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The Fight: Lights Out |OT| of Trejo, Soreness, and Move Controllers

Just picked it up from Toys R Us since I had a giftcard there. Still waiting for it to finish installing but hopefully it's decent. Best Buy had it in stock too, but not at all stores. It seems like its starting to trickle into stores now.


Anyone know of a demo??? This game needs one badly due to pretty bad reviews.

I hope ea makes a game likke this but with see-through character and the "Def jam" vive. DJ fight for ny had a really cool atmosphere with all the rappers n such.

Maybe Def Jam move edition?(not like Icon btw) I'd buy it!


consoul said:
I would have settled for MeatLoaf.

His name was Robert Paulson :p

Tempted - impressions seem good so far - and gf's been hassling me to do some exercise and this looks like a good workout
Not bad so far. Tracking is pretty good. It is a bit slower paced like people said. I'm still adjusting to gauging what the distance is and where to aim to land my punches though. Blocking seems like it could be cool cuz it really is just you moving your arm into position to block hits. Definitely seems like it could be a good work out.
Holy shit this game rocks! my arm's itchy and sore :lol , it's a great work out that's for sure. I'm sweating like a pig right now god damn!
Just picked it up from Gamestop.

This game is truly awesome! Every hardcore gamer should have this one.

1) Its an excellent workout. Dang its a good workout. I can't emphasize this enough.
2) Its a fighting game where you actually should know fighting mechanics
--Knowing the basic boxing mechanics will really improve your game play
3) Head tracking is weak but sort of functions. I hope they patch this in.

Amazingly, this is almost niche level of hardcore but its awesome for GAF.

I think most people were expecting a "Quicktime event mechanic punch-out clone" but that is not what this game is. Its actually setup in a format where a fighting boxing enthusiast would enjoy it the most.

If you practice your combination punch attacks then everything will fall into place better.

See... Your fighter automatically closes the gap a bit as you throw combo punches. This is so you can jab jab KO Punch without worrying about moving.

If your "combo chain" does not connect you should STOP PUNCHING and reset your distance to setup for another attack. In this way its not much different than the Street Fighter 2 games... You look for an opening and then try to string a combination of attacks together.

If the attack chain fails STOP AND BACK OFF. Flailing wildly in this game will cause your fighter to get within KISSING distance of the opponent fighter since there is some automatic movement forward as you punch.

That is not what you want to happen. Don't throw useless punches. Learn the mechanic and this game will open up. Look for an opening and hit a combination chain of strikes. It will feel awesome.

*** We need to setup a fight club and tournaments.

I'll setup a tournament with prizes... Everyone get into shape we'll host a tourney in a couple weeks.
I think the game is perfectly playable from any of the camera angles.
The biggest thing to me is to get the opponent rhythm down to pull off a combination of strikes.

A transparent avatar character would be nice but its not a problem as far as the game mechanic goes. The game is not quicktime response heavy like "punch out"... its all about looking for an opening and pulling off a series of combination blows.

The best bonus? The game said I went through 200 calories while practicing.
That's just awesome.

jax (old)

ah, okay. I don't think its been an hour. More like 20 minutes and I'm totally winded. Its summer here and I'm terrible with warmth _ more of a winter person and I'm hot, sweaty and the air conditioning is now on.

burnt 47 calories?

impressions (quick)

The menu interface work with the gritty realism of the game although I really would have like some colour so it wasn't so OTT EDGEY - the game is almost black and white.

character creation with move wand was slow and kind of horrible. Too lazy to drag out the DS3 though.

character customisation stuff at the start very limited. I just played FALLOUTNV and that has a variety of skins, hair etc. This has like 5 per option to start with? My player is Ugly as sin.

The intro/tutorial took fucking forever. That said, once it got into the actual game -it was alright. Nothing that couldn't have been taught from a fight instead of the obnxious Trejo FMV. NOTE: TREJO never fucking mentions the power meter below your life bar. So there was something there. And it took me a while to catch on. The intro/tut was very badly done.

Also, expected digital Trejo but it was live action with weird camera filters. A tad too try hard.

Menu Interface. Once we got in the game proper that was fine. It works. Game needs colour but that said, it looke suitably edge and the douchebags you get to fight looks like people you want to beat up.

Fight x 02 observations

a) My character is never on screen and his head is off the side of the screen and I'm not sure where i should be to center him but its weird. Its like he's lopesided or hunched back

b) won fight one, once I noted power bar..etc. Got into it.

c) fight 2. There's a betting system to win money. I never read this elsewhere (Not that I recall) so I was like hmmm. bet everything on me to win. That said. While I didn't get beaten to death - I had life left, I lost the fight?! (edit you start with $80, and once the prize money drops out, you lose). So somehow some game designer thinks its a good idea to have 2 losing conditions in your 2nd match in this game. life + cash over. 2nd match.

so point c) = me exhausted and going WTF and quit the game for now.

edit: played some more. somethings not 100% with this game. I can't beat the 2nd guy out of 10x10 - 100 guys in this game?

then I went to training and the combo sequence one, you can't even hit it properly because its sort of an oblique view and the thing don't seem to connect when it should? And in training you can't change the camera at all. I got 0 training points. THis was a $20 training session and it felt like I needed "training" to do the training. 0 points!!!!

Then I tried the punching bag one. Okay. I do a full punch, so why the hell does it sometime not even connect with the bag - the instructions was to go hard but you keep missing? Very weird and awkward. In reality, you'd stand near enough to always be hitting, especially when you can't move forward in training mode. I got 2 training points.

At least the punching bag one netted my 12 points and you can actually hit things. This cost $7 to train in. say wwhhhatt?!

"The intro/tutorial took fucking forever. That said, once it got into the actual game -it was alright. Nothing that couldn't have been taught from a fight instead of the obnxious Trejo FMV. NOTE: TREJO never fucking mentions the power meter below your life bar. So there was something there. And it took me a while to catch on. The intro/tut was very badly done."

This is not correct. He mentions this, and he even mentions that if you continue when it's depleted, it won't fill up fully anymore either.

Tip 2: yeah, the trianing excercise with the punching bag is a bit strange - I don't quite know what the best way to do it here is, if it is just a matter of hitting the thing right, or hard, or whatever. I got a pretty decent score on it already, but I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing (I think my hi-score was with doing 1-2 punches at the time the bag has swung back to me).

However, I strongly recommend starting with the 'target practice' training. This is by far the most useful training and will expose you to any detection problems or misunderstandings in your depth-perception.

I agree some of the tutorial setup isn't done very well and could be much better - at the very least this target practice should have been required training.

Finally, yeah, I've said before that the 2nd guy you need to a) have your stats up to 10 on everything at the very least, and b) you should be able to beat the sparring guy on the default easy / speed settings in about 15 calories.

From there on, stay in that first group, and check the name of the fighters in that group for tips on which of your stats are going to be counting the hardest / what you need to aim for or defend against most carefully.

Finally use triangle to change your camera (Trejo tells you this too). I personally am more than fine with the over the right shoulder view.
UntoldDreams said:
Just picked it up from Gamestop.

This game is truly awesome! Every hardcore gamer should have this one.

1) Its an excellent workout. Dang its a good workout. I can't emphasize this enough.
2) Its a fighting game where you actually should know fighting mechanics

--Knowing the basic boxing mechanics will really improve your game play
3) Head tracking is weak but sort of functions. I hope they patch this in.

Amazingly, this is almost niche level of hardcore but its awesome for GAF.

I think most people were expecting a "Quicktime event mechanic punch-out clone" but that is not what this game is. Its actually setup in a format where a fighting boxing enthusiast would enjoy it the most.

If you practice your combination punch attacks then everything will fall into place better.

See... Your fighter automatically closes the gap a bit as you throw combo punches. This is so you can jab jab KO Punch without worrying about moving.

If your "combo chain" does not connect you should STOP PUNCHING and reset your distance to setup for another attack. In this way its not much different than the Street Fighter 2 games... You look for an opening and then try to string a combination of attacks together.

If the attack chain fails STOP AND BACK OFF. Flailing wildly in this game will cause your fighter to get within KISSING distance of the opponent fighter since there is some automatic movement forward as you punch.

That is not what you want to happen. Don't throw useless punches. Learn the mechanic and this game will open up. Look for an opening and hit a combination chain of strikes. It will feel awesome.

*** We need to setup a fight club and tournaments.

I'll setup a tournament with prizes... Everyone get into shape we'll host a tourney in a couple weeks.

Fuck. You have me sold. Damn it, I'm going to buy it later and spend all day playing.


Anybody tried this online yet? I'm very interested in this game because it seems like if you know how to throw a punch and when, it will work good.




ok, just messed with it for like an hour just messing with the tutorial.... heck I was just sitting down fighting..

I'm sick right now fellas give me a break

but during the tutorial I got pumped up and stood up started punching like crazy but had to aim lower cause I had calibrated it while sitting....either way, my head started hurting.. so I quickly sat down :lol

but yeah, man I'm having fun just with the tutorials..

yall know about the part where they want you to put both move controllers under your chin, I'm thinking about lifting it higher..so when I do want to protect my head..I don't have to put my arms so high....

I'm about to watch the football game...but will QUICKLY get back to this...

last thing, for some reason I read somewhere that there was NO custom music option..that is WRONG...go to setup and under sounds...edit the play-list option.....can't wait to transfer some fighting music to the PS3 :D


Afrikan said:
ok, just messed with it for like an hour just messing with the tutorial.... heck I was just sitting down fighting..

I'm sick right now fellas give me a break

but during the tutorial I got pumped up and stood up started punching like crazy but had to aim lower cause I had calibrated it while sitting....either way, my head started hurting.. so I quickly sat down :lol

but yeah, man I'm having fun just with the tutorials..

yall know about the part where they want you to put both move controllers under your chin, I'm thinking about lifting it higher..so when I do want to protect my head..I don't have to put my arms so high....

I'm about to watch the football game...but will QUICKLY get back to this...

last thing, for some reason I read somewhere that there was NO custom music option..that is WRONG...go to setup and under sounds...edit the play-list option.....can't wait to transfer some fighting music to the PS3 :D
Thanks for the impressions dude, the user reviews been great.

Look at this vid
I'm so tempted to get this. only for the workout really. to be honest, I'm not very impressed with trailers and videos of this game. but I'm genuinely looking for workout games for Move. I love table tennis in sports champion, but it's mainly a 1 move game. kinda looking for full movement using 2 moves.

can anyone compared this with gladiator fight in sports champion? how's the workout aspect in the fight compared to that?
Callibretto said:
I'm so tempted to get this. only for the workout really. to be honest, I'm not very impressed with trailers and videos of this game. but I'm genuinely looking for workout games for Move. I love table tennis in sports champion, but it's mainly a 1 move game. kinda looking for full movement using 2 moves.

can anyone compared this with gladiator fight in sports champion? how's the workout aspect in the fight compared to that?

I'll update you tomorrow once I've played around with it enough. I love Gladiator in Move so we seem to be in the same boat.


made a quick video of me connecting on some punches...

off screen, no head tracking, I'm sitting down playing like 4 feet from the TV.

just messing around.... mind you, like I mentioned before I'm sick right now...so I got like no energy..but just enough for spurts of punches, lol.

I tried to go crazy at the end cause it looked like he was about to go out, and I stood up alittle so that is why it looks kind of weird at the end.

so far VERY fun game.... the main reason I'm showing this, is that it's gratifying to land punches...cause you DO need to aim... its just like when you play Sports Champions..when you win some of those events, you feel like you earned it and not that the CPU was cheating for you.


I do not understand the mechanics for this game at all. But man is it a workout!

I tried the punching bag but I just can't connect it seems my right arm just isn't hitting it. Does anyone know if maybe I'm doing the punches too slow or not reaching out enough?

As for the speed bag.The training can go on forever but before long your arms will get tired. I just couldn't keep up my timing but got a good 30 points from that training was pretty awesome.

The game is fun though.

Can someone give me pointers of what I might be doing wrong with my right handed jabs? My left hand jabs seem to connect. As well as most of my left hand attacks. Would the problem be because I have a habit of turning to the right doing more of a karate type stance instead of a boxing like stance?

The game has a ton of potential once you get the hand of it. And just training itself will give you a good workout especially if you don't have strong arms. The tutorial itself gave me a workout on trying to beat the opponent in 30 seconds. Still can't pull it off.
lorddct said:
Can someone give me pointers of what I might be doing wrong with my right handed jabs? My left hand jabs seem to connect. As well as most of my left hand attacks. Would the problem be because I have a habit of turning to the right doing more of a karate type stance instead of a boxing like stance?

Again, try target practice training, it's a good check for if your hitting is off. I often play with left-forward stance and learned here that I actually need to turn my upper body for connecting my right side punches to have the same reach as with my forward left. Imagine that. :lol

But this is the best 'calibration' exercise. You get very clear feedback on exactly where on the glove you are hitting, so you can tell if you are too close or too far, etc.

jax (old)

Maastricht said:
Again, try target practice training, it's a good check for if your hitting is off. I often play with left-forward stance and learned here that I actually need to turn my upper body for connecting my right side punches to have the same reach as with my forward left. Imagine that. :lol

But this is the best 'calibration' exercise. You get very clear feedback on exactly where on the glove you are hitting, so you can tell if you are too close or too far, etc.

it shouldn't be like this though.

Why should I learn the system when it should be a broad system that ensures it works like it should.

jax (old)

gluv65 said:
Thanks TTP, that's all I need too see, those reviewers didn't know what they were doing.

I wouldn't say that til you tried it.

I love gladiator is SC and this game is annoying me.

Its definitely in the 6/10 range.

add: I tried some multiplayer and game got to waiting for opponent screen and that just kept waiting/nothing happening and I quit out of the game as there was NO way to get out of that screen/mode otherwise.


Callibretto said:
that was horrible, is there any cool video of someone who know how to properly play this game? that video just make me want to stay away from this game
Huh? it was a joke vid its not like how the game will play learn to laugh!
Jax said:
I wouldn't say that til you tried it.

I love gladiator is SC and this game is annoying me.

Its definitely in the 6/10 range.

add: I tried some multiplayer and game got to waiting for opponent screen and that just kept waiting/nothing happening and I quit out of the game as there was NO way to get out of that screen/mode otherwise.

I don't know if you watched the vid or not, it is not TTP on Iwatch, it is another dude actually going through the training and showing how responsive it is and how to properly punch and it works very well.

jax (old)

gluv65 said:
I don't know if you watched the vid or not, it is not TTP on Iwatch, it is another dude actually going through the training and showing how responsive it is and how to properly punch and it works very well.

i watched it but I also own the game and its underwhelming (after 2 days). Buy it if you want


incredible video. will definitely be buying this and playing it correctly the way it's supposed to be played.
Jax said:
it shouldn't be like this though.

Why should I learn the system when it should be a broad system that ensures it works like it should.

No, you don't have to learn the system.
You have to learn your body and your movement.

You might think your off-hand moves exactly like your other hand,
But most people have less controll over their off-hand.
You have to train to get the same accuracy in both sides of your body.

If there's a gaf tournament,
count me in.

I finished the first tier, nailing all the fights.
I'm also almost finished with the second tier,
haven't nailed any of those fights yet.

Jax said:
I wouldn't say that til you tried it.

I love gladiator is SC and this game is annoying me.

Its definitely in the 6/10 range.

add: I tried some multiplayer and game got to waiting for opponent screen and that just kept waiting/nothing happening and I quit out of the game as there was NO way to get out of that screen/mode otherwise.

If the wait is too long, you can quit by pressing the start button and then cirkel button.
Here's my review of the game if anyone's interested:

The thing I'm finding a lot with the Move is that it doesn't appeal well to the super-casual audience. I gave my Dad The Fight to play and he just couldn't do it. He couldn't get his head around the fact that the game tracks your hands 1:1, and he was just flinging around trying to play the game like Wii Boxing. "It's not working," he said. No matter how many times I showed him that the game was tracking his arms perfectly (so the reason his punches were missing was because HE was missing) he just didn't get it. He did get better when he slowed down, but still I was watching him throw punches that weren't really "punches" y'know, and it was obvious to me why it wasn't working but he didn't get it.

I think that's the problem with Move. It's a good problem to have, but a lot of these Move games require some degree of "real world" skill (the same applies to the harder difficulties of Table Tennis) where your actions are being tracked so perfectly that there's actually a learning curve.

I've noticed people in this thread complaining punches aren't landing, and it's because you're not throwing full punches. If you pull up short, or don't follow through for whatever reason, it won't land. It won't hit. It's not the game or the motion tracking, but the player. It's frustrating to be told "you're doing it wrong," but that's often the case with these Move games I find.

I personally like the depth attached to learning motions and improving skill (rather than just waving things about), but I can see why it's a turn-off to the casual audience.

The Fight has been under-rated in my opinion. It's got issues absolutely, but it's not a 3/10. It's only a 3/10 if "you're doing it wrong".
Callibretto said:
I'm so tempted to get this. only for the workout really. to be honest, I'm not very impressed with trailers and videos of this game. but I'm genuinely looking for workout games for Move. I love table tennis in sports champion, but it's mainly a 1 move game. kinda looking for full movement using 2 moves.

can anyone compared this with gladiator fight in sports champion? how's the workout aspect in the fight compared to that?

The Fight is notably higher in exercise than Sport's Champion.
The reason is simply due to the punching versus swinging/blocking aspect.

In SC you have to strike with one hand and shield block with the other. Most of the action is in one hand although its a nice range of swinging high and low.
Jax said:
it shouldn't be like this though.

Why should I learn the system when it should be a broad system that ensures it works like it should.

Clearly, it takes some practice and skill to get this complex mechanic down to a controllable form so you can kick the other guys ass in REAL boxing.

They obviously are trying to bring something similar to that for this game.

When you think about boxing games like "Punch Out" it simplifies things down to a quicktime event. They could have done that with this game too but I am glad they did not.

Example: They could have put in auto distance. That would have been the first choice. Then every punch basically connects unless the opponent is blocking. That is the only way to make a game for the casual market to "get it" though I believe so it was pretty brave of them to not do that.

Boxing is about moving around until you find an opening, or you trick your opponent into make an opening for you. Then you pull off a chain of punches which devastate your opponent.
get2sammyb said:
Here's my review of the game if anyone's interested:

The thing I'm finding a lot with the Move is that it doesn't appeal well to the super-casual audience. I gave my Dad The Fight to play and he just couldn't do it. He couldn't get his head around the fact that the game tracks your hands 1:1, and he was just flinging around trying to play the game like Wii Boxing. "It's not working," he said. No matter how many times I showed him that the game was tracking his arms perfectly (so the reason his punches were missing was because HE was missing) he just didn't get it. He did get better when he slowed down, but still I was watching him throw punches that weren't really "punches" y'know, and it was obvious to me why it wasn't working but he didn't get it.

I think that's the problem with Move. It's a good problem to have, but a lot of these Move games require some degree of "real world" skill (the same applies to the harder difficulties of Table Tennis) where your actions are being tracked so perfectly that there's actually a learning curve.

I've noticed people in this thread complaining punches aren't landing, and it's because you're not throwing full punches. If you pull up short, or don't follow through for whatever reason, it won't land. It won't hit. It's not the game or the motion tracking, but the player. It's frustrating to be told "you're doing it wrong," but that's often the case with these Move games I find.

I personally like the depth attached to learning motions and improving skill (rather than just waving things about), but I can see why it's a turn-off to the casual audience.

The Fight has been under-rated in my opinion. It's got issues absolutely, but it's not a 3/10. It's only a 3/10 if "you're doing it wrong".

This game sounds like a good workout.

I've been considering this and EA Sports Active 2.0 instead of getting an exercise bike. :lol


My shitty review.... game deserves some respect!

There's nothing more efficient than using the speed bag to earn skill points right? I can do around 50 points in under 4 minutes with a 9x multiplier going. Soo easy once you learn the timing. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 etc.. Almost works better when you do it by sound alone and count out loud.

Loudninja said:

Also, that video is awesome... totally reminds me of this

Clearly they were just mostly sticking their arms out and not actually throwing punches, but still funny.


hey Jim, I don't know if it's important to add to your review but the game does allow custom music from the PS3 HD.

A potential buyer might prefer different types of music....and hell mainly music that pumps them up for fighting.....so I thought this was very much needed for this game..and I was worried for a bit, after I read some review that it wasn't there....but its there under the sound settings.


Jim said:
My shitty review.... game deserves some respect!

There's nothing more efficient than using the speed bag to earn skill points right? I can do around 50 points in under 4 minutes with a 9x multiplier going. Soo easy once you learn the timing. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 etc.. Almost works better when you do it by sound alone and count out loud.

Also, that video is awesome... totally reminds me of this

Clearly they were just mostly sticking their arms out and not actually throwing punches, but still funny.

I didn't know it was 60fps.:D


Jim said:
My shitty review.... game deserves some respect!

There's nothing more efficient than using the speed bag to earn skill points right? I can do around 50 points in under 4 minutes with a 9x multiplier going. Soo easy once you learn the timing. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 etc.. Almost works better when you do it by sound alone and count out loud.

Also, that video is awesome... totally reminds me of this gif Clearly they were just mostly sticking their arms out and not actually throwing punches, but still funny.

Fantastic review as always dude.


Afrikan said:
hey Jim, I don't know if it's important to add to your review but the game does allow custom music from the PS3 HD.

A potential buyer might prefer different types of music....and hell mainly music that pumps them up for fighting.....so I thought this was very much needed for this game..and I was worried for a bit, after I read some review that it wasn't there....but its there under the sound settings.

Oops, forgot to mention it. I added it quickly. Review ended up longer than I planned actually, I know I left some stuff out I meant to include.
I'll start off with this: I don't think anyone wants to like The Fight more than I do. Or rather, I'm in the top bracket along with the rest of the really excited people.

And now I am let down.

The problem is the controls. We play - and score great - in Singstar Dance without issue. Sports Champion games replicate 1:1 as they should and I spend a lot of time with Gladiator and Archery. But The Fight has trouble keeping up.

Its very odd. The match will start off fine but somewhere along the way the game decides "Nah, fuck it" and no matter how much energy I put into it my right arm won't punch, the best I can manage is an odd extension of the arm in a very bent formation. No straight punch. The left arm is fine. Ill recalibrate, the match is going good and then it happens again. Its frustrating because the game underneath the tracking seems good, but the controls won't work. I'm not moving my legs or anything.

Aside from that the game has trouble always knowing where I'm aiming my punches and the controls seem oddly thought out, ex: trigger and slam your arm to trigger that attack a second later instead of it just following your arm as you do it.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Hmmmm mixed responses from this thread. I just got confirmation the Move controllers are in stock and going to pick one up a second one now so did a quick bit of research on The Fight (gamerankings and here) and it's like a mixed bag. If this game is cheap in NZ I may still pick it up, basically for workout reasons, but hopefully a few of the issues listed can be patched.

Still don't know if I am going to come home with it but time will tell in a few hours.
jonnybryce said:
I'll start off with this: I don't think anyone wants to like The Fight more than I do. Or rather, I'm in the top bracket along with the rest of the really excited people.

And now I am let down.

The problem is the controls. We play - and score great - in Singstar Dance without issue. Sports Champion games replicate 1:1 as they should and I spend a lot of time with Gladiator and Archery. But The Fight has trouble keeping up.

Its very odd. The match will start off fine but somewhere along the way the game decides "Nah, fuck it" and no matter how much energy I put into it my right arm won't punch, the best I can manage is an odd extension of the arm in a very bent formation. No straight punch. The left arm is fine. Ill recalibrate, the match is going good and then it happens again. Its frustrating because the game underneath the tracking seems good, but the controls won't work. I'm not moving my legs or anything.

Aside from that the game has trouble always knowing where I'm aiming my punches and the controls seem oddly thought out, ex: trigger and slam your arm to trigger that attack a second later instead of it just following your arm as you do it.

I think the "motion detection" algorithm is working but to get a nice looking straight punch they have to cheat a bit.

They simply don't know where your punch started and ended with regards to your chest.

Kinect could know that you are 90% fully extended arm from your chest... but Move has to guess where you started from because you could pull your arm back all the way to your shoulder joint if you really wanted to and then punch 80% of the way. Did you pull your punch at the end or not? Move can't know for certain hence the funny looking punches with 80% extension.

In essence... 1:1 motion for boxing with Move does not work without "assisting" the animation somehow because there is no reference point to your body.

If you read the manual they tell you a straight punch requires you to punch and rotate your fist into a nice straight punch. If you follow this format "textbook punch" then I noticed the accuracy improved. Test it for yourself.

My guess is that they actually can detect your wrist rotation as you punch and "cheat the animation" by making the fighter throw a clean looking fully extended animation once they realize you are making a straight punch regardless of whether you fully extend or not.

In effect, there is some "animation assist" going on to make all punches look like a locked punch when they detect it as a straight punch.

Hmm... Possibly... I suppose the other way to do this would be to calibrate your arm length at a shorter distance than the max. That way the system would assume a locked punch every time since it would register you hitting "max arm length" every time.

jax (old)


this video LN posted.. :lol :lol :lol I feel like sometimes this is happening as the punches sometimes just go out and down and all weird like. but obviously we're seeing it from Firstperson but... as a spectator?


trained some more. Stats are 20 range beat 2-3 fighters. Impressions unchanged. I don't think I'm bad motionally but the heavy bag still feels broken and fighting still feel a lot awkward. The straight punch thing is for sure weird. Even the Hammer move when I do it, the first one will always be stupid weak and you have to see how stupid that looks and then I repeat it and it'll do it right. Same thing with punches.


One thing I've noted is: its not even about how many punches you land. Your dude needs to have stamina when you punch to inflict damage so it really is about recovery before you try again.


as far as the game saying "ah fuck it" how much space are you playing at?

like I said before I'm only playing like 4ft from the TV when I did these punches.....but I knew when I did a long looping punch that it would loose calibration for a sec if my arms left the limits the screen showed when I first calibrated....so I try to stay in that zone..

when I play I always try to make sure the Sphere is showing....and I don't use the gesture moves (holding the "T" to perform illegal moves).

and usually I don't have no problems..... I'll try to play again and give my self more space and will try to pay attention how often I lose calibration.
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