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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 |OT| Awaiting the "Final Battle"

People wanna talk about it, regardless of there being a point or not.

No you can talk about the characters. I'm saying she isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things and shouldn't be talked about as if the game is really worse or better because of one character. If you can take Alisa you can take Chole.

Now if you honestly have a problem with all of the new characters introduced then you may have more of a case but otherwise its not that big of a deal.


Damn, I haven't cringed that hard in a while, part of me hopes that they run the series into the ground so I have no obligation to play it. :F


I'll just custom Chloe into Miku and have a nice day. She looks to be my go to troll character unless her moveset turns out to be fun to play. I still wonder why T7 is getting a character like this. Is this some sort of response with DOA players? Or characters? Meh. There's zero reason to be discouraged over a new character. We still have the old ones to play :D

Edit: Speak of her moveset, she looks like some sort of arranged capo style. Which I'm okay with. She better have some taunts.



I missed this. Lol.

I feel awful after that night. Last time I did this.

Is there T7 exhibition vid somewhere?

Edit: Here.


I wonder about how they are going to construct a storyline for the character.

EDIT: Finally people will get of JDCR's dick lmao


People are tweeting Harada links to the Lucky Chloe thread saying that western fans are not happy with her. Fuck off, you don't speak for me.
People are tweeting Harada links to the Lucky Chloe thread saying that western fans are not happy with her. Fuck off, you don't speak for me.

I am sure harada is smart and knows each poster reprsents a different individual and opinion.

Can I say fuck off to everybody that likes her and they dont speak for me? ;)


I have been a fan since Tekken and played Tekken since the first one, and I got to say this character appeals to me. I'm fine with them introducing more "anime" characters and is fine with Alisa and Lars (have grown on me) as well.

If there was one character I were "jealous" on Dead or Alive for having, it was Marie Rose. To me it was a great character design, and now she's almost copied to Tekken. Her moveset looks interesting as well with the capoiera stuff incorporated. I really think her costume is genius with the paws and all.

I could even see myself dropping my faithful Marshall Law for Lucky Chloe honestly but I'll wait and see until release, so I can get to try her out before changing characters.

And I'm not even into Idol Master, Otaku stuff and all that.

I couldn't see the stream last night because I were sleeping unfortunately, but I'm a little disappointed that they had to tone down the sparks but it's alright, I'll get used to it no matter what they end up with. But did Harada-san introduce any other mechanics or did he tease tid bits here and there?

Another thing is, that I'm worried Bruce Irvin is gonna be removed, as Bryan got one of his moves.

PS: I tweeted Harada, that I am very happy about the inclusion of Lucky Chloe.


OK, OK, having finally taken ALL of Lucky Chloe in I've come to realise she.. isn't so bad. Maybe it's because I'm kinda into Japanese idols but she's pretty cute.
I wish she looked more 'Asian' though because her look and the Engrish don't mesh well at all.

Marie Rose is still superior though, sorry Harada. :p


By the way, did Harada reveal any new stages?

I think I saw a snowy stage with a train driving in the background which looked great.


By the way, did Harada reveal any new stages?

I think I saw a snowy stage with a train driving in the background which looked great.

Yeah there was about 2 in the new trailer, the snowy one and one with what looks like a destroyed Golden Gate Bridge in the background.


Question to the above average throw breakers, do you find yourself throw breaking on reaction?

I just did it three times in a match, wasn't even thinking. When I saw the animation, I was either mashing 1 immediately, or 1+2 immediately, did I just learn how to throwbreak?


I've had a really great time reading the Chloe reactions. :)

Not smiling upon other people's grief if they hate this type of character but I think the reactions were way exaggerated.

The only way a single character can ruin an entire game for me is if he or she is completely imbalanced and ranks vastly above the other characters.

An example would be metaknight in Brawl. But even then, metaknight didn't hinder my enjoyment of the game.

I will say that Lucky Chloe is definitely not a good fit for the Tekken universe despite the fact that Tekken has an insane roster. We've had goofy characters like Dr. B but they still fit in with the rest of the cast. She just seems to really stand apart from the other characters.

Some people find her voice cute and others find it annoying. For me, it's just another Miharu I have to deal with. :p

People are tweeting Harada links to the Lucky Chloe thread saying that western fans are not happy with her. Fuck off, you don't speak for me.

Seems like a love/hate character so far to me. There is no and can never be a "united" opinion on what people think of her or any other character so there isn't a "western" opinion either.

A lot of people enjoy using troll characters and causing salt and I can see her being used prominently online so I guess it appeases certain people at the expense of others that can't stand characters like those.


Question to the above average throw breakers, do you find yourself throw breaking on reaction?

I just did it three times in a match, wasn't even thinking. When I saw the animation, I was either mashing 1 immediately, or 1+2 immediately, did I just learn how to throwbreak?

I'm not above average but I can generally recognize/anticipate when a grab is coming.

With Ogre/True Ogre/Wang/Law/Marduk/Bob, I am always (from the beginning of the match) anticipating 1+2 throws.

With Xiaoyu, I am always anticipating her f+2+3 and am ready to hold down each time.

With Kunimitsu, I am always anticipating her run/walk animation into f+1+4 throw and ready to hold down/back in each instance.

I know these are throws are prominent with these characters so I'm ready to respond to them.

With the general 1+3 or 2+4 throws, I just try to anticipate the grab and mash on either 1 or 2.


I'm not above average but I can generally recognize/anticipate when a grab is coming.

With Ogre/True Ogre/Wang/Law/Marduk/Bob, I am always (from the beginning of the match) anticipating 1+2 throws.

With Xiaoyu, I am always anticipating her f+2+3 and am ready to hold down each time.

With Kunimitsu, I am always anticipating her run/walk animation into f+1+4 throw and ready to hold down/back in each instance.

I know these are throws are prominent with these characters so I'm ready to respond to them.

With the general 1+3 or 2+4 throws, I just try to anticipate the grab and mash on either 1 or 2.

I'm not good at throw breaking, but I do the same thing. Anticipating 1+2 throws and for normal throws, I generally mash 2. Worked pretty good so far.

I also exaggerated a little when it comes to Chloe :p


I'm very interested in how many new characters we're getting. We have already got some nice ones.

Lucky Chloe

And we're probably also getting the Arab guy and Kazumi Mishima. I actually think we'll get more. What nation is Chloe from anyway?

I'll probably also lose many of my favorites like Kunimitsu, Bruce, Michelle and Wang. :(


I don't like Tekken going anime. There are tons of anime fighters for that, things like her fit in there well.

Why Tekken must provide fanservice to every possible goofball fantasy and fetish?

Geezas, her appearance, gestures, voice like insult to anyone's intelligence. I have a feeling calling her "anime" is unfair to that popculture. She just transcends some kind of ultimate form of retardation. Hopefully that's her actual storyline.
I just don't get Harada. Someone needs stop him, give him Idolmaster 7 to make so he can fulfill those fantasies.

Oh definitely she's a character to carter to the same audience as Marie Rose in DOA, I just doubt 3D fighters are the right place to include and pamper to such things.

I like useless joke characters like everyone else. I understand people who want to troll with some dumbass character for lols, but I guess they're(Harada) really serious with this awful design as a true "valid" character.

I'm probably too old to unsee Lucky Chloe as pos addition to roster.

I have a feeling there's no one at Tekken Project that has the guts to say: "No! Are you fucking right in the head proposing that?!" to Harada and just dumbest shit goes, no one gives a fuck anymore.

Anyway here are few moments from exhibition.
Also it was weird to see no one could backdash effectively. I have a feeling that directions must be held for more frames to get bigger step back.







I was just mad Tekken isn't the series that I wanted it to be. I always wanted Tekken to be a celebration of different martial arts in a Hong Kong "Enter The Dragon" styled presentation taking place in a modern cyber-punk-ish universe. I always got that feeling when playing Tekken 2 and Tekken 3 with their character types.

And of coarse when someone chose the outliers like Mokujin, Bears, Alex, or Dr. B it was to simply troll and not try to win.

And even the other childish characters like Xiaoyu took the fight seriously and weren't trying to troll you. Same situation with Danpierre in SCV. If you lost to those characters, it's because you were exponentially outplayed and deserve to get trolled. It's annoying to me seeing these joke characters take center stage and have equal importance to the legitimate martial arts practitioners.

After watching the trailer... I am with the observation that Chloe has some really strong buttons. She has low crush mid mid string that's a natural combo and launches on regular hit (The steve player was recovering from PKB d+1 so I know it wasn't CH)... and considering the second hit had a larger spark, that second hit alone has >25 damage. Combined with the first hit it could be a 40-49 damage launcher making it a scary whiff punish. She has another low crush like Steve's u/f+3 that hits low that's really deceptive to see and must do >25 damage because of the hit spark. She has a WS launcher probably elevating her punishment potential >Kazama's. And lastly towards the end, it looks like she also has a snake edge that crushes highs (and I bet some mids as well). The juggles displayed were all canned strings so the combo's should be pretty easy to use as well.

Hopefully she'll at least be a little linear like Lili to get around these things... but I should mentally prepare myself to see that character fairly frequently online.



Wait. So Rose Marie is a copy of Lili, while Lucky Chloe is a copy of Rose Marie? I see we have come full circle.


I always wanted Tekken to be realistic, with fighting styles inspired by real martial arts. No dinosaurs, kangaroos, bears or pandas. The closest we got to that were Tekken 4 and I immensely enjoyed it.
Now, I have just let go, and would actually really like it, if more anime characters joins the roster. It's like a new era with new types of fighters. I love that Alisa have robot arms, I really like Lars now as well being this super sayan, and Lucky Chloe is the definition of character I want to see join the roster now.

Now I just want unique fighting styles, no matter if they are inspired by real artists.

So far, I think Chloe has potential to become the best newcomer since Miguel, Leo, Dragunov and Feng Wei.

Let's spread the love:


Actually, the tail is too much.

But man, can we just tweet Harada, that we want a Filipino fighter with Eskrima martial art?


I'm not good at throw breaking, but I do the same thing. Anticipating 1+2 throws and for normal throws, I generally mash 2. Worked pretty good so far.

I also exaggerated a little when it comes to Chloe :p

I"m just annoyed with people acting like the franchise is done for after this one character and they are never playing a Tekken game again. haha.

YES, I finally fought KOR!

Post results. :p


No you can talk about the characters. I'm saying she isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things and shouldn't be talked about as if the game is really worse or better because of one character. If you can take Alisa you can take Chole.

Now if you honestly have a problem with all of the new characters introduced then you may have more of a case but otherwise its not that big of a deal.

That's the thing though, In fighting games, the characters ARE the content. Each individual character in a fighting game that is worth a shit plays a far bigger role than your typical character in most other genres.

For the most part, I can ignore or just laugh at how stupid this kind of character is in all other genres. In fighting games though, there is no ignoring it. People will pick her and she will be all up in my fucking face with her awfulness. It has been straight up getting worse and worse with character introductions ever since DR with Lili (who is a drop in the bucket at this point) and with this trash I think I have just about hit my limit.

So yes, I think it is very reasonable for people to lose interest in Tekken 7 because of this kind of announcement.

I stopped playing Blazblu, because of Arakune
I don't play most 2D anime fighters because of this kind of bullshit
I don't play DoA because of this kind of bullshit
There's a chance that I won't play Tekken 7 because of this kind of bullshit.

One character really is all that it takes sometimes.

YES, I finally fought KOR!

If Devil Himself can take KOR out in tournament, I see no reason why you can't score wins off of him. You're much better than that guy.
People keep taking about things getting worse ever since DR with Lili, but we also got Dragunov. For everyone of these "anime" style characters we still get 1 to 2 really awesome characters. In T6 we got Bob, but also Leo, Migs, and Zafina.

T6BR and we get Lars and Alisa. 2 anime style characters but I'll take Alisa's design and gameplay anyday over Lars and his bullshit.

So far In T7 we get Katarina, Claudio, Chloe, and potentially Kazumi and Arab dude. Katarina's design is fine imo and she uses a real life Martial Arts. Aside from Claudio's arrow in his superarts he seems failry standard. Michael Murray already said his glowing arm properties arent much different than a ki charge ala Leo's ff+2. Chloe's design is a bit over the top but I'll reserve judgment until I see her 2p outfit/customizations and of course some solid gameplay footage. We don't know if Kazumi or Arab guy will even make the cut and be playable but as far as designs go I think they both look great.

Aside from Lili, Lars, Alisa, Chloe and maybe Bob I'd say the rest of the new characters since DR-T7are right in line with new characters from past games. Honestly the only character I can't stand is Lars He's gonna be a mainstay and has been top tier in the 2 games he''s been in. For everyone who hates Chloe right now I can assure you I hate Lars alot more and yet I've never given a thought to quitting Tekken.

Only thing I'm bummed out about is that they wasted the great Kozaki Yusuke's talents on this idol type character. They should have used someone else for that and let him design a much more badass type character.


It's funny to me how the main counter point that people keep bringing up is "Oh, Tekken has had this kind of shit since forever."

So I guess it's totally cool to pile on more trash on top of the rest of the garbage?

Lars, Bob, Alisa, Lili, Bears, etc...

It's not fucking fun to fight versus these characters. It won't be fun fighting versus this stupid ass character. I don't understand why this is so hard for some of you to comprehend. You peeps can go ahead and enjoy yourselves, but you can also get outta here with the whole "why you so mad about just one character" bullshit while you're at it.


It's funny to me how the main counter point that people keep bringing up is "Oh, Tekken has had this kind of shit since forever."

So I guess it's totally cool to pile on more trash on top of the rest of the garbage?

Lars, Bob, Alisa, Lili, Bears, etc...

It's not fucking fun to fight versus these characters. It won't be fun fighting versus this stupid ass character. I don't understand why this is so hard for some of you to comprehend. You peeps can go ahead and enjoy yourselves, but you can also get outta here with the whole "why you so mad about just one character" bullshit while you're at it.

Those characters you listed (Lars, Bob, Alisa, Lili) are also THE most popular and there is an audience for them.

Do you not like their character design or is it because of the playstyle or both?

I hate Bob with the burning fury of a thousand suns but I will tolerate it. But that's not because of his character design. It's because I hate how good he is in the game. I can deal with Lars. Alisa and Lili are already b-tier and easier to work around once you get past their shenanigans. Bob players, though, just mash b+2,2 (hard to duck and punish), other jabs, the stupid chop, etc.
It's funny to me how the main counter point that people keep bringing up is "Oh, Tekken has had this kind of shit since forever."

So I guess it's totally cool to pile on more trash on top of the rest of the garbage?

Lars, Bob, Alisa, Lili, Bears, etc...

It's not fucking fun to fight versus these characters. It won't be fun fighting versus this stupid ass character. I don't understand why this is so hard for some of you to comprehend. You peeps can go ahead and enjoy yourselves, but you can also get outta here with the whole "why you so mad about just one character" bullshit while you're at it.


The point was made though that for every dumb char we get, we also get 2-3 solid main chars to go with it. That's the only saving grace IMO. Like there's some quota that has to be met.

What's pissing people off most though is that the ratio is changing for the worse. We're getting more dumbassery and less serious styles each iteration. The demographics must be changing because the series is devolving into something that will no longer resemble classic tekken. It's been said before, this slide started in T5 and has been avalanching ever since.
My post wasn't directed at you Manny btw. I would have posted in the reveal thread but that thread has gone to shit already.

My point was simply that new characters since DR havent been all bad. Alot of people like to point at Lili as the turning point but I don't think thats the case. I mean how can people say character direction has gone down hill when we get really awesome shit like Drag, Leo, and Miguel. Theres always gonna be good and bad and I simpy feel that as far as Tekken goes the good still out numbers the bad.

And for the record it's not fun fighting Nina, Marduk, Armor King, Heihachi, Jinpachi and a bunch of other chracters too lol.


C'mon Harada-son. There's no shortage of ditzy creampuffs in Tekken. If they're gonna keep getting out there with the adds they should go ahead make an action game inspired character that can switch weapons, dodge, and has a magic gauge.
I actually think that the slew of bad new characters started with T6. I think Lili and Drag are great designs, and Namco thinks so too. It's just that they have been trying the mirror their success pretty badly.

BTW, this page really holds Chrome hostage on my machine.
It's funny to me how the main counter point that people keep bringing up is "Oh, Tekken has had this kind of shit since forever."

So I guess it's totally cool to pile on more trash on top of the rest of the garbage?

Lars, Bob, Alisa, Lili, Bears, etc...

It's not fucking fun to fight versus these characters. It won't be fun fighting versus this stupid ass character. I don't understand why this is so hard for some of you to comprehend. You peeps can go ahead and enjoy yourselves, but you can also get outta here with the whole "why you so mad about just one character" bullshit while you're at it.

See that was my point. If you have a problem with some of the roster since T6 then I have no beef with that. Because obviously that this character was the straw that broke the camels back. But I'm saying if you were fine with previous characters and then THIS ONE CHARACTER ruins the game for you then...idk seems off to me.


I forgot to mention that Hwoarang has Baek's FLA f+3 from the trailer. Definitely looks like Baek is gonna be missing in this game.

That's a great effort. I got to play a casual FT5 with KOR when he visited Toronto in 2013. He rocked me 5-1. There was that one instant where Bob had rage in the back you gave it up by using him for the tag assault. You should have just done a solo combo and tagged out at the end of it to bob to put in pressure since it was impossible to kill with Law. I also saw a counter hit b+1,2 that hit but you didn't confirm the last launcher, that would have been super deadly!

Question to the above average throw breakers, do you find yourself throw breaking on reaction?

I just did it three times in a match, wasn't even thinking. When I saw the animation, I was either mashing 1 immediately, or 1+2 immediately, did I just learn how to throwbreak?

You're getting the reaction down, but yes, this is how I play. I press the throw button once I see the animation. But again it took me practice using the method I described previously to get it down better. But I'm not as consistent as I used to be because of my lack of practice :(
Chloe is exclusive to East Asia and Europe? Wut.


EDIT: I guess most of the complainers were from the US or something? lol


You know, I thought it was weird when I first saw the character talking in that mangled 'Engrish' that you often hear Japanese VAs do. "ARE YUUUU LEAADDY?'

It just seemed to me that if you wanted a wholehearted attempt of creating this character for the worldwide audience, you'd at least get a proper English VA to voice her. But it looks like this isn't the case.


You know, I thought it was weird when I first saw the character talking in that mangled 'Engrish' that you often hear Japanese VAs do. "ARE YUUUU LEAADDY?'

It just seemed to me that if you wanted a wholehearted attempt of creating this character for the worldwide audience, you'd at least get a proper English VA to voice her. But it looks like this isn't the case.

I think it's intentionally done that way to make it sound "cute."
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