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the NEW NEW art thread

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Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Junpei Heat said:
Since there seems to be a handful of people who know art


What art supplies can do this?I would love to learn this style

Photoshop :)


The Take Out Bandit said:
I don't believe it's required. Look at any high school art class. :p

Again - see also high school art classes. My Republiclown art teacher would force us to listen to Rush Limbaugh and select an image out of a magazine to paint.

I failed at this because photo-realism and life drawing is not my shit. It's like putting a vagina in front of Naked Snake. Oh god how I hated it, combine that with the fact that my brain doesn't do any interpretational conversion - it has to be 1:1 photo-realism, which was just tedious and turned out a number of horrible paintings.

However there was this kid in my class who had no interest in drawing, and he'd just paint as an assignment; and he cranked out some pretty nice stuff like a machine.

So just start by painting a photo and go from there.

Just get some cheap watercolors and a big pad of paper.

Your local public library should have any number of art tutorial / theory books to read at your leisure. Check out Watercolor School by Hazel Harrison.

cool, i'll check that out. unfortunately, i'm outta high school, but perhaps an art class in the university could help.
Some stuff I'm finally scanning since I'm working on a site.


This next one was part of an assignment in my political cartooning class, we were to do a take on an old politcal cartooon.
I chose Gargantua by Daumier.


Here are two different wipes of the same plate:


These next two are part of a series I'm working on about human nature.


Some comic stuff:



Thanks, I've basically wasted the months of my life since I graduated last may but I'm starting to get back on track so I'll be posting regularly from now on.
What art supplies can do this?I would love to learn this style

As said before Photoshop could mimic that fairly well.

But as for traditional supplies, you could do that with any variety of brushes and ink, or perhaps brushpens for the blacks. And markers (Prismacolors and copics are both good) for the color.
Father_Mike said:
MickeyKnox that lion is ungodly awesome. What are you etching on?
Thank you.
It's a combination of etching and monoprinting.
I'm etching on a metal plate with hard ground applied to it, then after I use the etching needle to "draw" the lion on the hard ground, it goes into the acid bath. Left it in the acid for about an hour and fifteen minutes.
Then you use kerosene to remove the ground, I mixed the color for the oil ink myself then started wiping the plate.
After that it gets run through the printing press, and pinned up to dry.
MickeyKnox said:
Thank you.
It's a combination of etching and monoprinting.
I'm etching on a metal plate with hard ground applied to it, then after I use the etching needle to "draw" the lion on the hard ground, it goes into the acid bath. Left it in the acid for about an hour and fifteen minutes.
Then you use kerosene to remove the ground, I mixed the color for the oil ink myself then started wiping the plate.
After that it gets run through the printing press, and pinned up to dry.

So how did you get into etching? its something I barely ever see. And whats the cost to do this? do you draw this out even before starting with the needle? or do you just go in and start?
I took an etching class during my second year of art school, I had mostly worked in pen&iink before then once I found etching I realized how much superior it was to pen&ink that I almost never both with it again.
I graduated in may and now I pay like $150 for access to the lab for 3 months.
Here's a self portrait I whipped up at work. Just can't take this shit anymore. Company not patching gaping security holes, not implementing a quick and efficient security response, and general screwing the god damn pooch on alerting end users:


And here's my guardian angel / how TToB draws cherubs - with 100% more free Harlequin Baby!


I'd like to slap some color on this and induce vomiting.

I also wanted to monkey around with this new Zig brush pen I picked up.

Ploid 3.0

You guys are so awesome. Going to see if I can dig up something to scan. I haven't been drawing like I should :(

Here is something I did a few months ago messing around with my wacom (I still haven't gotten very comfortable with that). It's a very basic one but still gets the job done. The picture is exactly 1000 pixels wide so I thought i'd just post a link.

J2 Cool

Sorry about the shitty picture quality.

5x7 (zoo sketchbook)








5x7 (gesture sketchbook)
















Some newer work:






(8x11) ^ v












J2 Cool

No, they're just done in a small art academy, just shy of Lincoln Park Zoo, in Chicago. Like $10 or so for an open session with a model. Buy a 10-pack for $75. I've was going a few times a week to finish up a portfolio for college, which I sent off early this month. But it's been tough getting back since weather sucks now, I'm working more, and it's just a long trip.

The smaller sketchbooks at the top were done at Lincoln Park Zoo(free) and anywhere you can find gestures in public. Bookstore, trainstation, mall.


The Take Out Bandit said:
It's relevant because it could help you score work, and it will be nice to see something that isn't a building floating in space. That's pretty dull dude.

I mean I guess if you're trying to land an FX job for a Die Hard flick and you need to build a CG replica of a building to blow up or something - yeah; but it's kind of dull compared to something like say. . .

Or try some people or monsters. Anything but another building. :)
Heh, well I see what you're getting at. Yeah, I do wish I had some scenes, but man those take a while, I'm working on one right now and it's going pretty darn slow.

Wish I had some creative enthusiasm, or something to help make this go faster. Time is going by so fast :(

EDIT: Nice sketches there J2, you definately have the knack for life drawing down.

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
blackadde said:
lessiee .. stuff from last semester
Holy shit dude! Your work is freakin awesome! What kind of papercrafting is being displayed here (bird and lion)? That wouldn't be considered origami, right?

Here's something I did for an art challenge on another forum. The theme centered around cartoons from the 80's (in my case Dungeons & Dragons).



I made this in about 10 minutes just now, was too lazy to actually go draw something and scan it in , touch it up and all that jazz, so I went solo with the wacom.

It's a very mannish looking woman or a very girlish looking man , you decide becuase I apparently couldn't while I drew it :p
i am not an artist by any means, but i got bored while working from home yesterday and started drawing completely random stuff that made no sense while listening to the same song on loop, is stuff like that to be posted in this thread as well?


I posted the Ico related pieces of art created by Sammy on my blog. The responses:

Pure love. The kind of caste love that you feel towards your mother or car.
The love that I feel for my car is anything but caste.

Gorgeous. And Ico doesn't emotion me too much

Love at first sight.

Nerdish and moving
Holy freaking crap, what a great artist! Wallpaper get!
I putted the last one as my wallpaper
Sammy is the man

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
Mike Works said:
i am not an artist by any means, but i got bored while working from home yesterday and started drawing completely random stuff that made no sense while listening to the same song on loop, is stuff like that to be posted in this thread as well?
Post it.
alright, for whatever reason after listening to this song, i've started randomly sketching during my downtime. instead of just waiting until whenever (never?) i finish the picture(s), i figured i'd scan in and post my progress after each day of drawing (which is like once a week). for whatever reason i'm now doing three pictures, so i'll post them in their current state and you guys will eventually see how little direction i have when it comes to drawing once you see the pictures' evolution




sorry for the quality, there's no easy way to scan in these pages thanks to the size and shape of my sketchbook, as you can see here:


i resized the images, dropped the saturation all the way down (for whatever reason whenever i scan something, it gets imported into photoshop with a purple hue) and upped the contrast in photoshop just to give it a more defined look. the first picture was the one i drew while listening to the one song on loop... the second and third ones i've been drawing while listening to a playlist of the same artist/band as the first song.

i'll post again when i next draw, whenever that may be, unless you guys don't want me to.
Mike Works said:
i've decided to focus on the above image the most. the first image i posted was really rough, the first thing i started drawing when i had no aim, so i think i'm going to leave it as is. i've been playing around with the third image and started a few others, but the second (above) image is the one i've been wanting to work on the most, so i'll probably just post updates of it.

here's the first update:


and here's a gif showing the progress:


in retrospect, i really wish i had some way to capture every pen stroke that i've made. i remember there being a program that could do that on the computer, and i wish there was some way to do that with paper too (aside from filming it).

even though i'm somewhat conveying my aimlessness when it comes to drawing in displaying these periodical progressions, it really doesn't show the true sense of how little aim i have when i'm drawing.

those two masks/planets/whatever included in the update was originally going to be a planet with a ring around it (ala saturn). i drew the top half first, leaving room for the ring in the middle. then i decided i wanted a planet split in half with a city inhabitting the inside, so i drew the other half. but i didn't draw it round enough and it came out more like an oval than a sphere, so i didn't want it to be a planet. not knowing what to do with them, i connected them with those poles, and then noticed the 4 little planets circling the small planet in front of all this kind of looked like eyes on the two objects behind them, so i decided to turn them into masks (this was all after i'd drawn the black liquid being taken through the inside of the planet/masks).

little things like that... like the long tube coming out of the upper mask with the black cord/whatever spiralling in and out of it... initially i just drew two lines coming out of the mouth like a voice. then i drew 5 dots within the mouth signifying teeth (you can see them in the lower mask). i then continued the pattern, randomly drawing dots in the "voice" (tube), with the dots matching the tone of the guitar/music of the song i was listening to... if it was a high note/tone, the dot would go high (left), if it was low; right, etc. after looking at the result and wanting more, i decided to create a tube coming out of the first dot closest to the mouth, and then wrapping around the voice, connecting with each other dot eventually. so every part of the black tube you see coming in or out of the voice tube was where a dot was initially put according to the tones and notes of the song. i then decided i didn't want the teeth to mirror the lower mask, so i decided to draw the equivolent of facepaint, sweat, and blood eminating from the mouth.

i doubt many if any of you will find any of that interesting, i just wanted to document how ****ing fast i would utterly crumble if i was ever forced to draw something specific without being allowed to change my mind/path :lol
Glad to see the thread's still going strong. Lots of great stuff in here.

I'm really digging those life drawing pieces J2 Cool.

blackadde, awsome stuff, that landscape looks great.

lets keep this tread alive everyone... I'll try to post more in here.

just finished this a few minutes ago:


these were done a while back, all for a coneptart activity:





Not bad, Takeout.

I think your Zorro action shot is coming off a bit stiff. Though, I see what you're going for, he looks a bit like a doll.

The tiny stick-sketch at the bottom is a whole lot more dynamic and charming. IMO, of course.

... You know, looking at your Dragon/Alex picture, I just realized how much your work reminds me of Todd Nauk's. Are you a fan?

Anyhow, keep it up man. I always look forward to these.
... You know, looking at your Dragon/Alex picture, I just realized how much your work reminds me of Todd Nauk's. Are you a fan?


* burns his sketchpads and pencils

I'm "out of shape" so to speak. Alex looks too much like Robin, and I hate the face.

Mainly I'm monkeying around with this nifty brush pen I picked up.

My figures have also been too damn thin lately. :\
I love this thread. You guys are seriously very creative.

I don't know if anyone saw my "Writings" thread, but I say this in it:
I wrote these in college, typically in a last-minute, often-drug-fueled burst. Some might be publishable, were I to work on them a bit. I think a few would make good comics (if a GAF artist wants to collaborate, I'm all for it). An artist friend and I were going to partner on such a project for English credit, but mostly we just sat around and got high.
Seriously, if anyone wants to use my words as inspiration, I'd love to see your interpretation. I think the end of the story "Tunnel Rat" would make an arresting image.
Well since no one seemed to appreciate my last effort, here's some stuff I messed around with earlier tonight.

Re-making my avatar

I'm a fan one the one-line style drawing from the 50's, so I thought I'd try my hand at it.

And... ducks. Just playing around with brush styles.


Ah DM! Such wonderful stuff, everytime I see any of yours or sammy's stuff, I keep getting reminded that I really need a freaking tablet. Problem is they're just so expensive, especially the one people keep recommending to me (the Wacom Intuos3).

Oh well, once I finally get some income, then maybe I can finally get one, because I really really do want to start 2D drawing again, especially character art. And for those who may wonder "why not use regular old pencil and paper?", well, it's tough nowadays because I don't have any drawing tables around. And for some reason, I just seem more creative staring at a screen. Don't ask me why. :D


Got a collection of sketches i did while in various classes. Did most of these in lectures and what not.



My favorite. It's my version of Grendel from Beowulf:



And here's something i doodled in English when thinking of the fountain:



Mr. Spinnington said:
I like this.

You have a fixation with drawing faces, as do I. I appreciate how structured this is, since I can hardly draw female anythings.
Thanks. I was about to finish the rest of her body, but found that i didn't want to ruin the picture. I drew this is Sociology, I think. Fun fun fun..
When you call me and pour your heart out about all your Windows problems, I'm ignoring your call and practicing with my Kuretake brush pen:


Hua hua hua hua. :p

It's just hard to fit drawing in between tickets and calls. :(
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