Like how Capcom said from here on everything was going to be mutli-plat. Yet we got a shitty port of Lost Planet, and we still don't have Dead Rising on PS3, which the Wii is getting...the Wii....

If it is still on the PS3 I really don't care, that is if I want that certain game.


twinturbo2 said:
They also confirmed earlier rumors of KOF '98 Ultimate Match coming to XBLA in Spring 2009. Metal Slug 7 is coming, too. :D

These are surprises. Was Tekken 6 ever a PS3 exclusive? Surely it was designed with PS3 in mind but I don't recall anyone ever saying it was exclusive.
Speevy said:
at least we still have mgs4, when's that coming out?

Don't worry.

When Konami finishes negotiations with MS to ease up on the licensing fees for the inevitable 6 disc Metal Gear Solid 4: Existence 360 edition they'll tell us the release date.
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