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The Office: Final Season |OT| It's better to burn out than it is to rust

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YES, finally moving forward with that Jim storyline. Perfect time too now that he has a family.

That was the biggest surprise to me. Very nice scene with Jim and Pam in the beginning too.

Funny episode, and I'm excited to see where this goes.
Pam's legs were the best part of the show. And I guess Dwight and the printer-bike.

To quote a Red Letter Media review, it's like they've just taken all the characters and ELECTRIFIED them until they're mostly all just uninteresting caricatures of what they were.

I wasn't the only one who noticed this. Pam was looking really good.
So the the camera crew conversation with Jim and Pam really took me by surprise, especially Pam's set up of "nothing interesting is gonna happen with us for a long long while" along with Jim's reaction to that. (did Jim mention this idea specifically before when people are referring to moving forward with 'that plot'? I recall his worry from seasons earlier about being stuck at this dead end job but nothing more)

Oscar going ahead with the affair is another shock which I honestly expected the writers to drop, considering the flip-flopping mess of story arcs the last season was. I actually felt bad for Nellie since her presence in this ep was so incredibly powerless and pitiful for some reason. Although throwing garbage at someone is pretty mean, not cool office crew :/

Also, it seems as if Kevin has been officially made clinically retarded. I can't even believe that turtle gag found a way in to the ep.

Easily the best gag was Creed and the circus comment. Optimistic for the rest of the season and eager to see how they end it. They can go in so many directions for a decent ending, can't imagine them fucking the finale up.


I don't see how Andy can do and say what he is doing to Nellie without her filing some type of lawsuit against the firm?
No surprise, but did not like this episode. At this point, it's only 22 minutes of my life every week, but I really don't even feel like finishing out just to say I watch the entire series.


I don't see how Andy can do and say what he is doing to Nellie without her filing some type of lawsuit against the firm?

Future plot, maybe?

Toby was there observing what had been going on, notably Andy pushing her off the slackline and having employees throw their garbage at her. Either Toby is turning a blind eye, or he's actually going to be involved in that later in the season.


I want to try and call the final episode of the season.

The last shot is going to be a camera zoom out, and we see Michael Scott watching the documentary, and the film crew is there showing it to him. It ends with tears in his eyes, then some kind of that's what she said joke from him.

Think of it as, this entire time we've been watching The Office, has actually been Michael watching the finished product.


I laughed alot at the slackline part.


Also, is there a possible plot line about Pam not being supportive of Jim's plan?

I can't see Pam not being supportive of Jim. He stuck by her when she went to art school. It seemed it was Jim who was doubting himself before he changed his mind on the subject. It'd be nice if Pam also eventually found a job where she could be an artist.

I think the show should end with a jump forward in time and have all the characters reacting to the footage after it's been aired the way we've seen it. But they should do it by ditching the documentary format and putting the audience in their lives and show them from a straight cinematic perspective. Basically deconstruct the whole thing and have the season end like District 9, half documentary/half movie.


I dislike what they did to Kevin too, well most of the 'other' characters.

They were more awesome when they were realistic, now they are mostly just charicatures.

Mr. Fix

The episode was pretty decent. I hate what they did to Andy though. The episode where he got the Nard Dog tattoo made me really excited to see him hold up well as the manager. They ruined him towards the end of the season though. Between the last season's finale and the opener, I see they haven't done much to improve his character.

Then there's Nellie. I don't like how we're supposed to be feeling sorry for her, and from Andy, no less.

Aside from all that, I'm really digging the direction in which most characters seem to be heading. The new guys were cool too. I feel kinda bad for Creed though, as it seems like he'll most likely end up in a Home. Looking forward to the finale.

Davey Cakes

I actually think this was a great episode, at least by recent Office standards. Some good smile moments and chuckle moments. Hopefully the rest of the season holds up.
To paraphrase something else: I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

How is this a solid episode or a good episode or a funny episode? Andy has, yet again, turned on a dime and is now confident (without the anger issues). Jim, who had no ambition and fought so hard against any career advancement or outside influences, is now suddenly interested in something more than Pam? The invisible Kelly boyfriend was so interesting over Ryan that she left Scranton, and Ryan is so hooked on Kelly now that he has to leave as well? (I know they left the show, but these departures are stupid). Kevin killed a turtle and tries to glue it back together? Why is Oscar having an affair with the senator funny? Why did they just write off, in such a brief moment, that Dwight is no Angela's baby daddy? Did Erin do anything other than say "ANDY'S BACK" several times? Are the new guys supposed to incite the desire to punch the television? And, we're supposed to ignore the entire obnoxious season with Nelly and suddenly feel bad for her? This is horseshit.

Davey Cakes

To paraphrase something else: I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

How is this a solid episode or a good episode or a funny episode? Andy has, yet again, turned on a dime and is now confident (without the anger issues). Jim, who had no ambition and fought so hard against any career advancement or outside influences, is now suddenly interested in something more than Pam? The invisible Kelly boyfriend was so interesting over Ryan that she left Scranton, and Ryan is so hooked on Kelly now that he has to leave as well? (I know they left the show, but these departures are stupid). Kevin killed a turtle and tries to glue it back together? Why is Oscar having an affair with the senator funny? Why did they just write off, in such a brief moment, that Dwight is no Angela's baby daddy? Did Erin do anything other than say "ANDY'S BACK" several times? Are the new guys supposed to incite the desire to punch the television? And, we're supposed to ignore the entire obnoxious season with Nelly and suddenly feel bad for her? This is horseshit.
I think they're actually just trying to write off the bullshit that no one cares about. In a way, starting fresh with this season, ditching certain things from last season. Like a mini-reboot. They're establishing the characters for the season, leaving some of last season's developments behind because they're relatively non-circumstantial and are basically dead ends for the characters.

Andy is changed because that's how they want him for this season. Period. I haven't enjoyed Andy's character for a while so I'm happy with changes, whether they're out of left field or not.
Jim is changed because they need to wrap up his character. He wasn't going anywhere before.
The departures are stupid but all forced departures from shows are stupid.
The Kevin thing is a "turn off your brain" sort of deal. By old Office standards, it's dumb, but it's funny in a dumb way in the context of new office. Gets a pass.
Oscar's affair isn't funny, in my opinion. It's just something to create conflict with Angela and to give Oscar some significance.
I honestly didn't care about Dwight being the father or not. They botched that storyline last season so with this premiere they decided to say "fuck it." No issues there.
Erin has always been a terrible character. They don't know what to do with her. I agree that she was once again mishandled this episode.
I liked the new guys. Dwight Jr. more so, because he made Dwight paranoid and jealous (and Dwight is supposed to be that way, to some degree, right?).
As for Nelly, are we supposed to feel bad for her? I didn't get that. I reveled in Andy's vengeful acts against her. No one likes her and my view is that she deserves what she gets and it's funny to see garbage being thrown at her.

New Office is what it is. The show will never touch S2-S3 level ever again so you might as well take the good with the bad and enjoy what you can. Like I said, some aspects of this premiere made me think that the writers were resetting things a little bit so that certain storylines could be dropped in favor of new, more interesting, and funnier ones. This ep was at least up there with the best of the last few seasons as long as you make certain considerations. The show doesn't have its old mojo but it's still charming and enjoyable to watch at times.


To paraphrase something else: I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

How is this a solid episode or a good episode or a funny episode? Andy has, yet again, turned on a dime and is now confident (without the anger issues). Jim, who had no ambition and fought so hard against any career advancement or outside influences, is now suddenly interested in something more than Pam? The invisible Kelly boyfriend was so interesting over Ryan that she left Scranton, and Ryan is so hooked on Kelly now that he has to leave as well? (I know they left the show, but these departures are stupid). Kevin killed a turtle and tries to glue it back together? Why is Oscar having an affair with the senator funny? Why did they just write off, in such a brief moment, that Dwight is no Angela's baby daddy? Did Erin do anything other than say "ANDY'S BACK" several times? Are the new guys supposed to incite the desire to punch the television? And, we're supposed to ignore the entire obnoxious season with Nelly and suddenly feel bad for her? This is horseshit.

Couldn't agree with Rash more. Wasn't the best episode by any stretch of the imagination, but from what little I can remember of the forgettable eighth season, I thought it was drastically improved. David Wallace sent him to some leadership summit (for kids). That is a good enough explanation for me.

Jim hasn't always fought against career advancement, he had a big interview about basically not wanting to be stuck being a paper salesman forever. Something like, "Right now it's just a job, but if I advance any further then it'll end up a career." Beyond that, he initiated the move to Stamford (sure, because of Pam, but it was still a promotion) and tried to become the manager of Scranton for a while.

I thought the Kelly and Ryan exit was pretty good. They moved on to new things, they didn't really have the option to have a multi-episode good-bye. Quite frankly, it would have been worse if they just casually mentioned it in passing without their brief scenes.

Kevin's turtle was bad. I can't defend that. He's been pretty lame for a few seasons though. Peaked with Dwight convincing Holly that he was mentally challenged.

The Dwight-Angela dynamic ran it's course a long time ago. Having him be the father would have been disastrous, plus it would have put a wrench into the spin-off plans. It's best they got rid of it now rather than having it play out even longer. Plus it was a good enough catalyst for him in the episode to show that he can be fatherly or wants to be fatherly or whatever. Only for his protege plan to backfire on him. Unfortunately, the whole bike-thing was pretty out there. I don't care much for the truly outlandish stuff that The Office has brought out the past few seasons. This was the only thing that really reminded me of those times.

Erin's Erin. They tried pushing her too hard. She shouldn't have been anything more than Stanley and Phyllis and Meredith. Just a face in the background who responds to stuff and occasionally chimes in with something funny. I didn't have anything against the new guys. I don't think they were meant to be new stars. They were just kind of there. I'm fine with them, as long as they aren't meant to be new Erins. Same with Nellie. She was one of the worst things about last season, and it kind of sucks that she's back. But if she just stays in the background and is the constant butt of jokes, then so be it.

Overall, I'm cautiously optimistic that this _could_ be a good season to end on. I don't anticipate it being Seasons Two or Three quality, but anything better than the past two or three years would be good enough for me to leave happy.


I really didn't like the Nellie stuff. It was too out of the blue even in an episode where Kevin tried to put a turtle back together. He pretty much pushed her down and no one reacted to it. Now they are throwing garbage at her. The whole thing made me feel uncomfortable.

It doesn't help that I kind of forgot what she did that was so bad.

Mr. Fix

Nellie on the show in general is uncomfortable to watch. Whether they're setting us up to like her (I will never bite, ever) or just using her as some sort of gag/sack on the show. Either way she needs to be cut.


I thought this was a pretty great first episode. Its pretty obvious jim will hit it big w/ his new venture and him and pam will run off happily ever after with millions of dollars


I saw the classic seasons of this show (mainly 2-3, 4-5 were good as well). And they are so different. They are truly about events that mainly occur within/concern the office, not some far out random adventures. For the past few seasons it's just gotten ridiculous.

Anyways, the last episode was pretty funny. Nothing compared to prime Office, but still funny. I hope they end it well. I miss Michael :(


Face facts, ANDY ruined the show.

I blame the hangover and the need to make him and Darryl more prominant in the show.

Andy and Erin are awful too. So is Darryl and warehouse chick.

Just rewatching the classic seasons, they are so different to the last 2 especially.

The characters changed too much, even the smaller ones who work in the office.

I agree with this 100%. I just cannot stand Andy as such a main character. I would actually prefer Nellie being the manager than seeing a confident, yet annoying Andy in almost every other scene. I can look past most other changes the series has made but I cannot enjoy the new Andy.

Otherwise, I still enjoy watching the show well enough. Except...I did not like Oscar having an affair with Angela's husband. That's really low and the old Oscar always seemed to have integrity. I just can't see why the writers would go this route. I suppose it's expected from a group that thought Kevin and the turtle would be funny. Or the entire office throwing garbage at someone, even Nellie.
I completely forgot about the show and the premiere. On board with those to see how it all ends.

Ryan & Kelly are gone, looks like Jim, Pam, & Dwight are next. Everyone may just disappear one by one in each episode.

big ander

I completely forgot about the show and the premiere. On board with those to see how it all ends.

Ryan & Kelly are gone, looks like Jim, Pam, & Dwight are next. Everyone may just disappear one by one in each episode.

Jim and Pam don't have an end date I know of. I think they might be there up to the end.
Rainn Wilson said:
He's in about 12 episodes for sure, and there will be an episode called "The Farm" in this season of The Office. It'll serve as a backdoor pilot for the spinoff The Farm, which apparently hasn't been officially picked up yet. If (realistically, when) it's picked up Dwight will leave the show.


Jim and Pam will obviously be there till the end. Still can't believe they made Andy the boss. Hated that decision.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Good episode...

that's about it... also


Creepy sexist storyline and asinine taliban storyline. Remember when this show used to bear some slight resemblance to an actual office?

Can it get any worse? Tune in next week to find out.


Where were ya 3 years ago?

i know the show started goin downhill at the whole sabre thing but i thought season 6 was great and i'm still glad they made season 7. what's the general problem with those? is it just going on too long?

this show could've gone on for 20 season for all i care as long as it has michael scott

big ander

Dwight and Nellie plot was straight-up awful. Fucking stupid. At least it had Darryl being a cinephile sort of, which actually was amusing.
The Clark stuff was ridiculous and unintelligent, but...it made me like Plop a little. He was boring before, now he's an actual character. Which is already more than you can say for characters like Angela and Kevin and Creed who are caricatures of caricatures at this point. At least Creed's schtick can be funny. And this seems weird to say, but I like that Plop is boring. He's a very very normal guy. Something the show's needed for a long time.
The Jim and Pam stuff was actually alright, not grating like their relationship has been for a couple seasons. They're going somewhere, so even though their plot was rarely funny, they can coast on chemistry and promise of development alone. For now, at least. This new business plot better not stretch on too long.


I thought this was the best episode in a while. Clark and Pete/Plop are interesting enough characters, the Jim / Pam plot actually gives them something to do, and I thought the Dwight / Nellie stuff was alright, too.

EDIT: I also really liked Toby creepily knowing everything about Pam.


I didn't realize a new season happened, and it's the last? I've watched all the episodes so far except this season, guess I'll catch up now.


I think the failure of S7 is overstated but it can be attributed in part to lead up of Michael Scott's departure. The S6 anticipation of his absence put the show and its ideas in a weird limbo that took awhile to regain momentum.

Kind of like when an intimate office loses their 'beloved' boss - it felt a little direction-less.
The Jim and Pam plot was set up amazingly well, especially with the Roy and Laura wedding dinner. That whole section felt like a moment out of the classics. I'm really looking forward to seeing this develop. Seeing all that was a stark contrast to that horrific Taliban subplot. Just.. what the hell. You have some really good main plot going on here and suddenly this shit comes out of nowhere. Also, are they setting ap a Clark/Erin thing with that last shot? Please, no more.
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