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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Mod Discussion and News [Creation Kit released]


brazen editing lynx
Linking the video from your thread, subversus:

They MUST realese all this stuff as mods on the workshop or wherever they want, they MUST do it, c'mon Bethesda.
Mounted combat? Dragon mounts? Fat giants?

OHMYGOD. I want need all of those mods. Seasonal foliage is now my most wanted mod. Damn I hope someone mods that in soon.

And I almost shat myself at the giant mudcrab. It would be freaking hilarious if the Posh Mudcrab mod works on it.
Just released my first mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=8688

Better Thieves Guild Entrance/Exit

-Adds a door near the thieves guild entrance in the crypt to the ragged flagon
-Moves the default exit location when you leave the theives guild HQ from under the crypt to just outside it so you don't have to wait for the thing to slide shut and then open it to leave
-Adds exit from ragged flagon

There is another mod I saw that adds a door to the ragged flagon but the entrance is out in the open, so I made this to have the door in the crypt instead. Also That sliding tomb thing was bugging me all throughout my thieves guild play through so I moved the exit marker thing out of the crypt so you don't have to wait for it to slide shut and open again.


The dovakin hideout has everything i want but it's so uhm, ugly looking. I want a nice big cozy house with roaring fires everywhere.

Or a castle


what do you guys use for dynamic time of day shadowing?

either I get that strobe effect

or it's jarring "ticks" that annoy the crap out of me
So, my Skyrim is now freezing whenever I fast travel. It was working fine earlier today, and all I have are five mods.

Anyone else getting this?


Linking the video from your thread, subversus:

They MUST realese all this stuff as mods on the workshop or wherever they want, they MUST do it, c'mon Bethesda.
Mounted combat? Dragon mounts? Fat giants?

complete list from joystiq.

also, Todd Howard said:

The fuck dude, release this stuff.

All of that in only 1 week? Dude, DLC that shit. I'd pay for seasonal foliage...well, like $2 but still.


This Bethesda experiment is equally amazing and awful. So much content in just one week? What were they doing in last 4 years? Seriously.

This video is seriously an arrow in their knee.
Has anyone had a huge performance hit from the hi res texture DLC?

Looking in certain directions freezes the game in towns for up to 10 seconds at a time, the loading screens also freeze and are just black for a long time.

Any fixes for this? I want the textures but this is unplayable.


This Bethesda experiment is equally amazing and awful. So much content in just one week? What were they doing in last 4 years? Seriously.

This video is seriously an arrow in their knee.

Is it all thanks to the creation kit finally being released or what ?
I can't imagine it took them 1 week to do all that amazing stuff if in 1 year all the content we got was bugged companions blocking your way :p
what do you guys use for dynamic time of day shadowing?

either I get that strobe effect

or it's jarring "ticks" that annoy the crap out of me

I think the best option is to change the time to 24hours per day, that way it's more realistic and you won't get the stupid shadow shimmering. There is a console command that does it, but I'm on my phone so I'm not sure what it is, I'm sure someone can help.
Has anyone had a huge performance hit from the hi res texture DLC?

Looking in certain directions freezes the game in towns for up to 10 seconds at a time, the loading screens also freeze and are just black for a long time.

Any fixes for this? I want the textures but this is unplayable.

I'm going to check tomorrow to see if the Hi-Res is the reason my game is now freezing.


Is it all thanks to the creation kit finally being released or what ?
I can't imagine it took them 1 week to do all that amazing stuff if in 1 year all the content we got was bugged companions blocking your way :p

Being given the creative liberty you don't get when you need to answer to project leads or adhere to a predetermined design. Also not having to worry so much about balance or bugs or whatnot cause it's just an experiment.


Being given the creative liberty you don't get when you need to answer to project leads or adhere to a predetermined design. Also not having to worry so much about balance or bugs or whatnot cause it's just an experiment.

Yep, but it was only a week, get next two/three weeks to polish new ones and here You go and stuff like water shader, pitch black dungeons, ssao or physics arent exactly things You need to balance or polish, at least not on PC. Its also not like game is balanced, so combination of spells just could be thrown into, same with werewolf skill tree, or assassins skills.
Yep, but it was only a week, get next two/three weeks to polish new ones and here You go and stuff like water shader, pitch black dungeons, ssao or physics arent exactly things You need to balance or polish, at least not on PC. Its also not like game is balanced, so combination of spells just could be thrown into, same with werewolf skill tree, or assassins skills.

Keep in mind that there's an awful lot of content in the game, Todd said that they were in full production for three years, now, having account the game is pretty stable and bug free for Bethesda's standards I'd say they barely had time to complete and release it in a more or less acceptable condition.

Plus, what Erethian said is true, creative freedom and the fact that it was just an "experiment" would get a lot of pressure out of the team which in turn would lead to some awesome mods.


I've noticed that certain water sounds cause hitching when they are behind and slightly to the left of my character. Really wish I could get rid of that annoying hitches when it drops to 58 or goes up to 61 for no real reason.
Linking the video from your thread, subversus:

They MUST realese all this stuff as mods on the workshop or wherever they want, they MUST do it, c'mon Bethesda.
Mounted combat? Dragon mounts? Fat giants?
People asking for mounted combat aren't giving much thought to things. How will the A.I. adapt to such situation? It already has a really hard time to adapt to different situations, like when the player is at a different altitude level, so asking for mounted combat is a bit much. A more reasonable demand would be mounted companions and that already is hard enough to implement.
Is it all thanks to the creation kit finally being released or what ?
I can't imagine it took them 1 week to do all that amazing stuff if in 1 year all the content we got was bugged companions blocking your way :p

This was apparently made the week after Skyrim was finished and sent in for certification, not when they finished the Creation Kit.

Some of this stuff really should've been included in the game, like that water shader.


Ever since I started my game, I've noticed that whenever I seem to go inside an inn, or a store, it always sounds like items are just constantly moving around, or going back and forth between the ground and the shelves. Sometimes when I open a door, some just fly everywhere for no reason. The only mods I've ever installed is RWT, glowing ore, and the 360 controller remap. I've since disabled RWT (don't really see the point in having decreased performance if I rarely look at the water in the game anyway). I've tried disabling the others, and it still happens.

Does anyone else have this problem? What could I possibly do to get rid of this? It gets annoying because some missions that require me having to be stealthy are kinda hard when items seem to fly around when I open doors.


Linking the video from your thread, subversus:

They MUST realese all this stuff as mods on the workshop or wherever they want, they MUST do it, c'mon Bethesda.
Mounted combat? Dragon mounts? Fat giants?

Sweet JESUS at that video. A full 80% or more of that stuff is NEEDED!!1!

Snow Footprints?! Mounted Combat? Magic KillCams? Lycanthropy perk tree!? That shit SHOULD BE IN THERE?!?

Todd, release the hounds! It would be a major point of goodwill to the audience, help boost Steam Workshop, and I wouldn't even mind if you enhanced some of the choice ones and made it DLC. Just RELEASE them.

Oh, and as Blue Ninja mentioned, that flow based water shader needs to go in.
Holy shit that video. Some of that stuff is insane, they have to release it all. I want to fight a Giant Mudcrab as a Werebear 3/3 in Feral Mastery and then hop onto my Dragon mount and roast that fucker from the skies.

The moving platforms, crazy flaming demon horse mount, snow footprints, being able to extinguish light sources(that guards can relight!), spell combos, better ranged combat, house creation, all of that shit looks amazing, they have to release it in some way. Even if it's broken let the community at it so they can fix it and make it work.

This stuff is way too good to sit on a hard drive somewhere doing nothing.


Neo Member
I'm more interested with practical mods over any texture/graphic mods, like:

- Allow to have more than one companion following (will be sweet if you bring a war party of warriors to raid bandit's lairs)

One can dream...

If you're comfortable using console commands, you can do that using this method (though there are some drawbacks as described in the link):


I've been playing with two-followers for over a month now with no intention of stopping...

The dovakin hideout has everything i want but it's so uhm, ugly looking. I want a nice big cozy house with roaring fires everywhere.

Or a castle
Building a house in the Creation Kit is pretty easy, or easier yet is simply modifying a house already in the game. I liked the Hideout mod to but I hated how big he made it and how much shit he ended up putting everywhere.

First thing I did when I got the Creation Kit was load up Honeyside (the house in Riften), go downstairs and "fix it up" so to speak. I removed a lot of the random hay bails, cobwebs, and trash on the floor; in the corner of the enchanting room there's always been a busted bookshelf leaning against the wall so I straightened it up and put a table next to it; I moved the manequins together on one wall and placed three more large chests in there (stacked on top of each other with shelves); I set up a couple of more shelves to hold books; I put a couple of small ornate chests and lockboxes on the table/bookshelf and added another weapon rack. It was late at night so I stopped but I'm planning to go ahead and add a smithing room if I can as well (maybe just convert Iona's room).


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I checked out the Steam Workshop "Mod Store" yesterday. It seemed to have a terrible layout without that Valve shine. Why did they force all the mods in a narrow space in the middle, when the rest of the Steam UI isn't limited in the same way?


This Bethesda experiment is equally amazing and awful. So much content in just one week? What were they doing in last 4 years? Seriously.

This video is seriously an arrow in their knee.

Terrible jokes aside, I completely agree. They need to add this content to the game, or at least the stuff modders wouldn't be able to accomplish themselves. Price it at $20, throw in a new area and quest line, and I guarantee it will sell to 90% of the userbase.

Of course, DLC is supposed to come to 360 first, correct? In that case, they have to build this content for all versions and it becomes so complex of an endeavor that it may no longer feasible. No wonder they had to issue a caveat before the video.


GAF parliamentarian
Workshop needs a lot of work. The number of garbage 'test' things uploaded is just ridiculous. And looking at the TF2 Workshop channel, it'll only get worse.


Team Fortress 2 Workshop went live on October 13, 2011 - 3,571 mods

Skyrim Workshop went live two days ago - 1,123 mods

At this rate, we'll see double that by next Tuesday, 5,000 in two weeks, and 10,000 in a month. Valve need to clean the place up quickly or it's going to be impossible for new, high quality mods to get any attention. Not only that, but it will be compounded by mod authors unable to find equivalent mods before developing their own version.

We can take solace knowing the content from the uncommitted and amateur modders will come out in that first month. After that, there won't be nearly as much redundant trash and the workshop will be tolerable again. In the meantime, I'm avoiding it. The Nexus is still the way to go if you care at all about quality, useability, and organization. And remember this: Most of the people using the CK right now know only of the Skyrim Workshop and not of Skyrim Nexus.


FYI guys.
Dragonmounts are already able to be made pretty easy by any of us. Specific idle animation Dragon mount just need to be attached to a button that scripts it and some other dropdowns. Last night I had my guy walking up to a dragon and he instantly got on and flew off. But I forgot to turn off the cinema cam so...he flew off and never returned hahahaha. But if you check out the editor most of that stuff, including slowly building buildings is right there for you to add and with little difficulty.

The only issue I have run into is a glitch where a new race doesn't show up in preview like the defaults. Not sure how to fix that but it makes making new races from the setpieces available hard. All the parts are their to make a Satyr. Which I almost had complete but without being able to preview its a ton of closing and running the game versus just seeing if the bits are set up right.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I think this might be the result of Valve trying to meet a deadline instead of going by Valve Time :(


Search is great but I can't wait for it all to "settle", so to speak. I can browse through the first 10 pages and there'll be like 3-4 mods I'd call quality mods. Then there's so much shit, little odd gameplay changes, some retarded pet and stupid joke mods.

Still a lot of mods that still rely on third party installations to work / work optimally, which kinda goes against the entire purpose of the workshop.


People asking for mounted combat aren't giving much thought to things. How will the A.I. adapt to such situation? It already has a really hard time to adapt to different situations, like when the player is at a different altitude level, so asking for mounted combat is a bit much. A more reasonable demand would be mounted companions and that already is hard enough to implement.

did it, not me.
If they put it in that video, it means it's more than viable and it needs (at the most) some polish and QA.
There are tons of games with mounted combat, you don't need HAL 9000, to fight you on a horse.
They hit me and damage either me or the horse, i mean it's not like i can't attack some guard and run away with my horse right now.


Hey I was wondering if anyone knew if Flora Overhaul, The better water mod (gaffer made forgetting his name sorry man), and if the enhanced ember and fire mods were put up on the workshop yet. I know it sounds weird but I kinda want to have my mods all in one place and I wanna check them out on the workshop.

Still love and use Nexus, just want to try it out with these mods first.


Hey I was wondering if anyone knew if Flora Overhaul, The better water mod (gaffer made forgetting his name sorry man), and if the enhanced ember and fire mods were put up on the workshop yet. I know it sounds weird but I kinda want to have my mods all in one place and I wanna check them out on the workshop.

Still love and use Nexus, just want to try it out with these mods first.

Yeah, those are the quality mods I want up there and in the top rated section.


I don't know if this has been asked, but when I put certain mods that affect cities (open cities, detail cities) the game crashes right after the bethesda screen. Anyone know what could be causing that?


I think this might be the result of Valve trying to meet a deadline instead of going by Valve Time :(
It seems more likely, to me, that the workshop was mostly designed around TF2. In TF2 the only things players can submit are models, so just an image and a name are usually enough to get the message across.

Now that more games are starting to use it, they'll likely do a redesign with some extra features and layout options. It's Valve though, so it'll probably take a month or two.


I don't know if this has been asked, but when I put certain mods that affect cities (open cities, detail cities) the game crashes right after the bethesda screen. Anyone know what could be causing that?

From what I hear Open Cities can cause that. Detail Cities I am not sure. Did you check the comments sections to see if anyone else was having the issue? Perhaps its a load order issue.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey I was wondering if anyone knew if Flora Overhaul, The better water mod (gaffer made forgetting his name sorry man), and if the enhanced ember and fire mods were put up on the workshop yet. I know it sounds weird but I kinda want to have my mods all in one place and I wanna check them out on the workshop.

Still love and use Nexus, just want to try it out with these mods first.
Takes a while to remake your mod and then add new features in. I hope to have the water mod updated and uploaded to both sites some time next week.


Playing around in the CK. I loaded up a mod I downloaded (ranger cabin) just to see how it works and how simple/difficult it is to change things around. (no worries, I'm not planning on stealing someone elses work, and if I save any changes I make, I'll certainly unsubscribe and not upload it as my own - simply 'playing around' with CK is all).

Anyway, my question is. What makes these houses different from one of the ones you buy? Like, I added some additional storage, but is that storage classifed as 'mine'? What's the difference between that storage and say storage that would be in a house I bought? I'm pretty much just going to do what Houston3000 did and cleanup/fixup one of the houses you buy, but I was just curious if anyone knows about the differences, especially in storage. Because I also noticed you can practically make any house 'yours', in the sense of dropping it in a location and adding storage. If it works the same as the houses you buy, storage wise, then hell, I'm going to drop a keep somewhere and have my own damn castle!


Playing around in the CK. I loaded up a mod I downloaded (ranger cabin) just to see how it works and how simple/difficult it is to change things around. (no worries, I'm not planning on stealing someone elses work, and if I save any changes I make, I'll certainly unsubscribe and not upload it as my own - simply 'playing around' with CK is all).

Anyway, my question is. What makes these houses different from one of the ones you buy? Like, I added some additional storage, but is that storage classifed as 'mine'? What's the difference between that storage and say storage that would be in a house I bought? I'm pretty much just going to do what Houston3000 did and cleanup/fixup one of the houses you buy, but I was just curious if anyone knows about the differences, especially in storage. Because I also noticed you can practically make any house 'yours', in the sense of dropping it in a location and adding storage. If it works the same as the houses you buy, storage wise, then hell, I'm going to drop a keep somewhere and have my own damn castle!

For containers, you can just set the faction of the container as "player" and that'll make the player the owner of the container. There might be a better/cleaner way of doing this, but i'm not aware of it if so.


Takes a while to remake your mod and then add new features in. I hope to have the water mod updated and uploaded to both sites some time next week.

Thanks for the clarification isoku, really sorry I forgot your name man. BTW I know by now you've gotten lots of praise but let me just say you made such an awesome and beautiful mod. The water is gorgeous.
Playing around in the CK. I loaded up a mod I downloaded (ranger cabin) just to see how it works and how simple/difficult it is to change things around. (no worries, I'm not planning on stealing someone elses work, and if I save any changes I make, I'll certainly unsubscribe and not upload it as my own - simply 'playing around' with CK is all).

Anyway, my question is. What makes these houses different from one of the ones you buy? Like, I added some additional storage, but is that storage classifed as 'mine'? What's the difference between that storage and say storage that would be in a house I bought? I'm pretty much just going to do what Houston3000 did and cleanup/fixup one of the houses you buy, but I was just curious if anyone knows about the differences, especially in storage. Because I also noticed you can practically make any house 'yours', in the sense of dropping it in a location and adding storage. If it works the same as the houses you buy, storage wise, then hell, I'm going to drop a keep somewhere and have my own damn castle!

Look for containers labled player in the container list. If you just use any container it's likely flagged to respawn.


Playing around in the CK. I loaded up a mod I downloaded (ranger cabin) just to see how it works and how simple/difficult it is to change things around. (no worries, I'm not planning on stealing someone elses work, and if I save any changes I make, I'll certainly unsubscribe and not upload it as my own - simply 'playing around' with CK is all).

Anyway, my question is. What makes these houses different from one of the ones you buy? Like, I added some additional storage, but is that storage classifed as 'mine'? What's the difference between that storage and say storage that would be in a house I bought? I'm pretty much just going to do what Houston3000 did and cleanup/fixup one of the houses you buy, but I was just curious if anyone knows about the differences, especially in storage. Because I also noticed you can practically make any house 'yours', in the sense of dropping it in a location and adding storage. If it works the same as the houses you buy, storage wise, then hell, I'm going to drop a keep somewhere and have my own damn castle!
Basically, as others have stated, it does require adjusting the containers in the room to player owned and verifying nothing is hinky with their setup. Set as merchant or something else strange.

As for a keep and so forth. They will most likely have all the associated pathing, and so forth within them. That needs to be cleaned out if you want to make a copy. That also means cleaning out the refrences to ownership for all the decorations(clutter). Which is probably why most people make their own castle from scratch or at the very least keep the copying to a small amount. Either way is time consuming for various reasons.
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