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The Apple iPad | The Official Thread

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Tobor said:
Oh, absolutely. I was showing my iPad to an elderly neighbor and when I told him you get all your software from the App Store, he got excited.

"So all the software has been tested first and it's safe?"

"That's right."

"Wow, that's fantastic!"

I think we forget about these people who have been shellshocked by shitty software over the years. How many times have you had a relative or friend complain about the computer acting screwy or slow, and the culprit is the CD that came with their new printer installing bloatware garbage? To them, the restrictions of the App Store are an absolute blessing, a green light to try out new things without fear of hosing their device.
Totally, shit like an EVE online patch, a patch for a fucking videogame, removing your boot.ini and making windows not boot, it's definitely got a good side to it. I just understand why on the other hand people are pissed. At least with a PC your never truly limited, on an iPhone/iPad you are limited unless you jailbreak.

But I bought an iPad because to me, ease of use and battery life were the top priorities for this type of device. It does what it said it'd do, and not much else, and it may never do much else beyond this initial offering, but that's all I wanted from it. I'm tired of having to run around and clean the registry, delete folders left behind from uninstalled shit, fix errors caused by shit that has no business bringing down my system, I'll put up with it on a single machine, and that'll be my main home machine, but no way will I accept that type of experience on everything I own that runs code.


mAcOdIn said:
I'd give it mixed marks for schoolwork. For note taking I'd say it'll probably suck. Typing on it all class would blow, writing on it all class would blow, but I'm a pen and paper guy, I hate the tap of keys in a classroom. But I do think doing some touchups of school work on it is possible and doable, Pages is weak but it's a workable first effort.

I honestly can't think of trying to do photography on this thing. Look, I like my iPad, I'll say it again, I use it hours every day, several days in a row before even having to charge it, it's a great device for accessing content but it's a mediocre device for making anything, outside maybe being a turn table or some shit for music.

That's not really a strike against either of your two choices you've outlined. I got this iPad to be my only notebook type portable computer and it works for me and I don't think you need a gaming PC to do school work or photoediting. In fact the best workout my PC gets is Master of Orion II, which isn't really a workout. I would choose the latter option because I think it's more fun but there will be times where you'll be cursing the iPad if you're trying to do serious work on it.
Same here, I don't think I could've ever use an electronic thing for class. My notes were too freeform and would be a pain in the ass on a regular notebook, and I write too small and fast for a tablet.

For photo and film uh yeah, there's only so much you can do. I could see using it to quickly get a big preview of stuff you've shot and weed through pics quickly on the iPad (with the camera connection kit) before transferring to your computer, but otherwise not so much. You could do tweaking with whatever photo apps but there's only so much they can do.

As for MBP vs iMac + iPad, I'd say it just depends how much work you plan to do away from your desk, or if you need to be able to do work anywhere. I was an art major and had a PowerBook, but honestly I can't remember ever really needing it away from home. Certainly it was nice for some stuff here and there, but I could've just as well just used the school computers and brought my own HD or flash drive for my stuff.

Of course another option is MBP + iPad. You lose the power still, but it's the most flexible solution. It's still a relatively strong machine to do whatever, and you don't have to worry about being tied to a desk. And you have the iPad to screw around with anything else.
Well I wouldn't be using the iPad for anything photo/video related, really. I've played around with it enough at the Apple store to realize its better than my netbook at watching video, or browsing the web. The only thing in my mind is typing and multitasking. Even while casualy using my netbook, I've got a couple tabs open and am constantly switching back and forth from the browser to adium to talk to my friend. How would that translate to an iPad?


killertofu said:
Well I wouldn't be using the iPad for anything photo/video related, really. I've played around with it enough at the Apple store to realize its better than my netbook at watching video, or browsing the web. The only thing in my mind is typing and multitasking. Even while casualy using my netbook, I've got a couple tabs open and am constantly switching back and forth from the browser to adium to talk to my friend. How would that translate to an iPad?
Some of the new messaging apps are placing a little browser in with the messaging app, I think I have a Gtalk one that does multiple IM clients with a web browser in the same app, I think it's IM+ or some shit, but I haven't tried to watch video on it, so I don't know how robust a browser it is, nor do I know what the iPhone OS 4.0 will bring in terms of multitasking, hopefully someone more versed in that will come along. It'll kinda be a waiting game between who makes a decent IM app with a browser built in, so that the app is not theoretically multitasking since it's one app or see how Apple's implementation of multitasking works on the iPad when OS 4 comes out. Or I guess there's jailbreaking, which I have not done yet, there's a multitasking thing if you jailbreak it, but jailbreaking sounds like kind of a bitch.

I've tried to read up on it, but these have all been my work days and they've all been 12 hour days, and today I was just too lazy but jailbreaking seems kinda complicated. Not this Spirit jailbreak that's out now, that seems easy and permanent, but from what I understand once Apple plugs this hole we may be forced to a "tethered" jailbreak, which from my limited understanding means you have to re-jailbreak it each time you turn it on. If I'm wrong hopefully someone will chime in, but if that's the case I kinda didn't want to even bother, because then the next OS will come out and I'll be flipping a coin seeing if I should upgrade and lose the non-tethered jailbreak or upgrade and lose it, because no way in hell will I maintain a tethered jailbreak, too much of a pain in the ass.

But if you went with a straight messaging app and Safari, non jailbroken, on this current OS, it would suck for your needs because there literally is no multitasking outside of the iPod music player which can run in the background.


I'm heading to the US on the 22nd of May for 5 weeks, landing in San Fran. Pretty tempted to head to the Apple Store and pick up a 16GB WiFi, maybe 32GB depending on how much I save for the trip.

Been umming and arring the past few weeks but pretty set on getting one now. I've always loved PCs but never liked laptops. I've had an iPhone 3G for almost 2 years now and love it, so I'm pretty confident the iPad will be perfect for me. I already have a beast of a computer that I can tweak and play around with to my hearts content, so I don't really care if the iPad is locked down.

Almost every night when I go to bed, I use my iPhone to quickly check Facebook, Digg, TweetDeck and a few other sites and the iPad will be perfect for that. Bigger screen, easier to use so I won't have to squint and zoom constantly.

Plus Words with Friends HD!
killertofu said:
Okay, so I've been hearing how Steve Jobs wants to put an iPad to every college student or whatnot, but how does this thing actually compare in relation to taking notes, or having text books?

Right now I have a Hackintoshed Dell Mini 10v, which works fine for most things but has its bugs and stutters here and there. I'm also big into photography and am getting into film editting and such, which poses me with two options.

1. Get a Macbook Pro.
2. Get an iMac + iPad down the line for school and random surfing throughout.

It would be nice to have an all in one shell like the MBP, but in all honesty its not all that portable, and I'd be losing around 50 percent power in relation to an i7 iMac.

So does the second option prove viable to anyone else or is it just me? Has anyone taken their iPad to class and taken notes from lecture? Are there any good note taking apps?
it's a good device and a joy to use. but you may feel too restricted in the ways you want to get real work done to use it for anything but the most simple of note taking...almost like a really big PDA.

in 2001, this made sense. but now laptops are so powerful, thin and light that your best configuration would be to buy a MacBook Pro (whatever size you prefer) and an external display for home.

that way, you never have to worry about going home and converting your notes on your iPad to something your Mac can use or not being able to format it the way you want because the iPad has limited options. You won't have to worry about not being able to use a particular font on your files being fully compatible with X or Y OS of a person you may need to send to.

and when you get home from class, you can hook into your bigass 24" LCD display that you picked up for $200 and realize that you got the best of both worlds.

Short version: Get a MacBook Pro and a big external monitor. get an iPad if you have extra money to spend and want a device that is more focused on entertainment/consumption...or just skip it altogether and put that saved money towards a good Solid-state drive for that laptop.

and just to plug one of my favorite purchases of the last 2 years: My HP Elitebook Tablet PC is a student's dream product. Typing like a conventional laptop when you want to...flipping the display around, snatching out the stylus and taking hand notes and using One Note is just an amazing experience. Elitebook quality (military-grade manufacturing, rock solid, no flex anywhere, one of the best series of products on the market). The way it handles audio and video and can sync it to the notes you're taking at particular times and organizes itself is brilliant. Not to mention how great it is to be able to go freestyle in Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop and get pressure sensitivity...all without having to carry around an external handwriting apparatus like a Bamboo. It's the only laptop I own that I wouldn't trade in or replace except for an upgraded version of itself. of course, if you don't like to hand-write notes, do hand-written drawings (say for chemistry, math/physics equations or anything else you might do on paper that is obtuse to do on a regular keyboard) it would be of no value to you.


jambo said:
Almost every night when I go to bed, I use my iPhone to quickly check Facebook, Digg, TweetDeck and a few other sites and the iPad will be perfect for that. Bigger screen, easier to use so I won't have to squint and zoom constantly.

Plus Words with Friends HD!
After playing around with the iPad apps a bit, I ended up continuing to access those services on my phone. The bigger screen doesn't make any of them better. You'll still have to squint and zoom because the type is bit small (eg on Digg)

Is there a decent iphone/ipad app for the bookmarking sites del.icio.us and inboard.in?


Agree with the MBP and optional iPad. You don't need masses of power for what you describe, any of the MBPs will be fine for you. With a MBP you can have it acting just like a desktop, connected to a nice external monitor (choose for colour correctness for your photo editing, so probably IPS). you can leave it like that 90% of the time, but still have the flexibility to unplug and take it away with you if you need that.

The iPad is really just a great browser/media consuming device. Good enough that you wouldn't need to be at your main computer for most daily 'non-work' tasks, relaxing on the sofa in front of the TV etc. So it'll allow you to leave your MBP docked doing stuff or ready for you when you need it.


Everytime I load up livescore.com I'm redirected to this page after a few seconds. Odd.



Right I'm preordering a 16gb WiFi tomorrow.

When dies the online store open for pre-orders & can I choose store pickup for release day so I can early bird the Newcastle shop?


DoctorWho said:
I'm having no problems with livescore.com. Not jail broken if that makes a difference.
Do you have Folder installed? I also have problems with their mobile site when using my phone. It might be a jailbreak utility conflict but I can't figure out which one *shrug*
Charred Greyface said:
Do you have Folder installed? I also have problems with their mobile site when using my phone. It might be a jailbreak utility conflict but I can't figure out which one *shrug*
Nope. Don't have anything called Folder.


Oh thank goodness!

BeejiveIM confirms iPad version in final beta, should be available prior to the international launch!

This was the only app I was missing with an iPad update, so glad to see it. Hope they don't go for a money grab and end up making a separate app, that'd cause a lot of derision from their userbase and people would probably jump ship to IM+.


Gowans007 said:
When dies the online store open for pre-orders & can I choose store pickup for release day so I can early bird the Newcastle shop?

I asked them via the chat button on their store but they just said they don't know and to check in the morning.
Gary Whitta said:
Amen to that brother!

The list of legitimate words WWF won't allow and the list of utter bullshit words it happily will grows longer day by day...

Qi and Qat always comes through in a pinch

also, random Hebrew words seem to always be allowed.
Gary Whitta said:
Amen to that brother!

The list of legitimate words WWF won't allow and the list of utter bullshit words it happily will grows longer day by day...
I'm sure WWF is just using a list of Scrabble-approved words, which are behind the times and have often stretched credulity (17 points). Nobody uses 75% of the 2-3 letter words in real life. Gary and I had a game-ending dispute over my word "Peery" (inquisitive; suspicious; sharp). I don't think that word has been used since Dickensian times (but, it is a word!). I'm pissed that I couldn't use the word "Jorts" in a game, which I feel has entered the lexicon and was worth 154 points! Are curse words disallowed? I'm in a match where someone used "Pubes."

The real failing of WWF is the endless attempts you can guess. I would amend the rules to allow two attempts at a word. If it is accepted, you get the points. If denied, your next attempt would have to be a real word or you lose the turn. Unfortunately, this would probably just lead to more Googling for words.


There was a great band in Baltimore who called themselves Kwyjibo.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
adamsappel said:
Unfortunately, this would probably just lead to more Googling for words.

There was a great band in Baltimore who called themselves Kwyjibo.

I wish that people were just Googling, but they're not, they use specific WWF cheats to max scores AND find BS words.

"Scyphozoa" for a triple word score. OH SURE YOU KNEW THAT WORD.

Also, Kwyjibo is a perfectly cromulent word.
adamsappel said:
I'm sure WWF is just using a list of Scrabble-approved words, which are behind the times and have often stretched credulity (17 points). Nobody uses 75% of the 2-3 letter words in real life. Gary and I had a game-ending dispute over my word "Peery" (inquisitive; suspicious; sharp). I don't think that word has been used since Dickensian times (but, it is a word!). I'm pissed that I couldn't use the word "Jorts" in a game, which I feel has entered the lexicon and was worth 154 points! Are curse words disallowed? I'm in a match where someone used "Pubes."

The real failing of WWF is the endless attempts you can guess. I would amend the rules to allow two attempts at a word. If it is accepted, you get the points. If denied, your next attempt would have to be a real word or you lose the turn. Unfortunately, this would probably just lead to more Googling for words.
I don't think it's a coincidence that an anagram word-finder iPad app has recently surfaced on the App Store...
OuterWorldVoice said:
I wish that people were just Googling, but they're not, they use specific WWF cheats to max scores AND find BS words.

"Scyphozoa" for a triple word score. OH SURE YOU KNEW THAT WORD.

Also, Kwyjibo is a perfectly cromulent word.
OWV, wanna play? I am gwhitta on WWF. I don't cheat, which is easily demonstrated by the fact that I always lose.
soul creator said:
think of the children!
And yet in my game against Gary I just used "shit". But bitch doesn't work? Really? That's retarded.

Also, the word "Jew" is not allowed, which I thought was strange. Is "Jewish"?


Darkflight said:
Hmm, hopefully not sold out by 6:20 am when I wake up - can't rationale another hour before just incase the store is up then - I'd never get through a work day starting at 5.

well i think iam to crazy for this shit … going to let my alarm clock go off @ 4.50 am … 


Charred Greyface said:
Do you have Folder installed? I also have problems with their mobile site when using my phone. It might be a jailbreak utility conflict but I can't figure out which one *shrug*

If it works anything like Categories, you'll need your App Store link to be outside of any custom folders or iLinks won't launch properly.

Btw, just pre-ordered my 32GB wifi at the Aus apple store, roll on months-end! :D


Darkflight said:
Oh shit, I was just about to go to sleep and noticed the UK store is down - how long does it normally take before they up it?

lol yeha me too … if it goes like normal it could take up to 2h easily… normaly the store goes down at 2PM and up at 4PM. So 2h … unfortunatly the Australian/Japan store got updated with ipad preorders @ 5AM …
Flek said:
lol yeha me too … if it goes like normal it could take up to 2h easily… normaly the store goes down at 2PM and up at 4PM. So 2h … unfortunatly the Australian/Japan store got updated with ipad preorders @ 5AM …
I'll stay awake for another 20 minutes, watch some Simpsons and if its not up then see what 6:20am brings.


Darkflight said:
I'll stay awake for another 20 minutes, watch some Simpsons and if its not up then see what 6:20am brings.

well yeha i think i stay up for maybe 1,20 mins and see how it goes…if nothing happens > sleep and let my alarm go off @5 am

btw, this is seriously sick how mouch of a technick freak iam to stay up all night long for a freaking gadget ;O
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