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The Fight: Lights Out |OT| of Trejo, Soreness, and Move Controllers


I am Korean.
recklessmind said:
I've played a lot more... this game is not 1:1.

People who say it is are wearing rose-tinted glasses.

Sure it's 1:1 when you're moving around slowly... put any speed behind your punches and the game lags behind fiercely.
Dunno what's wrong with your setup, but the game has never lagged for me at all. Still sounds like calibration issues.


recklessmind said:
My main complaint is that the game is not fun. It's frustrating. It's poorly made.

You admittedly look past that stuff, because you appreciate what the developer is trying to do. You find it fun, or inspired... whatever. You're letting them slide on stuff because you "see the potential". That's exactly what "rose-tinted glasses" means.

As you've defined it... your standard for 1:1 is apparently "close enough; I'm having fun" and that's just not how it works.

continue to put words in my mouth and keep telling yourself that...lol.

this is what I wrote...

"I like to support devs that try something different, and when it works I'm really for it"

"what is my standard for a 1:1 fighter?..... I punch in a certain direction...hit the guy....he moves some where else..and I swing in the direction where I think his head is at...as if he were in front of me....and when I connect it is very gratifying....no help from the CPU." To me that is 1:1...the fact that I can connect or miss with out CPU assistance....the fact that it is following my movement.

as far as only having one song.....I don't know if this is true, because after I found out it had custom soundtrack, I quickly turned off the game's soundtrack and played my own....and I believe the game saves this setting.

I'm having much fun with this game...I wouldn't continue to be playing it, if I got the game to "just" support the devs...and on top of that I still haven't touched online yet.

as far as the game having a cheap feeling....well it is $39.99 but it offers 3D gaming, online fighting with being able to bet on fights, split-screen fighting...and ALOT of single player fights with various locations.....and a fun training mode, which I hope they expand on with DLC.....imo pretty good package for a $39.99 retail game.

Oni Jazar

FINALLY gave this game a whirl - I've been waiting for literally months for my second Move controller to arrive. After hearing the polarizing opinions from professionals and regular users I had to see for myself what the game gives.

Played only about 30 minutes yesterday morning and my arms are still sore! I work out about 5 days a week for 30 mins so I'm not completely out of shape but it definitely works out muscles that I don't use often so that's cool.

The main problem I have and I'm sure many reviewers have is the lack of feedback during a fight. When I'm right up on someone and I fully extend my arm into a punch I expect there to be a reaction: either a successful punch or a block. A lot of times I can't really tell what happened. I should have hit him but it looks like my fist just kind of reached him and he didn't even blink. I'm not doing any wii-motions either. I've never owned a Wii and I would expect that the game measures the strength and reach of your punch.

The mechanics of the game has some serious potential for awesomeness (like a lot of Move games) but there needs to be more of an impactful reaction for your motions. Maybe the game is just too accurate and I'm not reaching my opponent or I'm doing very poorly and my swings are too weak to make a difference - in this case I think there should be a difficulty setting that has more assists to get you in to the game easier without just throwing you into the deep end with nothing but a few minutes of Trejo screaming at you to not move your feet.

Also it's a damn shame that the body recognition is so poor. Having the ability to duck and weave gives you a lot more chances to dodge and attack your opponent. Hopefully next gen Sony uses an IR sensor with PSEye to give you both Move control and body control.

I'm going to keep at this game and see if it grows on me more when I learn a few tricks and upgrade my stats.


I am Korean.
Oni Jazar said:
The main problem I have and I'm sure many reviewers have is the lack of feedback during a fight. When I'm right up on someone and I fully extend my arm into a punch I expect there to be a reaction: either a successful punch or a block. A lot of times I can't really tell what happened. I should have hit him but it looks like my fist just kind of reached him and he didn't even blink. I'm not doing any wii-motions either. I've never owned a Wii and I would expect that the game measures the strength and reach of your punch.
Try recalibrating. I've found that the game likes to throw a punch that stops just short if calibration drifts.
I think I can understand recklessmind although I think his complaints are over the top.

You have to be able to suspend belief and accept limitations in EVERY game until we get Holodecks from star trek. I could scream at the top of my lungs that FPS games are not realistic because I don't have to sprint around my living room carrying a rifle.

If your expectations is 1:1 with absolutely no lag whatsoever including frame time lag from the camera and display lag from the TV set itself... You are not going to get your wish. That type of lag is minimized with MOVE (compared with camera only Kinect) but is always going to be there. Its very little lag and does not prevent 1:1 gameplay.

The human arm can move so ridiculously fast its a blur to the human eye so obviously you are only getting a (very good) approximation of what is happening. It won't be zero lag considering not even a joystick button press is zero lag.

Bottom line:
Its 1:1 motion tracking in practice if not in theory. Play the game and enjoy.

===Realistic Fighting?
You can't move your feet around in this game or you would walk off camera.

That's hardly real boxing because you can roam around the ring circling your opponent in real boxing and you have to use a joystick in this game to move around.

This game allows us to exercise a lot of the same "muscles" as boxing and improves hand eye coordination & speed just like boxing. You certainly will become a healthier person by playing the game and you will also feel great by knocking the other guy into the dirt.

However... In the real world, slugging someone in the chin with a heavy hook MULTIPLE TIMES would put them in the hospital. In this game you shrug it off and keep fighting.

If someone wants to complain that's not realistic then YES I think we can all agree. Its a game first and foremost because its supposed to be fun to play.

===Replay & Visual Feedback
Other than the fact that move controller vibrates when you hit there is no feedback other than visual feedback. You certainly don't feel the punches hitting you in the face.

That's a given which you have to accept to enjoy the game.
Just to validate that I was getting "better" in the game I started a brand new character with minimal stats (every stat is 1 point).

Its pretty cool that I can nail all the fights now even with such low stats. It adds a lot of credible evidence to Freshmaker's explanation that people simply aren't punching good enough and timing strikes well enough.

You guys who like the game should give it a try too. Its a nice feeling watching a new scrub character totally beat up guys who used to give you a hard time.
I just picked this game up tonight. This is my first "GAF HYPE" purchase where I had no real interest in a game, then I hear and see how awesome the implementation can be when the room set up and lighting are good. Now I am about ready to fire it up for about an hour, then I have to play Santa Clause for my kiddos.


Freshmaker said:
Dunno what's wrong with your setup, but the game has never lagged for me at all. Still sounds like calibration issues.

He's absolutely right. To process a lot of the jabs even scrub boxers could throw, the game would have to sample and update in a scale utterly impossible right now. We adjust to the lag, we update our motions, it's that simple.

The motions are 1:1, but what he's looking for is something that updates the second you do it -- and I am too, though this is absolutely not the game for it.

The Fight is fantastic -- a level of execution for this whole 1:1 thang that has never been seen before. But we haven't had this level yet. We'll see if it takes another generation of experience or a full-blown hardware advancement (hint: it's the latter), but this approach is the future. Every system will have a camera standard going forward.
SamBishop said:
He's absolutely right. To process a lot of the jabs even scrub boxers could throw, the game would have to sample and update in a scale utterly impossible right now. We adjust to the lag, we update our motions, it's that simple.

The motions are 1:1, but what he's looking for is something that updates the second you do it -- and I am too, though this is absolutely not the game for it.

The Fight is fantastic -- a level of execution for this whole 1:1 thang that has never been seen before. But we haven't had this level yet. We'll see if it takes another generation of experience or a full-blown hardware advancement (hint: it's the latter), but this approach is the future. Every system will have a camera standard going forward.

I think the exciting part though is that this game actually rewards your physical skills which are either directly or kissing cousins of boxing (mixed with gaming).

If you have great fast accurate jabs in real life you will do much better in this game.
If you have a fast accurate mean right straight punch you will do much better in this game.

If you know how to bob your head around avoiding hits and can swiftly pull off well timed combination strikes: Jab jab right uppercut hook hook... You will be rewarded in this game by pounding the lights out of the other guy.

We are not in Star Trek holodecks yet but this game... Lets you exercise and practice very similar motions/muscles as the real thing.

The NEGATIVE side effect of this is the closer Motion-Simulation gaming becomes to actual "boxing workout" there will be more and more people who WON'T ENJOY it.

After all a lot of people enjoy Call of Duty but would never actually want to do the real thing (or even Move approximations of it).


Neo Member
The game is amazing. It's probably the best reason to own a PlayStation Move right now besides Heavy Rain. Now if only I could find more controllers...
slipknot2009 said:
The game is amazing. It's probably the best reason to own a PlayStation Move right now besides Heavy Rain. Now if only I could find more controllers...

This. Sony would sell me on the game if they could get some fucking move controllers on the shelves.


I am Korean.
SamBishop said:
He's absolutely right. To process a lot of the jabs even scrub boxers could throw, the game would have to sample and update in a scale utterly impossible right now. We adjust to the lag, we update our motions, it's that simple.
Scrub boxers aren't throwing punches in under a tenth of a second.


I went through the tutorial (love the tongue in cheek humor). The first time I started smacking the other dude a huge grin went across my face. It felt so good and the FF was perfect. I was sweating after five minutes of hardly doing anything. This is going to be fun and good for me :D


SamBishop said:
He's absolutely right. To process a lot of the jabs even scrub boxers could throw, the game would have to sample and update in a scale utterly impossible right now.

And it always will be. The Move can sample as fast as possible, but the data has to be processed, then the game has to animate at 1/60 sec (best possible) and the then TV and receiver add their own latency. It is probably as good as it can be, at least it isn't sampling at 30fps and then playing back at 30fps, aka Kinect.
Here's one of my fights. I made a youtube video detailing a lot of the gameplay elements and techniques I try to perfect.

Its pretty neat the replay mode + iMovie comments lets this type of video easy to make.
==Enjoy! Maybe I'll throw together some other videos later.

============Commented Fight #1:


I am Korean.
Good stuff. With that one slip it looked like you could've set up a Kimura style dragon fish blow. :D

You'll get better results if you turn off the autofocus on your camera tho.

Edit: That reminds me. I uploaded some vids a while back. They're mainly interesting in the sense that you can see where/when I'm punching relative to my character. Oddly, it's not running behind my movements to any appreciable degree.

Freshmaker said:
Good stuff. With that one slip it looked like you could've set up a Kimura style dragon fish blow. :D

You'll get better results if you turn off the autofocus on your camera tho.

Edit: That reminds me. I uploaded some vids a while back. They're mainly interesting in the sense that you can see where/when I'm punching relative to my character. Oddly, it's not running behind my movements to any appreciable degree.


Yeah I can see how without head tracking it removes from a person's arsenal.
Have any vids with you using headtracking in the fight?


I am Korean.
UntoldDreams said:
Yeah I can see how without head tracking it removes from a person's arsenal.
Have any vids with you using headtracking in the fight?
I've had a hard time getting HT to work reliably. Either too much light, or not enough in the room I'm in. One online match ended in disaster as HT *broke* leaving my fighter stuck in a forced crouch. He couldn't defend or fight from that position and the other guy kindly thanked me for letting him win.

No real room to hang up a bedsheet. :D
Freshmaker said:
I've had a hard time getting HT to work reliably. Either too much light, or not enough in the room I'm in. One online match ended in disaster as HT *broke* leaving my fighter stuck in a forced crouch. He couldn't defend or fight from that position and the other guy kindly thanked me for letting him win.

No real room to hang up a bedsheet. :D

I liked this game so much (also Kung Fu Live) I engineered a BEST solution.

I bought 2 long wooden poles from Ace Hardware and a tan color bedsheet. The bedsheet had double sewn pocketed ends so I just had to cut a small hole in the "end pockets" and the two poles were able to slide through on both sides.

That way I am able to roll & unroll the portable "wall". On the upside I can now take photographs and do "Green Screen" like effects any time I want to. Headtracking is 100% now every time.

EDIT: Look up flag pole stand on Amazon if you want to stand the two poles up on their own or just lean them against a wall.

By the way, I was taking a look at these weighted gloves to improve exercise in the game? I think you could probably still hold the move controllers with these on?



I am Korean.
They might work. Adding more weight than 1-2lbs is a good way to get tendinitis tho.

I think that something like this http://store.titleboxing.com/plypowtrain.html (or an exercise band) would be ideal. (I mainly point out that particular one because it has loops that lie flat instead of introducing another round bar you'd have to try to hold while holding the Moves which seems like it'd be awkward.)


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I'd be careful using additional weight... you really do throw a shit-ton of punches while playing The Fight (1:1 or not :lol ) and that alone can be quite a workout.

Add in weights and, if you play long enough, you're risking injury. If you do go with weights... might want to try the 2lbs. Seems like a wussier weight but you'll be hurting by the end, I guarantee it.

Btw... I still feel the same way about this game, but I didn't intend to be such a douche about it. I always posted right after I played, and that probably wasn't a good idea. Frustration was still too fresh -- and I was usually tired out! :lol
recklessmind said:
I'd be careful using additional weight... you really do throw a shit-ton of punches while playing The Fight (1:1 or not :lol ) and that alone can be quite a workout.

Add in weights and, if you play long enough, you're risking injury. If you do go with weights... might want to try the 2lbs. Seems like a wussier weight but you'll be hurting by the end, I guarantee it.

Btw... I still feel the same way about this game, but I didn't intend to be such a douche about it. I always posted right after I played, and that probably wasn't a good idea. Frustration was still too fresh -- and I was usually tired out! :lol

Hmm... Yeah I think that makes sense its best to be careful about the weights.
Maybe I will pickup Freshmaker's suggestion about the PunchMaster rubber band thing? Although I think that will also put stress on the wrists?

Thanks for the warning to both of you BTW... that's good to know.

I was trying to increase exercise and starting a new character with stats at 1 point was a good start. That's why I was looking for weights or something plyometric to increase the exercise further.

The headtracking though? That REALLY works out your legs. You are ducking and side leaning at high speed for several minutes while punching you can feel it.


I am Korean.
UntoldDreams said:
Hmm... Yeah I think that makes sense its best to be careful about the weights.
Maybe I will pickup Freshmaker's suggestion about the PunchMaster rubber band thing? Although I think that will also put stress on the wrists?
As long as you keep your wrists straight, that shouldn't be much of an issue.
Good lord that was the SINGLE hardest fight I've EVER had in this game.
My heart was about to BURST out of my chest and I barely won!

*) Match Time: 1 minute 48 seconds
*) Single player mode
*) All stats at 1 point (no upgrades - everything at 1 point)
*) Vinnie the Wall (Boss of the second pyramid)

Due to low stats you simply can't allow yourself to get hit much.

You can attack a lot but you have to take periodic stamina breaks since your character gets tired quick. Vinnie is pretty aggressive about chasing so that means you really have to be good on your feet.

I'll make a Youtube video of the match... Phew need some iced tea!
(I lost my first match to Vinnie so this was the rematch I won)

54 calories burned
142 punches thrown
123 punches connected
87% accuracy
68 punches per minute
33 hp average punch force
249 hp hardest clean hit
4104 Clean Damage
4104 Total Damage

47 punches thrown
16 punches connected
7 dirty moves
3 successful dirty moves
34% accuracy
22 punches per minute
168 hp average punch force
226 hp hardest clean hit
1654 hp clean damage
1037 hp dirty damage
2690 Total Damage


I am Korean.
Oni Jazar said:
Fighting through the game without upgrading your abilities? You're insane.
I wonder how long before the stats make it impossible. I'm betting somewhere in the second lowest set.
Got the game. My hands/arms hurt!!!

Few things, the punches barely connect. How can you fuck that up? It's a fighting game; when the fight is barely a fight, it's not a fighting game anymore.

When they connect, they connect awesomely, but when they don't you just flail around trying to get a hit and avoid getting hit.

Headtracking works greatly when it works; I just wish it didn't kick you off right away and give you a warning that headtracking is failing and it will be disabled in 5 seconds if not rectified.

Also, I get the urge of constant need of centering the controllers since sometimes covering/blocking my face is a bit too low, and sometimes a bit too high. What's the best spot to hold the controllers together when calibrating? I have yet to find the sweet spot.

Training is probably the worst aspect of it since you are way too far from your target and the punches barely connect the bags, with a few misses ending the training session.

Overall, quite an enjoyable and tiring/exercising game with a few hiccups that could've been easily fixed with better focus testing and QA. Hopefully they do so with future patches.


I am Korean.
shagg_187 said:
Overall, quite an enjoyable and tiring/exercising game with a few hiccups that could've been easily fixed with better focus testing and QA. Hopefully they do so with future patches.
Try playing it at night. Sounds like it wasn't calibrating right.

I know that I say this a lot, but I've had those reach issues before, and it was due to the wall behind me being too bright thus confusing the Move.

It'd go like this:

I'd calibrate, everything would go fine, then I'd try to hit the heavy bag, and I couldn't do it no matter how far I reached or how hard I swung. The PSeye was tracking the moves fine inside my body, but any time the controller's light went outside of my body, calibration would go poof cause the Move's light source was lost against the bright wall behind me. (Same thing happens with any background light sources like lamps.) If the Move intersects with them, the game gets confused.

Soon as that happens, your guard starts to drift, and you can't connect your punches. (This would explain in part why IGN had so much trouble since it looked like they were playing in a brightly lit white room.)

Once I get rid of the problematic back lighting, the punches connect perfectly.

I've been wondering if they had to go with a monochomatic feed to get the update to 60fps? I think Gladiator Duel tends to be more robust because the move's actually being tracked in color in that game and it's doing a 30fps refresh.


Freshmaker said:
Try playing it at night. Sounds like it wasn't calibrating right.

I know that I say this a lot, but I've had those reach issues before, and it was due to the wall behind me being too bright thus confusing the Move.

It'd go like this:

I'd calibrate, everything would go fine, then I'd try to hit the heavy bag, and I couldn't do it no matter how far I reached or how hard I swung. The PSeye was tracking the moves fine inside my body, but any time the controller's light went outside of my body, calibration would go poof cause the Move's light source was lost against the bright wall behind me. (Same thing happens with any background light sources like lamps.) If the Move intersects with them, the game gets confused.

Soon as that happens, your guard starts to drift, and you can't connect your punches. (This would explain in part why IGN had so much trouble since it looked like they were playing in a brightly lit white room.)

Once I get rid of the problematic back lighting, the punches connect perfectly.

I've been wondering if they had to go with a monochomatic feed to get the update to 60fps? I think Gladiator Duel tends to be more robust because the move's actually being tracked in color in that game and it's doing a 30fps refresh.

Yeah the turning the lights it works much better for me, still cant get the hang of the Heavy bag though :p


I am Korean.
Loudninja said:
Yeah the turning the lights it works much better for me, still cant get the hang of the Heavy bag though :p
I didn't get it at first. I'd wait for the bag to swing back into range, then hit it. All they want is for you to just keep hitting the bag though. Doesnt' matter where it goes or if it's swinging, bop the crap outta it.


I am Korean.
One fun thing you can do with a behind the head hook is pull their head down while throwing an uppercut with other other hand.
Freshmaker said:
One fun thing you can do with a behind the head hook is pull their head down while throwing an uppercut with other other hand.

Do you mean... You put one hand behind their head and trap it and then uppercut with the other hand?

I spend so much time trying to work on my "clean fighting" techniques that I haven't put too much thought into dirty fighting (yet).
UntoldDreams said:
Do you mean... You put one hard behind their head and trap it and then uppercut with the other hand?

I spend so much time trying to work on my "clean fighting" techniques that I haven't put too much thought into dirty fighting (yet).
And that's why I'm gonna beat your ass. :p
Dark Octave said:
And that's why I'm gonna beat your ass. :p

Dark Octave vs UntoldDreams

Match Time: 15 seconds
Winning Move: Elbow strike to nuts

UntoldDreams: "For some reason my character stopped moving after that last strike?"


I am Korean.
UntoldDreams said:
Do you mean... You put one hand behind their head and trap it and then uppercut with the other hand?
Yeah, Trap the head and pull them down+forward so they're off balance to disrupt the defense and force them into a bad position to take the hit.

Mainly use it against the CPU.

I spend so much time trying to work on my "clean fighting" techniques that I haven't put too much thought into dirty fighting (yet).
It's totally clean. No trigger needed :lol

UntoldDreams said:
Dark Octave vs UntoldDreams

Match Time: 15 seconds
Winning Move: Elbow strike to nuts

UntoldDreams: "For some reason my character stopped moving after that last strike?"
Sounds like the fight where my guy ended up stuck in a crouch unable to move. Come to think of it, I'd taken a very hard low dirty move too.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


I tried this out on my 3 yr old daughter. First she was complaining about 'the bad man', but after I taped both controllinators to her tiny little mitts she just moaned about 'not being able to feel my hands'.

Kids these days.
Osietra said:
I tried this out on my 3 yr old daughter. First she was complaining about 'the bad man', but after I taped both controllinators to her tiny little mitts she just moaned about 'not being able to feel my hands'.

Kids these days.

Oh sure... This game is a much better fit for a 3 year old girl than Eyepet will ever be.

Learning about important concepts like keeping your guard up near your chin should be learned early.

Your future daughter
Tired... Went through 11 fights today each one was like 60 calories and 150 punches per match.

I was reading up on boxing theory and the different boxing styles since I came up with my plan to play single player with low stats.

By playing all my matches with low stats apparently I'm training to be a better out-fighter with a little bit of in-fighting.

I'm still not sure how to make counter-punch style work unless I plan to memorize how all the dirty moves work in the game.

Brawler has advantage over In-fighter
In-fighter has advantage over an out-fighter
out-fighter has advantage over a brawler

Dirty fighter style (in this game) works against anyone who DOESN'T expect the dirty moves.
Counterpunch style I think works against everyone but its hard to do.

A classic "boxer" who seeks to maintain distance between himself and his opponent, fighting with faster, longer range punches, most notably the jab, and gradually wearing his opponent down. Due to this reliance on weaker punches, out-fighters tend to win by point decisions rather than by knockout.

A brawler is a fighter who generally lacks finesse and footwork in the ring, but makes up for it through sheer punching power. Apparently online is filled with brawlers and people who like dirty moves and grabbing.

In-fighters/swarmers (sometimes called "pressure fighters") attempt to stay close to an opponent, throwing intense flurries and combinations of hooks and uppercuts.

Counter puncher:
Counter punchers are slippery, defensive style fighters who use their well rounded defense to avoid or block shots and then immediately catch the opponent off guard with a well placed and timed punch.


I'm quickly getting more and more conditioned for this game. First time I played a week or two ago, I lasted like 3 rounds. Tonight was my third or fourth time playing, and I must have played 15-20 matches plus half a dozen training sessions.

Been playing without 3D mode because the thought of getting all sweaty in glasses isn't all that appealing to me, but then I started playing with it on and had a considerably better sense of distance from my targets. Only problem is transparency doesn't want to work in 3D. Hmm...

Oh, one question: how do you do a finishing move at the end of the fight?


I am Korean.
For finishing moves, hold the trigger then wave your arm in a direction. (Pretty much just like the dirty moves.)

The ones I remember:

Trigger + Left = Bitchslap
Trigger + up = uppercut
Trigger + left then up to down = Slap then hammerfist
Freshmaker said:
For finishing moves, hold the trigger then wave your arm in a direction. (Pretty much just like the dirty moves.)

The ones I remember:

Trigger + Left = Bitchslap
Trigger + up = uppercut
Trigger + left then up to down = Slap then hammerfist
I remember seeing the one in the trailer where he pushes the guy like he wasn't worth it. I'd probably never use that one.

UntoldDreams said:
Dark Octave vs UntoldDreams

Match Time: 15 seconds
Winning Move: Elbow strike to nuts

UntoldDreams: "For some reason my character stopped moving after that last strike?"
:lol How would an elbow to the nuts even look if both people are standing up?

Ah, the holidays and so much work going on, I haven't played this game (or any game besides on the go handhelds) in weeks. I gotta get back on it at least an hour a day and somehow get headtracking to work.


I am Korean.
Dark Octave said:
I remember seeing the one in the trailer where he pushes the guy like he wasn't worth it. I'd probably never use that one.

I think I remember one where you blow on the guy and he falls down too. No clue what the motion for that one is.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
I liked at your gameplay, it looks really slow and sluggish to me. I haven't tried the game myself but the videos don't make it look appealing. Whatever they need to do to fake it, the arms need to move faster when punching. It looks like they are fighting at half the speed of real life.

I am happy you guys are enjoying it, but I just don't see the appeal :shrug:. The Duel fighting in Sports Champions looks and plays way faster and I feel it's very accurate with where you are swinging and blocking.


maybe they were pressed for time or didn't know how to make it work for their first game...but its the characters footwork that makes it look unrealistic during replays.

when you are playing, it looks fine....or atleast you don't notice it from that view point.

but Sports Champions did a pretty good job with the footwork for their fighting segments.

that all being said Thunderbear, if you are curious about the game...you should rent it, if you are cautious.....I think you'd buy it after messing with it. Or hopefully they release a demo.

back to topic- I took my Move setup (4moves) to my Mother's house for new years...and my little nephew and his niece were going crazy flailing away....then this past evening, my girl cousins came by (who were older)..and of course they were flailing away.

but either way they were all having fun just punching each other, ignoring me telling them to slow down and jab......step away from each other.......you're getting too close to the TV! Back up! :lol

so I've learned, the game is good for casuals and really good for hardcore gamers.....I think casuals could be playing a less accurate game, or one that didn't look as good...and still have fun however....doesn't matter to them. But seriously it is quite hilarious when you do see them fight, just like the kindergarten fight that was on youtube.
I think they've said they won't release a demo because people will download it, not know how to throw a punch, and consider it "shit". Pretty much exactly what happened at the review stage to be honest.

As for the person saying it looks "slow", I think that's just a result of the replay footage. When you're playing the action goes pretty fast, depending on the type of fight you're in.

What's really impressive to me about The Fight (and certainly a nuance that the reviews didn't pick up on), is that each and every one of the opponents has a unique fighting "identity". It challenges you to adapt your style for each opponent which is really neat. There's a similar nuance in Sports Champions actually -- in the table tennis for example, where every opponent plays different.

I think stuff like that's been really overlooked about some of the Move titles but whatever.

I really, really hope that Coldwood's going to get another bite of the cherry with The Fight. With the motion tech established I'd like to see them get another 12 months to refine the tracking and build more of a "game" around it. As it stands The Fight is fantastic "fitness" game, but I'd like to see it become more of a "game" too (though I love the fitness stuff). Teach fighting techniques and stuff, implement more training options, refine the multiplayer.

There's the seed of a fantastic motion game in The Fight, I just hope it sold well enough to be refined in a potential sequel. The game's clearly got a niche fan-base so there definitely seems like there's an audience to market a sequel too.
Thunderbear said:
I liked at your gameplay, it looks really slow and sluggish to me. I haven't tried the game myself but the videos don't make it look appealing. Whatever they need to do to fake it, the arms need to move faster when punching. It looks like they are fighting at half the speed of real life.

I am happy you guys are enjoying it, but I just don't see the appeal :shrug:. The Duel fighting in Sports Champions looks and plays way faster and I feel it's very accurate with where you are swinging and blocking.

Sports Champions uses weapons like swords & clubs. Basic physics says the tip of a long weapon can hit the speed of sound with a high speed swing. Its why a baseball bat can send a ball flying but you can't PUNCH a baseball and send it flying.

You have to remember we (the players) are physically punching at high speed. The on screen avatar is more of an echo of what happened.

That's a key point unlike Fight Night where the feedback to your eyes is that you see these "devastating punches" which look cool. This game tries to show a simulation of what happened and its not quite as cool looking unless you actually played the game.

The slow motion commentary video I made I think represents what people "see" when they know how to play the game. It does not look as cool as Fight Night that's for sure but once you understand the game a bit more you can translate the replay video into what is really going on.
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