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The Official FFXII Wait Thread

PC Gaijin

FFXII is the only upcoming game I am currently interested in. I hope the game has quite a bit of FFXI influence as XI was (IMO) the best FF since IV.
I get the feeling that the low profile of FFXII was so not to clash with DQVIII's hype. I think that's also why they say it won't get released until the next fiscal year. DVIII's gonna have them sailing nicely towards a good end of year report.

I think it's also possible that SE aren't rushing it, as well as not flooding out tons of info, in order to try and build anticipation for it, build it up into an event again. It's hardly controversial to say that in the last few FFs have gone away on a bit of a tangent. FFXI was online, FFX-2, well we know what happened there (I liked it though, for being different). You may even want to throw FF:CC into the pot as well.

Besides the wait didn't do DQVII any harm.



Holy shit, could this "guy" look any girlier? This is by far the most female Vaan has looked...or any "male" FF character. I mean, jeezus, that picture is just creepy.


don't you know by now the japanese crowd love femme males. Wouldn't sweat the whole Vaan is girly thing too much. Tidus looked liked a JPOP idol. Still its not that bad... especiallhy not when compared to this (who let this dog into the franchise). I'm surprised no one else has mentioned him - his hair + design is like really really bad Japanese anime fuxxored ugly as shit; and they had it modelled in 3d so he looks like a goof walkign around. Worst FF villian.



Vaan in comparision looks fine and I'm sure given the scenario in parts of FFTA, the invalice universe will make this game play fantastic. Can't wait to take on some judges!
Odnetnin said:
don't you know by now the japanese crowd love femme males. Wouldn't sweat the whole Vaan is girly thing too much. Tidus looked liked a JPOP idol. Still its not that bad... especiallhy not when compared to this (who let this dog into the franchise). I'm surprised no one else has mentioned him - his hair + design is like really really bad Japanese anime fuxxored ugly as shit; and they had it modelled in 3d so he looks like a goof walkign around. Worst FF villian.



Vaan in comparision looks fine and I'm sure given the scenario in parts of FFTA, the invalice universe will make this game play fantastic. Can't wait to take on some judges!

This would probably not be the best time to mention that my hair (on a good day) isn't that far off of either Vaan or Tidus'. To me Vaan looks like a teenage boy, which suprisingly is what he is (or at least a teenage boy who isn't under the delusion that a crappy bit of lip fuzz makes him look mature).

I think some people are way too influenced by TV and movies casting actors in their mid-20s to play 16 year olds and forget that real teenage boys don't look chiseled and strong jawed.

I kinda agree on the Seymour thing though. The hair ruined what was otherwise a nice enough design (well that and the voice acting).


Die Squirrel Die said:
This would probably not be the best time to mention that my hair (on a good day) isn't that far off of either Vaan or Tidus'. To me Vaan looks like a teenage boy, which suprisingly is what he is (or at least a teenage boy who isn't under the delusion that a crappy bit of lip fuzz makes him look mature).

I think some people are way too influenced by TV and movies casting actors in their mid-20s to play 16 year olds and forget that real teenage boys don't look chiseled and strong jawed.

Yeah dude, we really don't need all of our video game characters looking like this
because of hypersensitive western sensibilities


PSP baby!














i wish:)

I hope the ppl in HK release all the FMVs on a dvd like they did FFX/X2. I would so put them into a memory stick and watch on the go.
jiggle said:
PSP baby!














i wish:)

I hope the ppl in HK release all the FMVs on a dvd like they did FFX/X2. I would so put them into a memory stick and watch on the go.

Heh wouldn't it be something if Sony somehow managed to convince them to put it on the PSP instead of the PS2?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
This game is going to rock! and rock hard! That is all


Matsuno rocks, Ogre Battle rocks, Tactics Ogre rocks, Final Fantasy Tactics rocks, Vagrant Story rocks, and Final Fantasy XII will ROCK! That is all. :D
SolidSnakex said:
Heh wouldn't it be something if Sony somehow managed to convince them to put it on the PSP instead of the PS2?

Not going to happen. It's a major PS2 exclusive and should stay where it is. Besides, the game isn't possible on the PSP as of now. The effects in the trailers destroy anything we have seen on the PSP so far. Also, it will come either on a Dual Layer DVD or 2 DVDs, so how many UMDs would they need to package it.


SolidSnakex said:
Heh wouldn't it be something if Sony somehow managed to convince them to put it on the PSP instead of the PS2?

Or both. Somethign like IX and pocketstation, but with color.:)

Didn't they mention connectivity for this game or something like that, before PSP was even announced?


the only FF games I enjoyed were FF IV / II , FF VI / III and FFVIII. i'm more of a
(Phan than a Fan)

I'm kinda looking forward to XII. maybe they're taking their time so that the wait for XIII on PS3 won't be so unbearable :lol
jiggle said:
Or both. Somethign like IX and pocketstation, but with color.:)

Didn't they mention connectivity for this game or something like that, before PSP was even announced?

I think the connectivity comments were Matsuno telling people to look at FFTA to get hints on what they'll see in FFXII.


What's the setting of all this? It looks strange, like some kind of modern-day, futuristic, Three Musketeers-like era.


doncale said:
ot: How was FFV's story? I played about an hour of it so far. is it worth playing through?

The story in FFV is shit. But the game is what matters. It is a lot of fun customizing your characters with all the different jobs.


doncale said:
ot: How was FFV's story? I played about an hour of it so far. is it worth playing through?

Some cool stuff happens
planet hopping!
but otherwise the story is nothing to write home about. The game is supposed to revolve around the battle system and NPCs like a Dragon Quest title


I think they are just late as to fixing that... no one expects FFXII in Japan until Q4.

...but then again... remember them pushing the date for FFX up during the holiday season? FFX was intially supposed to be out after the New Year and a surprise move was made to put it out before Christmas. I dunno where I am going with this... but at least we know it's possible to see a game earlier than they've said in the past.

But I think we're all just shooting for something THIS YEAR. The problem with seeing it this year is that we really haven't seen much from the game at all... unlike something like Metal Gear Solid 3 where we were at least kept up to date on progress and we could fathom it being released when they said they were.

Have Matsuno's games in the past been kept under relative wraps? Or isn't this the first of his games that have reached this kind of demand (at least in the US)?


Apple Jax said:
Have Matsuno's games in the past been kept under relative wraps? Or isn't this the first of his games that have reached this kind of demand (at least in the US)?

Well, he's only done 5 games so far including FFXII. FFTA doesn't really count since his only involvement is as a general producer. Can't speak for Ogre Battle, Tactics Ogre or FFT since those were so long ago I really can't remember jack shit Japanese press-wise. As for Vagrant Story, the game was mostly kept under wraps as far as story and actual game details were involved. The "demo" of the game was a realtime trailer Hollywood movie style and it was awesome. Only shortly before the game's release did information on the systems and gameplay come out on Famitsu, but still almost no story details.

The only thing unusual about FFXII's information flow is how there actually was some, showing that the team was ready to show the game (along with the extensive E3 demo), only for it to completely blackout for over half a year and counting. :(

Legal Step said:
Did the director die or something?

Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up!!!!!
I'll probably play and enjoy FF XII when it's eventually released, but all the delays have kept me from being at all excited about it - at this point, it's more like a mirage that floats out on the horizon with promises of a release and never actually materializes.


So for those of us who haven't been keeping up with this game since two-thousand-whatever: what do we know about the battle system? Is it turn-based like FFX's, or semi-real-time like FFX-2's, or entirely real-time (in which case the interest I have will most likely vanish to nothing)?


Prospero said:
So for those of us who haven't been keeping up with this game since two-thousand-whatever: what do we know about the battle system? Is it turn-based like FFX's, or semi-real-time like FFX-2's, or entirely real-time (in which case the interest I have will most likely vanish to nothing)?

It's like KOTOR
Prospero said:
So for those of us who haven't been keeping up with this game since two-thousand-whatever: what do we know about the battle system? Is it turn-based like FFX's, or semi-real-time like FFX-2's, or entirely real-time (in which case the interest I have will most likely vanish to nothing)?

Think KotOR and Vagrant Story


This is what I gathered on the battle system so far:
Turn based if you want it to be
Real time if you want it to be
enemies on the world map
no battle transitions
MMO style agrro system
equipment shows on your character (sword/shield maybe more)
REALLY ugly arching lines show who is focusing their attacks on what...can be disabled
Player controlled camera

I hope this game has a SHITLOAD of additional content. The FFX monster arena was an excellent timesink...a R&C2-style wilderness would be great as well
"Turn based if you want it to be"

I'll go with that if its traditional turn based where you don't have to move your characters around.


From my ancient post at TNL: http://www.the-nextlevel.com/board/showpost.php?p=726702&postcount=243

Since nothing has been announced since E3, it's still accurate until proven otherwise.

- FFXII will use what is known as the ADB (Active Dimension Battle) system. It kinda works like Knights of the Old Republic or FFXI. You can move around the field and see all the monsters, there are no battle transitions and your party follows you. When you bring up the command menu, the game pauses and after you input the command the game resumes. You can move around the enemy or even run away holding R2. But after inputting a command, your WTG (Wait Time Gauge) will fill up similar to how a ATB bar would. When the gauge is full, you execute the command (attack, magic, tech, item, whatever). If you go out of range I guess the command gets cancelled. If you are attacking, the gauge will fill again and you will continue attacking until the enemy or you are dead, or you run away, or you change the command by bringing up the menu again.

- The Gambit system is a selection of AI sub-scripting commands you can equip on your characters ranging from 10 categories. They are simple stuff that determine how they will act in battle when left without commands. Stuff like whether to use certain magic, to heal when their HP reaches half, etc. Each Gambit has a ON or OFF toggle meaning you can turn them ALL off. In battles you change control of characters using the L1/R1 buttons even in the command menu, this means you can completely manually command the battles yourself.

- Monsters on the field will each have their own individual type of AI and field of vision. Some monsters are passive and will not attack unless attacked. Others are hostile and will seek you out. Some will run away or even call for backup. There are some monsters that will even heal you if you don't attack and approach them. Regardless, you have to be careful about moving around the field because if you are engaged in a battle and attract another mob, your battle will get larger and more deadly.

- There are no pre-set or selectable jobs in FFXII. Instead you improve what each character is good at by doing more of it. Each character will have certain pre-set skills and base stats biased to certain things. But the more you do something will improve it so you can change the influence yourself. Matsuno said that if a character used alot of White Magic, he/she would eventually be proficent enough to be considered a White Mage in the normal sense.

- There are 8 elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Thunder, Ice, Wind, Holy, Dark) and 7 weapon types (Sword, Spear, Short Sword, Staves, Bows, Rifles, Gloves).

- Any character can use any weapon type, there is no limitation aside from proficency. Weapons have their own levels, so improving a weapon through use will make that even better.

- Swords, Spears and Bows are two-handed weapons. When you equip a one-handed weapon instead, you can also equip a Shield to improve the chance of a guard.

- Attacks can either miss or be guarded. The stats for characters are ATK, DEF, MAGDEF, EVAD, MAGEVAD, LUCK. Presumably Defense influences a guard and Evade influnces a miss.

- Throughout the world of Ivalice, there are many different races. Some will not understand your human language and some just won't want to talk to you. You can only communicate with NPCs with a Talk icon over their heads. It is unknown as of now if by gaining party members from other races if you can talk to more NPCs. In the cutscenes themselves, when races are speaking in another language, it is voiced in that made-up language with accompanying subtitles that look like this: <Hahaha I am an orc, die moron!>.

- The menu for FFXII contains new entries never seen before in a single-player FF. There is now a Map option for you to view area and world maps you already have, as well as a Quest log recording your current (and maybe completed) quests and finally a Handbook feature with logs all the people and places you've seen with notes on them similar to how it was handled in FFT.

- The camera is completely freely rotatable and a first-person view is expected in the final game but not present in the demo.

- The prologue of the game takes place during the invasion of Dalmasca, the game proper takes place 2 years later in 706 B.I. It is currently not known what B.I. stands for but popular fan gossip pins it down to either Before Ivalice or Before Iocus. It is not known if the game proper will take place over several years as in FFT.

- Hitoshi Sakimoto (FFT, VS) is composing the game soundtrack while Nobou Uematsu is composing the game's theme song. It is a love song said to have influenced a slight change in the game's scenerio.

- There is a Battle Chess-like minigame in FFXII currently that is under development and being debugged. It is possible that the game might be removed from the final code if it cannot be completed to their satisfaction before the game is due, but they will try their best to include it.


Gattsu25 said:
This is what I gathered on the battle system so far:
Turn based if you want it to be
Real time if you want it to be

Something like this, or something like KoTOR or Vagrant Story (as said above) is fine with me. ToS-style or SO3-style gameplay = no sale, though.

On preview, looking at duckroll's post:

...you can completely manually command the battles yourself.

That's the most important thing for me.


It is possible that the game might be removed from the final code if it cannot be completed to their satisfaction before the game is due, but they will try their best to include it.

Hopefully that won't be a problem now. :D


Hitoshi Sakimoto (FFT, VS) is composing the game soundtrack
Wow. Good music is garunteed now! Forgive me for saying this but over the past few months i've grown a dislike for most RPG music (still love this person's stuff, though :D)

SSX: I'm probably going to play the game like FFXI...auto attack and use the menu when needed

Guns n' Poops: thanks!

Mikey 2x4

pick up your hentai tomorrow
SolidSnakex said:
It's because of his magnum.


But yeah, I can't wait for this game. I played it at E3 and didn't want to leave. I did though, I don't believe sitting on a game at that show for too long, there are too many other people who want to play as well.

Though, if after this Matsuno goes and does a sequel for Vagrant Story, my god!


duckroll said:
From my ancient post at TNL:

There is *NO* relationship bullshit in FFXII.

Are you talking about relationships story-wise (as in Squall and that annoying blue girl's name) or something in terms of gameplay? If it's story-wise, is your claim negated by this news . . .

duckroll said:
- Hitoshi Sakimoto (FFT, VS) is composing the game soundtrack while Nobou Uematsu is composing the game's theme song. It is a love song said to have influenced a slight change in the game's scenerio.

. . . that Uematsu's "love song" changed the direction of the scenario (a horrifying claim if ever there was one, just what we need, another generic Uematsu "love song" influencing the story).

duckroll said:
- There are no pre-set or selectable jobs in FFXII. Instead you improve what each character is good at by doing more of it. Each character will have certain pre-set skills and base stats biased to certain things. But the more you do something will improve it so you can change the influence yourself. Matsuno said that if a character used alot of White Magic, he/she would eventually be proficent enough to be considered a White Mage in the normal sense.

This is pretty damn scary and brings back horrendous memories of the Japanese FFII where you had to attack yourself to gain strength. Please tell me it's implemented better.

duckroll said:
- The menu for FFXII contains new entries never seen before in a single-player FF. There is now a Map option for you to view area and world maps you already have, as well as a Quest log recording your current (and maybe completed) quests and finally a Handbook feature with logs all the people and places you've seen with notes on them similar to how it was handled in FFT.

Are the areas about the size of FFXI zones? Because alot of the areas in FFX where pretty dissapointingly small and linear. I'd love for FFXII to have zones like in FFXI that aren't necessarily key to the story, but just make the world larger and more complete to give it almost a MMORPG-size feel or maybe like Morrowind (in terms of the size of the explorable area).
teiresias said:
Are the areas about the size of FFXI zones? Because alot of the areas in FFX where pretty dissapointingly small and linear. I'd love for FFXII to have zones like in FFXI that aren't necessarily key to the story, but just make the world larger and more complete to give it almost a MMORPG-size feel or maybe like Morrowind (in terms of the size of the explorable area).

They are as big as in FFXI. The world appears to be huge and with much variety.


FF12 sounds incredible from Duckroll's post of points. The Quest log makes it sound like it could be comparable to PC RPGs with their optional quests/nonlinear gameplay.

I have every confidence that Matsuno can pull of a project like this. This could very well be the best FF game to date, if not one of the best console RPGs ever.


It would be awesome if after the main quest was finished you came back down from the high mountain peak or from the alternate dimension or wherever the last battle was and was able to go around completing more quests, and if there were quests only open once you'd completed the main storyline of the game, because suddenly everyone knows who you are because you're the super-duper hero in the world.


teiresias said:
Are you talking about relationships story-wise (as in Squall and that annoying blue girl's name) or something in terms of gameplay? If it's story-wise, is your claim negated by this news . . .

Oh that was leftover stuff from the TNL post that I should have removed. Because Magic Box spread this untrue rumor that the "Gambit" system in FFXII was actually relationship based and your party members might not listen to your commands if the relationship rating was poor or something. That was complete hogwash and I made the detailed post to spread factual information about FFXII. :)

This is pretty damn scary and brings back horrendous memories of the Japanese FFII where you had to attack yourself to gain strength. Please tell me it's implemented better.

We don't know. All Matsuno has said is that White Mage comment, as well as how you can "be" anything you want to be but there would be not specified class seperator. The information about have pre-set skills and stats comes from the E3 demo where Vaan was the only character who could "steal" in battle and different characters were more/less effective with different weapons. As the demo was striped down and many menus not fully accessible, it is impossible to decipher the system any further.

Edit: Matsuno has also mentioned in the same interview that if you wanted you could spend 100+ hours and "perfect" a character.
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